Mammoth Mogul and Ixis Naugus
[2nd POV]
What transpired before you was a bit chaotic. You had suddenly started screaming, alerting everyone in the room of your present new pain which also ignited an explosion from Merlin's Chaos Emerald. Out of the explosion came one Mobian no one wanted to face again.
He was a large mammoth male with brown fur and green eyes along with two large tusks growing from his mouth and a long trunk. He wore a white suit and held a cane with a green gem lodged in it. This was Mammoth Mogul...
... and he had somehow escaped the Chaos Emerald he was trapped in.
"We have to take him down quick!" Tails declared, taking into the air as he rushed at the furry version of Kingpin.
"Like I'd do it any other way!" Sonic said as he dashed at the mammoth.
"Sweet, merciful, Chaos Force!" Merlin shouts as he stares at Mogul in fear.
Sonic and Tails rush at Mogul, some of the other Freedom Fighters joining in on the fight as Danny stayed behind to make sure you were okay along with Sally.
"Merlin! If Mogul is free, then that means..." Connery says, only for Merlin to speak.
"I'm afraid so, Sir Connery!" Merlin says, already knowing what has transpired to let Mogul free from his prison. "The Ancient Walkers are dead!"
With Sonic and the others, they're seen brawling with Mogul.
"What's with the shield, Chubby?" Sonic asks the mammoth as he punches a green shield. "Not such a big-shot when you don't have so much Chaos Energy?"
"You will rue the day you slew the noblest beings to grace Mobius!" Connery declares, rushing at Mogul with his sword drawn.
But before anyone could draw any closer, a large burst of energy exploded from the Chaos Emeralds, blasting everyone back and away from Mammoth Mogul. Your eyes widen in worry as you see all your friends to have been knocked unconscious, Mogul standing in the epicenter of the explosion unharmed.
You try to get up to your feet, seeing as you were the only one not knocked out, and you clench your hands into fists as you ready yourself to fight.
"St-stay right there, M-Mogul!" you order the well dressed mammoth as you shakily got to your fighting pose.
"You think you, a mere child, can stop me?" Mogul asks you as he walks up to you. "You're shaking in your boots!"
The large Mobian steps up to you, placing his face right in front of yours as he speaks again.
"What can you even do?"
"Well, I can do this," you say, raising your fists to hit Mogul with them as they get covered by two green gauntlets.
You strike Mogul in the chest, sending him flying back and crashing into a nearby wall. You then cover yourself in green energy sparks and speed all around the room, collecting your friends and getting them away from Mogul in hopes of buying them time to heal.
As you leave, however, Mogul seems to have already recovered and gotten back on his feet. He looks around to see that you and the other Freedom Fighter members were all gone, leaving nothing behind. But what he did find, though, made him very happy.
Back with you, you have sped all your friends to the new headquarters for the Freedom Fighters, making sure they were all still alive and breathing. Once you checked that they were okay, you breathed out a sigh of relief.
"Thank goodness. I don't know what I would've done if you guys died," you say. "I couldn't live with myself if I was the cause of more deaths."
You look over all your friends, seeing them sleeping peacefully as if the previous attack had never happened. The only evidence that it happened was some scorch marks on their bodies and clothes. You look over at Sally, smiling as she slept peacefully as well and that she hadn't been hurt all too much. She had become one of your closest friends in the week that you've been on Mobius, along with Danny and Sonic.
Out of nowhere, however, you felt a stinging pain through your chest and you gripped it with your hand, scrunching up your face in pain as your knees start to buckle a bit.
"I need to stop Mogul," you tell yourself as the pain in your chest subsides a bit and you look at your friends. "But... can I really do it? All of you guys ganged up on him and you all got taken out. Can I stop him myself?"
You look at your friends once more, anger quickly boiling your blood as you clenched your hands into fists and you grit your teeth.
"No! I gotta do this!" I declare, slamming your fist into your palm. "For them. And that no one dies."
You speed away, a trail of green in your wake as you follow the energy of the Chaos Emerald you felt earlier before Mogul escaped. You made it to a small cliff that overlooked the Knothole Prison, seeing Mogul with the Destructix along with some weird green monster guy with a sword.
"You! Hand over that relic!" the two order each other. "I will possess the last of the Source of All!"
