The Past Haunts
"Kamski." A harsh voice hisses. My attention is drawn to it, eyes looking up from the coloring book in my hands.
"Mrs. Oliver?" A dark haired man spoke. His skin was as pale as a vampire I had seen on TV days before, his hair pulled back to show the shaven parts of it on either side. Under the white coat he wore was a dark toned shirt. It had a skull on it. I had asked him why he wore that shirt so much. He had answered with a 'because I feel like it.'
Beside him stood a women I knew very well, my mother. She was short and tan as could be. Dark hair fell over her shoulders in waves I loved to play with. As I couldn't play with my own hair, I had taken a liking to hers quit quickly.
"Do not Mrs. Oliver me! You told me her wounds would heal by now." My mother hisses once more, something she only seemed to do when Kamski was around. The taller man didn't seem to be bothered, however, as he bent down beside me.
His face breaks out in a smile, hand reaching for the page I had been coloring. A clipboard lay limp in his lap. Something always seemed to, anyway.
"What is this hm?" Kamski asks me softly. His eyes flicker to me, soft blue clashing against my own as he watched me closely. Kamski was always nice to me. Food was always a word away and any toy was just a yard. More than that, he always paid attention to me.
Mom had always sucked at that.
"It's us!" My voice was high pitched and excited, something faked down to the last accent at the end. Emotion had never been my strong suit. Kamski has assured me that would change in the coming weeks.
"Oh really?" Kamski chuckles, his thumb rubbing over the thin paper I had wasted ten minutes on. In the picture we're three people. Two were tall and red, eyes bright and health practically radiating even from the childish picture. Between them stood a purple figure. It was shorter than them, yet both red figures held onto it's hand seemingly happily. Each wore a large smile, at least.
"I'm not done with it yet!" I say with a smile, grabbing the paper and picking up a blue crayon. My small hand wraps around the small drawing utensil before scribbling in the back of the page with a vibrant blue.
"Oh, is that the sky?" Kamski asks softly. I could feel his eyes on me, watching every move I made.
"No." I chirp, the crayon skipping over a few places in the page. My hands were moving side to side clumsily. Yet even as they do they seem to have purpose. By the time I was done, well, Kamski could see the reason behind it.
Ingrained in the blue 'sky' were white letters. I had spaces out the white spaces perfectly, with precision. Now? You could clearly read words.
Create Jericho
"...It's amazing (Y/N)."
For a moment, it was peaceful. My eyes fluttered open to capture the moving sunlight against a glass window. Rain fell lightly down against the ground in silent pitter patters, shapes and blues of color blazing past in the background. The scene was beautiful and relaxing. No fear or confusion ran through me in that moment.
Even if for a moment, everything seemed alright.
However nothing like that ever seems to last.
"(Y/N)?" A familiar voice shocks me slightly, making me jump. I sit up from my spot leaning against the side of Hank's window. In front of me? Reality faces me head-on. Hank had a hand on the steering wheel, his head tilted up as he looked at me through the rear view mirror. He had been the one to speak. Concern was evident in the way he watches me closely.
"Hank..." A groan leaves me as I move the wrong way. Pain shot through me as I did, hand automatically reaching for the back of my head. It was met with a lump of skin that stuck out against my circular skull. My hair barely hid the thing from view. "Shit, what happened?"
"You were hit in the back of the head with the handle of a gun." Another familiar voice calls, this time from beside me. I glance over to meet Conner's form. He was sitting with his arms in his lap, jacket removing from his body. The white button down that rest underneath it looked rather good on the android, I had to say.
"Wait what... a gun?" I wince and tilt my head forwards slightly, feeling for the swell in my head once more. As I did something slipped off of my shoulders. A quick glance downwards revealed to me the dark blue of Conner's jacket.
He had covered me up while I was asleep.
"Yes, do you not remember?" Conner asks with a tilt of his head. His brown eyes scan over my form before suddenly moving closer. Within a moment his arm was sling around my shoulder and I was pressed against his side.
