Enerjak: Reborn! (Finale Part)
Not long after the end of the last chapter, everyone looks up to the sky as they see three beings of immeasurable power clash in a two-v-one battle. Shockwave after shockwave ensued from each attack before a mighty eruption of Chaos Energh engulfs part of Angel Island. Then three people fly out of the blast, one being Enerjak while the other two were had golden auras around them with golden quills and hair.
"You dare use my power against me?!" Enerjak asks the two in anger as he chases them.
"You better believe it!"
"Besides, this isn't just your power! It belongs to everyone!"
(Insert Super Y/n here)
Both Sonic and Y/n had turned Super, with Super Sonic having golden quills and red eyes while Super Y/n had golden hair and green eyes. Sonic was used to the feeling of being Super Sonic as he has done it many times before, but Y/n was new to it. It felt different from his berserker Chaos Form that seemed uncontrollable, while this calming Super State felt similar in power but easier to control. He felt incredible!
Enerjak fired an energy blast at Super Sonic who dodges it as Super Y/n slammed his knee into the echidna's back. Super Sonic then came in and noogied his friend's armored head as he grabbed his staff.
"C'mon, Knuckles! Why turn into "Enerjak"?" Super Sonic asks. "What about "Hyper Knuckles"? Or are you afraid of being pink?"
He then snaps the staff in half.
"And what's with the staff?" Super Sonic asks. "Weapons aren't your thing, man. Where's the raw power of old?"
With an angry yell, Enerjak aims his palm at Super Sonic and Super Y/n and engulf them in a massive energy blast.
However, once it passes, Super Sonic and Super Y/n are seen unscathed.
"Better, but we're both invulnerable," Super Y/n states.
"How about your tried-and-true punches, Chuckles?" Super Sonic suggests to a growling Enerjak.
Meanwhile, in the vaults of New Mobotropolis, the Chaos Gem seemingly shoots out a few small sparks of energy and hits the energy field around it.
On Angel Island, Julie-Su, Archimedes, and Locke watch the battle unfold in the sky.
"Whoa! I can't believe they survived that!" Julie-Su exclaims in shock and awe.
"They won't forever. None of us will," Locke states. "That fool shouldn't have stopped me..."
"Oh, would you stop it?!" Julie-Su yells at Locke. "You've had plenty of chances to destroy the son you hate!"
"I-I don't hate Knuckles!" the elder echidna defends. "B-but he's become--!"
Archimedes leap from Julie-Su's hand and up to Locke.
"Everything else worked to create... it was our training and your experiments on his DNA and Chaos Energy... that's what lead to this," the ant tells the echidna. "But he is not a mistake to be buried, Locke! We are as much fo blame, if not more."
Julie-Su narrows her eyes at Locke before running off, Archimedes teleporting to her to join her.
"Come on, Archimedes. Let's see if we can find a way to help Sonic and Y/n," she says as she runs off, "and the Guardian we love enough to rescue!"
The two leave Locke to himself and his thoughts. However, meanwhile nearby, Super Sonic and Super Y/n were still battling Enerjak in the air. The Destructix watch from below in awe, while Anarchy just clicks his teeth and crosses his arms.
"What now, Sleuth?" Simion asks his leader.
"Dr. Finitevus only paid us to watch over that weapon," Sleuth states as he takes out a Warp Ring. "We're done here, Destructix. Fall back."
The dog tosses the Warp Ring into the air and makes a portal. The Destructix all head in... all but Scourge and Anarchy which Fiona notices.
"Scourge? Anarchy?" the fox questions. "Aren't you coming?"
"Actually, sweets, we've got a better idea," Scourge says, making Anarchy look at him. "See, last time I tangled with Sonic, he said some stuff. It got me thinking... about who I am now. About what I can really do."
He takes out a Warp Ring and tosses it into the air, but it shined brighter than the one Sleuth used.
"So I super-charged my Warp Ring to take us where I can get those answers."
"I don't know..." Fiona was unsure. "Leave Mobius?"
"Please! This place is gonna get torn apart by those three," Anarchy states and points at the battle above. "And no matter how much I wanna watch it and even help with all that anarchy, my best bud comes first."
"Dr. Finitevus probably planned for this to happen," Scourge states. "So that means there's nowhere on Mobius we can run to."
Anarchy leaps into the Warp Ring first, yelling put "CANNONBALL!" as Scourge leads Fiona into the portal.
"Come on, baby. It'll be fun!"
"It always is with you."
They both walk into the Warp Ring, and it shrinks into nothingness.
Back in the air, Super Y/n had Enerjak in a headlock before Super Sonic flies back and nabs his helmet off. Enerjak growls in anger as Super Sonic waves the golden helmet around.
"There! Now you look more like Knuckles!" the golden hedgehog states.
"Feeling more like him now?" the golden-haired human asks.
Enerjak growls and lets out some energy, sending Super Y/n flying away. Then he covers his hand in energy and swipes it at Super Sonic.
"If I can't destroy you, I'll simply send you away!" he says as Super Sonic's form turns into green bubbled and then disappears.
