House of Cards (Part 2)
We start off right where the last chapter ended. Sonic tries to push past Tails who holds him back from reaching his parents.
"Back off, Tails!" Sonic orders the young twin-tailed fox. "I've got to get to your folks before they do something stupid!"
"NO!" Tails barks. "I'm through listening to you!"
"Look! I'm sorry you dad got locked up," Sonic says, "I really am. But--"
"I'm sure your heart bleeds," Tails says before smacking Sonic away with his twin Tails. "You're not talking your way out of this one!"
"That! Was! Awesome!" Bean declares. "How do your glutes feel?"
"Shut. Up. Bean," Sonic orders the small Mobian and then turns to Tails. "You're making it real hard for me to hold back, bud. I can understand wanting to help your family, but I'm not cool with you attacking me."
"You've had this coming for a long time!" Tails tells Sonic.
"Me?!" Sonic questions. "What did I ever do to you?"
"That's exactly my point!" Tails shouts in anger.
He goes for another punch, but Sonic Spin Dashes out of the way.
"You have no clue because you don't care!" Tails exclaims. "And I'm sick and tired of it!"
"Of what?!" Sonic questions.
"What's the point of explaining it to you?!" Tails asks as he nearly hits Sonic with his tails. "You never listen!"
"Yeep! And I thought you weren't listening anymore!" Sonic says.
"Stop trying to be witty!" Taiks pins Sonic against Ignis' cell door. "All I have to do is keep you pinned down here, so my parents can finish what they started!"
Castle Acorn...
Outside of Castle Acorn, Rosemary and Amadeus are seen trying to break in.
"My little Tails..." Rosemary says in concern.
"He'll be just fine," Amadeus says as he punches in a code. "I'm more concerned about how easy a time we're having."
The code works and the door unlocks, allowing Tails' parents to walk inside.
"The rally was just this morning," Rosemary said as she closed the door. "Perhaps they hadn't had the time to change the codes?"
"Perhaps," Amadeus says. "Or, if I've read Elias correctly, then this is an invitation."
Elias' Bedroom...
In Elias' bedroom, his wife is seen holding their child as Nicole watched on the side while Elias himself placed on his clothing.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Megan asks her husband.
"No, but it's all I can think of right now," Elias says. "I don't think Elias will be unreasonable."
"Oh, sure. That's why you're locking us in a secure room," Megan smiles at Elias. "Be careful, Elias. Or I'll be the one coming for you."
"Neo Walkers forbid," Elias kisses his wife's forehead. "Go on to the nursery now. For my sake."
The door to the king's bedroom opens up to reveal Amadeus and Rosemary.
"All of this is unnecessary, sire."
Ignoring Amadeus for now, Elias turns to Nicole.
"No matter what happens, make sure Meg and Alexis are kept safe," the king tells the AI. "And above all else, do not wake my father."
"Al... alright," Nicole says and disappears back into her code form.
Amadeus, who draws his sword, steps forward.
"Your guards are absent, and the locks are undone," the general says. "You obviously wanted us here."
"Nicole informed me of your escape, and I knew you would come straight here," Elias admits. "You said your piece back in the detention center. Now I will say mine."
Amadeus raises a brow as Elias speaks.
"My father has nearly lost his life three times over to preserve this kingdom, and he suffers from that a lifetime of struggle and violence. There are dozens in this city who have spent their childhoods fighting to protect the Acorn title. I cannot and will not belittle all that they have given for my family and my kingdom."
"And what of the rally this morning? The so-called "riot"," Rosemary steps forward. "Will you ignore those people."
"I cannot hand over my kingdom to the masses!" Elias states as he reveals his dual blades at his hips. "That makes no sense!"
"You would risk stopping a war to preserve your monarchy?" Amadeus asks.
"I would preserve order over submitting to your anarchy!"
"Then it has come to this," Amadeus rushes at Elias. "For my people, I will see you dethroned!"
Amadeus swings his sword at Elias who blocks it with his dual blades.
"For my people, I will see you defeated!"
Back at the detention center, Sonic Spin Attacks Tails and sends him flying back.
"If you won't pull your punches, then neither will I!" he declares.
