Hedgehog Havoc (Part 2: The Big Finale)
At Freedom HQ, Sally and Alicia were still arguing.
"The ends don't justify the means here!" Sally tells her Anti. "We cannot leave Sonic and Amy stranded on Moebius."
"Complain all you want," Alicia smirks. "You wanted Scourge sent home, and you got it."
"Not good enough. And whatever that Silver said about Y/n possibly being on Moebius, then I have to find him," Sally declares. "Tails! Get those Star Posts up and running!"
"Working on it, Sally!" Tails says as he types away at a keyboard.
"I said--!" Alicia yells as she takes out her whip, only for Miles to stop her.
"Please, your highness," he says. "The 'heroes' have had plenty of time to pulverize our former king."
"Tch! Be that way," Alicia crosses her arms. "When we get there, make sure our Globe Posts stay online so we can send these jerks home when we're done."
"Yes, ma'am," Miles nnods.
The Star Posts then activate and the portal forms between them. Everyone then begins to walk through it to get to Moebius.
"Ha! Looks like we're just in time to wrap this up," Boomer grins as he hears some fighting going on nearby.
"Look out, camarade," Patch tells his doppleganger. "I might swing recklessly in ze heat of battle."
"I will be watching my back," Antoine says. "Watch your own."
Alicia clicks her teeth as she crosses her arms.
'Who I'm worried about is Anarchy. We haven't had word from him in a week,' Alicia thinks to herself as she and everyone else make their way to the throne room. 'Where could he be?'
When the Freedom Fighters and Suppression Squad arrive at the throne room, they were met with a mighty shock.
"Oh, no!" Sally says.
"Impossible!" Alicia declares in horror.
"Oh, good! Fresh meat to soften my knuckles on."
In the center of the throne room was the defeated bodies of all the hedgehogs and Metal Y/n. In the middle of it all was a floating Super Scourge, holding Sonic up by the throat.
"Ladies first!" Super Scourge declares as he elbows Bunnie. "How's that for southern comfort?"
"BUNNIE!" Antoine calls out to his wife in fear.
"Want to get stepped on next, ant?" Super Scourge stomps on Antoine, pinning him to the ground. "Happy to oblige!"
"Stop!" Tails orders as he charges at the amethyst hedgehog.
"Shut it, ya mutant brat," Super Scourge backhands the boy away.
Then the king of Moebius flies over to Sally and grabs her by her jacket.
"No Rotor, Princess?" he asks with a grin. "Your team isn't the same level of 'lame' without him."
"I..." Sally stutters. "He--!"
"Whoa! How can Sonic or that human brat resist a wit like that?" Super Scourge asks before tossing Sally away. "Ha!"
He then grabs Alicia and throws her at the throne.
"Want to rule, Ally? HERE'S YOUR THRONE!"
Boomer fires his sonic cannons at his former leader as Patch runs at him with his sword. However, he holds back the sonic pulses easily as Patch's sword shatters upon impact.
"Non!" he says. "Il est impossible!"
"You really want to lose that other eye, don'cha?" Super Scourge asks "Is Fiona with you? What? Got out when the getting was good, huh? Makes her smarter than you."
The super-powered hedgehog grabs Patch and throws him at Boomer, sending them both crashing to the floor. Then Super Scourge turns to Miles.
"And you," he growls. "I know it was you.
"N-n-no!" Miles says in terror "I didn't--Please!"
"That's enough!" Silver says as he freezes Super Scourge with his power. "You may be faster, stronger, and invulnerable, but I have psychokinesis!"
"Not bad, kid," Super Scourge says, impressed. "You actually brought me to a full stop."
"Heh. Thanks, I suppose," Silver smiles.
"But 'invulnerable' means NOTHING CAN STOP ME!" Super Scourge declares as his mere power alone makes Silver's hold on him vanish.
"N-no!" the time-traveling hedgehog says in shock. "How--?!"
As Super Scourge beats down on his enemies, Y/n and Anarchy fought high in the air. Throwing punches and kicks and firing energy blasts at each other, it seemed like Anarchy was winning with his berserker rage. But Y/n had a very bad idea.
"Nicole, how much can the armor take?" he asks his girlfriend.
"A lot, since you and your Anti have been fighting at full power this whole time," Nicole states. "Why?"
"Because it's gonna get a whole new feeling of what power is," Y/n states and begins charbing his energy.
"Hrngh? You're powering up?" Anarchy asks with blank eyes. "You do that now?"
After a moment of charing his power, Y/n's body begins sparking as his muscles budge. His hair turns emerald green as his eyes turn amethyst purple, a green aura exploding around him as purple electrical sparks of energy dance around him.
"Y/n, are you crazy?! You'll kill yourself in this form!"
"Only way to stop him!" Chaos Y/n declares and charges at his Anti.