Enerjak lets out a huff before someone crashes into his back. He flies back a bit before correcting himself and seeing Super Y/n to be his attacker.
"Come on, Knuckles!" the human says. "You gotta snap out of this!"
Yelling in anger, Enerjak charges at Super Y/n who charges in return. They clash in the middle, sending a massive shockwave through the air as a flash of green light goes off. Everyone watching shields their eyes from the blinding light before it fades to reveal Enerjak and Super Y/n in a power struggle, one pushing against the other as their auras swirled around them.
"Come on, Knuckles! This isn't you and you know it!" Super Y/n tells Enerjak as he struggles against him. "Finitevus is in your head! You gotta fight it! Fight for us! Fight for 'Su!"
Knuckles' eyes widen slightly at the name of his love before Super Sonic shoots out from the ground and tackles him, breaking him from his struggle with Super Y/n.
Enerjak shouts as he pushes Super Sonic away and then shoots energy at him.
"Thunder Arrow!"
"ACK! Aside from annoy, your magic does diddly!" Super Sonic declares. "What part of "invulnerable" don't you get?"
"Would you prefer if it were crunch time?!" Enerjak asks as he slams his spiked fist into Super Sonic's stomach.
"Yeah! That's more like it!" Super Sonic smiles before he spins around and kicks Enerjak down.
Super Y/n intercepts and grabbed Enerjak before spinning around and throwing him into a mountain on Angel Island. Super Y/n rockets after him as they both go to fight while Super Sonic ponders something to himself.
"I don't get it. Me and Y/n's positive aura should've broken the dark magic by now," Super Sonic states. "I can see some progress, but it's not enough!"
Back on Angel Island, Julie-Su and Archimedes are seen running.
"This is getting out of hand!" Julie-Su states. "We've got to find a way to stop them!"
"Then we go to the source of the problem," Archimedes states and teleports him and Julie-Su to the Chaos Chamber.
There they see Finitevus standing in front of the Master Emerald.
"Finitevus! You're the cause of all this!" the pink echidna exclaims. "You warped Knuckles' mind! You made him lose control! Set him right, or I'll--!'
"You're in no position to do anything, girl," Finitevus turns to Julie-Su. "Besides, I couldn't stop this now if I wanted to. The Hex I placed on the Master Emerald binds it to my will. The minute Knuckles tapped into its power, his intentions bent to my ideals."
Black energy cackles around the large gemstone as Finitevus speaks while Super Y/n and Enerjak fight underground as Super Sonic looks for them.
"I admit I'm surprised that Sonic and that human could use its power without any effect. I would love to dissect them to find out why, but their battle with Enerjak will suit my grade design well enough," Finitevus grins evilly as he thinks to himself. 'And from what I sensed in that boy, even if Enerjak fails, the world will still burn as I wish it will.'
"I don't care about your stupid plan!" Julie-Su exclaims. "You made the Hex, now break it!"
"I already said I couldn't if I wanted to. I expected a plucky resistance to "save" your beloved Knuckles. So I "locked" the Hex," Finitevus states. "To break the Hex and my control, someone will have to sacrifice their own life!"
Meanwhile, with Super Sonic, he was still searching for Super Y/n and Enerjak.
"Where could those two be?!"
Suddenly an explosion erupts from the ground and the two the golden hedgehog was looking for shoot up to the sky. They were still fighting.
"Whoa! Hey, wait up!" Super Sonic says as he flies after them.
With Super Y/n and Enerjak, the two were throwing punches and kicks at each other while also throwing in some energy blasts into the mix. However, neither were getting the upper hand on the other and both seemed relatively unscathed from their attacks.
"Why are you fighting me, Y/n?" Enerjak asks Super Y/n as one of his attacks are redirected elsewhere. "You know first-hand how corrupted this world is! I'm trying to save it! Why won't you help me?!"
"Because no matter how cruel a person is, they don't deserve the "judgement" you're bringing!" Super Y/n exclaims as his kick is blocked.
"So the same goes for those who killed Maria and everyone else on the Ark?!" Enerjak asks Super Y/n, making him stop.
Down below, Super Sonic stopped as well as he heard what Enerjak said as well, as confused as his human friend.
"Wha... what?" the human was at a lost for words. "How do you...?"
"My new power lets me see more than any normal being ever could. I know your pain and I've seen it," Enerjak tells Super Y/n, sounding almost comforting and sympathetic. "I can help you bring revenge against those who took them all away from you!"
Super Y/n was left in silent shock. He couldn't believe someone else knew about the Ark. Then he had a flash of his last moment with Danny before he died. Did... did Y/n want revenge?
"I can help you, Y/n," Enerjak tells Super Y/n as he offers his hand. "All you need to do in return, is to help me."
Super Y/n looked at Enerjak and then at the echidna's hand. He was almost tempted to take it, but he began to remember all of the new memories he made with his new friends... his new family. All the fun they had, all their adventures and battles... his time with Sally. He couldn't just throw that all away over some anger towards those in the grave.
"NO!" he smacked Enerjak's hand away, shocking the echidna.
"Excuse me?" the god reincarnated questions.
