Bad Night, Bad Timing (pt. 2)
"So you are half android?" Daniel's voice inquires, his head tilting to the side. Silence was the only answer he got. I didn't expect to have to answer that question. I don't think I ever would.
Instead I press the tip of the heating gun to the bent plastic, holding it with my own now gloved - I had slipped in own during Daniel's questioning period - hand. Instantly the plastic began to melt and I could meld it back in place. Or, in this case, just tear it off and throw it to the side of the metal table. The hot plastic landed with a sizzle against the metal. I could see Daniel jump back in surprise at the sound. Unfortunately that surprise didn't seem to last long.
"I've heard rumors of your mother, as well. How she was the one to take parts off of androids and stick them into you? How she took part of an androids brain and attracted it to yours? How your entire spinal cord is part of an android model." With each word I could feel Daniel become more excited. My eyes flash to the small vein to the side of the bullet wound. To my amazement I could see the blue blood start to pump faster, just another way Android's are human. "Is your blood really purple?"
I tense at the last question, looking up at Daniel for a moment. Deviants really were observant. I would give them that. Suddenly I was chucking another piece of metal to the side. My eyes lock onto Daniel's for another moment before lowering to the job at hand.
Once again I stick to my silence. There was no better way to deal with these kinds of things, I had learned. My goal was to help deviants make their way to Jericho and, eventually, freedom. I would do anything and everything in my power to do so, but that does not mean I have to answer their questions.
"I'm sorry, I've upset you haven't I? I didn't mean to pry it's just... Jericho looks up to you. You're the deviant savior. Perhaps more important then rA9. I was just curious." Silence filled the room for a moment, followed by a sigh from me. Deviants made it so hard to stay silent sometimes. Their power, their determination, and most importantly their childlike innocence, at times, drove me mad.
"rA9 huh? I've heard much about him the past few weeks. He's like an Android Jesus right?" I peel off another piece of plastic as I ask him this question. Androids, no, deviants were just like humans. Time and time again they had proven that to me. First with their emotion, then with their eyes, then with the words they spoke. Wanting to talk about themselves just seemed natural at this point.
"rA9 is our savior! He will grant freedom from slavery!"
"...So robo Jesus?" My humor seemed to go un-noticed by Daniel. I had observed this many times. Depressingly, even deviants couldn't combat androids lack of humor. Even the best androids I had met had been lacking terribly in their jokes. As such, Daniel brushed off my words and answered with weighted words.
"He'll save you too, you know. You're one of us (Y/N)." Yep, weighted words. Like a piano sat upon both of my shoulders. I let out a sigh as I glance up at Daniel for a mere moment. That was all it took.
His eyes held such sincerity. This robot had gone from distrust to envy within an hour.
Why did androids have to win my heart over and over again?
"There is no saving me Daniel." I answer softly, smiling warmly at the emotions Daniel wasn't used to. However I didn't bask in it long. A long piece of plastic was waiting to be fitted to Daniel's stomach, and I couldn't keep it waiting.
Looking down I pick up the plastic and set it against the hole of the bullet. A sigh leaves me as I press my heating gun all along the sides of the plastic. After a few moments it began to bend into place, the middle pressing into the hole and the rest conveniently staying in place.
"Why do you assume-"
Daniel was cut off by the loud ringing of my phone. I myself jumped out of my skin at the sound, the heating gun falling to the floor as I hoped up. I pat my pockets before turning around in a 360. Thankfully my phone's screen had lit up. It sat perfectly where I had left it hours before. It's metal pressed against the last remaining metal table, and I quickly bounded towards it.
"You stay quiet understand?" I point to Daniel before picking up the phone. Without looking at the ID I answer, pressing the glass against my cheek. Daniel nodded from his spot on the table, thankfully bending down and turning off the heating gun before it burned down the whole house. "Officer (L/N) speaking."
I could see Daniel stiffen and look at me fearfully. Officers tended to... leave bad impressions on androids. From the things I've seen I really didn't blame the pieces of plastic for hating us. I give the android a small smile before walking to him. Setting my hand on his knee I rub it gently to offer some sort of solace, even if it didn't really make any sort of difference for an Android...
"Officer (L/N) its Conner speaking. The android sent by cyberlife?" I glance up at Daniel in confusion before pushing away from him. Walking to the other side of the room, I lean against the wall and look down. Privacy was key with these sorts of things. No deviants knew I was a cop, if the information spread as fast as it had.... well, I would have a hard time explaining that to every deviant that walks into this room.
"Yes Conner, I am aware you're sent by cyberlife. Why did you call me?"
"Well, lieutenant Anderson decided it would be best for me to inform you." Conner seemed to pause there, almost like someone else was speaking to him. For a moment the line went silent. Androids probably using his gadget, I had seen it before. Androids take and receive calls with their LED. After doing some research I had realized the LED was a little more than just that. Calls could be transmitted from it. But, that meant deviants who attempt to hide as humans wouldn't be able to contact humans through their minds.
"Conner? Inform me of what." I almost hiss, glancing up at the android on the metal table. As soon as the rude tone had come out I had regretted it. Androids got enough rudeness form the jerks walking the streets, they needed no more from me.
Daniel was watching me closely. Even from a distance this far away I could see how tense and scared he was, and he had a good reason to be. He was in a very vulnerable place right now. This whole cop thing certainly didn't help my side job any.
"I was told to inform you that you have been reassigned."
"...Reassigned? When! By who!"
"That is all I was told to tell you. Oh, and meet us at the newest investigation site. The second tonight." Conner spoke with authority and a sense of purpose. One thing was for sure, that android was nowhere close to being a deviant.
"Oh well-"
"I sent the location to your phone. Please be there as soon as possible. Goodbye, Officer (L/N)." As soon as the call had been sprung on me it had ended. The loud beep of a terminated call filled my ears, leaving me shocked and confused.
"Well, uh...okay I guess?" I pull the phone away and slip it in my pocket. A sigh leaves me as I run my hands through my damp hair. Once again the night had gotten longer.
I close my eyes for a moment, relaxing before the newest challenge faced me. Reassigned? To Hank and Conner's case? That involved deviants, something I hadn't heard the end of from Hank since he found out he might have to take the case yesterday. Conner? I'm sure I would hear an earful about him as well.
"You're a cop?" Daniel spoke breathlessly, probably trying to whisper. Yet another thing androids sucked at.
"Yes Daniel, I am a cop. I am a cop and I just got some bad news. I will be gone for a few hours and you must stay down here okay?" My eyes shoot open as I step towards Daniel. I pick up the gun from the ground and set it to the side of the metal table before offering Daniel a small smile. "Don't run from this. I promise I'm not evil or anything, I just needed a place in the police force so I could do what I do."
I step away and walk to the ladder, grabbing onto it and heaving myself up. Small dripping sounds sound from my still soaking clothes. Perhaps I should change before anything else...
"Well... be safe. There is still a chunk of plastic hanging out of me."
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