"Fool! I am Ixis Naugus, Master of the Elements! He that fused the Void with the Zone of Silence!" the gremlin-looking bears declared. "The last great lord of the Order of Isis!"
"You cannot fathom how inferior you are in comparison to me," Mogul tells Ixis. "Nor are you the last of the Order. My Order."
"You two seem to like talking. Hope you'll like prison, cuz that's where you'll be talking at for a while," I tell the two, making them look up at me. "And I believe that that crown and sword don't belong to either of you. So how about you give them to me?"
"You again?!" Mogul questions in anger.
"You are not getting this sword!" Ixis tells me and points said sword at me. "Get him!"
Suddenly, both the Destructix, Mogul, Ixis, and Ixis' men rushed at you, going in to attack you. You dodge Sergeant Simian's punch and kick him away from you. Then you jump down from the cliff and engage in full on combat, dodging attacks and countering them, knowing you couldn't handle a clearly outmatched fight like this. Suddenly, you were being piled on by your opponents, and you couldn't handle them.
"Get... offa... me...!" you ordered them, the Mobians slowly pinning you down to to the ground.
"Really thought you could stop either one of us, child?" Mogul asks you as he approaches you.
"We are the strongest in this planet!" Ixis states with a wild grin.
You didn't pay them much mind as you could barely hear them. What was happening, though, was that you were glowing a slight red color, sparks of red energy emitting from your body.
"Get offa me!" you order the Mobians again, beams of red light seeping through the openings in-between the bodies of those piling up on you. "RAAAAAGH!"
A blast of pure red energy explodes from your body, knocking away anyone near you.
You stand back to your feet, huffing and puffing as sweat drips down your face.
"Quite a feat there, child," Mogul tells you. "Producing a Chaos Blast of that magnitude must be taxing. And yet, you're still standing."
"You're gonna pay for what you did to my friends," you tell Mogul, breathing heavily and you turn to Ixis. "And both of you are gonna give me those relics."
"Never in your dreams," Mogul declares, firing a green energy blast at you and it strikes you in the chest.
The beam knocks you back, but it does something else as well. It sends something out of you. You crash into the ground and, getting back on your feet, look to see... you!
"What the?!" both yous question as you stare at each other. "Me?!"
"Cloning?" Ixis questions. "Now that's a rare ability."
You and you look at Mogul and Ixis before looking back at each other, nodding as you shared the same thought: if one of you is a clone, then you can make more.
Both yous stand to your feet, smirking at both Mogul and Ixis which makes them confused.
"What're you smiling about, boy?" Mogul asks you which makes you smirk more.
"Heh heh. This is what I'm smiling about!" you say and call out the name of a new move you just made up. "Chaos Clone!"
Suddenly, five yous come out from your back and rush at Mogul and Ixis, taking them off-guard as the group of you rushes at the two villains.
The clones surround both Ixis and Mogul, one half taking on Mogul as the other fights Ixis. The original you speeds to Mogul, eager to fight him since you still need to avenge your friends.
"Mogul!" you call out to the mammoth, making him glare at you.
"You! Die!" Mogul shouts, pointing his cane at you and fires a green energy blast at you again.
You dodge this one, gaining closer to the mammoth and you ready a fist to punch Mogul with. You strike his face and send him flying back a bit. He lands on his feet, bringing up a green shield as some of your clones attack him at once. He then disperses the shield, sending your clones flying back as some even crash into each other. You and your clones get back up, rushing at Mogul who growls at you. He catches the nearest clone of you and crushes him in his palm, tossing him over at Ixis who gets knocked over and drops his sword.
Your clones pile up on Ixis, making sure he doesn't move and Mogul smiles as he gazes at the dropped sword.
"Mogul! You're going back into a prison! Whether you like it or not!" you and your clones tell Mogul as you surround him.
"Sorry, but I think our little duel here as come to a close," Mogul says, releasing another blast of Chaos Energy and knocking you and your clones away.
Mogul marches over to the fallen sword, gripping its hilt and picking it up. It glowed with golden energy, his eyes becoming a pure glowing green as the Destructix all come to him, Mogul saying...
What's this? Mammoth Mogul has acquired both the Crown of Acorn and the Sword of Acorn?! Is [Y/N] going to be okay? Will his new powers be enough to stop the powered up Mogul? And will the Freedom Fighters recover in time to come to their friend's aid? Find out, next time on Only Human!
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