ADAM's Revolt!
[No One's POV]
It's been a week since Mammoth Mogul was released from his prison, only to be put in a new one by Eggman after he captured him and the Destructix, along with Ixis Naugus and his men. He also met [Y/N], the boy seemingly intriguing the mad doctor and he asked for his computer, ADAM, to run data searches on the boy. Unfortunately for him though...
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN "HE'S NOT IN THE DATABASE"?!" Eggman asks ADAM in anger and confusion.
Yeah. He's not getting very far in his search.
"I mean what I say and say what I mean," ADAM tells his creator. "This "[Y/N]" is nowhere in our databases. He is a ghost."
"That's impossible! I have data on even the most unknown people on Mobius!" Dr. Robotnik declares. "How can he not be in there?!"
"Please forgive me, Father, for I do not know the answer," ADAM please with his father.
"Grrrr... it's fine! I'm fine. Everything's fine," Eggman says as he slicks his hand over his bald head. "It's only a minor setback. Run the search again, but this time don't just look in the database. Look everywhere. Even places you wouldn't expect."
"Yes, Father," ADAM says. "I will start immediately."
"Very good," Eggman says, walking away from his computer as his creation does his job. "This boy is different. I can feel it! It doesn't matter how long it'll take..."
"... I will find you."
"Speaking of finding someone, I think I've figured out who Anonymous is, ADAM!" Eggman tells his creation. "And I know exactly how to stop him!"
[In Freedom Fighter Lab...]
"Where is he?!" Sonic asks as he stormed into the lab. "Tommy stole my guitar and just jetted! Where is he?!"
"I don't know," Rotor the Wulrus said. "Hopefully, far from here."
"I've got first dibs," Tails stated as he showed Sonic a small mass of machinery in his hands. "He "helped" me with my latest project. See?"
"And he washed the "dirty" petri dishes, which destroyed any nanite research I had going on," Rotor tells Sonic.
"Ever since he got that dose of nanites in his shell, Tommy's been acting up," Sonic says, crossing his arms.
"As if he wasn't constantly in trouble anyway," Rotor said, pouring a new dose of nanites into a small container.
"Yeah, but the dude saved my life," Sonic states. "He can't be all bad."
"No. Not bad at all," Tails says sarcastically as he tosses his ruined project over his shoulder.
Just then, the door opened to reveal a smiling duo of [Y/N] and Sally while the former was laughing at something that [Y/N] said.
"Haha! That actually happened?" the chipmunk asks the human.
"Yeah!" [Y/N] says, a wide smile on his face. "Couldn't show himself for a week!"
The two laughed some more as the entered the lab, seeing that Sonic, Tails, and Rotor were there as well.
"Oh! Hey, guys!" [Y/N] greets his friends. "What's up?"
"We're trying to find, Tommy," Sonic states. "Have you seen him?"
"Don't think so," [Y/N] says. "Why?"
"He's been messing with our stuff and we need to have a word with him," Tails tells [Y/N] and Sally.
"Well, I'll go look for him," Sally says as she turns to walk out. "Bye, [Y/N]!"
"Bye, Sally!" [Y/N] says back, waving Sally off as she leaves the lab.
He then turns smiling and sees Sonic, Tails, and Rotor all grinning at him as if they knew something you didn't.
"Don't "What?" us, [Y/N]," Tails tells his human friend.
"We know exactly what's going on," Rotor states.
"Someone's being smitten with the princess~" Sonic teases [Y/N] as he starts to blush.
"N-no I'm not!" the human protests. "Shut up!"
"You can't hide love from me, [Y/N]!" Sonic declares. "Trust me! I've been with enough girls to know what love looks like!"
"Yeah. And how did those relationships work out for ya?" [Y/N] asks the Blue Blur.
"Shut up!" Sonic orders his friend as he blushes.
Suddenly, one of the screen in the lab start to turn green, causing the previous conversion to be hold off as everyone rushes to the computer.
"NICOLE?! What's wrong?!" Sonic asks the AI.
