A Bold New Moebius (Part 1: Unwelcome Guests!)
At Freedom HQ, Tails and Rotor stand together in front of the Star Posts. For some odd reason, they were on with a sparkling portal between the two posts.
"Thanks for coming over to look at the Star Posts, Rotor," Tails told the walrus. "Any idea why they'd turn on by themselves?"
"Sorry, Tails, but you've got me," Rotor shrugs. "They're supposed to only cross dimensions into the Special Zone."
"Oh, we're plenty special," a voice similar to Rotor's says before a sonic blast shoots from the portal.
Tails and Rotor crash into the ground and look up to see...
"A-Anti-Rotor?!" the walrus questions. "Wh-what...?!"
"It's Boomer now, wuss," Boomer states, smiling evilly at his doppelganger. "Scared that your own 'shadow' is outshining you? Look at you. Can't even stand up to me."
"Leave him alone!"
Tails flies over to Boomer to shoulder-bash him, only to be shoulder-bashed himself by something flying.
"Know your place!"
Tails gets slammed into the ground and the attacker lands on his feet. The twin-tailed fox looks up just to see...
"Don't you dare call me that!" the Anti orders. "You may lack respect, but I answer only to Miles!"
No sooner did the two evil counterparts pin down their heroic doppelgangers when someone else walked out of the portal.
"Nice work, boys."
"Thank you," Miles told the new arrival, "Princess Alicia."
"Hmph. And here I thought you 'Freedom Fighters' had more fight in you."
(Is it just me, or do they all look like communists? Or whatever?)
Antoine's doppelganger, Patch, then walks out before the portal begins to spark with purple electricity. A maniacal laughter is heard before an amethyst blur flies out and flies through the roof. Alicia and the other Suppression Squad members all watch like they weren't surprised while Tails and Rotor look at the hole in the roof with fear. They both know who just entered their dimension.
"Always impatient, that one is," Alicia says with an amused smirk before it drops. "Patch, if you'd be so kind as to inform her 'highness' that the area is secure?"
"Madam?" Patch calls to the portal as it shimmers.
"I heard," a familiar voice says and Fiona walks through. "And you'd better watch your tone princess. Alright, Suppression Squad. Press forward!"
Meanwhile, all the way over in New Mobotropolis, two figures are seen lying down on the roof of a house together. One was human while the other was a lynx.
"Hey, listen to this," Nicole tells her boyfriend as a holographic screen hovers from her hand and she reads from it. "'One theory states that one of Y/n L/n's new abilities is to hypnotize anyone with a weaker will than he has, resulting in the Freedom Fighters joining his cult of menaces and evil'? What?"
Nicole bursts into a fit of giggles and laughter as Y/n groans.
"No, please!" he says to his girlfriend. "Put it away! Put it away!"
"Yes, my Chaos Lord," Nicole says in a joking manner as she puts away the holographic screen.
Y/n sighs as he looks up at the sky above, enjoying watching the clouds glide by with Nicole. When he was in the Arc, he used to watch the stars with Maria and Shadow. It calmed him. But since he's been on Mobius he's rarely ever had a chance to relax and just... be. There were no stars, but the clouds were just as good. He liked clouds. They reminded him of nebulae in space... and cotton candy.
"Can we just... stay up here forever?" he asks the holo-lynx. "It's too crazy down there with them for me."
"Well, I don't think that's how problems go away," the AI tells the human as she turns to look at him. "You're going to have to face them head-on eventually."
"Yeah," Y/n says with a smile as he turns to his side towards Nicole, "but I prefer being up here with you."
"I bet you do," the holo-lynx says with a giggle. "I like it up here with you, too, Y/n. It's nice."
Y/n smiles at his new girlfriend. Even though it's been only a day or two since they've gotten together, Y/n actually found himself falling in love with the AI. He knew she was amazing before, but now he was seeing her in a whole new light. She was even better than he thought she was.
She was super awkward about the whole relationship between he and her, being concerned with how she was doing even though it hasn't even been a week. But she was adorable, and Y/n assured her that she was doing as good as he was since this was their first times in a relationship. And those assurances usually came with kisses, which Nicole loved.
"Hey, Nic? Can I ask you something?" Y/n asks his girlfriend.
"Anything," the AI responds.
"Are we... compatible?" the human asks hesitantly.
"... what do you mean?" Nicole asks.
"It's something I asked myself for some time after joining you guys. I mean, was I really good enough to be here?" Y/n states. "Then I asked myself that when I found my feelings for Sally. She's a Mobian, and I'm human. Now I'm asking myself that with you."
