Otherside (Part 2: Worlds Cross Conflict)
In the Timeless Zone, Y/n and Anarchy's battle was still raging. Anarchy threw two punches at his doppelganger who dodges both attempts before punching his Anti in the face. Anarchy kicks Y/n away before he comes back and delivers multiple punches to his Anti's stomach. Anarchy punches him off and Y/n kicks him away.
"You don't get it... NONE OF YOU GET IT!" the madman exclaims. "I just want them back! Why won't you help?!"
"Because it's wrong! You're messing with things you don't understand!" Y/n tells Anarchy. "If you try to, everything will be more broken than it already is."
Anarchy yells as his aura explodes around him.
"Y/n!" Nicole calls out.
"On it!" Y/n says and charges.
His hand morphs into a mace and he hits Anarchy in the face with it. However, his Anti retaliiates with a punch to the stomach and then kicks him away. Y/n sails through the Timeless Zone before crashing into a city.
Inside the city, on a bridge, people were still active and moving as if they had no awareness of what was going on with their city. In a car, a boy was playing video games as his mother sat at the driver's seat. The bobblehead on her dashboard started shaking, making her look up to see Y/n sailing through the air. The mother instantly gets herself and her son out of the car and runs away just before Y/n crashes into it and many others.
The boy opens his eyes and looks up to see people running away in terror. Then he looks behind him to see a car on its side and he knew that someone was still in it. So he gets up to his feet and runs towards it, ripping open the roof of the car to see a woman struggling with her seat belt.
"Look out!"
Y/n turns around just to be met with a car flying at him. He catches it, but gets pushes back as he protects the woman in the car. Then a gauntleted hand grabs his head and rips him through the car he caught, revealing to belonging to Anarchy. The Anti-Y/n slams his sane counterpart into the road multiple times before punching him in the face twice. Then Y/n retaliates by firing an energy blast which his Anti blocks, and Y/n then tackles him away.
The crash and skid across the road as Y/n punches Anarchy before shoving his head into the road. Then he punches him again before Anarchy grabs his arm and slams him into a car and then throws him into a truck. He gets up and runs to the truck, picking it up before slamming it into the ground twice. Then he fires an energy bolt from his mouth at the truck, making it blow up.
A mass of nanites knocks Anarchy back and Y/n comes out from the fire. He then fires an energy blast at Anarchy who blocks it with a crossguard and then takes two punches to the face. Then Y/n's hand morphs into a long club and slams it into his Anti's face a few times. However, Anarchy is barely fazed as he knees Y/n in the gut and then tackles him, crashing into the truck before throwing him into a wall on the bridge.
"Y/n!" Nicole calls to her boyfriend. "Come on! Fight back!"
Y/n has no time to respond as Anarchy punches him and kicks him. He cries out in pain as the arch on the bridge begins to crack and shatter, just like his armor. Metal cards holding the bridge up begin to snap and fall to the ground.
Anarchy then grabs his doppleganger and throws him into a van. Y/n bounces off of it and crashes into the road in front of it.
"Is that it?! Is that all the power you have?! Did Shallot really make you this weak, even though you're basically a god?!" Anarchy asks with a laugh. "I take back what I said! This is boring! YOU'RE PATHETIC!"
"Y/n! Please, get back up!" Nicole tells her love. "Don't die like this! Please!"
It takes a moment, but Y/n slowly pushes himself up. His armor was torn, but repairing itself, to show his torn clothes and bleeding body. He was pretty sure he had some broken ribs, too, among other things.
"I'm... not... done... yet...!" he declares.
Anarchy grins and laughs before leaping forward. Y/n looks up to see him and grits his teeth. He stands to his feet and flies at him as he grabs a nearby cable, catching Anti-Y/n off-guard as he ram into him with it. Then he pins him to a metal railing that held the cables and used his flight and super speed to wrap the cable around Anarchy.
"Hey! Hey!" Anarchy grins. "Creative!"
Once done, Y/n drops back to the ground with heavy breathing. He falls to his knees in exhaustion.
"That'll hold him for a minute..."
"Are you okay?" Nicole asks him.
"Not... really..." Y/n admits. "He's so strong..."
Y/n looks up when he hears Anarchy laughing. He sees his Anti ripping and pulling at the cables holding him in place, making the bridge creak and groan before it begins to crack.
"Ahahahahaha!" Anarchy laughs. "How's this for entertainment, readers?!"
