[4] Explain
His head turned slightly and you could just barley make out his face. Your throat was dry but you could just barely speak, "s-sans..?" Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over at you and you began to regret saying anything. "Oh, hey [Y/N]. Your up." sans said with a smile.
The skeleton from the mall basically choked up his food.
"You two know each other?!" One skeleton yelled. You noded slowly and stepped into the kitchen hesitantly. "How!?" He spat, slamming his hands down on the table and knocking back his chair. You jumped and let out a small squeal and gripped onto the scarf you still had on as your heart began to beat faster.
"bro relax-" sans began.
"RELAX?! Why the fuck didn't you tell me this!"
You started trembling lightly and could feel your heart pounding faster. You wrapped your arms around yourself as you pressed your back against the wall. You hated yelling, even if it wasn't directed at you.
"I was going to tell you..."
"Why didn't you just tell me then!"
Tears began to cloud your sight as you were suddenly engulfed in a hug. You were never comforted before, so you hugged back tightly. You looked up and saw the taller skeleton looking down at you apologetically. You shoved your face into his red scarf and continued to sob quietly.
"BOTH OF YOU STOP! YOUR SCARING OUR GUEST." The two skeletons stopped their bickering and looked to you. You turned your head slightly to show the tears rolling down your cheeks. They both sighed then walked over and sat down to be at your level. Turning to face them you wiped your eyes. His arms were still wrapped around you for comfort.
Everyone was looking at you. It's not like you didn't want the attention. You just weren't used to it. But you did enjoy attention, not like an attention whore, but it's just nice to get attention every now and then.
"I'm sorry [Y/N.. I didn't mean to upset you, and neither did Sans."
Sans? That was his name?
"Sans?" You began, "but I thought you were... what?" The two of them chuckled. "You'll get used to it, doll."
Why did he keep calling you these pet names?
"So do you wanna talk [Y/N]?" sans asked, out of the blue. (get it? Cuz sans has blue magic. No. Ok. Sorry.)
You pondered this for a moment, then nodded in agreement.
[timeskip cuz spider dances 'n shit]
You sat on the couch, cuddled in the blanket Papyrus had given to you. It was so very soft and fluffy. Much better than the blanket you had in your old room.
"So [Y/N], why were you in that alleyway..? " sans asked as he sat down and took a sip of his iced tea.
"W-well I ran away from home..." You said quietly. The three skelebros looked at you with both a shocked and confused look. "Why?" Sans asked, quite to rude for your taste The question lingered for a moment until you took a shakey breath and looked down at your hands. You pulled the blanket off of your head and removed your eyepatch, revealing your bruised eye.
They all gasped, but you weren't done, no. You started, and your gonna give them the full package. You pulled the scarf off, showing off the bruised hand marks on your neck. Then you pulled off the long sleeved shirt so that you were in your gray t-shirt from earlier. It revealed a few bruises on one arm, but your other arm was covered with cuts and a oddly shaped bruise from the vase. You lifted your shirt slightly to show the bruises from being kicked in your stomach and turned to reveal the cuts and scars across your back. You lifted your pant leg to show one giant scar up your leg.
They all stared at you with a sympathetic look as you sat back down. "that's why." You mumbled. There was a moment of silence, until sans spoke up, "D-do you wanna tell us about it..?"
You noded and lightly traced your neck with your index and middle fingers. "This is from yesterday, along with my eye and arm... I had just made my dad, brother, and sister breakfast, like always.. So I went off to feed my dog, and when I came back I ate the leftover pancake. But when I was getting up I accidentally bumped into the table and it knocked over my dad's drink... So he leaned over me and before I knew it he hit me with a vase.. then he picked me up by my neck and punched me in my eye... and just as I began to get weak he dropped me then pushed me into a wall and kicked me in my stomach... Then he just.. left. So after I calmed down I got up and cleaned my arm off and changed my clothes. I packed a bag and said I was going to work. But I didn't. I went to the mall. I was gonna go to get something to eat but... I never got to... because what I got instead was to see my boyfriend, Nick with my best friend... I didn't want to see them anymore so I went to leave. But I ran into Sans because my eyes were so clouded with tears... So I left the mall. It started to rain so I sat down at a bus stop. The rain was so relaxing to listen to... but then my ex, Nate came along and ruined it... then Sans showed up again and saved me from him.. I wanted to talk to him but when I looked back up he was gone...I ended up walking in the rain since I was getting kinda tired and when the rain stopped I found an alleyway and someone had just put out some boxes so I made a shelter out of them and fell asleep. So yeah, that was my day yesterday..."