"Y/n..." Nicole says as she sits up.
"I mean, we're completely different," Y/n continues. "How are we... compatible?"
"It doesn't matter to me whether or not you're like me, Y/n," Nicole assures her boyfriend as she leans over him. "I love you as you are."
"Thanks, Nic," Y/n smiles. "I love you, too."
Nicole smiles at this and leans down to kiss the human on the lips. He smiles and kisses back, cupping Nicole's cheek as he turns to be flat on his back with Nicole on top of him. Maybe she was right. Maybe this is the way Y/n forgets his feelings for Sally and moves on with the AI he has now fallen for.
The two break apart their kiss and look at each other with loving smile. However, Y/n's smile soon drops when he senses something approaching. Something... familiar.
He pushes the AI off of him right before he gets tackled and whisked away from the roof. Nicole stands to her feet in shock as she watches the purple electric blur fly off with her boyfriend.
"Y/N!" she calls to him. "I'M COMING!"
She dematerializes, and Y/n gets thrown into the ground. His body tears through it, creating a trench in the ground before he crashes into a building. He groans and shakes his head before hearing the sounds of something cracking. He looks to see the building that he had crashed into cracking apart.
"Oh, no," he says before it starts to tilt and crumble.
Activating his powers, Y/n gets surrounded by green sparks and his eyes glow green. He flies to the part of the building that was about to fall and pushes it back to where it was supposed to be. Then he uses his Chaos Constructs to make energy bands wrap around the cracks in the building to keep it from crumbling apart and destabilizing.
"Whew," the godlike human lets out a breath. "That would've been real bad for me."
"Well, well, well! Look's like you still have some heart!" a familiar voice says behind Y/n. "Can't wait to break it!"
Y/n turns around in the air and glares at his foe. His spiky purple hair was shorter than before, but his mismatched eyes and his twisted grin were all the same. His exoskeleton was new as well. It was probably just as good or even better than his previous one, but it was more streamline with Anarchy Beryl jabbed into his back like spikes on a spine and even had a crystal on each arm with spikes on the knuckles.
"Anarchy," Y/n said with distaste.
"Hey, me!" Anarchy greets with his maniacal grin. "Miss you?"
Over in New Megaopolis, Sonic and the Chaotix were going to town with the Dark Egg Legion, Dr. Eggman's new attack force that was made up of the Dark Legion from Angel Island.
"Press forward, Chaotix!" Vector tells his team. "We got 'em on the run!"
"Already?" Sonic asks as he stretches. "Seriously, did you guys even need me for this one? This new Dark Egg Legion is a joke."
Sonic turns to look at Knuckles.
"... and I note you're not laughing."
"Because I'm responsible for them," the red echidna states.
"Oh, don't start this again..." Sonic says as he and Knuckles dodge laser blasts.
"It was my actions as Enerjak that forced them to make an alliance with Dr. Robotnik!" Knuckles declares. "And I'm the same reason Y/n went berserk and unleashed Nazo."
"You were under a spell, Knux. Y/n and no one else blames you for it," Sonic says as he leaps over some Dark Egg Legionares and kicks them. "And you didn't make them sell themselves out. They chose to do that."
"But I took their cybernetics away. And they're all that's left of my people," Knuckles states as he takes into the air and destroys some sentries. "I have to try to help them."
The echidna then lands on the ground and runs off.
"I need to get to their leader!" he tells Sonic. "Cover me!"
"Gotcha," Sonic says and turns to Mighty. "Mighty! Back us up!"
Freedom HQ...
Back at Freedom HQ, the fight between the Freedom Fighters and the Suppression Squad was still going on.
"Cover me, patch!" Alicia orders the Anti-Antoine. "There are more Freedom Fighters out there!"
"Ma princess, you worry too much," Patch says as he walks forward. "These arbutis are no real threat."
A Piko-Piko Hammer slams into the wall next to him, making the Suppression Squad member scream in fright.
"Mon dieu!"
"You've got a lot of nerve coming back here after all you've done!" Amy glares at Patch.
"La fille est une monstre!" Patch screams as he runs away.
"COME BACK HERE SO I CAN SMASH YOU!" Amy yells as she chases after the Moebian.
Alicia watches from behind.
"Idiot," she mutters. "Why did Anarchy have to go after his doppelganger? It would be been much quicker if he handled these morons first before going after Y/n."
Something cold grabs Alicia's arm and pins it to her back, making her look to see Bunnie pinning her.
"Howdy," the cyborg rabbit greets the Moebian princess. "We weren't expectin' no visitation from the likes of y'all."