"Nanite *KZZT!* infection *KZZT!* attempting *KZZT!* to purge *KZZT!*" NICOLE tries to say, only to get cutoff every other word.
"Fight, NICOLE!" Sonic tells the AI.
"Take 'em down!" [Y/N] encourages the computer.
"You can whip those nanites any old--" Sonic starts to say, only for Bunnie to enter the lab and smash the computer screen with her robotic arm. "--day...?"
"NICOLE! Ah'm so sorry!" Bunnie says as she holds her arm, only for it to knock Tails away and nearly blast [Y/N]. "Tails! NO! Knuckles! Mighty! Somebody! Get in here an' stop me!"
Suddenly, Knuckles, Vector the Crocodile, and Mighty arrive on the scene and grab Bunnie, gripping her robot appendages to make sure she doesn't go out if control.
"Sorry to be rough, Bunnie!" Vector apologizes as he pins the rabbit down.
Rotor crawls over to Bunnie, tinkering with her arm in hopes of fixing it.
"It's probably the nanites!" the wulrus exclaimed. "I'm going to disengage your limbs until you're cured!"
"That's fine," Bunnie said. "Just keep me hurtin' anyone or anything else!"
"Don't worry, Bunnie. Tails and I will get you and NICOLE disinfected and repaired in no time!" Rotor tells Bunnie.
"Ah know," Bunnie says, sitting up as she wipes away a tear. "But how did we get infected in the first place?"
"And while we're at it, where is Tails?" Sonic asks.
"I think he got knocked outside," [Y/N] says. "I'll go look for him."
He rushes outside, only to see Sonic's dad holding an unconscious Tails over his shoulder as he walks away.
"DAD?!" Sonic questions as he joins his human friend back outside.
"I'm sorry, [Y/N], Sonic. I can't control anything but my thoughts," Jules tells the two. "It's a struggle to even talk to you."
"We need to do something!" [Y/N] says as he gets into a fighting stance.
"Leave everything to me," Sonic orders. "This just got way past personal."
Jules runs out of the base, Sonic giving chase to him as [Y/N] also follows.
"Don't follow too closely!" Jules warns the two. "I don't want to lead you into a trap!"
"Any idea where you're going, Dad?!" Sonic asks his robotorized father.
"I... I... I'm not allowed to say!" Jules declares as he continues to run with Tails in his arms. "But you've been there before."
[At The Nanite City Made By ADAM...]
Shadow is seen rushing to the scene, Dr. Eggman in his sights as he rushes to him.
"What is it, Doctor?!" the black and red hedgehog asks the evil genius. "First you send me to hunt down Mammoth Mogul and Ixis Naugus. Then you tell me to meet you here! You need to make up your... mind?"
Dr. Eggman turns to show Shadow that he was being held hostage by a large silver turtle with a green centerpiece in his chest. This was ADAM taking control of the Freedom Fighter's Tommy the Tortoise.
"Hello, Shadow!" ADAM greets the Ultimate Lifeform. "You're the last piece of the puzzle!"
ADAM stretches his metal hand at Shadow, only for the hedgehog to dodge with great speed.
"I recognize the voice as ADAM," Shadow says as he backflips over the giant metal Turtle. "Who is the Mobian you're using?"
"A gullible friend of Sonic's!" ADAM informs Shadow. "Tommy has been a wonderful inside agent. And the perfect hiding place, once Father finally unraveled the Anonymous conspiracy!"
ADAM punches Shadow in the back, sending him flying and then grabbing him by the head, slamming his face into the ground and cracking it.
"And now I have made him the powerful Mobian alive!" ADAM tells Shadow as he brings the unconscious Mobian to him. "Even stronger than the Ultimate Lifeform."
ADAM then turns his attention to Eggman, speaking to him as he brings Shadow up some stairs.
