The End of ADAM
[2nd POV]
Sonic had just transformed into Super Sonic using the Chaos Emeralds, only for ADAM to reveal he has done the same.
Back down on the ground, you and Eggman rush over to Tails and Shadow as they lay in their capsules. Eggman goes over to Tails to release him as you go over to Shadow, wanting to release him. But as you made it to Shadow's capsule, you saw him cringed up in pain which made a memory fly into your head. One that you had no idea of.
"Maria! [Y/N]! No!"
The memory, though how short it was, made your head ache slightly in pain. You pushed through it, however, and opened the capsule holding Shadow as you waved the memory off as nothing.
"Shadow! Wake up!" you tell the hedgehog, only for him to rise from his capsule in a form similar to Sonic and ADAM's.
"The hell? [Y/N]? What're you doing here?" Shadow asks you as he stands up in front of you.
"I'm here to help Sonic take down ADAM," you tell the golden hedgehog.
"But that's not gonna happen anytime soon! ADAM has gained Super-level power! Super Sonic can't take him down, much less my Egg Fleet!" Eggman tells you and Shadow, Tails walking up next to you a the mad doctor continues. "You three have to do something!"
"Yes..." Tails said as he looked up, seeing Sonic and ADAM battle each other which made multiple shockwaves from their powerful strikes. "I know what must be done. "Super Shadow, [Y/N], will you please help me?"
"Of course!" you say, making the fox smile.
"What do you have in mind?" Shadow asks Tails.
"That much power cannot exist here. We must send it to a safe place," Tails said and looked at you. "[Y/N], can you keep ADAM distracted while me and Shadow get rid of these Chaos Emeralds?"
"Right!" you said as the the two fly away, Tails himself seemingly in his own Super Form.
You turn your attention to Sonic and ADAM who're fighting in the air, making you wonder how you'll stay up there as you fight with Sonic.
"Maybe if I..." you start to say, concentrating on using your powers to make you weightless as green energy forms around your body.
You soon opened your eyes to see that you were floating in the air with a green aura around you, making you smile as you laugh a bit.
"Alright! Let's do this!" you say, flying up to fight ADAM with Sonic. "Hey! Sonic!"
Your call to the golden hedgehog makes him turn to see you flying to him, making him confused.
"You can fly?!" Sonic asks you as you quickly appear next to him, kicking away ADAM who was about to attack him.
"Fight now, questions later!" you tell Sonic, making him nod his head and smirk as the two of you look at ADAM. "Ready, Sonic."
"Ready!" he says, both of you then charging at the nanite controlled turtle.
You reel your fist back, charging it with Chaos Energy as it gets surrounded by green energy.
"Hey, ADAM! You get to be the first test subject of my new move!" you tell ADAM, throwing your fist at him. "Chaos Smash!"
You throw your fist and hit ADAM right in the face, sending him flying back and crashing into a nearby nanite building as green ripples of energy follow from the punch.
"Nice one, [Y/N]!" Sonic tells you, making you smile.
Then ADAM flew out of the building, coming in-between you and Sonic before kicking Sonic away and then slamming you in the face with a hammer hand. The impact slams you into a building and ADAM charges after you, making you rush at him as well as you butt heads. Sonic then comes in and shoulder bashes ADAM away from you, making him snarl as he sends metallic spikes at the two of you. You and Sonic dodged them with great speed, but one managed to slice at your shoulder, making you shout in pain as you grab it.
"[Y/N]! You okay?" Sonic asks you from afar.
"I'm fine! Just a cut!" you tell Sonic. "Nothing too serious!"
Suddebly, a flash of golden light flashes throughout the city again, making you turn to see all the Chaos Emeralds gone while Shadow and Tails float down to the ground.
"No!" ADAM says, not happy that the Emeralds are gone.
"It's over, ADAM!" Sonic tells the AI as you join him. "The Chaos Emeralds are safely out of your reach!"
"And the Egg Fleet is here, too. With me and Sonic here, along with Eggman's forces, you're done for," you tell ADAM. "Let Tommy go."
"Hardly..." ADAM says, glaring at you and Sonic. "In this Super Form, I am invincible! I am--GACK! What... what's happening?!"
ADAM seemed to be shaking as the nanites around his head separate, showing Tommy the Tortoise once again.
"Hey, Sonic, [Y/N]," he greets the two of you with a smile and wave.
"Tommy? Is that really you this time?" Sonic asks his friend.