It was silent for a moment.
"Wow... jeez thats rough.." sans muttered.
"You think that's rough? I still haven't told you about my brother and sister, and thats not even the worst thing my dads done.. Not to mention all about Nate and his friends. And... and Nick..." You looked down as you twiddled your fingers.
"WELL TALK AWAY. WE HAVE ALL DAY!" Papyrus shouted happily. You smiled at him. He seemed to be good at making people happy.
(This is gonna be alot of writing for me. Shitballs.)
"Ok... so... ever since I was 6 my father, brother, and sister have been abusing me... They force me to do laundry, make them breakfast, dinner, and lunch everyday. If I don't, I get the reward of another bruise or cut..." You shifted uncomfortably, just barely motioning at a bruise on your arm.
"I clean the entire house by myself twice a week.. sometimes three because my brother and sister trash it just so they can watch me work extra..." You scoffed, rolling your eyes in annoyance. "As if I didn't do enough for them..."
"The older I get the more things they make me do... My dad pulled me out of school because I had a friend and he told me I don't deserve friends.. and that I'm just a screw up and that he never wanted me... I ended up going online to learn things and teach myself.. Then I started going to work, so that the family would get extra money. While I was there my friend from school found me.." You stopped for a moment. A bit of hope tangled into your words as a weak smile grew.
"I was working at a clothing store and she loved to shop. So I lied and said that I wanted to be cyber schooled so I left normal school." The smile fell and you begain to feel a bit of guilt hanging off your words. " She didn't really seem to know why but she accepted it. So we hung out at my job alot. Or just around the mall. But one day when I went home there was this boy. His jet black hair was neatly pushed to one side of his head, showing of his dark chocolate eyes.. he seemed decent..." You looked at your thumbs with an annoyed expression.
"My dad introduced us and said we should 'hook up'. So we did. His name was Nate. At first I was wondering why my dad put me with such a nice guy... but then I found out why... Nate wasn't nice at all." You crossed your arms and gripped onto your arms lightly. The hatred filled up as it wrapped around your voice box, though you refused to let it show. "When he got mad his eyes would flash red sometimes..."He would make me come over to his house and cook just like home. If I did something wrong.....i-it was terrible..He sometimes even let his friends come over too... I finally worked up the nerve to break up with him. Then he started following me everywhere and trying to get me to take him back.. But I refused to." You awkwardly blushed, since Papyrus was to innocent to understand half this, and he only stared at you like a lost puppy.
"Then one day I met this other guy. His name was Nick. He had brown hair and ocean blue eyes. He was so nice to me... We ended up getting together, and he was so sweet. He would always bring me food and when I went over to his house he would do everything for me. Make me breakfast in bed because he knew I didn't eat much and he just wanted me to be healthy." You smiled, remembering the good times you had with Nick.
"I never told him why I didn't eat much though. I only eat whatever my dad and siblings didn't eat. Mostly... One time they forced me to eat dog food since they said that's all I am. A mutt. They went out and bought a collar and a muzzle. I had to wear it all day. They even made me sleep in the dog cage.. The next day they made me keep the collar on. I had it on for a while.. thats why mings collar is so loose. It was mine before it was hers so its a bit oversized on her. Yesterday I couldn't take it anymore." Your voice trailed off.
"So I left. And I'm not ever, ever going back..."
Ok so the explanation was shit.
Did the author possibly make Nick seem like a certain youtuber that at one time had jet choclate brown hair but now has green hair?! And made Nate seem like a certain youtubers alter ego!! Possibly...
Heh I was reading over my other chapters and my dad was looking and he was like "such language" luckily he didn't know im the one who wrote it.. •~•
Well thats it for this chapter and if you liked it, punch that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! and I'll see all you dudes, in the next chapter!
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