Chapter 2~!
~Your POV~
"Come on (y/n)-chan! Come and play~!" Juuzou said excitedly and took out a knife from inside his jacket. My eyes went onyx black and my iris turned crimson red. I giggled and came out of the shadows.
"Wanna play a game? Then let's play a game, Juuzou-san~!" I said happily. I cracked my knuckles and unleashed my kagune. I ran up to him and kicked him hard in the stomach. He fell back and coughed, then stood back.
He threw some knives at my direction, and I quickly ducked. He took out his quinque and lunged at me. I ducked at the attack and tripped him.
"Oh. Juuzou-san, be careful, you don't want to be clumsy, during a fight..." I giggled. He chuckled and stood up.
"Oh come on (y/n)-chan, you're playing unfair!" He said teasingly and took out another knife.
Third person POV~
Juuzou chased (y/n), with quinque and knife, one in each hand. Every time he swung he would miss.
"Aren't you having lots of fun Juuzou-san?" The ghoul said giggling.She punched him in the stomach, causing him to cough.
"Face it, it's like the hundredth time you fought me," the ghoul took the boy with her kagune around his waist, "and yet, you still lose." She threw his body across the base. She sniffed the air, smelling his flesh, and getting hungrier by the second.
~Juuzou-san's POV~
I weakly stood up and wiped the blood off my lip. I smirked mischievously and took my quinque and took out another knife out.
"You know (y/n)-chan, you may be fast and strong," I said walking slowly walking towards (y/n), "but I've never been defeated, I fought plenty ghouls like you..." I ran up to her and swung my quinque at (y/n). She dodged, but at the same time when she dodged, I stabbed her by her heart. Heh, wasn't expecting that, did ya, (y/n)? She laughed. I hit her again with my quinque and cut her cheek. I chuckled and kept hitting her.
"Haha~ now this is fun~!" I said, delightful. (Y/n) giggled and blocked my next move her kagune. Ten seconds later all her wounds were gone. She regenerated. (Y/n) slammed me to the nearest wall. I face planted on the floor.
~(Y/N)-chan's POV~
I walked over to his body and sat on top of it.
"Oh Juuzou-san, always so careless and clumsy," I took his hands and pinned them behind his back. "You lose again~" I giggled and bent over and smelled his neck. Mm.. My mouth started to drool a little.
"Hmmmn....I wonder what you taste like....but first.. Good-bye Juuzou-san, it was a pleasure on playing with you~!" he looked shocked and started move around, trying to get out of my grip.
"Please! Please! (Y/n) let me go! I don't wanna dieeeee~" he sobbed. I mentally was dying of laughter. I chopped a piece of flesh on his neck and he screamed in pain. I kept chopping pieces of his flesh, till I reached his shoulder. He was sobbing a puddle already from the pain. My kagune dissolved and I chuckled. He looked at me suprised.
"Y-you're n-not gonna k-kill me...?" He stuttered.
"Nope" I chuckled again. He weakly stood up and ran out. I laughed and my sclera's turned back original and my iris to my normal (e/c) color. I picked up Juuzou's quinque and all his knives. When I was done I quickly ran out, following his river of tears.
When I stopped running, I found him sitting in front of the entrance of the building. I walked out and placed his stuff beside him. He looked at me, tears still trickling down his cheeks. I kneeled down and ruffled his hair and smiled at him. He blushed lightly and smiled faintly back. I stood up and went inside.
~10-15 minutes later~
"Kaneki! Where are you?!..." I said walking around the empty building. Suddenly, there was a loud scream. I followed where there scream was. I was lead to a huge room. More bigger than where me and Juuzou fought. I saw Nishiki eating happily.
"Nishiki-kun, where's Kaneki?" He looked up at me.
"Ommmffmnn? Mnmmnnnnnmmm" he mumbled with his mouthful. I tilted my head.
"I'm sorry what?"
"Ommffmnnnmf mmffmfffnnn!" I frowned.
"What? I can't understand you with...your mouth full. Swallow and speak." He facepalmed and swallowed his meat.
"He's on the roof.." He said. I smiled and nodded as a thanks. He continued eating and I went up to the roof.
When I got to the roof I saw a white haired boy, sitting on the edge, looking up at the stars.
"Kaneki~!" I said happily and walked over to him. He looked at me and smiled. I sat beside him and smiled back. He put an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He softly nuzzled his nose on my cheek. I leaned my forehead against his and smiled.
"Did you eat well (y/n)?"
"Yeah I did. And you?"
"Mhm.." He looked at me in the eyes for a few moments then looked away. I held his hand gently.
"Let's go home" I said softly.
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