Anarchy raises a brow before he yells and throws a punch at his doppleganger. Chaos Y/n dodges and kicks Anarchy in the back, sending him crashing into the forest ground below. Chaos Y/n joins him there before his Anti charges at him and goes for a kick, only for his doppleganger to dodge with teleportation. Then the enraged Anarchy Beryl user turns around and fires an energy bolt at his opponent, sending him flying back.
However, he quickly recovers and charges back at his Anti. He spins around and kicks him in the chin and flips away before running at him with energy in his hands. Anarchy yells before firing an energy blast from his mouth, engulfing Chaos Y/n in the blast since he was too slow to react in time.
Anarchy grins before he gets met with a fist to the face. He staggers back and throws his own punch, only for it to be redirected and Chaos Y/n elbows him in the stomach. Then the godlike human uppercut his Anti, sending him flying high into the sky. After a short moment of getting his breath back, he flies after the madman with blazing speed. He fires an energy blast at Anarchy who gets sent flying back even further before Y/n catches up to him and punches him, sending him up above the clouds.
Y/n goes to hammerdrive his insane doppleganger into the earth below, but he instead gets punched in the face and knocked out of flight and his Chaos Form. Anarchy grins as he grabs his heroic counterpart's jacket and spins him around as they both fall towards the ground. Then he brings him in close and starts to headbutt his doppleganger multiple times, each strike creating a shockwave as the two are surrounded in heat and fire from their rapid descent into the forest below.
Anarchy then begins to laugh as he punches Y/n in the face. Nicole tried to protect him with the nanite armor, but it was easily torn off by Anarchy's incredible strength. Y/n then begins to gain his senses and tries to transform again, only for Anarchy to grab him by the face. Then they crash into the forest, creating a massive eruption of force that blew away trees and dirt, creating a fiery crater were they crash landed.
At The Same Time...
Sonic weakly gets back up to his feet as his legs and arms shake.
"Okay... think, man. You've been 'Super' before," he tells himself. "What's your secret weakness?"
Sonic doesn't get another thought in as Metal Y/n sneaks up behind him and grabs him by the throat.
"Target: Scourge. Unavailable. Target: Y/n. Unavailable," the Badnik says. "Target: Sonic. Available. I told you that I'd return, Sonic."
"Hey, knock it off!" Sonic says as he kicks himself free. "We're all in serious danger here!"
"Explanation: Super Form ensures zero percent success rate," Metal Y/n states. "Prioritized viable targets."
"I don't have time for this!" Sonic declares as he Spin Dashes the Badnik.
"I know your moves, Sonic. You cannot win," Metal Y/n catches the hedgehog with one hand. "And that cheap trick will not let you get the upper hand this time. Prepare to die."
Out of nowhere, Shadow dashed on to the scene and kicked Metal Y/n away.
"Thanks. I liked it better when they couldn't talk," Sonic tells the Ultimate Lifeform. "Any idea on how to deal with it aside from 'smash with face'?"
"It arrived in this Zone on its own," Shadow states. "Perhaps I can tap into that power and send it away."
Shadow walks over to Metal Y/n and grabs it by the arms.
And with a flash of light, they were gone.
"That works," Sonic smirks. "Thanks, Shadow."
"No fair, no fair!" Rosy shouts as her hammer harmlessly bounces off of Super Scourge. "You're not squishy anymore!"
"I have had enough of you!" Super Scourge declares and throws Rosy aside.
"Oh, man..." Amy cringes. "Ouch."
Rob then pulls out an arrow with a ball of rope as its head. He fires it at the now unconscious Rosy which gets her wrapped with ropa.
"She may not be you, dear cousin, but I must act," Rob tells his cousin. "She'll be safer this way."
"You're sweet," Amy says. "Let's get back to the beat-down."
With Sonic, he grabs Miles by one of his tails and keeps him from running any more.
"Let me go, fool!" Miles yells at the hedgehog. "Unlike you, I don't want to die!"
"Sure," Sonic says. "But first, you're going to tell where I can get my hands on some Anarchy Beryl."
"We locked it all far away from here!" Miles exclaims and pulls his tail away. "I don't know how Scourge got any of it."
"He had some stockpiled in his throne."
"... unusually cunning for him."
Sonic then heats some shuffling and turns to see Sally standing to her feet, leaning on a pillar.
"I'm fine," she says. "Just need a second..."
"What about your world? We can lure him to Mobius and--"
"No, we're not letting him back on Mobius," Sonic stops Miles. "Besides, most of the Chaos Emeralds are locked away in the Special Zone. The two I know of are out of reach anyway."
"And with Y/n and Anarchy fighting elsewhere..." Miles gulps in fear. "We're doomed."
"Not yet we aren't," Sally turns to Sonic. "Where's Y/n?"
