"Coffee for you." I say with a smile. The coffee I had picked up on my way to work was set delicately on Hank's desk. The liquid inside sloshed around inside. Thankfully, however, it didn't spill.
"Oh, thanks (Y/N)." Hank mutters softly, reaching for the coffee. I sit down in my desk opposite from Hank's. The spiny chair I sat down in slid slightly to the right, hitting the metal of the desk and making a clanking sound.
A hum of satisfaction leaves Hank as he tastes the coffee, setting it down soon after. We had thinks to chart and write down from the investigation last night. Both Hank and I had decided we needed to wait a few hours before doing that. Sleep and coffee were needed to write such important things down.
I take a sip of my own coffee as I right my chair, turning on my computer with a click of a button. The hot liquid was so refreshing. Never before Detroit did I ever drink coffee. However now it was almost impossible to not drink at least three cups daily. With the cold and often stormy days of Detroit I needed coffee to keep me going.
My computer flicked on within a few seconds of being summoned. The home screen was a picture of myself with my cousin, Raven. Raven hadn't been around in years. This was a very old photo. Yet I was so used to seeing it I didn't even seem to notice the black hair and almost black eyes before a new screen had been pulled up.
"I don't want to write all this junk down..." I groan softly, laying my head on the cold metal desk for a moment. Hank's grunt was one of agreement. That was all I knew I would get this early in the morning. "When do have to go talk to that Deviant anyway."
"We have two hours. Get to typing Officer." Hank answers, the sounds of his fingers flying over his keyboard filling the room. He had always been the one to love reporting. My working theory was that it let him escape for a few moments. Heaven knows that man needed an escape sometimes.
"But why! Can't we just get Conner to do it for us?" I groan and sit up once more, pulling my key board close as I wait for a smart ass remark. Never had I talked to Hank for more than a moment without a smart ass remark. This time, however, was different. Instead of Hank's gruff voice answering me, it was smooth and varying. Conner's voice.
"Just get me to do what for you, Officer (L/N)?" The android questions, suddenly coming to stand beside Hank's desk. I had passed the android as I walked in. Apparently he had been speaking to one of the workers at the desk. When he spoke I look up at him. The android was just as I had remembered from last night. His chocolate brown eyes were focused on me, his hair perfect except for one tuff that just made me want to reach up and fix it. Of course he was wearing exactly what he had been yesterday. Any android without that attire on could be punished for it. By any means, he looked good in the suit that was made exactly for him. It fit like a glove, or, at least it did until I noticed his tie was crooked.
"Oh nothing Conner, it's nothing. Continue on with whatever androids do in the mornings." I wave him off, turning to my computer. Looking at him for long made my head hurt. As I had learned yesterday, the android could see blue blood even when humans couldn't. That posed an extreme threat to me and Daniel. The deviant had oddly decided to stick around for a week or two, saying something along the lines of 'I can tell something big is going to happen'.
"Officer (L/N), you can ask me anything. If I can serve you in any way I could gladly do it without hesitation. After all, I am the android sent-"
"Conner, if you say that one more damn time I'm going to punch you. In the nose." Hank grumbles from his desk, taking yet another sip of coffee. I smirk at the old cop, looking down at my desk in amusement. Someone really was taking a liking to Conner. He wouldn't have said anything to him if he wasn't. Hank had... a unique way of showing affection.
"Oh, well in that case I am here to help, (Y/N)." Conner rewords what he was about to say, stepping closer to me. The android was suddenly standing behind me. I could feel him awaiting my next words rather patiently.
I blink in confusion, turning to the side and looking up at Conner. He stood still and straight, eyes skimming over my computer as if he was looking for information. Considering what he was, there was no way he wasn't doing just that.
"Hey! Don't snoop! I was only going to ask if I had to make a report after you did. It doesn't seem necessary." After my first harsh words Conner had shifted his gaze to me. It was awkward and weird, tension from last night spilling over into now. Or at least, it did from my end.
"Oh please (Y/N)." Hank leans forwards, snapping his fingers obnoxiously. Conner's attention was drown away from me. Frankly I could myself relieved by this. After a small break I turn my head to look at Hank as well. "(Y/N) wants you to write her report for her because she's lazy and doesn't want to do it herself. Could you do that, Conner?"
"Hank!" I exclaim, glaring at the man for his rude words. He spoke with a condescending tone I didn't appreciate. Once again, my view on androids were not very popular. Hence the deviant in my basement...
Conner looks down at me as I speak, seeming rather confused by my reaction. Or perhaps he was confused by my laziness. I wasn't really sure. Either way, I look up at Conner with a look of determination in my eyes.
"Don't listen to Hank, he's just grouchy and rude." I lay my hand on Conner's arm, offering a warm smile up to the android. As my hand wraps around his arm I realize how cold he is. Of course it was to be expected in a hunk of metal, but nonetheless I found myself feeling sorry for Conner. Never would he feel warm and cozy under a blanket.
For a moment I am watching Conner, tension rising between us. Never had I ever felt something like that between myself and another person. It was just... weird. As the moments pass I am sure I feel a small blush rising to my cheeks, tinting them pink.
He's attractive okay!
A sudden twitch flickers through Conner before he pulls his arm away from mine. The arm that used to be under my hand was gripping onto the back of my skinny chair. In one motion he had pulled me away from my own desk and stepping into the small square.
"I can do your report for you if you wish. You are right in the assumption that it really isn't needed. The clearest point of view they are going to get is from me." Conner explains as he begins to type away on the keyboard. His fingers fly over the keys, typing faster than I could ever imagine going. My eyes couldn't even keep up with the letters appearing on screen.
I shift my seat to the side of Conner, getting a closer look at what he was writing. Or, trying to. Once again I couldn't see a thing. I was sure my face was twisted in awe and confusion. Hank's wasn't too far from mine. Hank and my eyes meet, holding for a moment. A silent conversation goes between us before we both look back at Conner with a little more respect.
"Could you do my report too?" Hank mutters from his seat on the other side of me. I chuckle, shaking my head.
"I'm sorry lieutenant, if I did that it would seem suspicious." Conner answers formally. Within a few minutes he was pulling away from the computer. He stood tall beside me, his eyes scanning over Hank and then looking down at me. "Your report is done and ready to be turned in."
I blink, shifting my chair so I was right in front of my computer. Indeed it was. The report was long winded and professional, surely better than I could do with twice the time Conner had. "Wow... Conner you should do all my reports for me..."
"I'm not sure if that would be the best decision. It's not truthful, you know." Conner speaks slowly and with purpose from behind me. I snort at his words, looking up at the android. Our eyes meet for what seemed the hundredth time that day. They held so much emotion... whoever had designed him wanted Conner to be trusted.
Conner's LED suddenly flashed yellow, his head rising as he presses a finger to it. The small smile I hadn't noticed on his face disappears as he steps back from my computer. Like a switch had been flipped...
"The android is ready for questioning."
Once again I'm sorry for the lack of ConnerxReader moments! I'm trying to add in small snippets of things between the two, moments and such but I think it may just be getting annoying?
Either way, if you enjoyed this chapter please vote! Perhaps even comment?
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