[2] Friend..?
You smiled a little and continued looking around. But instead of seeing another monster place you saw something you never wanted to see. Something that made your heart drop to your stomach. Your smile disappeared and your mood changed. You could feel the emotions swimming through you like your body was a pool as your sight began to get blurry from the tears you were holding in.
You couldn't believe it, you wouldn't believe it. It can't be... There in the food court was your boyfriend, Nick. He was there with your best friend, Sam, and he was... kissing her. By the looks of it they were both enjoying it.
How could they both do this to you?
The tears began to spill out your eyes as your heart felt as if it were ripped to peices. You felt a sharp pain in your chest. You wiped your face but the tears won't stop.
(I'm sorry I'm evil)
You took one last look and locked eyes with Nick. His expression went to a smile to a frown as Sam looked at you, frowning as well. Their faces looked so terribly sorry. You couldn't stand it, so you turned and began to walk away as quickly as you could.
You could hear Nick calling out for you "[Y/N]! [Y/N] COME BACK! WE CAN EXPLAIN!"
Explain what? He was making out with your best friend, what was there to explain!? You didn't want to hear his excuses. You ran into a crowd of people and squeezed your way through so that he wouldn't follow you and turned your phones volume up so you couldn't hear him.
Continously wiping the tears from your eyes you kept walking until you ran into someone. You fell backwards and Ming's cage fell on top of you. "I-I'm s-so sorry... I d-didn't mean to..." You stuttered nervously, thinking that the stranger was upset at you. He, you assumed, only stared at you as you looked up at him. You wiped your eyes with your sleeve and sniffled.
His appearance was, unique. A skeleton. A crack over his right eye socket that split in half over his skull and another crack under his other eyesocket. For some reason he had one yellow pupil in his right socket... He wore what looked like a cream turtleneck under a black jacket with strange things on the side and artificial fur on the hood. Along with dark jeans and black combat boots.
You began to feel a bit awkward so you pushed mings cage off and stood up unsteadily. You dusted your self off then rubbed your eyes. He was still just staring at you.. Picking up Ming's cage you walked around him and walked away.
That was strange...
(tEm s kIp *insert derp face here*)
You were walking outside with Ming cradled in your arms. There was no reason to carry her, you just wanted to hold something. Something alive and breathing, that cared for you.
The skies were gray as it was about to rain. You had no where to go, and you'd probably get sick. But its better than going back to that hell-hole you used to call home. You'd rather be soaked then even being near that place.
You decided to just stay in an alley way or something. At least until you could afford a place to stay. You had about 100 dollars on you but that was for food. Both you and Ming had to be fed. Although honestly Ming ate more than you. It's not like you were anorexic or anything, you were just a bit below the average weight for your age.
Thinking about this made you remember how Nick used to feed you all the time. He'd bring you your favorite food during work and you'd sneak off to eat with him. These memories only made you feel worse as it began to rain. You pulled your hoodie over your head and held Ming closer.
"Just my luck" you mumbled. There was a bustop nearby and it had a plastic sort thing over it. You figured you can stay there until the rain dies down, so you walked over and sat down. You placed Ming beside you and she cuddled up next to your leg. You smiled weakly and sighed.
The song 'All of me' (by John Legend) began to play. Why were only sad love songs playing? You yanked out your headphones and shoved them into your pocket. Not bothering to pause the music you just turned the volume down.
You leaned back against the plastic wall and listened to the sound of the rain. It's loud, but quite. Somehow it seemed to sooth you. It was just relaxing to hear the sound of the cool raindrops pound against the street and the top of the plastic you were under.
Then you heard footsteps. Coming closer and closer. Was it..? No they couldn't have found you. It's probably just someone waiting for the bus. You looked to the side to see who it was and as soon as you did you felt the bench rattle from someone plopping down.
Turning your head slightly to see who it was you moved away from them, but they moved closer. You gave him a look of disgust, "Nate." He smirked at you, "Hey beautiful. Looking hot as always." He unzipped your sweatshirt and stuck his tongue out as you quickly scrambled to cover yourself. You knew you had a shirt under it, but it was slightly revealing.
"Relax I won't do anything. You have a boyfriend."
The thought of seeing Nick and Sam together popped into your head, causing you to frown. Nate tilted his head in confusion, "Something wrong?"
You looked away. You didn't want to talk about it, especially with him. "Just leave me alone..." He placed his finger under your chin and moved your head so you were looking at him eye to eye. "Oh come on." He smirked once again, moving closer to you. You couldn't move back anymore or you would squish Ming.
Nate snaked an arm around your waist and pulled you closer. You began to squirm so you could escape his grasp. "I said leave me alone." You growled at him. His smirk only grew larger as he grabbed onto your waist and began to lean towards you. "Get off!" You screamed at him, squeezing your eyes closed and flailing your arms and legs at him.
To your surprise his hands left your waist. You peeked open an eye to see if he left. Instead you saw him floating in a yellow aura. Wait what?! You saw the skeleton you ran into earlier. His hand was glowing yellow along with his right eye.
"Why don't you respect what she said and leave her alone." He spoke. He had a deep, smooth voice. It made your fingers tingle a bit. You weren't paying attention to that though. Your only interests right now was the fact that he saved you from Nate.
"And if I don't?"
"Do you really want to know?"
Nate said nothing in response to the skeleton. He fell on the floor as the aura disappeared and you watched as he ran off. You pulled your shirt up and zippered your sweatshirt as you looked at the skeleton. "thank you..." you mumbled quietly. He smiled a little and nodded, "No problem, sweatheart."
You blushed from the name and looked down so he wouldn't notice. 'Wait, how did he find me? Did he follow me..? Or maybe it was just a coincidence..' You looked back up to ask him, but he was gone. 'Where did he go?' You wondered.
Maybe you'll run into him later and can ask him then.
[Timeskip. It's very effective.]
You set your backpack down and curled up into the little shelter you had made out of the very convenient carboard boxes that were sitting in the alley. It wasn't much. You just ripped a few big cardboard boxes and placed them so they would at least cover you. Your clothes were soaked and you were cold.
You crawled under the shelter and curled up in attempt to get warm. Ming curled up next to you and quickly fell asleep. You smiled and found yourself fighting to stay awake not soon after. Eventually the sleep won and you were fast asleep in the alley, your head laying on your backpack and Ming curled up in your arms.
Noot Noot how was that chapter? Bad, I know ;-;
But I tried. Writing is so difficultttt. Blehhh. Is there to much stuff happening? Or to little? I have no idea. Someone tell me, please. I don't know and I want people to enjoy it. Well thats it for this chapter and if you liked it, punch that vote button in the face LIKE A BOSS and I'll see all you dudes, in the next chapter!
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