Lost Evil (Part 3: The Return of Nazo)
The Master Emerald began to glow again as sparks shot from it. One hits the ground next to Sally and Y/n's body, sending them flying back with some rubble from the blast.
"WITNESS THE RAW POWER OF CHAOS!" Nazo exclaims as another bright flash of light engulfs the island.
Tons of force was being exerted from the hedgehog, blowing things away as our heroes had trouble staying grounded.
"S-so much power!" Shadow manages to say as he slides back a bit, along with the others.
Finally, the light fades away and our heroes look back up at the deity to see his blue quills were now an emerald green with black highlights. Purple electricity dances around him as he smirks.
... who's ready to fight a god?!"
Everyone stares at Nazo in shock as they look at his new look. Nazo laughs at this as he looks at the Freedom Fighters and Shadow.
"Beautiful, aren't I? For the last moments of your lives, mortals, you may refer to me as Chaos Nazo!" Chaos Nazo tells the Mobians.
"What? You think a color change scares us?" Sonic asks Chaos Nazo before dashing towards him. "You're gonna pay for using Y/n like that!"
"SONIC! WAIT!" Knuckles calls out to Sonic who doesn't listen.
The blue hedgehog goes to Spin Attack Chaos Nazo, only for the green hedgehog to teleport away and into the air. Sonic growls as he lands on the Master Emerald, only to get an idea.
"I know you've been used a lot lately today, but I need help one more time!" Sonic tells the massive jewel beneath him before he gets engulfed in a smaller but still large flash of light.
When it fades, it reveals Sonic to be in his Super State once more. The golden hedgehog looks up to the sky to see Chaos Nazo waiting for him. He flies up to the sky to face the Destroyer.
"You're gonna pay for this!" Super Sonic tells Chaos Nazo and Spin Attacks him again.
However, Chaos Nazo only lifts up his hand and catches Super Sonic mid-spin. He smirks and blasts him away, sending him immediately out of his Super State and flying through the air. However, a hovering Shadow catches Sonic by the wrist and looks at him.
"Hmph. Pathetic," he drops Sonic to the ground. "I'll stop him myself."
He rises up to Chaos Nazo and glares at him. Anger brews inside of him as the Ultimate Lifeform absorbs the Chaos Energy flying around in the area and goes Super as well.
"I'll show you the ultimate power!" Super Shadow tells Chaos Nazo.
He sends an energy blast at him, only for it to be slapped away as it lands somewhere else.
Growling, Super Shadow glares at Chaos Nazo before...
The golden Ultimate Lifeform vanishes from sight, but Chaos Nazo only humphs out a breathe of annoyance. Then the entire world freezes, leaving everything in an inverted color scheme as Chaos Nazo flies up to a slowly moving Super Shadow.
He then aims his palm at the hedgehog and fires a purple energy blast at him, bringing time back to regular speed as Shadow crashes into the ground.
Chaos Nazo then descends to the ground and crosses his arms as he stares at the smokescreen Shadow's impact made. He smirks, but drops it when he sees two glowing red eyes inside the dirt cloud.
"What's this now?" the god asks as he raises a brow.
Shadow growls as he takes off his Inhibitor Rings for the second time today, the explosion of power erupting from him blowing away the dirt as Chaos Nazo looked mildly impressed.
"What's going on?" Knuckles asks.
"Shadow took off his Inhibitor Rings again!" Tails states.
Shadow growls more as red electricity sparks around him. The ground shakes with his power output as Sonic, badly wounded, stands up.
"This... This is for Y/n!" Shadow exclaims as he glows a violent red. "Chaos..."
He suddenly teleports in front of Chaos Nazo and grabs him by the neck. He slams him into the ground as he unleashes his attack.
"... BLAST!"
A massive explosion of energy ensues as red light engulfs the sky. When it all fades, Chaos Nazo is nowhere to be seen as Shadow pants from exhaustion. He used up basically all of his power with that one attack, but it seemed like it did the job. Chaos Nazo was g--
"Impressive lightshow," a familiar emerald hedgehog tells Shadow as he teleports next to him. "Excellent display of power, Shadow."
"Who... just who are you?!" Shadow asks, completely shaken as he sweats in terror.
"I am the Ultimate Lifeform!" Chaos Nazo informs Shadow before kicking him into the air.
