Android Detective?
Hello! I'm so glad you decided to check this story out, and I'm excited to write it! One of the challenges of Wattpad is making something original. Something new. This story came straight from my brain and my obsession with another fandom that leaked into this one, and, well, I hope it's new. Everyone wants something fresh and unheard of every once and a while! Either way, enjoy!
I let out a sigh as I step up to the neon lights of the bar. 'Jimmy's bar' it read in huge glowing letters. Rain was pounding down from the sky, assaulting me with pellet after pellet. It almost hurt. My raincoat was already soaked through, the material it was made out of not helping much in that regard. I could feel rain deep into my clothes.
Now, don't think wrong of me for standing in front of a bar. I don't drink. Alcohol was the furthest thing from my mind at this point. No, I wasn't at a bar for that. Instead there was a person hanging heavy in my mind. A person I had called five times to no answer. A person I knew would either be here with a bottle of booze in his hand or at home with a gun pressed against his forehead. Either way I was needed.
Help Hank
The glitched words were hard to see, hanging in the air for little more than a moment before they disappear in a flash of nothing. Those damn words... those damn commands.
With a huff I step forwards and push open the door. As soon as I step inside I am rewarded with a gust of warm air against my chilled skin. I welcome the feeling with open arms and a smile. I had never enjoyed rain, and even if I was entering a bar to speak to a suicidal friend it was a blessing to get out of the cold wet thing.
The bartender smiles to me with a nod, his hand in a cup with a rag around it. Cliche bartender move. I had always made fun of him for it.
"Nice timing, he's working on his sixth." The bartender spoke with his gruff voice, nodding over to the man in question. I offer a nod before shuffling over to the stool he had pointed to.
"Thanks Jay." I mutter softly as I sit beside my friend. He was hunched over as usual, a beer clutched in one hand as the other was holding his nose. Another bad day at the station, I had guessed. Recently these little visits had seemed to only multiply. It was like his grief of working backwards. After the death of his son he had fallen apart. He had gotten a home only a few yards from mine and tried to forget everything. To do this he drowned himself in his work, which worked for a while. But, as the months passed, Hank slowly became worse and worse. One time a month at the bar turned to two, then three, then once a week, then twice a week. My friend was falling deeper and deeper into something I never wanted him to ever face. From experience, it sucks.
Help Hank
My eyes barely flash over the words before I reach out and take the drink in Hank's hand. With little pause I was chugging the glass and slamming it down on the wooden table. An 'ah' leaves me as I close my eyes for a moment. It was only a moment, as I had expected it to be. Hank didn't take too kindly to drinks being taken from him.
"What the hell (Y/N)! Every damn time with you..." Hank glares at me in anger before motioning to the bartender for another. Jay looks up at me, sees me shake my head, and offers Hank an apologetic smile.
"Sorry Hank, you know (Y/N) takes control of your drinks when you're here." With that he turns and walks away, probably to avoid the next step in this process. It was a process, as it always repeats and repeats and repeats.
Hank turns to me with anger in his eyes, his hand raising to point directly at me. I lean back in my seat as to not be poked by a drunk Hank. He had never been too good at depth perception when he had had a few drinks.
Even from this far away I could smell the alcohol on his breath. It reeked and stank up the room around us, mixing with other people's alcohol breath and making it hard to breathe. This barely seemed to faze me at this point. Too many times had I smelled the same scent.
"You little- why the hell are you here I told you to..." Hank's words trail off and seem to fade away as I listen. I blink in confusion, not understanding why his voice was suddenly so quiet. Never had this happened before. I look around for a moment, trying to find out what was happening.
That was when I saw him.
The android has just pushed open the door when my eyes meet his form. It was an odd thing, to see an android where they shouldn't be. Orders were meant to be followed and hard to resist. So, why was this one in a bar specifically labeled as a no android zone?
This android was obviously different. More than the sudden free will and want to move about where he wasn't supposed to, his design was different than anything I had ever seen before. His eyes were darker than any other android, his hair just a little too imperfect. Tan skin shone in the light of the bar. It showed off the sheen of water that covered his skin and jacket. The jacket... RK800? I had never seen one of that model before. RK?
As I watch the android, he reaches out and pulls on the edge of his jacket. Water hadn't soaked completely through him but it still looked pretty wet. The blue strip on his arm was bright, as it always tended to be with androids. I hadn't seen androids similar to him, but even his suit was too formal for a android. Where was the housekeeping wear? Why was he dressed so formally?