A part of the road breaks, making the mother and son from before fly back. The boy drops his video games and gets up to go get them back. The mother calls to her son to come back, but he didn't listen as he ran towards his games.
Anarchy laughs as amethyst electricity sparks around him and he pulls a piece of cabling off of him. Y/n gets up to his feet, ready to fight again.
"Someone! Help my son!"
Y/n turns to the mother on the ground before turning to see a small boy running towards his game console. The arch above him cracks apart and the pieces begin to fall down towards him. Before the boy realized it, the rubble was already on top of him.
But... he felt no pain. Opening his eyes, the boy looks up to see Y/n creating a dome with his armor thanks to Nicole.
"Hey, kid... You should get back to your mom," Y/n smiles at the boy before lifting the rubble off of them. "Don't worry. Everything's going to be fine."
He offers the boy his fallen game console, making him smiles as he takes it and runs off. However, he stops before turning around and hugging Y/n.
"Thank you, Mister Hero."
Y/n was taken back by this before he smiles and gives a small hug back. Then they part and the boy runs off to his mom. This makes Y/n stand back up as the Nano Retaliation Armor forms back on to him.
"Y/n, are you sure you're still able to fight?" Nicole asks.
"Positive," Y/n says before taking off into the air.
Anarchy, now free from restraints, grabs a speed boat and hurls it at Y/n.
"Why are you helping them?!" he asks. "They basically don't exist! They aren't your people!"
Y/n gets hit by the boat but catches it.
"Because they're still people!" Y/n declares as he spins around. "Living their lives!"
He throws the boat back at his Anti who rips it apart with an energy bolt.
"And I won't let you take that from them!"
Y/n charges at Anarchy who goes to throw a punch. He misses as Y/n moves to avoid it and then grabs his Anti's hair, slamming him into the ground which breaks that part of the bridge. It cracks and falls apart, dropping into the river below.
Castle Acorn, Moebius...
Back on Moebius, Sonic and Amy both move out of the way to avoid Rosy's spiked hammer.
"Hold it!" Sonic tells the pink hedgehog as he backflips over her. "We came here to ask your help to stop Scourge!"
"You're a Sonic! My Scourgey is a Sonic!" Rosy exclaims. "I WANT TO SMASH SONICS!"
"But Scourge is the evil me! I'm the good one! The likeable one!" Sonic slides under another hammer swing. "Loveable, even!"
"Still a Son-ic~!" Rosy sings. "Still squish-a-ble~!"
"But I'm not a 'Sonic'," Amy says. "We're like sisters nearly!"
"You're breathing!" Rosy grins. "That's good enough for me!"
She runs at her doppleganger, making Amy jump and Clinton to the nearby drapes in fright.
"Buns, help!"
"Whoops! Ah said Ah'd protect y'all, didn't Ah?" Buns asks as she runs in to help.
"I sure hope things are going better back home," Sonic says.
Freedom HQ, Mobius...
In Freedom HQ, Scourge paces back and forth impatiently.
"What's taking Mike's so long?" he asks. "'Dropping bombs on Sonic's stupid city' shouldn't be that difficult!"
The Suppression Squad all look at each other, knowing well why he was taking so long.
"I see him!" Fiona declares, using binoculars to look through a hole in the wall.
"About time!" Scourge says. "Is he walking back?"
"No, he's running," Fiona says, "and they Freedom Fighters are right on his heels!"
It was true. Miles was using his twin-tails as propellers to speed forward. The Freedom Fighters were right behind him, seemingly chasing him.
"Move!" Miles jumps inside. "Coming through!"
"Hahahaha!" the Moebian king laughs. "You must have really ticked them off!"
"Why didn't you signal ahead?" Fiona asks Miles who was fixing his hair, not responding. "Hello?"
"Did you manage to blow Sonic up? What kind of property damage?" Miles was still unanswering. "Yo, Miles? Hey, punk! Your king is talking to you!"
Miles only scoffs before turning to Alicia.
"Princess Alicia, the plan was a total success," he tells her.
"Excellent work," Alicia grins as she takes out her whip. "Suppression Squad! It's time to show our king just what we think of him."
Castle Acorn, Moebius...
"Hit her with that quick-drying riot foam stuff!" Sonic tells Buns.
"Ah wish Ah'd been outfitted with somethin' a bit more proactive," Buns says as she fires riot foam at Rosy. "Likes a missile launcher or somethin'."
"No-no-NO!" Rosy cries out in anger as the foam hardens around her legs. "This is no fun!"