He then teleports above the hedgehog and hits him with a sledgehammer, sending him crashing to the ground and into Sonic.
"Hahahaha! Please don't tell me this is the planet's only defense! I never dreamed it'd be this easy!" Chaos Nazo laughs. "Y/n would be so dissapointed in you all. But then again, he was even more pathetic than you mortals."
The voice catches the hedgehog's attention, making him look down to the ground to see a crying Sally holding Y/n's body.
Chaos Nazo looks down at Sally in slight surprise before he lets out an amused laughter.
"Oh, you are a joy, princess! Better than me? How amusing!" the Destroyer exclaims. "You're precious little human was nothing but a puppet! He gave his life to give me mine! What "better person" would do that?"
"YOU FORCED HIM TO DO THAT, YOU MONSTER! Y/N HAD SO MUCH MORE TO LIVE FOR! AND YOU--...!" Sally began to cry harder as her voice softened. "A-and you took him away from us! From me! YOU BASTARD!"
Chaos Nazo seemed a bit impressed that Sally, nothing but a bag of bones compared to him, would yell at him like that. But he didn't like being called a "bastard", though.
"Hmph. You, young lady, need to be taught a lesson."
He teleports to the ground and raises a fist, ready to punch Sally who doesn't have any time to react. However, before the punch could connect, a blur of red passes and catches the fist.
"Oh, yes. You're here as well, echidna," Chaos Nazo says as Knuckles holds his fist back with a trembling arm. "Forgot all about you."
"I... won't... let you... hurt... any more... people!" Knuckles tells the literal god as his body shakes from strain.
Chaos Nazo only humphs out a breathe and reverses Knuckles' grip, now holding his hand which made Knuckles go wide-eyed.
"But who are you to touch a god?"
He sends a surge of electricity through Knuckles' system, making him scream in pain before Chaos Nazo release more power and sends Knuckles flying back. Then Tails arrives and jumps on Chaos Nazo's back, trying to stop him only to be grabbed and thrown aside.
"This is the rescue team? How pathetic," the Destroyer states before his ear starts twitching. "Hm? What's this?"
He turns to look at where a pile of rubble where, Sonic and Shadow underneath it all as they lie on their deathbeds. However, in their minds, moments of their lives flash before them as power slowly begins to grow inside of them. For Sonic, it was ones of when he was fighting Dr. Robotnik, being with his friends and family, being with Sally, and even hanging with Y/n.
The Servers Are The Seven Chaos
Chaos Is Power!
Power Enriched By the Heart!
For Shadow, if was when he was first created and met Gerald and Maria Robotnik. Then he remembers all the times he played with Maria and met Y/n, soon watching over him like a big brother. He also recalled the time he finally had a true reunion with Y/n. Neither hedgehog could let Nazo take any of that from them! They will find a way to stop him!
The Controller Is The One That Unifies The Chaos!
Suddenly, their eyes open to reveal crimson irises. Then a sudden explosion of power erupts from them, blowing the rubble away as Chaos Nazo widens his eyes in shock.
"Hmph. You actually thought you could defeat me by using my friend like a monster?!"
"H-Hyper..." Chaos Nazo warily says in shock as he takes a step back.
Sally watches with wide eyes, amazed at the transformations. However, inside Y/n's chest, the Chaos Gem produces a small glow for a moment before fading away.
"There's only one way to go!" Hyper Sonic tells the Ultimate Lifeform. "Ready?"
"Right behind you, blue hedgehog," Hyper Shadow tells the Hero of Mobius.
With a blinding flash of light, the two hedgehogs use Chaos Control for an unknown reason.
"What's up with that light...?" Sally asks herself as she holds Y/n close to her.
When the light dies down, it reveals that a new hedgehog had taken the place of both Hyper Sonic and Hyper Shadow. He looked like a mixture of the two, but it only seemed to anger Chaos Nazo as the two look at each other.
"Who... who are you?" the Destroyer asks the hedgehog. "Are you Sonic or Shadow?"
The hedgehog only smirks as he points at Chaos Nazo.
Chaos Nazo looks shocked for only a few moments before he smirks, crossing his arms as he chuckles.
"Pull any trick you like," he tells the fusion. "It will only delay the inevitable."
Spinning around and aiming his palm at Sally and Y/n, a red orb charges in Chaos Nazo's hand as Sally tries to get away. However, Chaos Nazo is the one without time to react as Hyper Shadic kicks him in the face, sending him away from the human and chipmunk. He gets sent crashing through multiple mountains as Hyper Shadic smirks.