"Uhn! So sorry to come unannounced," Alicia fakes an apology.
A girlish scream of terror comes from the other side of the base.
"Save some of him fot the rest of us, Amy!" Bunnie calls out. "Antoine and I got personal accounts to settle with him."
"Wasting your talents, aren't you?" Alicia asks the country belle. "You're way out of my league."
"A threat's a threat."
"Some threats you can't ignore," Boomer states as he blasts Bunnie off of Alicia.
"Exactly," Alicia smirks. "Boomer, show her what happens to people who ignore you."
Boomer grins as he fires another sonic pulse at the cyborg cowgirl.
"If you're looking for someone in your league," Alicia turns around to be met with a foot to her spine, "my schedule is open!"
Sally sends Alicia flying back from her kick and she slides across the ground. Fiona growls when she sees what's going on.
"Great. Things are already going south," she says and turns to see Miles fighting Tails. "Miles, keep an eye on the brat and the geek."
Fiona goes to walk forward, only to be stopped by Antoine and his sword.
"Not so fast, s'il vous plait," Antoine tells the fox. "You are not from their Zone, Fiona. What are you doing with our evil twins?"
"Just about the same as you, 'Twan," Fiona grins as she taps Antoine's sword. "I'm going after the lady in charge."
New Megaopolis...
"Clear the way!" Sonic says as he punches a Legionare away. "My man's gotta talk to the lady in charge!"
"Protect the Kommissar!" a Legionare says before being thrown away by Mighty.
Sonic bashes a sentry as Knuckles flies up to Lien-Da, former leader of the Dark Legion.
They both greet each other, one with more malice than the other.
"Listen to me. It doesn't have to be this way," Knuckles tells Lien-Da. "Just like your ancestors before you, you can do the right thing and give the Dark Legion a chance at peace."
"Don't pretend to know what's best for us. Your ancestors did, and you're just as clueless now," Lien-Da tells Knuckes. "You've more than enough for us, anyway."
"But working for the Eggman Empire?"
"Snively!" the Kommissar yells into a communicator. "Where are my reinforcements?"
"What reinforcements?" Snively asks. "You're the standing army now!"
Lien-Da growls and looks at Knuckles who was smiling at her. However, she calls for a retreat and Knuckles sighs as he flies back down to the ground.
"Why won't she listen to me?" he asks Julie-Su and Sonic.
"She was never much of a listener," the pink echidna states. "Never much of a sister, either."
"So you didn't get through to her this time," Sonic tells his friend. "Maybe once we finish taking over Eggman's trashy little city she'll straighten out. So give yourself a break and leave the brooding angsy to Shadow and Y/n."
"Good work everyone! This sector is secure," Vector states as he drops in. "How's our second team doing?"
"Checking in with them now," Julie-Su says as she takes out a communicator. "Saffron, do you read me?"
At a tower nearby, Saffron is seen with Charmy and Ray as they set charges all around.
"Loud and clear, Julie-Su! The boys are almost done setting all the charges," Saffron tells her teammate. "When we blow blow tower, Dr. Eggman won't be able to make contact with half the continent!"
"Good to hear!" 'Su says. "Pull out, and we'll meet you at the rendezvous point."
Saffron goes to respond, only for something outside to catch her eyes.
"Um, actually," Saffron says as she panics when she sees the retreating Dark Egg Legion, "we're going to need some backup!"
New Mobotropolis...
Back at New Mobotropolis, Y/n and Anarchy stare at each other.
"What are you doing here, Anarchy?" Y/n asks himself.
"What? Can I not see my least favorite pile of words and cells?" Anarchy asks himself.
"If you just want to fight," Y/n tells Anarchy, "just go ahead and say it."
"Oh. Good," Anarchy states and his grin grows. "BECAUSE THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WANT!"
He charges at his doppelganger and throws a punch, only for it to be redirected away and gets punched in the face instead. Then Y/n knees his Anti in the gut before grabbing him and throwing him up into the air. Anarchy instantly corrects himself and fires Anarchy Bolts at Y/n. Said human creates an energy shield and blocks the attacks, but he misses one it goes to hit a building.
However, the blast doesn't land as a shield of nanites appears and blocks it. It shrinks back into the ground before nanites from neafby buildings shoot out and mold a ball around Anarchy.
"Hey, hey! What gives?!" he asks as he struggles against the nanites.
"Sorry for taking so long. I had to contact Sonic and the Chaotix about this," Nicole states as she materializes next to Y/n. "I'm here to help."
"Don't apologize. Couldn't have arrived at a better time," Y/n told his girlfriend. "How're the others?"