A loud boom goes off, making the entire castle shake from the force.
"The hell was that?" Super Scourge asks in confusion.
"Well... I found him," Sonic states as he looks out a hole in the wall. "And Anarchy."
Sally and Miles look where Sonic was looking to see a ball of fire tumbling towards the forest. Sally's eyes widen in terror before she dashes forward out of the hole and towards Y/n and Anarchy.
Sonic and Miles watch her dash away in a panic.
"Well, can't be too surprised. She'd do do same for me if we were still together," Sonic says before turning back to his Anti. "Good thing I picked up a thing or two from her. Everyone rally to the center! I need heavy hitters! Silver, hold him down!"
Silver nods and uses his power to freeze Super Scourge in place.
"This again?"
"Bunnie! Boomer! Force him down!"
The two cyborgs listen as Bunnie fires an energy blast at the king and Boomer fires his sonic cannons. They make contact with Super Scourge, making him grunt as he drops to the floor.
"What do you think you're doing?!"
"Now! Everyone!" Sonic says as he runs to his Anti. "Dogpile!"
Everyone listens as they all jump on top of Super Scourge, linking arms to keep him down. However, Super Scourge releases a blast of force from his body, blowing everyone back with a mighty yell.
The Grand Forest...
Back outside in the Grand Forest, a massive fiery crater was in the ground. Then Anarchy groaned as he opened his eyes and stood up, looking to see that his doppleganger was on the ground. He grins before he feels something wrap around his leg and looks down to see nanites grabbing his ankle. He gets lifted into the air and gets slammed into the ground on the other side of the crater.
He gets back up, only to see Y/n back in his Chaos Form standing to his feet. He huffed and puffed in exhaustion, glaring at his Anti with amethyst eyes. However, Anarchy laughs.
"Well, well, well! I underestimated you!" Anarchy tells his doppleganger. "But we both know who's going to win this."
"Yeah..." Chaos Y/n breaths out before wiping some blood off his face and bending his knees. "But I can't let you."
He charges at Anarchy who grins and charges as well. They meet in the middle, throwing punches at each other at full force which hits each other in the face. A massive shockwave occurs, blowing back more trees and breaking the ground beneath them.
"Y/n, you have to stop this, please!" Nicole pleads. "You'll die, and I won't be able to save you!"
"I don't care!" Chaos Y/n exclaims as he ounces Anarchy. "I'm here to win at any cost! I'll kill myself if I have to!"
"Y/n, please!"
Chaos Y/n ignores his AI girlfriend as he connects his hands together and slams them into his Anti's jaw. He goes for another punch, only for Anarchy to catch it and punch him instead. Anarchy then uppercuts his doppleganger before slamming his spiked knuckles into his chest, sending Chaos Y/n flying back. He falls to the ground, but the power of his Chaos Form kept him going. That, and his will to persevere.
So he stands back up with his tattered armor, despite Nicole's protests, and throws a fist at Anarchy. He moves to the side to avoid the attack and the Anti-Y/n grabs his doppleganger by the head and spins around, slamming him into the ground. He then grabs Chaos Y/n's tattered jacket and wraps it around his neck, choking his doppleganger before slamming his neck into the ground twice and ripping the jacket off of him.
"I have to admit... this was fun while it lasted," Anarchy says. "But as all good things, even you must come to an end."
He lifts up his foot to slam it down on his doppleganger's skull, only for a rock thrown at him to get his attention. The Anti-Y/n drops his leg and turns to see Sally standing at the edge of the crater with another rock in her hand and tears in her eyes.
"Leave. Him. Alone."
"Heheh. Throw it, then."
Sally glares at Anarchy and lifts up her arm to throw the rock, only to stop as she realizes she won't be able to do anything. Anything except give the one she loves time to get back up. So she lowers her arm and drops the rock. Anarchy chuckles as he begins to walk towards Sally, and Chaos Y/n opens his eyes to look at the princess.
"Sally... no..."
"Just like Y/n. A waste of cells."
Sally takes in a breath before looking at Chaos Y/n.
"I'm with you until the end of the line, Y/n."
The human's eyes go wide in horror as he realizes what the chipmunk was doing. She then turns back to Anarchy and raises her fists, ready to fight.
Anarchy laughs as amethyst electricity sparks around his body. Chaos Y/n grits his teeth in anger as he tries to get up, only to fall back down.
"Y/n, get back up!" Nicole tells the human. "He's going to kill Sally!"
And that's all he needed.
With a powerful yell, Chaos Y/n's emerald aura explodes around him and he shoots himself at his Anti. Anarchy turns around, only to be met with a fist to his face. The force of the impact sends him flying into the air, higher and higher as he nearly dissappears, and Chaos Y/n falls to the ground again.