"Fifty Mobiums says Propellor Butt beats Speedy Cheese!" Bean places a bet.
"Double on Sonic," Mogul says. "He always wins."
"You guys won't give it a rest, will ya?" Sonic asks the villains around him before dashing away. "I'm taking this outside!"
"Hey! Get back here!" Tails gives chase to the Blue Blur. "See?! This is how it always is! Sonice the big hero runs away and leaves me in the dust!"
"Okay. So I left you behind on a lot of missions," Sonic says as he leads Tails into the forest. "You were too young for most of them! I didn't want you hurt!"
"That's what I used to believe!" Tails says. "But then I factored in all of the times you teased me..."
He punches Sonic in the cheek.
"... and made fun of me and never believed me when I talked about my own adventures!"
Sonic leaps up into a tree and hangs on to the branch above.
"Dude, I tease everybody. Y/n and Sally a bit more than the rest right now, because... well, you know," Sonic says. "I don't mean to hurt anybody's feelings."
Sonic Spin Dashes at Tails who narrowly dodges.
"Oh, well, except maybe Shadow. Or Eggman," Sonic says with a small laugh. "But even still, you don't see Antoine attacking me!"
"You would've let my dad rot in prison!" Tails says as he gives chase to Sonic once more.
"He tried to oust the king!" Sonic defends. "You can't just give Elias the boot!"
Tails, angrily, kicks Sonic out of his ball form and makes him rolls across the ground.
"He's trying to save the city! But you won't give him a chance!"
"He wasn't in jail for even a day! You didn't give me a chance to do anything!"
"The great Sonic The Hedgehog wasn't quick enough?!" Tails swings his tails at Sonic who ducks under.
"Dude! You're taking everything I've done to help you and skewing it!" Sonic says as he follows the duck with a leg sweep, only to miss.
"SO YOU HOOKED UP WITH FIONA TO HELP ME?!" Tails asked Sonic with tears in his eyes.
Sonic stopped and looked at his little brother in surprise.
"Wait... is she what this is all about?" he asks softly.
"Don't say it like that!" Tails orders as he threw much weaker punches than before. "You knew I loved here! And you went out with her anyway!"
Tails swings a fist at Sonic, only to miss.
"I don't care if the Fiona I knew was a robot! I don't care if she ended up choosing Scourge over me!" Tails says with tears. "You knew I loved her, and you still went out with her! I thought you were my friend! My brother! But everything I cared about, you took it away!"
"Well, okay, Tails," Sonic softly smiles at his best pal. "If that's what you think, go to town on me."
Tails looks at Sonic before reeling his fist back.
Elias' Bedroom...
Meanwhile, as Sonic and Tails tali and fight out their problems, Elias and Amadeus are still swinging their blades at each other.
As they trade blows, Amadeus goes for a quick swing of his sword, only for it to be blocked as a wall forms in between him and Elias. Everyone turns in shock as they see both Nicole and a very angry-looking Sally.
"Forgive me, your majesty," Nicole smiles innocently. "You told me not to get your parents, but said nothing about your sister."
Sally glares at her brother and Tails' father with her arms crossed. She was very upset since she was doing something very important to her before Nicole had arrived and told them all about what was happening. And she was very pissed at what she had heard.
"I suppose I shouldn't be surprised my adventurer brother and the great "conductor of the battle field went straight to fighting," she says, her voice filled with both anger and boredom as she walks up to her brother. "Elias, I know you've never really wanted to rule. So why are you holding onto it so tightly?"
"But... Father..." Elias couldn't speak as he looked away.
"You say you speak for the people, General Prower," Sally says as she walks up to the fox, "but did your people call for a bloody coup?"
"I never wanted it to come to this..." Adameus admits as his ears droop down.
"Let's not forget that I was acting ruler years. I presided over the Knothole Council when we needed to make big decisions," Sally says as she walks around everyone. "Our government doesn't exclusively have to be one or the other. Now, are we ready to talk?"
Back with Sonic and Tails, Tails had his fist raised for a punch, but slowly lowered you.
"Y-you... you're trying to trick me," he says.