"Heh. Too easy!"
Out of the mountain, Chaos Nazo pulls himself out of the crater his body made before teleporting back to Hyper Shadic, shocked that a simple kick did so much damage to him.
Hyper Shadic simply smirks again before letting his color-changing aura erupt around him. Chaos Nazo does the same as a green aura surrounds him with purple electricity dancing inside of it. The two then teleport to each other at the same time, throwing punches at each other which clash and make a huge shockwave. The two are then barely seen teleporting through the air as they clash, but in actuality, they were throwing punches and kicks at each other, sending each other back. But no naked eye could keep up with them as they used their enhanced Chaos Control.
Everyone watches from below, whether on the island dirt or below it on the earth below. All was watching and waiting for the dramatic conclusion of the battle between Chaos Nazo and Hyper Shadic.
As the two clashed, down with Sally, she watched with a mixture of hope and fear in her eyes. Then she hears a quiet groan come from right next to her, making her go wide-eyed as she looks down at Y/n. His body twitches and squirms around a bit before his eyes finally open, his eyes holding a faded color as the Chaos Gem in his chest barely holds any significant glow inside his chest.
"S... Sally...?" he questions as he looks up at her.
"Oh, my God! You're okay!" Sally exclaims as she wraps her arms around the human and hugs him. "I-I-I... I thought you were dead...!"
"S-so did I..." Y/n says in a lifeless tone as he had no strength to hug Sally back. "What's going on...?"
"I don't exactky know," Sally says as she ends the one-sided hug, "but Sonic and Shadow did something to themselves and are fighting Nazo now."
"Nazo...?" Y/n's eyes widened as he remembered what had happened. "No... this can't be real..."
"Y/n, you gotta help stop Nazo," Sally tells her friend softly but urgently. "He's going to destroy us if he isn't stopped."
"I-I can't... even if I wanted to. I'm barely hanging on as it is now," Y/n states as the light in his gem flickers weakly. "Besides, I should get the destroyed. It's all my fault..."
"What?" Sally questions. "What are you talking about?"
"It's my fault Nazo has been unleashed again. I should've done better to stop him, but it was no use..." Y/n states, not even having the energy to cry. "I should've just destroyed that stupid gem... or maybe gave it back to Locke. I didn't need it anymore. Why was I so stupid?"
"Y/n, this isn't your fault."
"But it is...! I-if I hadn't tried to survive on the Ark after everyone was killed," he lowers his head in shame, "none of this would've happened. I should've just died."
Sally looks at Y/n in shock. However, her shock turns to determination and anger and slaps Y/n across the face.
"Don't you ever say that!"
Back with Hyper Shadic and Chaos Nazo, the green hedgehog finally lands a solid hit on Hyper Shadic and sends him to the ground. However, he pants from exhaustion as he sees that his opponent barely has a scratch on him.
"I can level galaxies with a thought," Chaos Nazo states as energy pours out of him. "Why. Won't! You! DIE!"
He releases a massive blast of energy out of his body, one stronge enough to destroy the entire solar system. However, Hyper Shadic simply holds out his hand and makes the blast shrink into his palm before he crushes it.
Chaos Nazo growls before he descends to the ground and faces Hyper Shadic.
"Well... you two aren't as easy to kill as I thought..." he tells the fusion, making him smirk. "I don't know how you pulled off that unification trick with Chaos Control, something not even I can do, but I must admit, it was highly impressive."
"Heheh. Thanks," Hyper Shadic says as he rubs the underside of his nose.
"But tell me, "Hyper Shadic"," Chaos Nazo tells the hedgehog. "How much energy do you have left after that little stunt?"
Hyper Shadic stops what he was doing, gasping in shock as he realizes that he may not have much time left in his Hyper State.
"Heheheh. Understand this, Shadic. Even if you combined your strength with everyone on this miserable rock, it couldn't even match the amount of Chaos Energy I possess," Chaos Nazo declares. "Although you have always been faster than me, your speed will mean nothing when I destroy this planet."
Hyper Shadic clenches his hands into fists as anger grows in him.
