My dearest and beloved children:
Your father and I have come to the end of our journey in this world. Middle Earth belongs to the young now; like you. Before we sail off to the Undying Lands with your aunt Arwen and our friend Gimli, I wanted to write this for you so that you in fact know the whole story. You have heard of your father's and mine own heroism in the face of total destruction of our homeland. But you never did hear about how your father and I met. Be proud of him Elros, Angrendir, and Altherial. You deserve to know your whole family history before we leave you along with Melodia, Ever, and Eldarion to look after and lead the mighty lands of Gondor, Lothlorien, Rivendell, and Mirkwood.
As your father and Gimli build our own ship at the docks of The Grey Heavens, I sit here behind my desk with quill pen in hand and think back all those many eons ago when your father and I first laid eyes on each other. Those were such simple times, you see. Your father is of the Mirkwood Elves and his father was Thranduil the king. I meanwhile, am tied to both Lothlorien and Rivendell. That is why my hair is black and my eyes are blue, while your father has blonde hair and blue eyes. Elrond was related to my mother and Galadriel to my father. My mother died in childbirth with me. My father crossed over to the Undying Lands soon after because he could not live without her. I was raised primarily by Elrond along with Arwen in Rivendell. But went to visit Lothlorien many times. All of this you already know.
What you do not know is that it was while visiting Lorien one day that I first met Haldir; he would become my best friend; almost like an older brother to me. Sadly, he would fall in love with me. But he was the catalyst that first introduced me to your father. And I will tell you all of it, my dear children in this book. Only time is what we have left.
Love always and forever.
Your mother,
Queen Hedraliel Anorithilian of the 3 United Elven Kingdoms
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