"Nope. I'm totally honest here," Sonic states. "I know Fiona meant the world to you, and I also knew that she had no interest in you. I was hoping if we hooked up, you'd move on. I'd didn't want you hurt."
Sonic wipes away a small tear before looking down.
"But it was selfish of me, I guess. I was still hurting from breaking things off with Sally," Sonic states. "Fiona was there. I went with it like I go with everything else... I just do."
Sonic kneels down in front of his best friend who was wiping away tears from his eyes.
"I've been a jerk to you, man. I didn't mean it, but it doesn't change the fact that I was," Sonic places a hand on Tails' shoulder. "I am truly sorry that I hurt you, little bro."
"Do you really mean that?" Tails asks.
"I'm not the lying type. Besides, I don't want you hitting me anymore," Sonic cracks a smile. "You've gotten pretty good at the butt-kicking thing."
"Thanks," Tails pounds his fists together. "Knuckles taught me a thing or two before he left."
"I'll bet," Sonic says and pulls Tails in for a noogie. "But next time, you need to say something to me! Stop Aniston it up like Shadow! Y/n is already kinda doing that! We don't need another!"
"Aaaahh! No fair!" Tails laughs. "Lemmego!"
Sonic complies as he sets Tails on his feet.
"Alright, then," he offers Tails his hand. "We cool?"
"I think so," Tails smiles as he takes his big brother's hand. "I want to talk about things more, but..."
Sonic nods in understanding as he and Tails race off to Castle Acorn.
"We've got to stop your dad or the king from getting hurt!"
"We at least have to see what's happening."
Sonic nods in agreement as he and Tails race towards Acorn Castle. The two eventually make it inside to stop any fighting that may be going on as they barge into Elias' room.
"General Prower! You need to--
"--um... continue what your doing, I guess?"
(Don't mind me. Just loving the fact that, after they stopped fighting whike Sonic and Tails still fought, Amadeus and Elias were just talking over some tea and biscuits--)
"Everything is fine, now, Sonic," Sally says. "We've come to an agreement."
"We will have an elected council of six citizens..."
"... while the king presides as a seventh member," Elias finishes Amadeus' statement. "I lose some power to the people..."
"... but we don't lose the monarchy of our heritage," Amadeus says as he and the king shake hands.
The Next Day...
The next day, Elias is seen with his parents as they watch the people of New Mobotropolis make votes on who to elect for the new rising council.
"It's a small concession, Father," Elias tells Maximillian. "The people are happy."
Maximillian starts to wheel himself away, looking bored on his wheelchair.
"They're praising our family for our foresight!" Elias tells his father. "There's no shame in--"
Elias stops as he looks at his father's fleeting figure. He lowers his head in sadness as his mother goes to comfort her son.
"Elias, you've taken on a great burden, and you shoulder it well," she says. "Don't forget that you are king now, and it is your word that counts. Give your father time."
Elias smiles as he hugs his mother.
"Thank you."
Outside the castle, Sonic and Sally are sitting next to a tree as Tails sits in between the branches. Y/n is with them as well, standing as he leaned against the same tree.
"Okay, lemme get this straight," Y/n says after being told about what had happened the previous night. "After all that had happened, Amadeus didn't run for the office?"
"Dad says he's the sword of the people, not the voice," Tails states. "That's why Mom is running."
"Why didn't you run, Sally? Or even you, Y/n?" Sonic asks the two.
"Please. I wouldn't do any good as a politician," Y/n says with a smile.
"And I didn't for the same reason you didn't, Sonic, I'd imagine," Sally says.
The four laugh a bit together before an unfamiliar voice calls out to them.
"Where can I find Knuckles?"
Everyone turns to where they heard the voice, only to see a floating robotic echidna head in a clear bubble.
"Whoa!" both Y/n and Sonic call out in shock. "Who're/What're you?!"
"My name is Dimitri," the head says. "You must direct me to my grand-nephew Knuckles. Enerjak has returned!"
Sonic and Tails have reconciled as Adameus and Elias have come to an agreement over New Mobotropolis' government. But who is Enerjak? And what dangers does this entity hold? Find out, next time on Only Human!
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