She lifts up her hammer and slams it down on the riot foam, breaking to to pieces and freeing herself. She then leaps forward and went to swing her hammer, only for Amy to counter with a swing of her own hammer.
"Stop that!" Rosy yells as Amy keeps countering her hits.
"Go find Dr. Kintobor's Globe Posts!" Amy tells Sonic and Buns. "I'll keep her busy!"
"Right!" Sonic turns to run off. "Let's go, Buns."
"You sure she'll be okay?" the country belle asks.
"Positive," Sonic nods. "Amy can handle herself."
Buns nods and runs forward, taking the lead as Sonic follows her down a corridor.
"Do you know where they would keep them?" Sonic asks.
"Miles and Boomer had a lab set up before Ah got kicked out of the group," the robot controlling bunny states. "It should be right over there."
They arrive at the lab, only to see that the Globe Posts were already active with a shinning portal.
"There's the Globe Posts!" Sonic points. "And they're already active!"
"Maybe they wanted to keep up a supply run?" Buns suggests.
"Too bad for them," Sonic says and walks up to the portal. "One second while I check out what's going on back home."
"Ah'll cover you."
Sonic nods and steps through the portal. On the other side, he steps into Freedom HQ.
"Sweet!" he smiles. "It's good to be back."
Noises from the next room over catch his attention.
"And it sounds like there's a fight going on...?"
Sonic walks over to the doorway, onlynto see the Freedom Fighters and the Suppression Squad fighting Scourge and Fiona. However, they were doing rather poorly as Scourge was easily taking them down.
He grabs Boomer and throws him at Miles.
"I took down a whole planet! A planet!"
He punches Bunnie away.
"And you morons think you can take me? Me?!"
Scourge then kicks Alicia, sending her flying.
"Sonic can't take me! I control the strongest being in our universe like the tool he is!" Scourge declares as he spin kicks both Tails and Miles. "And you still try to take me out?!"
He elbows Boomer in the stomach.
"You could have served the baddest king ever! Now you're just gonna get served!"
"Okay... I'm lost," Sonic says from inside the lab. "Is this some kind of mutiny? If it is, then I'm in!"
Sonic runs forward, only to be kicked back by Fiona.
"Not so fast, Blue!"
"Whoa! Fiona?!" Sonic questions before dodging another kick. "Wait, so you're not part of the mutiny? Why?! You're not even from Moebius!"
"What is your fixation with loyalty?! I don't owe you or this world anything!" Fiona declares. "Every time I trust somebody, I get burned! You, my parents, my partners, everybody! So you know what? For once, I'm not trusting and relying on anyone!"
"Except Scourge," Sonic says as he lands on a table. "You sure are fighting awfully hard for him."
Fiona stops as tears form in her eyes. Then she grows angry as she throws randomly aimed punches at her ex.
"It's not like that!"
"You keep telling yourself that."
Castle Acorn, Moebius...
"Backup! I need backup!"
Amy runs from the throne room, tossing her now broken Piko-Piko Hammer aside. She runs inside the lab and ducks, resulting in Rosy hitting Buns instead of her.
"I broke your ham-mer! I broke your ham-mer!" Rosy chimes before noticing the portal. "Oooh! Pretty! It's so sparkly and colorful! LET'S SMASH IT!"
Rosy leaps into the air and goes to swing her hammer down on the Globe Posts. However, she gets knocked back by Buns.
"Oh no you don't!" she says and turns to Amy. "Get yer frilly butt through the portal and tell your stupid boyfriend to hurry it up!"
"What about you?" Amy asks.
"Ah'll hold off Little Miss Creepy--YOW!"
"You hurt Rosy," the Anti-Amy says and slams her hammer down on the Omega Care Unit. "You're not nice."
The Timeless Zone...
Back in the Timeless Zone, everyone near the bridge looked down at the water. News helicopters flew in the air and recorded everything as everyone waited for something to happen. And something did happen.
Water explodes upward from some unknown force below.
Two more eruptions occur before Y/n and Anarchy fly out from the water, with Y/n crashing through a rooftop with his Anti flying after him. He slams his arm into his doppleganger and they crash into the street below. Then Anarchy punches Y/n in the face twice before he looks up to see a news helicopter flying above, watching them.
"Ooh! More people want a show?" he asks with a grin. "How's this for one!"
He grabs Y/n by the leg and throws him at the chopper. The pilot goes wide-eyed and tries to move out of the way, only for Y/n to crash into the blades keeping it in the air. The passengers all scream in terror as the helicopter falls to the city below.