Instantly I tense, looking up at Conner in question. The android doesn't even seem to be fazed by it. Instead he looks down at me curiously, his question heavy in the air.
"Uh... No. could you..." I start to move away from Conner only for him to stop me, his hand grabbing onto my wrist. The hold was rather gentle. Obviously he was not trying to hurt me, something I was sure he purposefully conveyed with his movements.
"You have been through a traumatic experience. It is... normal for humans to console each other after things like you have been through. Also, you're cold. With your head injury and-"
"Conner just shut up." Hank suddenly grumbles, turning the wheel almost violently as he made a turn. The older detective was sneaking glances back at us here and there. I, however, was too worried about Conner to really take note of that.
"You don't-"
"Both of you! Shush! (Y/N) you almost died today because of your stupid actions. Do not tell Conner he can't try to protect you after the stunt you pulled!" I froze in place at Hank's harsh tone, looking up to him. Concern had fallen away to anger. I wasn't really surprised. "What the hell were you thinking! As a trained cop you should have known better."
I blink, looking down at the bottom of the car for a moment. Stunt?
Suddenly it all hit me. Kara. Alice. The gun. The house. The second of fear as Kara held the gun against my head. Hank's terrifies face as Kara pushes me forward with the barrel of the gun. Guilt for having put them through that. It all seemed selfish, now that it was done. Putting my life at risk. Scaring the hell out of the two people who probably know me best at the moment.
"Hank... I'm sorry I-"
"No! (Y/N) you don't get to apologize for this. You scared us all today..." Hank trails off, huffing slightly as he grips onto the steering wheel of his car. He turns his head to look out the window for a moment before speeding up slightly. "Even Conner was worried."
The extra add on to Hank's sentence killed me. Looking up at Conner I notice the way his brown eyes were trained on me. His hand had moved down to his jacket, pulling it back up to cover my body from the cold that seeped into the car. When he caught me staring up at him he smiles softly.
"Hank is right (Y/N). That was a very dumb move. However, the most important thing is you are okay." After a pause of silence, A small sniffle fills the air. Conner's words had shocked Hank and I both at the same time. Conner admiring there was something more important than completing his mission? Never before had people cared this much.
I shift in the seat slightly before latching into Conner's waist tightly. My arms wrap around as much of his torso as possible, my face pressed flush against him as I start to cry. It was a loud, ugly cry. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you like that I just- I just-"
"Shh (Y/N). You need sleep, trauma like that takes a lot out of a person." Conner's soft voice cuts through my hysteria, his hand coming to rest on my hair. For a moment his hand awkwardly lay there. Until, Of course, Conner slowly began to run his hand through my hair.
"She just woke up god damn it! It's time for me to slap her wrist about the shit she just-"
"Lieutenant Anderson, (Y/N) needs rest. It's not good for her body to be put through even more than she already has. I already agreed to avoid the hospital but-"
"Remember who the human is here!" Hank suddenly hisses, eyes meeting Conner's and narrowing slightly. I only start to cry harder. Hearing these two fight was something I had never wanted to do.
"Remember who is the android." Conner speaks after a moment, pulling me closer. After hesitation he seems to lean back and cradle me against his chest. Perhaps awkward but warm nontheless. With his hands now running through my hair even more, I felt the hysteria slowly falling away even now.
I look up at Hank through my fingers, catching sight of his gritted teeth and tense body. Never had I guessed how much he cared for me. Perhaps this day shows a little more than my stupidity.
"Sleep (Y/N)." Conner's whisper meets my ears once more, except this time much softer than it had been. His lips were right against my ear, and, as I took note of this, I felt Conner press a soft kiss to my skin.
My face lit up like a Christmas tree at the feeling, my eyes closing as I buried my head into Conner's chest. The android was rather soft... something I had never expected from a piece of plastic. Not that I was complaining much.
Once again, I felt the sense that Conner had become much more than a piece of plastic sent by Cyberlife.
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