"I'm sure you would figure out my plan eventually, Father, but I do not have the time. Allow me to explain it to you," ADAM says as he places Shadow in a strange capsule. "With your technology, I discovered that there are seven colored varieties of Chaos Emeralds throughout the cosmos. Just think of all those magical gemstones with their unlimited power! Keep that in mind."
ADAM closes the capsule as Eggman approaches the two. ADAM continues.
"For my plan to work, I need two special Mobians. I need Super-Shadow for his powerful Chaso Control," ADAM says and turns to see Jules carrying Tails to him. "And I need Tails--the Chosen One. Yes, Father, the Chosen One. Before I took Mammoth Mogul's Chaos Emerald, I had him tell me of the Great Prophecy!"
ADAM places Tails in a capsule next to Shadow and closes it as he continues.
"Tails is foretold to lead the gathering of all the Chaos Emeralds and to bring about the Great Harmony," ADAM tells Eggman. "Do you see now, Father? I built this nanite city to hide this Focusing Spire. I freed Mogul to keep Shadow busy until I needed him. I used Tommy to weaken the Freedom Fighters and obtain Tails. Do you see how brilliant it is?"
"More like convoluted, if you ask me," Eggman states
"You won't get away with this!" Jules tells ADAM. "My son and his friends--"
"I know--through you--that Sonic and his human friend, [Y/N], is within the city," ADAM states, cutting Sonic's dad off. "And being cautious of a trap that doesn't exist."
ADAM then turns to Eggman, a glare on his face.
"And I know that you've remotely summoned your Egg Fleet, Father. Of course I know," ADAM says, making Eggman flinch. "But they will arrive too late."
And with that, ADAM started up his Focusing Spire as green jewels start to glow and their energy connect with one another, a beam of energy shooting through the Focusing Spire which makes Shadow and Tails scream in pain as their energies are used to call forth the Chaos Emeralds.
"A short-cut through all of space-time... a beacon for the gems... I WILL HAVE ALL THE CHAOS EMERALDS FROM THE UNIVERSE!" ADAM declares as the sky flashes green as more energy is formed to call forth the seven Chaos Emeralds from there hiding spots throughout the universe.
[2nd POV]
With you and Sonic, you're seen running throughout the nanite city, looking for Tails and Jules.
"I still don't see why you had to follow me, [Y/N]," Sonic tells you as you and him dash through the city. "This doesn't concern you at all!"
"Maybe, but poking your head in situations where you have no reason to be in but are able to help, that's what makes a hero!" you tell the Blue Blur. "That's why I'm here, right? To be a hero along with you? So sorry, but I'm not going anywhere!"
"Not gonna be able to change your mind, huh?" Sonic asks you. "Alright! I guess I'm stuck with yo--DAD!"
Sonic takes notice of his father who was laying on the ground, seemingly inactive as you and Sonic rush over to him.
"No worries. ADAM is done with me now that I gave him Tails," Jules tells you and Sonic. "He told me to go somewhere and self-destruct."
"No worries", he says," Sonic repeats his father's words as he helps him up.
"He didn't give me a dead-line, though," Jules said as you helped him to his feet. "At the rate I'm going, I'll fall apart in about forty years."
"Way to go, Dad!" Sonic tells his father, giving him a thumbs up.
"We should be finished here by then," you say, chuckling a bit.
"I should hope so," Jules responded.
"We'll be back for you once we get Tails and smash ADAM," Sonic tells his father, you nodding in agreement.
"That's fine," Jules tells you and his son. "But listen: ADAM has taken control of Tommy. He's using the nanites in his shell the same way he used them in me."
"This just keeps on getting better," you say, you and Sonic speeding away in hopes to find the ADAM controlled Tommy and put a stop to him.
You two dash even faster than before through the city, eventually finding ADAM, Eggman, Shadow, and Tails at a spire that was surrounded by several different versions of Chaos Emeralds.
"ADAM!" you and Sonic call out, making the giant turtle turn to you two.
"We were wondering when you'd show up," ADAM says as Sonic Spin Atacks him and you punch him, only for the attacks to be blocked and deflected.
