"What now?" Rohit barked as he answered up his phone which has been ringing for the past 10 minutes.
"I knew it...I knew that you would be sleeping. Who sleeps at evening 6 Ro." Virat shouted from the other end.
"Just tell me why you have called Virat," Rohit spoke half-sleeping. "First he disturbs my precious sleep and then talks all nonsense." Rohit thought.
"We have a team video conference in 5 minutes...Get up and join us," Virat ordered.
"But why now? Let me sleep Virat. I'm too tired." Rohit said in a grumpy tone.
"No... I won't. You will always be tired and also it's really important. I even named the Video conference as 'Ultra Urgent meeting' So be there." Virat said in an 'I'm very serious' tone.
"Ok... It still has five minutes right...I will join." Rohit said yawning.
"ROHIT GURUNATH SHARMA...Join the video call NOW." Virat shouted just before Rohit slept again in the name of 5 minutes sleep. Rohit did that grumping about what a jerk virat is.
Soon everyone joined...Everyone was talking simultaneously creating huge Choas. Amidst all this Rohit managed to get his beauty sleep.
"HIIIIIIIIIIIHHHHHIIIIII CAAAAPPPPTTTTAAAAIIIIINNNN..." Hardik shouted at top of his voice the moment he joined the call.
and...Pin drop silence...Surprising Hardik's roar managed to make Rohit fully awake as he woke up with a jolt thinking that his house is on fire.
"Shut up Harry," Virat ordered. "Everyone... Talk one after the other and Rohit don't sleep again."
"So everyone got the news? IPL is being held from July 11. But we have a charity match of North-zone V/S south zone on July 8. We also have one week of practice for that in Mumbai." Virat said in a tone which he uses formal press meets.
"From when did you take up the job of news Reporter Virat?" Ash asked drily.
"That too...the reporter who always gives late news. I knew all this yesterday only." Rohit jibed.
"We know all that Virat. But what does it have to do with your 'Ultra Urgent meeting' call?" asked Bhuvi before Rohirat would start a new fight again.
"Jaddu asked me to do that because he has to tell something to all of us," Virat announced.
"Jaddu are you going to be the father again?" Rohit asked immediately.
"Or are going to retire?" Hardik shouted.
" Or are you going to leave Jamnagar permanently?" Shikar shouted just to increase the chaos.
"Or are did all your horses turned into pigs in overnight?" Hardik shouted again.
"Shut Up and let him speak," Virat shouted.
"Stop shouting everyone my ears will bleed now." Jinks snapped. "And jaddu...you say."
"We are gonna do something extremely adventurous, thrilling and fun," Jaddu announced in a dramatic excited tone.
"I'm already in... Jaddu." Virat said excitedly. He can trust Jaddu for adventures and fun.
"Even me...Even me....even me." Hardik shouted.
"And I'm out. Anything that excites Jaddu, Virat and Hardik will be disastrous." Ash spoke out.
"Agreed..." Bhuvi, Rohit said in unison.
"We WILL prank Mahi Bhai," Jaddu announced ignoring them. "I have a full-proof plan."
"It's better if I sleep... That's not gonna happen anyway." Rohit said drily.
"I will go...Stretch something." Kul spoke.
"I will go... makeTic-Tok Video." Yuzi added.
"I will go practice 'Shairi'" Shikar said.
"I will go.........What will I do captain?" Hardik asked as he can't come up with anything.
"Kill a Lizard," Jaddu suggested grinning devilishly.
"Eww...Jaddu bhaiya, it's creepy. Hardik don't ever come near me if you do that." Jassi spoke disgusted.
"We are diverting from the topic as usual." Ash rolled his eyes.
"Though it has very low chances to succeed...Trying Jaddu's prank is much better than all the stupid things you do." Virat took charge.
"My paintings are stupid Virat Bhaiya?" Kul asked sadly.
"No...They were the best. They were really amazing enough to give inferiority complex many artists in the world." Virat praised in a proud tone.
"I was talking about Yuzi's tic-tok Virus which is more disgusting than Ro's sleep," Virat added in disgust.
"Oyy...No sleep is not disgusting...It's the most beautiful thing in the world." Rohit protested. "But Yuzi's tic-tok is. Yuzi...You should stop that before we collectively disown you."
"It's not that bad Bhaiya..." Yuzi said little offended.
"It is... Yuzi...It is very bad." Kul said meekly.
"Did Kul just said something against Yuzi..." Harry spoke in shock.
"Nooo... I was just..." Kul started...
"You didn't say anything wrong Kuliya." Virat cut him off.
"And if even Kul didn't like it...imagine how aversive it is," Rohit added.
"Sorry, Yuzi..." Kul said sincerely making everyone roll their eyes. But Yuzi sweetly responded with "it's ok Kul"
"Now will you listen to Jaddu's plan?" Shikar spoke in a sensible tone.
"Jaddu, tell them," Shikar ordered.
"Wait? tell them? That means you already know?" Virat exclaimed.
