Deviants and Androids
"Sleep (Y/N)." Conner's whisper meets my ears once more, except this time much softer than it had been. His lips were right against my ear, and, as I took note of this, I felt Conner press a soft kiss to my skin.
My face lit up like a Christmas tree at the feeling, my eyes closing as I buried my head into Conner's chest. The android was rather soft... something I had never expected from a piece of plastic. Not that I was complaining much.
Once again, I felt the sense that Conner had become much more than a piece of plastic sent by Cyberlife.
Never had a riding in Hank's car been more awkward.
Conner stayed leaning against the back of the car door, his hands running through my hair slowly. It was nice, of course, but even that wouldn't allow me the freedom of sleep. Guilt and other emotions seemed to be keeping me up. My brain just couldn't focus on anything else...
So I simply lay against Conner. My head was to the side, cheek against his chest and eyes facing the back of the seat we were sprawled out upon. His legs were bent at the knee in order to keep both him and I from moving around too much. Hank's driving wasn't always the best.
That wasn't the awkward part, actually. Having Conner so close was relaxing. It made my heart soar and my brain focus on something else other then guilt. Even if it was for a little while it was better than before.
No, instead it was the silence. It stretched out throughout the car, seeping into every nook and cranny before settling upon everyone inside like a thick blanket. Breathing freely and openly was almost impossible with the unnatural warmth suffocating you.
"Do you care for her?" The blanket was removed, allowing cold fresh air into the car for little more than a moment before covering us once more. The tension is silence stretched out once more. However this time it seemed much worse. Hank held his breath in anticipation, Conner trying to analyze the words spoken by Hank. From the pause in his hand movement and the weird clicking of his systems it seemed he was having a hard time doing just that.
"Care... for her? I'm afraid I do not know what you mean Lieutenant."
"Look, I'm not mad or anything. In fact I wouldn't give a crap if you did. Just answer the question Conner." Hank jumped onto Conner's ignorance as soon as he possibly could. Such a Hank way of dealing with things...
A sense of awkwardness fell over me as I listened. Obviously Hank did not want me to listen in on this conversation, evident by the soft spoken tone he used and his shushing when Conner answered him too loudly. He did not know I was awake. I feel like a bad person for keeping that a secret.
"(Y/N) is... she is different." Conner answers after a small pause. His hands resumed their petting of my hair and I was left to do nothing more than listen to the two.
"Different? What the fuck does that mean?" The car seemed to come to a sudden halt at that point, a sharp turn making Conner tighten his hold on me. My body had just began to slip away from Conner's chest when he regained his hold on me. Just in time...
"Lieutenant Anderson, I don't-"
"Hank. My name is Hank understand?"
"...Hank. (Y/N) is different. Something about her is off, something I can't place. It makes me... it-" Conner pauses, stuttering out his thoughts for the first time. The android had always spoken so fluidly. There was meaning behind everything he said and no pause unless wanted. I could feel the deviancy radiating off of him. "She's like a... I don't know. Something about her just makes me want to protect her."
I find myself fighting a smile at Conner's words all while trying to stay asleep. There was no way I was going to let these two know I had heard everything. Something tells me Conner wouldn't take it well and Hank wouldn't let me live it down.
Silence filled the air after Conner's words. The only sounds were the pitter patter of rain outside and the soft breathing of Hank and I. For I moment I imagined Conner's face right now. Probably scared, confused, looking for something he didn't understand. Hank? He would have already put two and two together.
The question is what he would do with the information.
"Take her inside. I don't want her to come into work for a few days, just make sure she eats and keep her safe for me. If there is a case she is off of it until I say so got it?" Hank orders. From the way his voice seemed to echo he was facing forwards. My guess is his hands were on the wheel and his eyes staring back at Conner through the mirror. "Don't let anything happen to her."
"Yes Lieutenant." Conner responds before sitting up slowly. A small click of a car door opening filled the air before hands encircled me. I was lifted like I weighed nothing, my body pulled to Conner's chest as he steps out of the car.
No more words were shared between Conner and Hank. Instead the android slammed the car door closed with one hand, his other supporting me against his chest. My head had fallen against his chest. I simply let it stay where it was. There was no point in 'waking up' right now. It would only raise suspicion.
"(Y/N) I know you are awake." Conner's words were whispered with amusement. Footsteps sound as he steps towards my house, splattering sounding as he steps through puddles to get there. Rain was falling lightly from the sky, as it always did. My house was at the bottom of a small hill and, well, water tended to congregate here.
My eyes open slowly at the Android's words, looking up at him with a small blush. I should have guessed an android could tell when a human was sleeping or not. However, why would he answer those questions so honestly if he had? Perhaps most emotions still elude him?
"You knew? That doesn't make sense." I speak softly, leaning against Conner trustingly as he carried me. After his words and the obvious care in his voice I knew there was nothing more to fear from him. Conner may be an android but I knew there was good in him. There was good in every android alive.
"Shh, you really do need sleep." Conner whispers, his hand rubbing against my arms. They had goosebumps all along them from both the cold and shock of earlier. Just as Conner had anticipated everything was catching up to me. "Now where are your keys? We need to get you inside."
I sigh softly, looking around for a moment. Suddenly a flicker from inside caught my attention. Instantly I was frozen.
The deviant had refused to leave even after the past few days. I had pushed him to but he was persistent on staying with me. Of course I had warned him about situations like this but... the problem was becoming a reality very quickly.
"They... they're in my pocket. Set me down and I-"
"There's someone inside."
I apologize for the sort of slow pace! I know it may seem annoying to some, but it's just my style! I assure you there is a rhyme and reason to this, and I hope the small Conner x Reader moments have been enough to keep you entertained in these last few chapters.
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