Metal and Mettle (Part 1)
Y/n and Anarchy's battle was still raging in the wasteland made from the Anti's doings. They traded blows that created shockwave after shockwave with each hit. Then Anarchy fired at Y/n and sent him flying back, making him skid across the ground and he coughs up some blood before wiping his chin off. His armor was broken up, even though it was already repairing itself, and he bleeding from some parts of his body. He struggles to get back to his feet before Anarchy laughs and appears above Y/n with blazing speed, a massive grin on his face as he prepares to unleash a powerful blow. However, the nanite armor retaliated and stretched out to grab the Anti-Y/n. He gets sent crashing into the ground behind Y/n who stood up as the armor fixed itself.
"Thanks, Nic," Y/n mutters out.
"Any time," Nicole responded.
A laugh catches the Freedom Fighter's attention and he turns to see Anarchy standing. Dust covered his body with blood seeping from his head.
"Ahahahaha! Now this is fun!" he declares.
"You're... getting... annoying," Y/n tells his Anti.
"What?" Y/n questions.
"You asked me why I'm doing this, and it's for power," Anarchy states. "Power to be unstoppable. Power to be do whatever I want, and no one can tell me otherwise. I've been cultivating and stealing power for years to get to where I am now, and now I finally have someone on par with me. Myself."
"You're insane," Y/n says.
"No. Just desperate. Broken," the Anti corrects. "Y'know why I've never really killed you? Because I knew you'd be strong like me one day. I relished in that fact, so I let you live. So that we can one day get what we both deserve."
"And that is?" Y/n asks.
"Maria. Gerald. Everyone we lost on the Arc," the amethyst haired boy states. "I've been gaining power to get them back. Everyone said that it was impossible... but no one knows anymore. Only I remember them back in my world. So I've stolen power to take back what was stolen from me!"
"What do you need me for if you're already so powerful?" Y/n asks. "Can't you save them?"
"No..." Anarchy states and grows a massive grin. "But we can."
Anarchy charges at his counterpart with a pulled back fist and Y/n stands his ground to counter. He rears his fist back and throws it forward, their two fists clashing in the middle with a giant shockwave. Then everything around them started to crack before shattering, sending both Anarchy and Y/n flying away from each other.
When Y/n corrects himself midair, he looks around to see a world full of swirling lights and colors.
All around him were floating buildings, cities, towns, vehicles, people, structures, and even planets all around him. He was confused.
"Nicole, where are we?" Y/n asks his girlfriend.
"I-I don't know," the AI states. "My sensors are going crazy! I can't get any proper readings!"
"I'll tell ya where you are," Y/n turns to Anarchy. "You're in the Timeless Zone, a place where time basically doesn't exist and where all of time and space meet together. And where anything erased from existence goes to."
"Why... why did you bring us here?" Y/n asks his Anti.
"Because this is where she is. Where they are," the anarchist states. "And I plan to bring them back."
"You mean... Maria? And Gerald?" Y/n asks.
"And my world's Shadow. All of them are here," Anarchy informs. "They were erased from time, but with our combined powers we can bring them back. And then we can get your Maria and Gerald back."
"No... No, this is wrong!" Y/n says. "They're dead! You need to get that in your head. I'm not going to help you do a madman's dream."
Anarchy looks at his doppelganger before growling and glares at him.
"Fine. You don't want to help?" Anarchy's anger turned to maddening rage as he grins. "I'LL TAKE IT INSTEAD!"
He charges with an electrical amethyst aura around him, tackling Y/n and they go crashing into a floating building. Y/n gets sent skidding across the floor but catches himself, looking up to see Anarchy preparing an energy blast. He fires and the armored teen generates a shield to block it, taking the blast head-on as it pushes him back.
He then drops the shield and rushes forward, kicking Anarchy in the face before his leg morphs into a claw and pins down his hand. His fist bulks up and he throws a heavy punch to Anarchy's temple, making blood spill.
Anarchy then yells as he rips his counterpart's foot off of his hand and sends him flying into the ceiling. He falls back down and Anarchy punches him out of the building, sending him flailing through the Timeless Zone.
"This is going to be harder than we thought," Nicole states.
"Yeah," Y/n says. "No kidding."
Freedom HQ...
At the taken over Freedom HQ, Miles looks outside to see a Metal Sonic at the front door. He sighs and calls out...
"Your majesty? There's something here to see you."
No later did Scourge walk out to see Metal Sonic.
"Thank you, Miles," he says. "We'll, isn't this cute. A robot Sonic."
"This is Freedom HQ," a familiar voice says from the machine, "but you're not Sonic."
"Ah! Doc Eggman! That makes sense," the green king says. "You used to know me as the Anti-Sonic. I've gotten my act, and my world, in order. So it's 'King Scourge' now. I booted Sonic's blue butt, and his buddies, out a couple of days back."
"Oh-ho! I wasn't aware," Eggman says and the Metal Sonic turns away. "Well, that changes my plans for today."
