Enerjak: Reborn! (Part 3)
Starting off where the last chapter ended, Locke had just told Sonic, Julie-Su, and Y/n that they would help him acquire a weapon to destroy his own son.
"What do you mean you're going to destroy Knuckles?!" Julie-Su asks Locke.
"He's no longer Knuckles! He's only Enerjak now!" Locke exclaims. "Shortly after Enerjak's last appearance, the Brotherhood of Guardians crafted a weapon that would destroy him if he ever returned."
"But he isn't Enerjak! He's Knuckles!" Y/n counters. "I saw it with my own eyes! He's still in there somewhere!"
"You've seen what Enerjak is capable of," Locke says. "Nothing that powerful should be allowed to exist."
"Then what about me?" Y/n growls.
"You... are an exception," the elder echidna states.
"Knuckles isn't in control of himself!" Julie-Su exclaims. "We should be helping him, not destroying him!"
"The weapon is a perfectly himane way to--"
"No, it's--!" Julie-Su took in a deep breath. "Sonic! Y/n! Back me up here!"
"I dunno, 'Su," Sonic says. "I want to take a look at Locke's weapon."
"WHAT?!" both Y/n and Julie-Su question in unison.
"A-I-I... How hard did Knuckles hit you?!" Y/n asked the Blue Blur.
However, Locke simply took out his Ring Portal with a smile.
"Very good, then," he says and flings it forward, making it expand. "I will try to put us as close to the ruins of the Grand Conservatory as possible."
Both the pink echidna and the human grew even angrier at this.
"This is insane!" Y/n declares. "I saw it with my own eyes! Knuckles is still alive!"
"I won't let you do this," Julie-Su tells Sonic.
"Oh, I think you will," the hedgehog says.
The Ring Portal finally grows to its full extent and Locke goes to step through it.
"The weapon is hidden here," he says. "I pray we don't run into any--"
"--... resistance."
In front of Locke was the Destructix, along with Anarchy who all smiled wickedly at the echidna.
"Welcome back, old man," Scourge greets Locke.
"Bring us a present?" Anarchy asks with his usual devilish smile.
Meanwhile, In New Megaopolis...
In New Megaopolis, Eggman is seen looking at a computer screen which showed video feed of Enerjak in his own personal Egg Grape.
"Mwahahahaha! Look how the mighty have fallen!" Eggman laughs as he rubs his hands together. "The "all-powerful" Enerjak is now my personal Chaos-powered battery! And Sonic honestly thought I was there to help him!"
Eggman laughs in victory.
"I may be down to those last few Egg Grapes, but the power I sap from Enerjak will be more than enough for my next big project!"
"While I hate to interrupt your mid-victorious rant," Snively says as he walks up to his uncle, "I found a stowaway from New Mobotropolis."
Eggman turns to see his nephew holding the bubbled head of Dimitri in his hands.
"Good afternoon, Dr. Robotnik," Dimitri greets the mad doctor. "Good to see you again."
"... Snively, what is that thing?" Eggman asks and Snively just shrugs.
"It is I, Dimitri!" the bubbled echidna declares. "I suppose I look less... put together than last we met. I come to offer my help."
Eggman bends down on one knee as he grabs Dimitri.
"You help me?"
"Yes. I tried to warn Sonic and the Council of Acorn, but they were too slow to act," Dimitri informs Eggman. "When your Egg Fleet came to New Mobotropolis, I left the fools to their lot--"
"And decided to join the winning team, eh?" Eggman grinned.
"... as it were, yes. With my help, we may be able to de-power Enerjak before his disorientation wears off!"
"Tut-tut!" Eggman smirks as he shows Dimitri a screen displaying Enerjak. "As you can see, everything is under control!"
Suddenly Enerjak lets out a mighty yell, his power growing which Snively notices.
"S-sir, we're reading a sudden energy surge!"
"Are you doubting the ability of my Egg Grapes, Snively?" Eggman asks angrily.
However, Dimitri was the only one who knew what was to come.
"Sweet merciful Aurora! HE'S AWAKE!"
With another mighty yell, Enerjak unleashes a wave of powerful Chaos Energy which destroys his prison and his surroundings. This causes Eggman, Snively, and Dimitri to immediately book it.
"How dare he damage my city!" Eggman yells in rage. "Snively, prep my Egg Mobile! I'll be sending the Egg Fleet in!"
"Sure! And then I'm going to the bunker!" Snively states as Dimitri tells Eggman that "I told you so".
"Now no one can stop Enerjak!"
Angel Island...