"I said "no"!" Super Y/n shouts. "What I want is justice, not revenge!"
"But I am bringing justice!" Enerjak exclaims.
"All you're bringing," Super Y/n charges an energy blast, "is destruction!"
He fires the attack at Enerjak, engulfing him in a red laser.
Super Y/n keeps the Chaos Energy attack going to make sure he does some damage. But the next thing he knew, Enerjak had tore through the blast and punched Super Y/n in the face, knocking him away.
Super Sonic, along with Sally in New Mobotropolis, both widen their eyes in both shock and fear as Super Sonic flies after the human.
Super Y/n crashes into a mountain on Angel Island, leaving a massive crater in it. Super Sonic rushes towards his friend, only to be knocked away by a determined Enerjak.
"Stay out of my way, Sonic!" Enerjak yells at the hedgehog and raises his hand in front of him. "I must show him the truth."
Green energy coats his hand as, down below in New Mobotropolis, the alarms were going off, confusing everyone.
"What's going on?!" Tails asks in surprise.
"Who triggered the alarms?" Shadow asked in surprise as well.
Then Nicole materialized in front of them, her next words sending a terror through Tails and Amy, along with Sally and Rotor.
"Y/n's Chaos Gem has escaped the vaults!"
Back at Angel Island, Super Y/n shakes his head and looks up at the floating Enerjak. Thinking he's found an opening, the golden-haired human shoots out of the mountain and charges at his transformed friend. He coats his own fist in Chaos Energy as he rears it back.
As he nears, Enerjak takes notice of his friend's approaching form and glances at him. He lets out a humph as a sparking green jewel lands in his hand.
"... SMASH!!!"
Super Y/n throws a punch at Enerjak, only to miss when the echidna moves to the side.
"Now..." Enerjak slams the Chaos Gem into Super Y/n's chest, creating a bright flash of light. "... SEE MY VISION!"
Super Y/n hunches forward in pain before he screams out in pain. A massive eruption of power blasts out of him with black electricity surrounding him, sending Enerjak flying back.
Everyone watching, along with a recovered Super Sonic, try to stay in place or not lose their footing as Y/n's sudden burst in power makes the entire world quake.
"AHHHH!" Eggman screams in terror as he was in his bunker. "WHAT'S GOING ON?!"
In New Mobotropolis, many people were trying to keep themselves steady. Some tried to use nearby stationary objects to keep them on their feet while most fell to the ground. However, those who knew of what this sudden explosion of power in Y/n could bring were terrified, Sally most of all. She had been the only one Y/n described to as to what he felt while using his Chaos Form... and it was nothing but pain and agony.
On Angel Island, Finitevus looks up into the sky with a wide smirk while, nearby, Locke watches in horror.
"YES!" Finitevus cries out in joy. "GOOD WORK, ENERJAK!"
"This is bad... really bad," Archimedes states. "The amount of Chaos Energy he's outputting... it's enormous. Only one being in existence has ever had that much..."
"Who, Archimedes?" Julie-Su asks, only for the ant to stay speechless.
Back in the air, Super Sonic flew up to Enerjak and glared at him.
"What did you do to him?!"
Enerjak grinned.
"I showed him my vision."
Y/n lets out one more yell, having Super Sonic and Enerjak struggle to stay in place before the light surrounding Y/n fades. Everyone looks to see that Y/n now had a fiery green aura with red electrical sparks around him instead of black with spiky emerald hair and slightly larger muscles. He lets out shaky and heavy breathes as Super Sonic cautiously flies up to him.
"Yo, Y/n? You good, pal?" he asks as he hovers in front of him.
Chaos Y/n's eyes snapped open and he looks at Super Sonic, revealing his blank eyes which startles the golden hedgehog.
"Y/n...? You ain't gonna attack me, right?" Super Sonic asks Chaos Y/n.
The emerald-haired human looks at Super Sonic for a moment, unnerving him before he yells and swings at him.
"Whoa!" the hedgehog barely had time to duck under the attack. "Hey! I'm not the target here!"
Chaos Y/n roars again and tries to attack Super Sonic again, but the hedgehog dodges and flies off. Chaos Y/n gives chase with loud roars while Super Sonic runs away.
"Hey! We're friends, Y/n!" Super Sonic tells his berserker friend. "Don't go after me! Go after Finitevus and Knuckles!"
Chaos Y/n does nothing but yell as he chases Super Sonic around in the air.
'This isn't good. Y/n said it himself that he can't control this form, so he just gave me another guy to worry about other than Knux and Finitesneezus,' Super Sonic tells himself as he avoids another blind swing from Chaos Y/n. 'But whatever Finitevus did to Knuckles could be affected Y/n as well since those red sparks are new. I have to stop them both before they destroy everything! But how?'
He suddenly gets an idea. Smirking, Super Sonic redirects his course midair and rockets towards Enerjak. He then flies over him, giving him a playful two-finger salute.
"Have fun, Chuckles!"
Enerjak has unleashed a powerful new foe upon himself, but Y/n may not stop at just him! Will Y/n be able to control himself? Or will the dangerous entity growing inside him destroy everything? Find out, next time on Only Human!
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