"Ofc I know everything," Shikar said arrogantly.
"How could you not tell me first Jaddu?" Virat asked making jinks facepalm.
"Stop being a possessive rabbit Cheeku."Rohit snapped.
" shut up...I'm not a rabbit" Virat retorted.
"You look like one though...Cheeku." Rohit said with a mocking grin.
"And You look like a lazy Panda." Virat glared.
"Do you know people find Panda extremely cute?" Rohit grinned.
"Shut up both of you. Jaddu... You speak." Ash ordered.
"We are gonna make Mahi Bhai jealous," Jaddu said grinning. Jinks facepalmed... Trust Jaddu to explain things in the worst way possible.
And pin drop silence 2 seconds.
"Jealous of what?" Ash asked confused. Mahi Bhai NEVER gets jealous of anyone for anything.
"Well, That's not what he meant. It's more like..." Jinks started explaining.
"Wait... You know?" Virat shouted cutting him off.
"And you are supporting him?" Rohit shouted too using a similar tone like Virat's
"Why does everyone but me know?" Virat shouted adding little more drama to it.
"And How can you support Jaddu's plan?" Rohit played along.
"Jaddu told me during NZ tour," Jinks said calmly.
"That sounds like a decade before." Ash signed.
"Yes... I'm very curious about jaddu plan and I want to see if works" He spoke. "Virat you can shout on Jaddu all you want for not telling you after this video call."
"But what is the plan?" Bhuvi asked. If Jinks is saying... then it might be something logical he thought.
"Jealous for us. Like not exactly jealous... it's just to see how will bhai react if we behave around someone else...like we behave around him. and we act a little grownup...maybe little indifferently with him. Did I make sense?"Jinks explained.
"It's not that tough and WE.CAN.PRANK.MAHI BHAI... finally."Jaddu spoke. And this got Virat thinking. Hardik was already jumping that he will prank Mahi bhai...he created so much noise that Virat had to mute him.
Rohit was half excited but then...
"Arey... Mujhe nahi karne yeh sab. It had already been so long we met him and..."Rohit trailed off.
"I want to hug Mahi Bhai. I miss him so much." Kul said in 'Kuliya' like tone.
"Exactly... we are not gonna act grown-up or do anything." Yuzi declared.
"Ofc we all miss him. it's not like we will stop hugging him or talking him. he will find out in a second that something is fishy if we do that. It's just a slight pullback of our natural behaviour." Jinksy tried to convince.
"How did Jaduu lure you so much into this Jinks?" Ash asked shocked.
"As I said...I'm curious. Just wanna see if Mahi Bhai gets jealous " jinks said little sheepishly...it's kinda embarrassing. Ash and Bhuvi shook their heads... Jaddu has successfully polluted jinksy.
"it can be his punishment too," Shikar spoke. "He went away without even saying a word. He knows that we will miss him still he didn't talk to us before deciding. We have every right to be angry."
"Ya... he didn't even tell us that he making himself unavailable for selection and we used to wait for him to be back," Yuzi spoke in an angry hurt tone.
"We will do this Jaddu," Rohit added determined. He can't always have his way.
"But..." Kul started.
"No kuliya... we are gonna do this." Virat declared.
"We have to plan it very carefully," Jaddu said in a dramatic detective like tone.
"Though they are talking now in excitement... This possessive Rabit, that Hyperactive monkey and the snuggly bear will be jumping all over Bhai the moment they see him." Rohit sais in a matter of fact tone.
"Rabit is Virat, Monkey is me, And bear? is that Kuliya?" Harry spoke out excited.
"I'm not a rabbit."
"Don't call me Kuliya." Both Virat and Kul spoke together.
"And you know what Jaddu is? Cunning fox." Rohit said smiling proudly.
And Jaddu started howling like a fox at top of his voice. Virat muted him.
"And Bhuvi is Jerry in 'Tom and jerry," Hardik said excitedly "And Jassi is jerry's little cousin...Nibbles"
"Is that's what that little jerry called?" Ash asked curiously.
"Ya...and I love it." Hardik declared.
"And What is jinks?" Harry asked confused.
"peaceful dove..." Rohit suggested.
"Stop it guys... Why are you into animals today?" Jinks said rolling his eyes.
"I was teaching Sam animal names today." Rohit grinned.
"Ok...one last question...What is Mahi Bhai?" Hardik asked.
"Ring master...who controls all the animals with a stare," Ash said in his usual sarcastic tone.
"But Ro...Had a point...I doubt these three too. And also...with whom will we act close? They have to be like Mahi Bhai... in other words 'alternate Mahi Bhai'." Ash spoke thinking.
"No...We won't." Vi and Harry told determined. "Even Kul won't' Yuzi spoke for him while Kul stared with puppy eyes.
"And Alternate Mahi Bhai....we have to think," shikar voiced.
"There is no one like My Mahi Bhai," Kuliya whispered but everyone ignored.
A/N: Hey guys... What do you think of this...
and Guess who can be there Alternative Mahi bhai? (If any)
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