War Preparations
Outside of New Mobotropolis, Sonic is seen battling with Eggman as he tears through metal tentacles.
"Stay out of this, Sonic!" Eggman tells the hedgehog. "My fight isn't with you today!"
"As comforting as that is to know, Doc, I don't have time for that right now!" Sonic states.
Multiple tentacles swin at Sonic who narrowly dodges the..
"Your artificial intelligence, NICOLE, denied me my ultimate victory!" Eggman shouts in anger. "My Egg Nauhtilus' tentacles will upload my best computer virus and erase her forever!"
"Yeah, not happening!" Sonic says as he destroys two more tentacles.
"Hey! Cut that out!"
Sonic dashes around as he destroys more of the Egg Nautilus' tentacles.
"Instead of wasting my time here, you ought to be prepping your bunker!" Sonic informs Eggman.
"What are you yammering on about, rodent?"
Sonic lands right in front of Eggman.
"We just got word that Enerjak is coming back," he says. "I'm sure you got a file on him or something."
"Incomplete files," Eggman says as he pops his mech's hatch open. "Tell me everything you know."
Castle Acorn...
In Castle Acorn, the new Councile of Acorn is seen with Dimitri, Sally, and Y/n standing in front of them.
"Now that the Council of Acorn has gathered, you have the floor, Mr. Dimitri," Elias says. "Tell us everything you know about this "Enerjak" person."
"Of course, King Elias," Dimitri says.
Nicole has her head appear next to Sally and Y/n.
"It looks like Eggman has stalled him," she tells the princess.
"I knew he would," Sally says. "Keep us posted, Nicole."
Nicole nods and digitizes herself once more as Dimitri goes to explain who and what Enerjak was.
"I was Enerjak at one point myself. Understand that ages ago, I was a brilliant Chaos Scientist," Dimitri says. "In my arrogance, I tried to absorb the power of the Chaos Emeralds, and I was transformed. I was no mere "person". I was a god."
Everyone listens closely as Dimitri continues.
"As Enerjal, I thought myself unstoppable. I would have conquered all of Mobius! But my power was stolen. Centuries of aging had caught up with me," Dimitri informs. "I was nearly undone, until the Dark Legion rescued me with their cybernetic processes."
Dimitri looks as he recalls his past.
"It was not a perfect solution, however. With my life still ebbing away, I allowed Dr. Finitevus to disassemble me in hopes of finding a way to return me to my former power," Dimitri goes on.
"And you trusted him with your life?" Sally asks.
"I can see how well that worked out for you," Y/n says, slowly getting a small headache.
"Try to understand that at that point ai was desperate," the floating head retorts. "I thought he was genuinely loyal to the rest of the Dark Legion."
"So if you're not going to be Enerjak, who is?" Chuck asks the floating head.
"I do not know, Sir Charles. I came looking for aid the moment I realized Finitevus had betrayed me." Dimitri admits. "Yet, I hadn't anticipated the last bastion of "Freedom" on Mobius would be slow to act."
"My first concern is my people," Elias states. "We're not going to rush to arms without a solid plan."
"As a field leader, I can tell you that the Freedom Fighters are ready and willing to go to Angel Island at a moment's notice," Sally states as she steps forward.
"I'm ready to fight as well," Y/n says. "Whoever Enerjak is or will be, pretty sure we can all handle him."
"Then stop this madness before it begins," Dimitri orders.
"But like King Elias said," a porcupine steps in, "we don't want you going without every advantage. We can only spread Nicole and her nanites so thin."
"Dylan," Sally turns to the porcupine, "who says we need to he protected--?"
"Then send the Chaotix," Dimitri says. "They claim Angel Island as their home."
"It's true that the Chaotix are free agents..." Elias says.
"They've risked their lives for my people. They're entitled to protection as much as anyone else."
Down below, Charmy Bee is listening to everything going on. He holds a button on his communicator and speaks.
"Hey, Julie-Su?" he says. "It doesn't sound like the Council is gonna let us look for Knuckles."
"I thought as much."
Not too far outside, Julie-Su is seen with the other Chaotix.
"Keep at it until Dimitri leaves," the pink echidna orders the bee. "Then come back to us."
"Bad news?" Mighty asks Julie-Su as she ends the call.
"Only for them, Mighty," she turns to her team. "Knuckles left for Angel Island and hasn't checked in yet. Now we're told that Enerjak--Knuckles' worst enemy--is coming back. And they want us to stay here where it's "safe"?"
"Julie-Su..." Vector stands up from his seat.
"I know the Chaotix are your team, Vector," Julie-Su tells the crocodile. "I'll go alone if I have to!"
"Chill out! We're with you on this one!" Vector states.
"Alright, then. Let's go grab a flight."
Meanwhile, Sonic has finally finished telling Eggman about Enerjak.
"So that's the deal," the Blue Blur states. "Chaos Demigod looking to start trouble, and we're fresh out of super magical bad guys to do the dirty work for us."
"Hmmm. I can't abide somebody threatening my empire or my right to destroy the lot of you," Eggman says.
"Right..." Sonic sighs. "The Council of Acorn is still figuring out the game plan, but we're going to need all the help we can get. Do you see where I'm going with this?"
