[6] Dream symbols?
"I'm going to sleep, Night." You mumbled quietly as you slowly stood up and began to waddle to your room. Papyrus and sans smiled, "Goodnight." they chimed, perfectly in sync. You smiled and giggled before walking into your room and collapsing down on the bed. Ming looked up at you then turned and buried herself deeper into the blanket. You didn't even bother changing your clothes before curling up under the covers and quickly dosing off to sleep.
It was dark. You were out on the streets, walking. Although it looked like it was about to storm. The clouds were nearly black, and the winds were insanely strong. But they had no effect on you. You walked around with no trouble.
Although it wasn't effecting you it still seemed like a good idea to take cover. So you walked around, rather calmly, searching for shelter. You walked around the corner only to see Nick standing there, shouting out your name. He turned to look at you. "N-nick..?" You stared at him with disbelief and confusion stirring in your thoughts.
"[Y/N]! There you are! I've been meaning to show you something." He smiled brightly. Turning your head slightly you saw Sam walk up next to Nick and your heart sank as he wrapped his arm around her. "Meet my new Girlfriend! " You fell to your knees at he word "girlfriend".
Everything suddenly turned black. There was nothing there, and you were alone. You pulled your knees to your chest and closed your eyes shut. It's not real. It's not real. It's not real... You repeated in an attempt to reassure yourself.
"Y/N..." A distant voice called.
That voice...
"Y/N.." It got closer...
It can't be...
Something was smashed against the back of your head and you fell forward weakly. Rolling over slowly only to see your father standing there, the broken bottle still in his hand. He smiled as he grabbed you by you hair and kneed you right in your face. You screamed in pain, and suddenly lost control, "YOU SICK BASTARD, I HOPE YOU DIE IN HELL!"
He began to turn red in anger and you desperately tried to remove yourself from his grasp. You managed to pry his fingers off your hair quickly and ran, as fast as you could. Your father began to yell as he chased after. Then there was Nate's voice yelling for you too. Along with Nick and Sam. They were all chasing you as you screamed to the top of your lungs and ran.
You turned to look over your shoulder. Your father had the broken bottle of Venom whiskey in his hand. Nate, with his desperate ass smirk. Then Sam and Nick, hand in hand. Your eyes filled with tears as you turned back, only to run into something.
Whatever it was it was strange. It had two cracks over it's eye and one under, almost like Sans', and holes in its hands. Suddenly it grabbed onto your arm harshly, delivering a sharp, stinging pain from it's hold. It hurt like a- well- bitch, causing you to shriek in pain. After a few more moments it let go and left strange marks on your arm, what are they?
(Blah blah more scary nightmares and whatevs, Timeskip bc Apparently I'm a potato chip)
You jumped awake screaming, tears pouring down your face. All of a sudden your door almost flung off its hinges as a concerned-as-hell looking skeleton rushed in to your side. Sans ingulfed you into a hug as you sobbed loudly into his creme white turtle neck. Two more skeletons came rushing in only seconds after and rushed to your side and joined the hug.
"[Y/N].. What happened?" Sans asked. You sniffled and pulled away from everyones arms- although you didn't want to. You wiped your face and let out a unsteady breath. "T-there was S-sam and Nick a-a-and my... my dad... then Nate and t-they were all after me a-and-" Your clutched onto Sans' turtleneck with a sniffle.
"It's ok.. it was just a dream..." Sans gently rubbed your back in attempt to soothe you. It kinda worked? You shook your head and wiped your face with your arm. Though you felt a sharp sting and flinched slightly at the unwelcomed feeling of pain. Looking to what caused it you saw the same marks on your arm from your dream... "You ok hon?" You looked up and nodded in reply to Sans' question, quickly covering up your arm, but not too quickly so it wouldn't look suspicious.
Your bed shifted from the weight of the skeletons getting off, but you grabbed onto the bottom of Sans' turtleneck. "W-wait... can you, uh, s-stay a bit l-longer... p-please" You mumbled and looked down in embarrassment. He gave you a soft chuckle and scooted closer to you. Your cheeks heated up lightly as he put your arm around you so you could lean against him.
(nyeheheh evil author casts timeskip >:^P lol)
Sans had fallen asleep in your bed, and admittedly you were just starting at him. He seems so at peace when he's sleeping and you didn't want to wake him up. So you silently slipped off the bed and tiptoed out of the room to go sleep on the couch. But instead of going to sleep you inspected the cut. It was to strange symbols. Like a sort of cross with a circle and a thumbs down.. You didn't want to tell anyone, so you placed a bandage on it and snuck into your room to grab a long sleeved shirt. You cut the right sleeve and wrapped it around the left arm, just incase the bandage came off. Laying back in the darkness you slowly drifted back to sleep.
(another timeskip bc I'm a lazy fuck, sorry)
The next morning you woke up before everyone and decided to make breakfast. You got up and decided to make pancakes and eggs, so you got all the ingredients and placed them on the counter. Ming ran around your feet happily.
While you were cooking you began quietly humming, until it got louder, and louder, to the point you were singing quietly.
"You have a nice voice." sans said with a smile as he placed a hand on your shoulder. You jumped a bit at his sudden appearence and contact. "Don't do that, you almost fucked up your breakfast!" You playfully pushed sans with a laugh. sans returned the push and went to sit down. And of course, he fell asleep in the chair. At least that makes it easier for payback.
A few moments later Papyrus walked in. "GOODMORNING HUMAN AND SA-... OF COURSE HE'S ASLEEP. WHEN IS HE NOT." Papyrus let out a small sigh and sat down as you put a plate infront of him, sans, Sans's seat, and your own. As soon as you did so Sans walked in. "I smell food." He mumbled. "That's because there's food." You smiled brightly as you placed the last pancake down and brought the plate to the table. Everyone began to grab pancakes and scoop eggs to their plates. You sat and watched them, well not really, you were thinking.
What could those symbols mean..?
well we all know what those symbols mean,
Noot noot.
Terrible author says hello. But uh Weird dream? Um. Yea. I'm starting to write more, like I started this book about jacksepticeye VS markiplier x Reader. So that's about as cringey as this :^)) Also I just moved and this house has no AC sytem and its like 82 degrees in here. Litteraly! Like its so difficult to write because I keep trying to get cool. (You'll never be cool author-chan.)
But ANYWAYS thank you guys so much for reading and if you liked it, punch that vote button in the face LIKE A BOSS! And high fives all 'round, *boss ass high fives* and I'll see you all, IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!
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