When the androids eyes met mine, I felt something slip. I don't know what had happened, but suddenly millions of little lines were floating around the androids head. They were red and rather annoying, but the most annoying part came after.
A small box appeared to the side with different numbers. Words were written beside the number, such as 'serial number', 'model number', 'threat level'. The last one seemed to be rather high, as it brought up a red flag in my brain.
Underneath the numbers was a simple name. It read 'conner'. Was that it's name?
I didn't have much time to focus on that. Conner was suddenly walking straight towards me. My eyes widen, fear suddenly shooting through me. An Android was coming to me? For what reason? What did he know?
Heaven knew I had enough to hide.
Thankfully, with closer inspection, I realize Conner was heading for Hank. He showed no interest in me, it seemed. The android walks until he was right beside the still blabbering Hank.
"-drink! Can't you just-" Hank's words were suddenly back in focus, something I was happy about. My eyes had shifted from this Conner fellow to my friend in front of me. He was still fuming about the lack of alcohol, but I was sure it wouldn't last for long. Androids were not welcome in his heart. He would surely have a fit when he notices Conner for the first time. Or, when Conner speaks for the first time.
"Lieutenant Anderson, Officer (L/N)?" Conner's voice was rather smooth and alluring, more-so than any other android I had paid any attention to. It held more emotion somehow. He seemed perhaps more human than most androids I had seen. With closer inspection I even saw the light freckles that lined this cheeks and nose. Someone had tried extremely hard to make this Conner as attractive as possible.
"Oh fuck, what the hell-" Hank slurred as he turns in his stool. The empty glass on the bar was sitting a little too close, however, as was sent to it's side as he turned. I quickly catch it and set it upright once more. Too often I had done just that. "Why the fuck is there an android? (Y/N)?"
"Hank, why would I know?" I mutter, looking up at Conner. The Android's LED was flashing yellow as he watched Hank. The stare was off putting, sending shivers down my spine. As the android opened it's mouth to speak I shifted uncomfortably, unsure of the whole situation.
"My name is Conner. I am the android sent by cyberlife." The line seemed programmed into him, almost like a calling card. It was rather hilarious the way it was said, reminding me of a broken record that you only heard once. You could guess it had been playing over and over again yet you had only witnessed it for a split second.
A small smile flashes across my face as I look over Conner once more. He seemed nice enough, for an Android. Unlike my partner Hank I wasn't so hateful of them. Which was probably a good thing.
"Sent? What the fuck does that mean?" Hank's slurred speech had began to sober up. I had guessed right, Hank couldn't stay drunk around an android like Conner.
"I was sent to help you with your investigation, of course." Conner spoke, causing me to freeze. An android detective? No wonder he looked to weird. He was dressed formally because he was given a formal job.
"Investigation? Why would I need an android to help me solve murders." Hank slurred. I let out a sigh, placing a hand on his shoulder. The captain had reassigned Hank almost two seconds after he had left for the day. When the man had realized the detective wasn't there he had thrown the papers at me and told me to take care of it. I had been meaning to find him as soon as work was over and done with, but something had come up.
"Hank I had been meaning to tell you-"
"You have been reassigned detective. You now work with deviant cases." Conner spoke bluntly. His lack of emotion was understandable but completely inappropriate for the situation. I send a glare Conner's way before I feel Hank jerk away from my hand.
"What do you mean! There is no way in hell I'm working with Deviant cases and even less of a chance that I'm working with an android to do it!"
"Hank I-"
"You don't have a choice lieutenant. We need to go to a site right now. There has been a reported murder that is suspected to be caused by a deviant." Conner once again hit Hank with a wall of bluntness before grabbing onto the older man's shoulder. He was so serious about this mission. I guessed that is how androids were supposed to be. "It was nice speaking with you, Officer (L/N), but we must be leaving now."
I let out a sigh before nodding, turning so both of my arms were laying on the bar counter. Hank was pulled from his seat by Conner before they both walked towards the exit. Of course. I was, once again, left alone to my own regards. If only I had taken the position of Hank's partner when it had been offered to me...
Hey, so I must warn you all this story will be a long one. I am terrible with quick paced stories and one chapter tends to turn into three as once I get started... well... I just can't stop.
Anyway! I believe this will work in my favor! There will be time jumps that could possibly be hard to follow but the story will become clear a few chapters in. I beg of you to give this story at least five chapters before you abandon it. But, I can't exactly force you to can I?
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