"Yes... as much as I'm loath to admit it," Eggman strokes his absolutely glorious mustache.
"So what do you say, Doc?" Sonic offers his hand to Eggman. "We call a truce until we get this Enerjak guy settled?"
"Combine our forces... defeat a being of immeasurable power... heheh. Yes," Eggman takes Sonic's hand and shakes it. "We need to prepare for the worst. For now, we are allies."
"Uh-huh," Sonic pulls Eggman closer to him. "And let's try to avoid the backstabbing this time, okay?"
"Hmph!" Eggman pulls himself out of Sonic's grasp. "You insult my honor!"
"Oh, please. Everytjme we've worked together, you've turned on me," Sonic informs. "This is serious, Doc. You'll hurt too, if you mess this up."
"Put your little rodent brain at ease," Eggman says as he closes his cockpit. "I'll return to New Megaopolis and prepare for the great battle."
"You do that."
Sonic leaps off of the Egg Nautilus and watches as its tentacles start to spin around. Suddenly, it takes off into the air and flies away. Sonic watches it, already knowing Eggman may be planning something big.
Castle Acorn Vault...
Inside the Castle Acorn vault, Y/n can be seen looking at one of the many items inside of it. His eyes seemed to reflect the glow coming from the floating gemstone, seemingly green.
"I had a feeling I'd find you here."
Y/n turns away from his Chaos Gem at the familiar voice, looking to see Nicole nearby.
"I think it was more than just a "feeling"," he says, cracking a small smile.
"You are correct," Nicole giggles. "I say you with the cameras."
She walks up next to Y/n as he turns back to look at the Chaos Gem.
"Why are you here, exactly?"
"... I'm scared," Y/n answers.
"Of the coming battle?" Nicole questions. "I believe almost everyone is."
"Yeah, but not just of that. Of this," he motions to the Chaos Gem floating over a small pillar, a protective energy field around it which kept it in place. "I'm assuming you already know what me, Sally, and Rotor found out about it?"
"That there is a strange AI inside of it?" Nicole asks. "Yes, I do."
"Then you already know what I'm afraid of more," the human Chaos Energy manipulator states. "Last time I used that thing, it made me go crazy. If the Egg Beater wasn't just a robot, I may have killed Eggman."
Y/n's mind flashes back to when he transformed into that green-haired form. That... "Chaos Form" of his.
"Whatever is inside that gem, it wants out. And badly," the human continues. "I know it's the source of my power, and would give me a major boost in power if I used it against Enerjak, but..."
Y/n trails off as he looks down, tracing his thumb across his knuckles. However, Nicole had a feeling about what her human friend was gonna say.
"You don't want to hurt any of us, do you?" Nicole asks. "To let it control you again?"
Y/n nods before continuing.
"I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I was used to kill all of you," Y/n clenches his fists. "I want all of us to be happy together, and living free. But I'm still afraid..."
Y/n looks at Nicole, tears staining his (E/C) eyes.
"I'm still afraid I'm not good enough."
Nicole softens her expression as she places her hand on Y/n's cheek.
"Y/n, what are you talking about? You are so much more than "good enough"," the AI comforts the human. "You have helped all of us and risked your own life countless times to protect us. Everyone here can attest to that."
Nicole motions towards the Chaos Gem, which was seemingly watching everything.
"That gem does not give you your power. Your own will and strength do," Nicole wipes away the tears slowly rolling down Y/n's cheeks. "I may not be an expert in things of this sort, but I can tell you this: never say you aren't good enough. You are one of the strongest members of the Freedom Fighters, and I'm not just talking about physically. Your will to help others and protect those you care for make you who you are, not some rock."
Nicole smiles softly as she looks at Y/n.
"You are an inspiration to us all."
Y/n smiles at the holo-lynx, wiping away his tears as he chuckles a bit.
"Thank you, Nicole," he says to the AI. "I really appreciate it."
"You are welcome, Y/n," Nicole smiles back.
Suddenly, Y/n's communicator goes off and he takes it out of his pocket, answering the call.
"Y/n, it's me, Sally. We finally have word from the Council," Sally's voice says through the communicator. "I've been given command over the Freedom Fighters."
The Chaos Gem seemingly hums as it listens, a few red sparks shooting from it which went unnoticed.
"We're going to Angel Island to look for Knuckles."
On Angel Island, Scourge and Fiona, along with Anarchy, is seen watching a beam of energy with wide eyes. The entire ground beneath them was shaking from the amount of power being created.
"Here you go, genius," Fiona tells her boyfriend. "You wanted to enjoy the show."
"So shut up already before I miss anything," Scourge tells his girlfriend.
Anarchy only glares at the pillar of energy shooting into the air.
'What an absolute waste of time,' he thinks to himself. 'I should be the one to destroy everything, not some overestimated echidna in stupid armor.'
Suddenly, a bright flash of light blinds all three as they shield their eyes. Then they all look on in a mixture of shock and awe.
"What a show off..."
And with that, Enerjak is reborn! How will our heroes fare against the likes of his power? And will they, alone, be able to stop him? Find out, next time on Only Human!
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