"Honest mistake," Scourge says with a small wave. "I'll let you know when I'm ready to conquer your parts of the planet."
"Then again.."
Metal Sonic suddenly grabs Scourge and lifts him up.
"... why pass up one uppity hedgehog for another?"
New Mobotropolis...
At a meeting with the Acorn Council, Sonic couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"What's up for debate?!" he asks. "We've rested up, so let's go kick some interdimensional butt!"
"Scourge may have conquered the Anti-Mobius--" Rosemary starts.
"Moebius," Sonic corrects.
"--but our world is different," Rosemary continues. "He won't make his gains so easily."
"Besides, considering the gains we've made in Robotnik's city, we should focus our attacks on him," a pig declares. "We can get Freedom HQ back later."
"The vote to leave Freedom HQ for now?" Elias asks his councilmembers.
"Okay, but what about Y/n! And Nicole!" Sonic protests. "They haven't been spotted since Anarchy broke in and attacked! We have to look for them."
"We've tried to track his location with his ankle device, but it was no use," Rosemary states. "Wherever he is, we can't find him."
"I'm sorry, Sonic," Elias says, "but the Council votes."
"Yeah, yeah," the hedgehog grits his teeth. "We'll see about that."
Outside, Sonic was cleaning his shoes as Knuckles stands with him.
"C'mon, Knuckles," Sonic tells his friend. "We can take the place back ourselves."
"I don't know," Knuckles says. "Maybe they have a point."
"What?! Dude, I know you don't agree with them!" Sonic declares. "You need to do what you think is right."
"I did! And now my dad is--!" Knuckles raises his fist, only to pause and lower it.
"Knux... Look..." Sonic reaches for the Guardian.
"Do whatever you want," the echidna tells the Blue Blur as he walks away, crying.
Sonic watches him walk off before he speeds away.
'I don't get it. We may have lost Knothole, but we got back the city we were fighting for all our lives,' Sonic tells himself as he races out of New Mobotropolis. 'Up until a couple of days ago, we had Freedom HQ, Y/n, and Nicole. Robotnik's city is on its last leg, Mogul and the other jerks out there at large, but manageable.'
Sonic races through a forest as he heads towards the remains of Knothole.
'You'd think we were coming out ahead. So why does it feel like we're losing ground? I dunno. Maybe I'll feel better once I send Scourge packing and find Y/n and Nicole,' Sonic thinks before stopping in his tracks. 'Or Metal Sonic can beat me to it?!'
Metal Sonic swipes at Scourge who narrowly dodges the attack. Then his face gets grabbed and slammed into HQ.
"Forgive me, sire, but I'm not sure what we should do," Miles says with crossed arms and a smirk. "After all, you conquered our world on your own. If we helped you against one robot, would that be unforgettably insulting?"
"GRRHK! J-just leave it to me!" Scourge says as he gets lifted up by his throat by Metal. "Don't make me bring the pain! You'll regret it!"
"'Pain' has no meaning to a robot, rodent," Eggman tells Scourge.
"You sure, Eggman?" Sonic Spin Attacks his robotic copy. "Let's test that!"
Metal Sonic gets sent flying back and Sonic turns to Scourge who was on the ground.
"I've got dibs on you, Other-Faker," Sonic tells his Anti and offers a hand. "How about a temporary truce?"
"Save your sympathy, Blue!" Scourge smacks Sonic's hand away. "I'm happy to bust two 'Sonic' heads."
"As am I!" Eggman says through Metal Sonic.
"This is already going so well..." Sonic says as Metal and Scourge rush at him.
New Mobotropolis...
At the Lake of Rings, Knuckles sits at a bench as he threw rings into the lake. His girlfriend walks up to him.
"Are you okay?" Julie-Su asks her boyfriend. "You've got that look again."
"I'm fine," Knuckles lies.
"If you say so. Have you seen Sonic?" Julie-Su asks. "Everyone's gathered for a tactical meeting."
"He ran off to find Y/n and Nicole," the Guardian says, "and to take back Freedom HQ."
"What?! Blast it! We're supposed to be working together on this!"
"I guess," Knuckles tosses a ring. "At least he can trust his gut."
"What's that supposed to mean?" the pink echidna asks her boyfriend.
"I make too many mistakes on my own," the red echidna states. "Maybe If I follow everyone else--"
"You did that, too, you know."
"So what do you want me to do?" Knuckles leaps off the bench. "I listen to my dad, and I'm alone forever! I listen to everyone else, and I let Angel Island get torn apart! I listen to myself, and I make everything worse!"
"Don't try to tell me that everything will work out! My dad is gone! My people were almost wiped out! I can't face my mother!" Knuckles exclaims. "I don't what to do, and it's driving me crazy!"
"Knuckles!" Julie-Su grabs her boyfriend and turns him around to face her. "Don't you dare think this only affects you! They were my people, my home, and my family, too! And what's left of my family is working for Robotnik!"
"And it's all my fault!"
"It's not all your fault! And shouting that all the time isn't dealing with the matter, it's running away from it!" Julie-Su exclaims.