Back at Angel Island, Locke is fighting against the Destructix along with Julie-Su, Sonic, and Y/n. Sonic was against Scourge, of course, as Y/n kept Anarchy at bay. He couldn't let his evil doppelganger hurt anyone.
With Locke, he ducks under a punch from Sergent Simion which hits a white wolf.
"I should have known better when Dr. Finitevus said you were reformed mercenaries!" the elder echidna states.
Meanwhile, Julie-Su was going hand-to-hand with Fiona as Scourge and Sonic fought in the background.
"We've take you Destructix down before!" the pink echidna exclaims.
"Yeah?" Fiona kicks Julie-Su. "Was there a time when we weren't outnumbered or under orders to let you win?"
Meanwhile, in the air, Y/n and Anarchy were dueling. Well, Anarchy was the one dishing out the attacks while Y/n either countered or just blocked the attacks. He knew he couldn't fight Anarchy as he is now, but he had to hold him off.
"Come on! Stop being a coward and fight back!" Anarchy yells at Y/n. "I'm getting bored!"
"Sorry, but I'm not stupid!" Y/n says as he ducks under an energy blast. "I'm just giving my friends time to stop you guys!"
With Sonic and Scourge, they were racing against each other.
"This is sad, even for you!" Sonic tells his green copy. "The Destructix are a joke!"
"There're perks to being part of a team," Scourge smirks. "Especially when the joke's on you!"
Scourge skids to a halt as Sonic is jumped by two members of the Destructix. Meanwhile, Julie-Su and Locke were back to back as they faced Fiona and Sergent Simion.
"You're a Guardian like Knuckles, right?" Julie-Su asked the echidna. "Why don't you use your Chaos Powers on these guys?"
"I can't," Locke states as he catches a punch from Simion.
"Why not?" Julie-Su asks.
"Dr. Finitevus has blocked my link to the Master Emerald, and I'm not able to pull from the Chaos Force like Knuckles," Locke informs. "I'm surprised Y/n can still use his powers!"
"And just how did that creep get close to the Master Emerald?"
"I had to find my forefathers! If Knuckles had only performed his duty--!"
"And that excuses you from abandoning yours?!"
One of the Destructix swoop down from the sky and kick Julie-Su into Locke, sending them to the ground with grunts. Sonic, nearby, was handling the two Destructix that jumped him.
"Okay, guys! Seriously! Back off!"
"Ha! Feeling the heat, Blue?" Scourge asks as his Spin Attacks his heroic counterpart.
In the air, Anarchy goes for a strong punch which makes Y/n cross his arms in front of him to block. However, the attack was still strong enough to send him crashing to the ground where his friends were.
"Hey... having fun yet?" Sonic asks.
"Shut it, Sonic," Y/n snaps as he and the others stand to their feet.
Anarchy floated down to stand with his team before they go to advance, only to stop in shock when a wall of flames arise in front of them. Everyone was confused before an ant Mobian rises up from the ground and faces Y/n and the others.
"I'll lay down another wall of fire!" he tells them. "You all get inside!"
"Thanks!" Y/n thanks the ant as he and his friends get down below the ground.
They all make it to safety down below as Sonic stretches his arms.
"Remind me... the fire-breathing ant is...?"
"Archimedes," Locke tells Sonic as he cracks his back. "A former mentor of mine."
"And Knuckles!" Julie-Su chimes in.
"And a recurring voice of reason, I'd like to think," Archimedes states as he appears in Locke's hand.
"Hello, old friend," he greets the ant. "Is the weapon safe?"
"Yes, but we won't be using it, Locke. Knuckles' transformation is our fault, not his. It was your genetic and Chaos Emergy experiments that gave Knuckles his powers," Archimedes tells his former student. "We put the world on his shoulders and told him to bear it. We're as guilty for creating this new Enerjak as Dr. Finitevus is."
"Ha! See?" Y/n says as he points at Locke. "So that means there's still a way to save Knuckles!"
Locke looks at his former mentor in shock before he turns away in anger. The Archimedes walks from the elder echidna's hand to Julie-Su's.
"Hopefully," he says. "The Destructix will be on top of us any minute now, though. We should--"
"Find the weapon?"
Everyone turns to see Sonic holding a long metal rod in his hands.
"'Cause I did that," they all look at Sonic in shock. "What? You guys were busy talking, so I grabbed it."
Suddenly the ceiling was blown open and in dropped the Destructix. Sleuth Dogg pointed at Sonic.
"Hold it, Sonic," he says. "Dr. Finitevus hired us to keep you from using that weapon against his precious Enerjak."
"Ooooh! Well, if that's the case..."
Sonic immediately threw the rod into the air and then Spin Dashed through it, blowing it to pieces as it rained down on the floor.