Y/n then shakes his head as the impact snapped him back awake and he looks around.
"Where's Anarchy?!" he asks Nicole.
"On the streets below," Nicole answers, "but that helicopter is going to crash and kill those people!"
"What?!" Y/n turns to look at the falling helicopter. "No!"
He aims his hand at the chopper and it gets covered in a green glow. Using his psychokinesis, Y/n catches the helicopter, albeit with some struggle since he was weakened. Once he safely sets the helicopter on a rooftop, the armored teenager flies down to the rooftop as well and leans on the helicopter tail. He then turns to see the reporters looking at him with the cameraman aiming his camera at him.
"Oh, boy..."
The female reporter runs up to Y/n wit worry in her eyes.
"Sir! Do you need any medical attention?" she asks. "You're severely wounded!"
"I'd love that," Y/n says, "but I can't."
Y/n walks forward to the edge of the roof to see fire and explosions spreading across the city. From the smoke and fire comes Anarchy with his twisted grin and laughter. Then he looks up to see Y/n looking down at him, making the Anti-Y/n grin maliciously.
He leaps into the air and flies at his doppleganger. Y/n's eyes widen before he dashes over to the helicopter tail and grabs the chopper by its tail. He then flies back at his Anti and slams the helicopter into him, sending the madman flying out of the city.
He crashes into a 'wall' in the Timeless Zone, cracking it. He looks up to see Y/n appears before him and punch him in the chest, cracking the Zone 'wall' even further.
Freedom HQ, Mobius...
Out of the shimmering portal made by the Star Posts, Amy pokes her head out.
"Sonic!" she calls out. "HURRY!"
"Whoops! Looks like I took to long," Sonic says as Fiona goes to kick him. "Can't have that."
He Spin Dashes right past his ex, knocking her down in the process.
"'Scuse me, Fiona. I've got work to do," Sonic says and rushes at his Anti. "Yo, Scourge! Miss me?"
"No--!" Scourge gets cutoff by a punch to the face.
Scourge growls as he goes to retaliate, only for Boomer to grin.
"At last!" he aims his gauntlets at the two hedgehogs and fires a sonic blast at them, sending them to the ground. "Get them out of here, quick!"
"Right!" Miles says as he grabs Sonic and Scourge.
Despite some protests from the Freedom Fighters, Miles throws the two dopplegangers at the portal. Amy cries out in shock before she, and the hedgehogs, get sent back through the portal and to Moebius. Boomer then runs over to the control console and begins pressing keys.
"What are you doing?!" Sally asks in anger.
"Manually shutting down all the posts," the cyborg walrus states. "Scourge is Sonic's problem now!"
Castle Acorn, Moebius...
Amy helps Sonic back up to his feet.
"Sonic! Are you okay?"
"Wonderful," he says. "Once all the bones in my body knit, that is."
"They're dead..." Scourge growls as he pushes himself up to his feet. "Once I get my hands on them, there won't be enough left to--"
The three turn to see Buns lying on the floor with Rosy grinning as she looks at Scourge.
"Oh, God..." the green hedgehog looks on in fear. "Please, no..."
"I couldn't stop her!" Buns says in a terrified manner.
"Scourgey!" Rosy greets her prey. "I've been saving an extra-special smash for you!"
An intense pressure suddenly fills the room and invisible cracks appear in.the room. Then glass-like material shatters and two blurs crash through a wall in the lab. They all turn to see...
Never Lake, Merica, Mobius...
On Mobius, a hedgehog aims a bow and arrow at someone on the other side of a river.
Behind him, the hedgehog's wife runs up to him.
"What is it?" she asks. "It's not supposed to show up for another week."
"Nay, m'love. 'Tis but a figure upon the water," the hooded hedgehog tells his wife who draws upon a bo staff. "Mari-An, get back and look after our little Jon."
"And leave you to face the unknown?" Mari-An asks her husband. "Yeah, right. Besides, he's to bed."
"As you will have it, then" the hedgehog says and turns back to the unknown figure. "Halt! You trespass upon sacred water! State your business!"
"Are you Y/n L/n?" the unknown person asks.
"Nay," the hedgehog says, "but I know of him."
"Can you take me to him?"
"In truth, I could. But who art thou?"
"I am Silver the Hedgehog, and I must find this 'Y/n'."
"Your future depends on it."
Silver?! What does he want with Y/n? And what happens now when some crazy hedgehog havoc happens back over on Moebius? Find out, next time on Only Human!
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