"You're not helping anything!" Knuckles tells his girlfriend and opens a Ring Portal. "I'm out of here!"
"Fine! Run back to Angel Island for all I care!"
Knuckles leaves in a flash and Julie-Su turns around, crossing her arms in anger. However, stray tears fall from her eyes.
"Blast it, Knuckles," she says. "I didn't mean to fight with you!"
Freedom HQ...
Sonic narrowly dodges Spin Attacks from both Metal and Scourge.
"This was not the fight I came for today!" he declares
"You're just whining because I'm kicking your--" Scourge gets cutoff by Metal Sonic knocking him away.
Then Sonic Spin Attacks him, making sparks fly as he crashes into the ground but lands on his feet.
"Hang in there, Metal Sonic!" Eggman tells his creation. "I'm putting the finishing touches on your reinforcements."
Sonic moves his head to the side to avoid a punch from his Anti.
"Y'know, when I said it wouldn't take much to find your full potential, I meant that morally," he tells Scourge. "You're me, for pity's sake!"
"Not anymore!" Scourge says as he goes for a kick.
"You could be a hero!" Sonic blocks the attacks.
"And what does heroism get you?" the green menace asks and then punches Sonic. "I'm the king of a whole planet! I got that my way, not yours!"
He then roundhouse kicks his doppelganger.
"Folks smile and wave to you? Ha Everyone bows to me!" Scourge declares, but offers a hand to his counterpart. "Your road goes both ways, y'know? You're full of untapped potential. Conquer this stupid little planet. Then we can rock the entire multiverse. Twin, unstoppable kings. What do you say?"
"I--I..." Sonic has no idea what to say.
Metal Sonic suddenly Spin Attacks Scourge, sending him skidding back as he blocks it.
"Hey! We're conducting business here!"
Angel Island...
On the floating island, Knuckles sits on the Master Emerald with anger in his eyes. Archimedes was with him.
"It sounds like she's more worried for you than anything," the fire-breathing ant says. "We all are, lad."
Down below, Charmy was playing with flowers.
"Why is he so grumpy, Archimedes?" he asks.
"He's still got a lot to figure out from being Enerjak," the ant responds after a sigh.
"Oh, okay. Y'know, sometimes my thoughts kinda get mixed up, too. But if I get all angry about it, I'll just distract myself," Charmy states. "So I tell myself, 'There will always be more flowers'."
Knuckles and Archimedes look at each other, surprised by the young boy's wise words.
"That was... surprisingly relevant," Knuckles says.
"Go on, lad," Archimedes pats his student's arm. "We've got things covered here."
Knuckles thinks this through before he sighs.
No later, in New Mobotropolis, Vector and Julie-Su were walking together before a Ring Portal opens behind them. They turn to see Knuckles stepping out of it. Knuckles walksnuo to his girlfriend.
"I'm messed up right now," he tells her. "Can I say 'I'm sorry' now and work on it later?"
"Sure," Julie-Su says. "I'm sorry for yelling at you."
They smile and begin to walk with each other.
"Should we push to go after Sonic?"
"Nah. Knowing him, he's got things under control."
Freedom HQ...
"This is starting to get out of hand."
Sonic catches Metal Sonic by his face and blocks a punch from Scourge. Then his robotic copy's chest begins to glow and he leaps over it, making the energy blast hit Scourge.
"Thanks for that! Now..." Sonic grabs Metal by the head and slams him into the ground. "... have a seat!"
Sonic takes a step forward, only for something to land down in front of him. He steps back as he sees the familiar human features, but more metallic.
"Not so fast, rodent!" Eggman says from the machine. "We've just gotten started!"
"You've got to be kidding me..." Sonic says in disbelief.
"Freaky..." Scourge says.
"Oh, this is just something I threw together in my spare time. Do you like it?"
In front of the two hedgehogs was a robot in the shape of a human, with fake (H/C) hair and glowing (E/C) eyes with painted (S/C) metal skin. A jacket was designed into its figure with legs painted similar to jeans and feet designed to be like boots. Metal claws protruded from its hands as it stood ready to fight with the other Badnik, its chest glowing green from its energy source lodged within.
Metal Sonic... and Metal Y/n.
Metal Sonic and Metal Y/n?! What has Eggman been up to?! Will Sonic save the day and defeat the two metal copies? And what of Y/n and Nicole? Will they ever return? Find out, next time on Only Human!
(So I know that in the original comic, there was a Metal Scourge instead. Well, I say fuck that. This is my story. Hope you like Metal Y/n, readers!)
Anarchy: "Hey! What about my fight with Y/n?!"
(Due to reasons, such as I'm lazy and don't want to force fight scenes, I'm waiting until the right time to bring you two back.)
Anarchy: "Fine!"
(Now, you all are probably wondering: 'Hey, if this is a few days later, has Y/n and Anarchy been fighting since then?' I would say... technically. Why? Figure it out for yourselves. Mwahahahahahaha!)
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