Lost Evil (Part 1: Returning Chaos)
In the air, Super Sonic flew up to Enerjak and glared at him as Y/n screams with power.
"What did you do to him?!"
Enerjak grinned.
"I showed him my vision."
Y/n lets out one more yell, having Super Sonic and Enerjak struggle to stay in place before the light surrounding Y/n fades. Everyone looks to see that Y/n now had a fiery green aura with red electrical sparks around him instead of black with spiky emerald hair and slightly larger muscles. He lets out shaky and heavy breathes as Super Sonic cautiously flies up to him.
"Yo, Y/n? You good, pal?" he asks as he hovers in front of him.
Chaos Y/n's eyes snapped open and he looks at Super Sonic, revealing his blank eyes which startles the golden hedgehog.
"Y/n...? You ain't gonna attack me, right?" Super Sonic asks Chaos Y/n.
The emerald-haired human looks at Super Sonic for a moment, unnerving him before he yells and swings at him.
"Whoa!" the hedgehog barely had time to duck under the attack. "Hey! I'm not the target here!"
Chaos Y/n roars again and tries to attack Super Sonic again, but the hedgehog dodges and flies off. Chaos Y/n gives chase with loud roars while Super Sonic runs away.
"Hey! We're friends, Y/n!" Super Sonic tells his berserker friend. "Don't go after me! Go after Finitevus and Knuckles!"
Chaos Y/n does nothing but yell as he chases Super Sonic around in the air.
'This isn't good. Y/n said it himself that he can't control this form, so he just gave me another guy to worry about other than Knux and Finitesneezus,' Super Sonic tells himself as he avoids another blind swing from Chaos Y/n. 'But whatever Finitevus did to Knuckles could be affected Y/n as well since those red sparks are new. I have to stop them both before they destroy everything! But how?'
He suddenly gets an idea. Smirking, Super Sonic redirects his course midair and rockets towards Enerjak. He then flies over him, giving him a playful two-finger salute.
"Have fun, Chuckles!"
Enerjak tries to back away from the raging Chaos Y/n, but the transformed teen only charges at him and slams his chest into the echidna. A blast of energy sends Enerjak flying back with a shout of shock.
"N-no! Stop!" Enerjak orders the berserker. "You're supposed to help me, not attack me!"
However, instead of listening, Chaos Y/n just yells as he charges at Enerjak. He then unleashed a flurry of punches, leaving the echidna in pain as he cries out in pain.
Nearby on a mountaintop, Super Sonic was resting a bit as he watched the one-sided battle.
"Okay, I'm gonna rest up a bit while Y/n handles Knuckles," the golden hedgehog tells himself. "Once he does that, then I'll take care of Y/n. He'll be tired out by then."
Back down in New Mobotropolis, the Freedom Fighters and Shadow watch the battle through the monitors. Most were cheering for Chaos Y/n while only Sally, Tails, Amy, Rotor, and Nicole watch in worry. They knew Y/n couldn't control that emerald power, and it could possibly end up with him destroying everything along with himself. However, Shadow wasn't concerned. He was paying more attention to the power his old friend emitted, and how berserk he was acting. Actually, in all honesty... he was a bit concerned. But no one was more concerned for the human Freedom Fighter than Sally. She couldn't help but feel like something was wrong, and she didn't like the look of the red energy sparking around the one she loves.
Huh... the one she loves. Maybe it was time she admitted that to herself... and maybe to Y/n.
Back at the battle, Chaos Y/n slams his fists into Enerjak and sends him crashing into ground far below. The impact creates a massive crater with the echidna groaning a bit as he tries to get up, only for the berserker teen to crash his feet into Enerjak and make him scream in pain as saliva and blood fly from his mouth.
Chaos Y/n started to stomp on Enerjak fast and hard, and when he tired of that he started using punches. Each attack deepened and widened the crater around them, but Enerjak eventually had enough and released a blast of energy from his body as his aura covers him. Chaos Y/n leaps back in slight surprise as he didn't expect his "prey" to be fighting back against him.
"I've had enough!" Enerjak exclaims as he stands to his feet. "Now I know who you are, Y/n: nothing but a raging beast! And like the world, I must destroy you as well!"
He charges at Chaos Y/n and throws a punch to his abdomen, creating a massive shockwave from the impact. The ground underneath them cracks as Chaos Y/n hunches over from the punch, making Enerjak smirk. However, his smirk drops when Chaos Y/n looks up at him, his eyes no longer blank as they hold purple irises inside them and the red sparks turn purple.
"DIE!" Chaos Y/n shouts as he punches Enerjak in the face and sends him flying into the air.
The human shoots after Enerjak and and roundhouse kicks him back to Angel Island. He chases after the echidna and grabs his face, dragging it across a mountain before throwing him forward.
He goes after him again, this time with an evil smirk as he leaves a streak of green behind him. Down below in the Chaos Chamber, after a fight with Finitevus, Archimedes teleported the white echidna away and leaving Julie-Su and Locke with the Master Emerald. They breathe in and out for a few moments before Julie-Su speaks.
"With all those Warp Rings, he won't be gone for long," Knuckles' love states. "He'll be back soon."
"Then I must act fast," Locke says and begins to make his way to the Master Emerald, "or Y/n and my son will be lost forever."
"Locke...?" Julie-Su questions. "What are you doing?"