"That's what we get for taking it slow and cautious for once," Sonic says as he lands on the ground, along with you.
"What do you mean "we"?" you ask ADAM.
"Tommy is still alive and conscious, [Y/N]," ADAM tells you. "He is completely under my control--just like Bunnie, NICOLE, and Jules were."
"Figures Dr. Eggman's "son" would go on a crazy world-domination conquest with nanites," Sonic says and ADAM swings a bladed fist at him. "Woah!"
He dodges out of the way and ADAM slams a large fist at you, you blocking it with a shield and you push it away and teleport next to Sonic.
"I am fulfilling my function," ADAM tells you two. "Once I am finished, Father will be so very proud of me."
"Such sentiments are why I tricked you into destroying M," ADAM tells his creator as he sends metallic spikes at you and Sonic, both of you narrowly dodging them. "You will love my best, Father!"
"Oh, come on!" Sonic shouts. "Even Shadow isn't this angsty!"
You teleport on ADAM's back, holding his head in place as you call out to Sonic.
"Now, Sonic!"
Sonic dashes on top of one of the spikes ADAM sent his way, speeding on top of them and kicking ADAM in his face and making him stumble back.
"Time to wrap this... up?!" Sonic says, the nanites around the head pulling apart to reveal the face of a frightened turtle. "Tommy, dude! I'm sorry! It's just that--"
"You could never hurt Tommy. That's why you cannot stop me," ADAM tells Sonic as he bashes the hedgehog away with a hammer hand, turning to you. "And for you."
ADAM grabs you with some nanite tentacles and throws you over to Sonic, crashing into him just as he was getting up again.
"S-sorry, Sonic!" you tell the hedgehog as both of you get up on your feet.
"You two! I need you to keep him busy for a few more minutes until my Egg Fleet arrives!" Eggman tells you and Sonic as he walks up to you two. "It has the firepower able to--"
"I'm not losing Tommy," Sonic declares. "I just need to take it up a notch."
And with that, Sonic speeds off to face ADAM once more, confusing you and Eggman as ADAM fires up his jetpack.
"This could take a turn for the worse very easily," he says as he takes off into the air. "I must take more drastic measures."
ADAM flies into the air, sticking close to the Focusing Spire as Sonic races after him, running on the Spire with his super speed.
"Copy-turtle! Or robot! Or cyborg. Whatever you are," Sonic calls out; getting ADAM's attention.
"Do you ever shut up?" the nanite controlled turtle asks the Blue Blur.
"In your dreams!" Sonic declares, focusing on taking in the power of the Chaos Emeralds around him before a burst of light blinds you and Eggman but making Sonic shout out in ecstasy. "WHOO-HA!"
When you were able to see again, you looked to see a golden light flying at you. This confuses you until the light lands in front of you, revealing none other than a golden Sonic the Hedgehog with blazing red eyes.
"Ready to get our friend back, [Y/N]?" Sonic asks you as you look at him in awe.
"What... what is that?" you ask the hedgehog, making him chuckle a bit.
"This is my Super Form!" he tells you, a wide smile on his face. "Power given to me by the Chaos Emeralds!"
"Awesome!" you declare, amazed at Sonic's new power.
"Now let's go!" Sonic tells you, taking off into the air again as he rushes to the tower, you right behind him as you run on the ground. "COME ON OUT, ADAM! I'M READY TO RIP EVERY LAST NANITE OF YOU OFF MY FRIEND!"
Suddenly, laughing shoots throughout the area, making you and Sonic confused as a new burst of golden light flashes through the city. Then, a new light flies from the pillar, revealing none other than a golden ADAM with wings as he speaks only three words.
Oh no! Sonic seems to have gained a power up from the Chaos Emeralds, turning him into Super Sonic! But ADAM seems to have followed his lead and went Super as well! Can Super Sonic and [Y/N] combat Super ADAM by themselves? Or will they be doomed to fail at the evil AI's hands? Find out, next time on Only Human!
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