"Handling the rest of the invasion from Moebius, the Anti-Mobius, at HQ" Nicole states. "They're too busy to help us, though."
A loud yell grabs the couple's attention and they look to see Anarchy blow away the nanites holding him. He pants in anger and glares at Y/n and Nicole.
"I hate this city," he states.
"Nic, protect the people and assist me if you can," Y/n tells his girlfriend. "I'll handle Anarchy up close and keep damage to as minimum as possible. Ready?"
"Ready," Nicole nods.
Y/n dashes forward as does Anarchy and clash in the middle. A loud boom goes off, but Nicole keeps it contained by surrounding the two with nanites. The two doppelgangers push against each other with their power growing by the minute. Then the Anarchy Beryl on Anarchy's back start to glow and spark, making electricity spark from his body as his eyes glow electric purple. Y/n's eyes widen in surprise before he gets sent flying back from an energy blast fired from Anarchy's mouth.
Y/n goes crashing through the ground and into a building, cracking a wall inside. He shakes his head and opens his eyes before he feels something drip down his face and sting his right eye. He wipes it off with his hand and looks at it to see... blood. His blood.
"Y/n!" Nicole calls out to her boyfriend.
Y/n narrows his eyes at Anarchy who flew down to hover off the ground by a foot. He grins before Y/n flies at him with and spins around, landing a kick on Anarchy which creates a massive shockwave from the force.
"Come on! That all you got?!" Anarchy asks and grabs his counterpart's leg.
He spins around and slams Y/n into the ground, cracking the ground before a group of nanites grabs him. He gets pulled back and sent flying away, only for the madman to correct himself and blow some buildings apart. Mobians scream in fear as they begin to fall to the ground, making Y/n's eyes widen in fear.
"No!" he shouts and flies towards them.
He dashes forth and grabs as many people as he could and even creates Chaos Constructs to save them. However, Anarchy tackles him away and they crash into the ground.
"Nuh-uh! Eyes on you, me!" Anarchy tells him and kicks him.
Y/n crashes into the dome wall with a grunt and glares at Anarchy before having to dodge an energy bolt. Back at the disaster site, Nicole uses the nanites in the city to grab the people and reconstruct the buildings at the same time.
"Everyone! Get to the castle for safety!" the AI orders the now feeling Mobians. "The Freedom Fighters are handling everything! Go!"
The Mobians listen to her and flee to Acorn Castle. Nicole then turns to see massive shockwaves and explosions coming from the dome wall.
"Don't worry, Y/n," Nicole says as she starts to dematerialize. "I'll be right there."
Back with Y/n and Anarchy, the two were still fighting each other before Anarchy grabs Y/n and spins him around. He then throws him and the human crashes back into the dome wall again. It nearly breaks upon impact, but Y/n pushes against it and gets back on his feet.
"All you got?" Y/n asks as he wipes blood from his chin.
"Hahaha! You're way stronger than before!" Anarchy grins. "I love it! How much more can you take?"
"Anything you can dish out," Y/n says as he gets into a fighting stance.
Anarchy laughs and charges, and so does Y/n. They both rear their fists back as Y/n doesn't realize that nanites we beginning to form around him, starting with his legs. Then their fists clash with a giant explosion.
Back at New Megaopolis, we pick up right where we left off.
"Hang on, Saffron!" 'Su assures the bee. "We're on our way!"
"What's wrong?" Espio asks. "What happened to Charmy?"
"Lien-Da's retreat led her right to the others," the echidna states. "They need our help."
"Which is a problem," Sonic says. "Apparently something is going down back at HQ. And Anarchy is at New Mobotropolis, too."
"Which means Scourge is here, too," Knuckles says. "Head back. Like you said, we don't need you here."
"We'll turn this flanking into an ambush," Mighty declares.
"Alright, Chaotix," Sonic begins to run off. "See you back at the homestead!"
With that, Sonic dashes off to head back at Freedom HQ with blazing speed. It didn't take him long to reach HQ and he kicks the door open upon arrival.
"A heads-up to ang jerks present: the hedgehog is in the house!" the hedgehog declares.
"At last!" Sally smiles. "Sonic, in here!"
Fiona growls and glares at Sonic before turning to the Star Posts.
"Sorry, hon," she tells the person on the other side, "but I think you need to speed up your grand entrance!"
The portal shimmers and a familiar green hedgehog wearing a stone crown steps through.
Evil twins! King Scourge! The war between worlds has started and the lines have been drawn! Who will come out on top? Who will succeed in the end? Find out, next time on Only Human!
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