fireestar presents...
( gif by @raichia )
only love and death change all things.
- khalil gibran
CORA JAKIN HAD DONE horrible things, unspeakable things. Before the Jedi order fell, she had just been appointed the rank of Knight and even commanded a small operative Clone division along Master Plo Koon. But that was before her world crumbled. The Clones she had grown to see as brothers turned on her and she barely made it out alive. And then the hunting began.
Vader's Inquisitors came in droves, finding and slaughtering any Jedi who survived the Purge. Cora had very little in options when it came to survival and she knew how the great Jedi Masters who trained her would frown upon the things she had to do. The Dark Side tempted her, pulling her in with the promise of freedom and happiness. It clouded her vision and made everyone, friend or foe, look the same -- they were all out to get her. It became Cora against the Galaxy.
When the Rebellion won and the Empire was defeated, the Light showed itself to her for the first time in years in the form of a Vision -- a Vision of Mandalore and the Living Waters housed beneath the Planets surface. It would be there were she would be redeemed for all she had done and finally regain her titled as Jedi Knight.
DIN DJARIN WAS NO longer a Mandalorian. He had removed his helmet, revealed his face. But it was for Grogu. A parting gift, per se. That's what he told himself, but deep in his soul he knew it was for selfish reasons. He would never see the child again -- Jedi cut all attachments, after all. But now he was lost.
He held the weapon that could bring his people back together but he was no longer of Mandalore. His identity and all that he was was gone. What was his purpose if not to follow the Creed? Bounty Hunting? It would have to make due. But what about the Living Waters? The Armourer had told him it was the only way to be redeemed and return to the Convert.
It was a foolish dream, if the rumours of the toxic planet were to be believed. But Din wasn't one to back down from a challenge. Even without Grogu, he could do it. He would be a Mandalorian once more.
Zoe Saldana as
Pedro Pascal as
additional cast !
ewan mcgregor...obi-wan kenobi
hayden christensen...darth vader
doug jones...plo koon
gugu mbatha-raw...ahsoka tano
giancarlo esposito...moff gideon
katee sackoff...bo-katan kyrze
"I can't be what you want me to be."
"and what is it, exactly, that I want you to be?"
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO MEGAN / FIREESTAR: I do not own The Mandalorian those rights belong to Disney Lucasfilm, this is merely a fanfiction and an interpretation of said work. I do own my original characters, plot, and dialogue.
WARNING: Mentions of violence and gore.
DEDICATIONS: VRPond raichia darthvvderr dorkiest_nerd Jackieshalom -elliptical -rosepetal ROGUEANDOR astrxids
NOTE: So this is basically my rewrite of tbobf season one and mando season 3 with a romance subplot. As a screenwriter...those two season hurt me. Idk especially what happened with mando3 cause the writing used to be so good (maybe why there's a writers strike happening LMAO). The biggest change I'm making is that Din and Grogu will not reunite in tbobf and he will journey to the Living Waters without him, so Grogu can get more Jedi training BECAUSE WHY WOULD YOU PUT THAT IN AN ENTIERLY DIFFERENT SHOW LIKE IF I WAS a new viewer and watched mando from 1-3 I'd be so fucking confused because S2 ENDED WITH GROGU LEAVING AND S3 STARTS WITH THEM REUNITED (sorry to rant but this pisses me off as a writer). Plus basically the entirety of the Mandalorian s3, especially the beginning will be different. SO ENJOY the changes I'm making and hopefully, you all agree! Have fun!
[ sign-off gif by @raichia ]
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