"Righting my wrongs. The Brotherhood of Guardians had its reasons for how we raised the next generation. We only wanted to protect those we loved, even if we had to do it from afar," Locke tells Julie-Su. "And please... tell Knuckles that I love him."
"I think he already knows..." Julie-Su says with tears in her eyes.
Locke nods before walking right up to the Master Emerald. He lays a hand on it as he puts on a look of determination on his face.
'Knuckles... I am truly sorry for not being the best father I should've been. And to you as well, Y/n. I should've taught you about your powers. You wouldn't be in this mess if I did,' Locke says as he climbs on top of the Master Emerald. 'To both of you... I am sorry for failing you. Especially you, my son. I love you.'
With that, Locke sits down on the giant green jewel and begins the ritual.
"The Servers are the seven Chaos. Chaos is power, enriched by the heart," Locke says as black energy surrounds him while he glows bright green. "Release my boy and his friend! Give them their own lives to lead!"
With tears in his eyes, Locke vanishes with a flash of light.
At The Same Time...
Meanwhile, as Locke performed his ritual, Enerjak and Chaos Y/n were still fighting. However, it seemed like Enerjak was losing as his armor was torn apart and damaged. Chaos Y/n laughs as he lands a punch on Enerjak's face.
"You're the new Enerjak?" he asks with an amused smile. "Please! You're nothing! A joke!"
Chaos Y/n knees Enerjak in the stomach, making him hunch over before he grabs the echidna by what remained of his top and pulled him to his face.
"You don't deserve my power."
And just as Locke sacrifices himself to get rid of Finitevus' Hex, Chaos Y/n places his hand on Enerjak's forehead and he screams in pain. His energy drained from him as a bright flash of light envelops the two. Once it fades, Chaos Y/n is revealed to be holding a steaming Knuckles, free from Enerjak's power as he lied limp in the human's hold. Realizing what had happened, Super Sonic flew up to the two with a smile.
"Alright, Y/n!" he says, thinking that Y/n had gained control of his new power. "Good going, pa--WHOA!"
Spotting the approaching golden Hero of Mobius, Chaos Y/n spun around and threw a tired Knuckles at him. Super Sonic easily grabbed his friend, but with some surprise as he didn't think Y/n would be so rough with a weakened friend. However, he diverts his attention to Knuckles who groaned, ignoring what Chaos Y/n just did.
"It's okay," he says. "I gotcha, Knux."
Chaos Y/n looks at the two before looking at his hands. He then descended down to the ground below with Super Sonic following him. The golden hedgehog sets his friend down on the ground, helping him stay on his feet as a Warp Ring appears. Out of it comes Julie-Su who looks almost excited to see her love.
"Julie-Su! Where's Dad?" Knuckles asks his girlfriend. "I thought I heard him..."
"I'm so sorry!" the pink echidna hugs Knucles with tears in her eyes. "There was no other way! Things moved too fast, and-and-and he just went!"
"Slow down!" Knuckles tells Julie-Su. "He went"? Is Dad... gone?"
"I-I'm sorry, Knuckles..."
Knuckles felt heartbroken that his father was gone. He hugged Julie-Su not just to comfort her, but himself. Super Sonic looked at the scene before him before looking at himself, realizing he was still in his Super State.
"Shouldn't I be back to normal now?" he asks himself. "It usually goes away when I don't need it anymore."
Nearby, Chaos Y/n lands on his feet and looks back at his hands again, clenching and releasing them again and again. Then Super Sonic hears a familiar voice call out to him.
He turns to see Sally running up to him.
"Yo, Sal!" he waves at her as she approaches. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to see if you all were okay," the princess says as she stops in front of Super Sonic. "Where's Y/n?"
"Oh, uh, he's over there," Super Sonic says and looks over at Chaos Y/n, "studying his hands for some reason...? And he's still powered-up as well..."
"Great! Thanks, Sonic!" Sally says and runs over to Chaos Y/n. "Y/n! I need to tell you something!"
Super Sonic watches Sally run up to Y/n, but he began to realize something. If he was still Super, then that meant there was still a threat. And Y/n was still transformed, so that meant...
"Sally! Wait!" Super Sonic calls out to his ex-girlfriend. "Stop!"
However, Sally either didn't hear or listen as she ran up to Chaos Y/n.
Chaos Y/n looked up from his hands and to Sally, seeing her approach him. However, when she got close enough, he just let out a breath and reared his arm back.
"Y/n, I need to--" Sally tries to say, only to get slapped by her friend and fell to the ground.
Everyone who saw was shocked at what their friend did, and none were more shocked than Sally who shook her head from the pain.
"Y/n...?" she questioned as she looked up at the human, only to be met with cold purple eyes.
"Did you honestly think I would allow vermin like you to touch me, let alone get near me without my permission?" Chaos Y/n asks Sally, his voice somewhat deeper than normal. "Please! And here I thought a princess would know to show the proper respect to a god."
"A god...?" Sally questions as she stands to her feet, her cheek still hurting from the slap. "Y/n, are you okay? W-why did you...?"
"Would you be quiet?"
Chaos Y/n raised his hand for another slap, making Sally back away in shock as her friend goes for the hit. However, it's cut short when a familiar golden hedgehog grabs it.
"I think that's enough, Y/n!"
What's this? Y/n seems to have gained control of his Chaos Form, but he doesn't seem to be himself? What could be wrong, and will his friends save him? Find out, next time on Only Human!
Not me yelling at myself for how bad I wrote this chapter. No siree. Hopefully the next one will be better, tho. Later...
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