"I hope you guys aren't planning on charging for overtime," Sonic tells the Destructix. "Are we done here?"
"I... suppose so," Sleuth says in surprise. "Destructix... fall back, I guess."
"What?! Are you serious?!" Anarchy cries out in anger. "I wanted to pound them all into bloody pulps in the ground and use their skins as blankets!"
"Ease up, buddy," Scourge pats his best friend's shoulder. "You'll get your chance another time."
Growling, Anarchy turns away and follows his new team out of the area. Then Locke angrily grabbed Sonic's arm.
"You idiot! That was the only option we had left!"
"Yeah, see, I never signed on to your plan of destroying my buddy, nevermind he's your kid," Sonic shoves Locke off of him as he smirks. "So I came up with my own plan."
He turns to Y/n.
"Ya trust me, pal?"
Y/n hesitates for a moment before nodding.
"Yeah! I'm right behind ya."
Sonic smirks before dashing off with Y/n right behind him.
"Wait! What plan?!" Julie-Su calls out to the Blue Blur.
"Not time to explain, 'Su!" Sonic states as he dashes away. "But I'll get rid of Enerjak and get Knuckles back!"
Both the hedgehog and human speed off on to the surface as they pass the Destructix.
"So, what's the plan?" Y/n asks Sonic.
"Can't say much now, but all I can say is that it's super risky," Sonic tells the human. "We're only to get one shot at this."
"Alright, I trust you, Sonic," Y/n says. "I just hope we're not too late."
New Megaopolis...
Back in New Megaopolis, Enerjak was destroying Eggman's Badniks one after another with swift ease. The city around him burned from his power as he destroyed a new squad of Egg Pawns. Then some larger Badniks arrived on the scene.
"Onward, Badnik Horde!" the red one with a Mohawk declares. "Vanquish all in the name of the Eggman Empire!"
They immediately get deleted from existence by Enerjak.
In the air nearby, Eggman was seen watching his city getting destroyed with Dimitri and Snively.
"Sir, we've lost over ninety percent of our ground forces. Most of the outlying city is... gone," Snively was shook. "We've... lost."
"Not yet, Snively. There's still the Egg Fleet," Eggman states as he looks up to see his battleships surround the armored echidna. "There won't be enough of Enerjak left to fill a petri dish."
All battleships open fire at Enerjak as they send missiles and laser fire at him, only for the transformed Knuckles to raise his hand.
Everything in front of him stops at his word before he pushes his hand forward.
All attacks get sent back to sender blowing the Egg Fleet out of the sky as Eggman watches in shock.
"Doctor," Dimitri turns to Eggman, "I think it's time we got to your bunker."
"I-I-I..." Eggman stutters before he agrees. "Yes."
They all leave as Enerjak floats nearby and takes off his helmet, revealing his sweating face.
"There. I was planning on punishing Dr. Eggman anyway," he states with pants before weakly holding his head in pain. "Ungh... The Egg Grapes took a surprising amount of my power from me. I must return to the Master Emerald for more."
Using Chaos Control, Enerjak teleports back to the Chaos Chamber as a surprised Finitevus looks at him.
"Enerjak! What happened to you?" he asked.
"My power has been depleted. I need more," Enerjak states. "My work is not finished!"
"Your work. Of course," Finitevus grins evilly as he raises his hands, coating them in dark energy as Enerjak puts his helmet back on. "The servents are the seven Chaos. Chaos is power, enriched by my will."
A sudden blast of energy sends Enerjak and Finitevus flying back as two familiar faces arrive.
"Sorry, but that's enough outta you, creep!" Sonic states as Y/n stands beside him.
They then speed over to the Master Emerald, standing on top of it as Finitevus looks at them.
"Stop!" he orders. "What are you doing?!"
"Something Scourge tried not too long ago," Sonic states as green energy swirls around him and Y/n.
"We're getting some help from a friend of mine!" Y/n declares as the swirling energy becomes more intense.
"Don't worry, Knuckles!" Sonic tells Enerjak as green light surrounds him and Y/n. "We'll neutralize Finitevus' voodoo the same way I undid Perfect Chaos!"
Enerjak goes to stop the human and the hedgehog, but Finitevus puts his arm out to stop him.
"This may be just what I need," Finitevus smirks as a bright flash of light fills the room.
When the light subsides, two new golden shines are seen as Enerjak glares at the two.
"We're gonna beat the evil outta you!"
Haha! Sonic and Y/n may have found a way to turn the tide of battle with the Master Emerald's power! But will it be enough to stop Enerjak and save Knuckles? Find out, next time on Only Human!
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