A Few Words from the Author
Congratulations, you made it to the end. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading the book I have shed tears over, loss sweat from writing so hard, done 30 pages a day, (sometimes) and happy to finally finish and glad you can enjoy. Yes, in the autumn/winter seasons, I have written this book, sniffled and coughed while I was writing it, each day getting more excited for due time for when I finish it. I have a few things to say, post-book publishing. Firstly, Wren's vocabulary helped me to stretch my own, by writing hers. I don't know how I've compiled everything from my mind into writing my book, but along the way I've been a sponge and collected inspiration from movies, e.g., The Chase.
Secondly, some of us were destined to be lawyers, doctors, accountants, nurses, engineers...and some of us were destined to be writers. How do I know this? Because if you wake up every morning and think about writing, you were born to be a writer. And some advice to young writers: when I'm not writing a book, I'm writing something else. Of course, I'm not a pro. I'm just a seventeen year old girl who was always passionate about writing. Thank you for letting me share this with you, friends, bookworms, whatever you want to be called.
As Anthony put it himself, "When you start putting pen to paper, you see a side of your personal truth that doesn't otherwise reveal itself in conversation or thought." And I couldn't agree more. I've also come up with something else; you see yourself as if from another point of view once you read over what you've read in your diary, automatically realising mishaps that's easier to fix. You also may have noticed the amount of poetry I've written in this book, all of which are mine. Poetry is in fact a step up from a diary, it evokes all kinds of emotions that you can finally "cry" out.
I also want to leave you with this: art isn't supposed to offend. When I was writing this book, I wouldn't know if people would be mad at me for mentioning some of the things that I wrote about, such as God, or if Anthony himself is a character that is supposed to be reasoned with and portrayed as this perfect human being. I refuse to put him on a pedestal like that. I wrote him how i wanted to, not necessarily who he was, although partly how I believed he was, as we'll never really know for sure (I didn't have to read Scar Tissue, but I did only for leisure, not for the purposes of this book, just to clarify.)
It wouldn't have been fun to write fanfiction if I was distracted by his own life; I just wouldn't be able to do it. It would have gotten in the way of my progress on a work of fiction sooner or later. Most important thing is that if you are going to write, write to your heart's desire. By the way, something else I've learned. Don't compare your work to others, especially not professional authors - guilty of. There is so much more i could say on the matter, but for now, I'll leave all that until my next book :)
Finally, Wren, I know you're proud of me for finishing this, but probably also fucking angry at me for procrastinating through all of my schoolwork and assignments by trying to finish this. You, nerd.
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