"Now before everything on Mobius is obliterated, I will leave you with my final explanation," he looks up into the air as he tells his tale. "You see, being composed of Negative Chaos Energy, I was destined to always seek more power. In time, I grew to have more energy than any star, any galaxy. When I started judging worlds, I did it off of how powerful they are or if they could impress me. Most of the time, they did not. At times, I destroyed whole solar systems just from my dissapointment of one planet."
He looks back down at Hyper Shadic.
"But I later discovered that there is one entity I will never be able to surpass: the Master Emerald, a source of infinite energy," Chaos Nazo continues. "No matter how much energy I obtain, I will never be able to reach a level of infinity. Therefor, the only solution was to detonate the planet, which in turn, will sharter the Master Emerald into thousands of pieces, dispersing them throughout the universe, along with their power."
Chaos Nazo growled as he crossed his arms.
"However, that proved harder than I realized when that very same jewel was used to make the very being that eradicated my body. However, I stored my energy into that stone and corrupted anyone I could just to make my plan a reality," the hedgehog states as he glares at Hyper Shadic. "And now that I have my body back, I refuse to be mocked by the existence of that damn rock any longer!"
"Ha! As if we'd led you do anything to this--" Hyper Shadic gasps in shock as he stops. "Y/n...?"
Growing confused, Chaos Nazo turns to see Sally and Y/n talking. He grows shocked, surprised that Y/n was somehow still alive, but he soon grows a smirk.
"You mortals are just full of surprises, aren't you?" he asks as he aims his palm at the two.
Back with the chipmunk and human, Y/n held his cheek in pain as he looked shocked from the slap.
"Don't ever say that you should be dead! Do you know how many lives you've changed just by being here? With us?" Sally asks Y/n. "So many! And if it weren't for you, Shadow would have no one to call a friend! A-and I..."
Sally tears up again as she holds Y/n's arms.
"I wouldn't be the same without you."
Y/n looked a bit shocked at this, his heart fluttering a bit as his Chas Gem glowed brighter for a moment before dying back down.
"But... I've caused so many problems. And I barely have any energy left," Y/n states. "And even if I did, all it is is Nazo's power. He'll take control of me again..."
"Y/n, that power is all yours," Sally tells the human. "You decide how you use it, not him."
"But... I'm so weak..." Y/n states. "How can I stop him?"
"You just have to believe in yourself, because so many people believe in you," Sally tells Y/n. "And because... I believe in you."
Y/n looks a bit shocked as Chaos Nazo sends an energy blast at the two. Then Sally pulls the human in for a kiss, making him widen his eyes in surprise. However, as the energy blast rockets towards the two, Y/n eases into the kiss as the glow in his chest grows. Then Chaos Nazo's blast finally makes contact with the two, causing a massive explosion to engulf them.
"NO!" Hyper Nazo calls outs as he looks on in terror.
However, Chaos Nazo just laughs at the sight and goes to turn back to Hyper Shadic.
"Well, now that that's over with, we can--" he spots something in the corner of his eye, making him turn back to where he blasted Sally and Y/n. "What?"
The cloud of dirt the blast caused soon goes away, revealing a green energy shield around an unscathed Y/n and Sally who were still kissing. However, they soon part as Y/n opens his eyes, revealing that they were a bright emerald green as his chest shined the same color.
He looks at Sally in shock as blushes form on both of their faces. However, Chaos Nazo just growls as he looks angered.
"You dare not die?!" Chaos Nazo shouts and teleports to them. "PERISH, MORTAL!"
He raises a fist and goes for a punch, only for Y/n to immediately turn around and catch the fist. The Destroyer widens his eyes in shock as he sees no signs of struggle on Y/n after catching his punch.
"So... you thought you can use me like some chess piece," Y/n asks as he realizes Chaos Nazo tried to kill him and Sally, "and hurt everyone that I care for?"
"There are more moves I've yet to play, mortal," Chaos Nazo states. "You will not get in the way of my plans!"
Y/n looks Chaos Nazo right in the eye as a mighty aura erupts around him.
"You should've stayed in the Master Emerald."
Y/n is alive once more and is ready to fight Nazo! But will he be enough? Will Nazo ever be stopped? Watch as Y/n uses the power of a simple kiss against his greatest enemy, next time on Only Human!
Okay, so I know some people are wondering how the relationship between Y/n and Sally will work. I'll do some little spoiling: they will not be getting together... in this book. Everything will be sorted out in the sequel. I'll let you all figure out what that means. 😈😈😈
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