"I'm sorry it took so long to win back control," Tommy apologizes. "I'm sorry for everything, really. I've been such a pain. I'm sorry for all the trouble I've dragged you into. And I'm especially sorry for letting ADAM do this to everyone."
"Tommy, it's fine. You're in control now!" you tell the Mobian. "Heesh... you apologize almost as much as me..."
"No, I'm not! ADAM will win back control any minute now, and I won't be able to get it back. ADAM must be destroyed so that everyone will be cured of their nanite infections," Tommy says and turns to you and Sonic with a smile as he flies to the coming Egg Fleet. "I'm sorry. You gave me a second chance at life, Sonic. It's time I paid you back!"
"TOMMY! NO!" you and Sonic shout, protesting Tommy's decision as he grows closer to the Egg Fleet.
"Doctor Eggman to Egg Fleet! All cannons--FIRE!" Eggman orders his Egg Fleet through comms, making the ships aim all their weapons at Tommy.
Then the ships rained down bullets, missiles, and lasers as they literally destroyed Tommy and ADAM.
"TOMMY!" Sonic cries out in hopes of saving him, only for him to be too late.
The Egg Fleet had totally erased both Tommy and ADAM from this world, smoke and the little remains of Tommy and ADAM flying through the wind as you and Sonic look on with sadness.
"Tommy..." Sonic says in defeat.
"I... we... couldn't save him..." you say as tears start to form in your eyes.
Both of you floated back down to the ground as you cried, Sonic looking at some grabbed remains of Tommy.
"I'm letting you go for now, Sonic," Eggman tells the Blue Blur. "I've had too long of a day to deal with you right now."
And with that, Eggman and Shadow walked off as you fell to your butt as you cried over Tommy's death. Shadow looked back at you, curiosity filling his eyes as he feels like he's met you before. But he waves it off as nothing as he walks off with Eggman.
"Tommy--" Tails says in sadness, only for Sonic to speak.
"Was the bravest Freedom Fighter of us all. And he took ADAM with him," Sonic says as he looks at Tommy's remains, soon letting them go as they get lost to the wind.
"Cmon, guys. We need to get my dad home," Sonic says as he and Tails start walking away, only to realize that you weren't with them. "[Y/N]?"
He and Tails turn to look at you only to see you sitting on the ground, crying as your held your knees to your chest. This confused the two Mobians, having them think you're possibly just having an emotion episode due to seeing someone just die in front of you. But it wasn't that. All these emotions that you had no idea where pent up started spilling out, making you cry as all you heard where footsteps.
"NO!" a young voice echoes through your head as tears pour down your face.
What was happening to you? Is this some kind of emotional breakdown of sorts? You had no idea, but whatever it was wasn't helping you right now.
"[Y/N]?" Sonic called out to you, placing his hand on your shoulder. "You okay, buddy?"
This makes you look up at Sonic, making you soon stand up as your wipe away your tears.
"I... I'm fine," you lie. "Just me being emotional as always. Let's go home."
You smile at Sonic, reassuring him and having him nod.
"Okay. But I think you need a break!" Sonic tells you as you, him, and Tails start to walk off. "All of this must be super traumatizing for you!"
"I'm fine, Sonic," you tell Sonic, placing your hand around your Chaos Gem. "But maybe... I do need a break."
With Eggman, he's seen in his lab as he rubs his eyes in annoyance.
"Now with ADAM gone, it's gonna take a lot longer to find out who that [Y/N] boy is," Eggman tells himself as stops rubbing his eyes.
"Uncle! I have returned!" a male voice says, making Eggman turn to see his much shorter nephew Snively Robotnik.
"Yes, Snively. What have your brought for me?" Eggman asks his nephew.
"Well, nothing all too important," Snively says and then pulls out a digital book. "But this may interest you."
"What is it?" Eggman asks, grabbing the digital book from his the younger Robotnik.
"It is your grandfather Gerald Robotnik's diary," Snively tells his uncle. "It came up in ADAM's search for [Y/N]."
"Why would this come up during the search?" Eggman asked, opening up the diary and reading through it for a bit before smiling. "Snively, I think we found exactly what we needed."
ADAM is gone, but so is Tommy. And [Y/N] is now having questions he never thought he'd want the answers to. What are these weird memory fragments that keep appearing in [Y/N]'s head? And what do they mean? Find out, next time on Only Human!
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