"Y/n!" Sally calls out to the human and helps him up. "Are you alright?"
"Sally..." Chaos Y/n mutters and places a hand on the princess' shoulder. "I guess... this is the end of... the line."
"Wh-what...?" Sally questions before the remains of Chaos Y/n's nanite armor transfers on to her body. "What are you...?"
Nicole appears next to Sally.
"Y/n, what are you doing?" she asks.
Chaos Y/n takes in a painful breath before hugging the two Freedom Fighters.
"I love... you both..."
Nicole's and Sally's eyes go wide as tears appear in them. And before they could question what was going on, Chaos Y/n breaks the hug and rockets off into the air.
"Y/N, WAIT!" they call out to the emerald haired hero. "COME BACK!"
Chaos Y/n doesn't obey as he soars off high into the air after Anarchy. Once he catches up to him, the bloodied teenager rams into him, grabbing his exoskeleton as they go flying even higher into the. The Chaos Gem in his chest begins to spark and glows brighter than usual.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" Anarchy asks his doppleganger. "This is supposed to be my big finale! My chapter!"
Anarchy punches Chaos Y/n in the face, breaking his nose. He doesn't stop.
"You're ruining it!" Anarchy declares. "My plan! My planet! My rules!"
"Stop, it! Please!" Chaos Y/n tells his Anti. "Is this what Maria would've wanted?!"
Anarchy stops as his eyes widen.
"Is this what Maria would've wanted? For you to hurt, kill, steal, and destroy?" Chaos Y/n asks as tears form in his eyes. "She believed in peace... in harmony. So please... stop this, please."
"B-but..." Anarchy had no words.
"We hurt everyone and everything we get close to. Your world is getting ruined, and mine will be if I stay there," Chaos Y/n looks at Anarchy in the eyes. "This is for the best. For our worlds... and for us, Y/n."
Down below, Nicole was on her knees crying as Sally was still calling out to her friend.
"Y/N! COME BACK!" she cries out with tears running down her face. "PLEASE!"
Up in the air, Anarchy lightly grabbed his doppleganger's arms. The sparks around his body shot at the sparks from Chaos Y/n's body, fueling the oncoming blast.
"And what about Alicia?" he asks with a soft voice.
"You need to let her, and everyone else, go," Chaos Y/n replies with tears in his own eyes. "Just like I am. They're better off without us, even if we don't want to accept that."
Anarchy looked at his doppleganger, and Chaos Y/n looked back. Then he saw it in his Anti's eyes: a child. A scared, used child that wanted love, but rarely ever got it. It nearly broke Chaos Y/n, but Anarchy eventually nods and lets go of Chaos Y/n's arms.
"Alright," Y/n says with tears in his eyes.
Chaos Y/n nods as well and begins to rapidly fuel his next move with as much power as he could. The sparks around the two dopplegangers begin to grow in power and size as they fly higher and higher into the air, passing even the clouds as they rise higher.
'Sonic... Tails... Shadow... Amy... Nicole... and even you, Sally,' Y/n thinks to himself as a bright glow surrounds him and his Anti. 'I do this for you. Maybe, one day, you'll forgive me. Just know that it was for your future.'
Sally closed her eyes as tears streamed down her face with Nicole on the ground behind her.
'Thank you,' Y/n smiles with tears running down his face, 'for giving me the best life I could've asked for.'
Y/n's Chaos Gem begins to crack, nearly to the point of shattering. Then everything goes silent for only a moment before...
A massive explosion of emerald and amethyst energy goes off high in the sky. Sally and Nicole look up, along with Sonic who was with a depowered Scourge and everyone else who was at Castle Acorn, to see the clouds blow away from the eruption of energy. At his tower, Kintobor and even Buns see it from where they were. Even in the alternate dimension where Shadow had transported himself and Metal Y/n to, he stops with a gasp as a tear rolls down his cheek.
Sally's eyes linger on the sky, even after the explosion residue fades away. Then her legs shake and her knees buckle, sending her to the ground as she sobs. Then Nicole walks up to her and kneels next to her, the AI hugging the princess as they cry together in grief.
"Sally? Nicole?" the two look up to see Sonic standing in front of them. "Where's Y/n?"
They didn't answer as they looked back at the ground, tears streaming down their face. Sonic goes silent as he now realizes what that explosion in the sky was, tears forming in his eyes from the realization.
The hedgehog drops to his knees and punches the ground in sorrow. They had all lost something that day.
A life...
A teammate...
A Freedom Fighter...
A friend...
A hero...
A lover...
They lost Y/n L/n of Mobius.
And so, a dark day falls upon the Freedom Fighters. They had won the fight, but at the cost of a dear friend. How will Mobius and the rest of the Freedom Fighters take this shocking news? Find out, in the epilogue of Only Human.
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