30. 📃
It was finally Monday. And the HOD from the department she will be under had e-mailed her a one time online pass to enter into HYBE . She had downloaded and kept it . And just as she approached the main entrance of HYBE she was stopped by the guards.
Grd: Miss I'll have to stop you here. What's your purpose of visiting?
Al: I'm a new intern here.
Grd: where is your ID?
Al: I'm starting today. But here. The department head told to show this to you guys.
She showed them the pass she was sent. Another guard quickly read it through and verified it before she was let through
Al: Hello mam.
Alita had walked up to the reception so that she could avoid getting lost and wasting time.
Rec: Hello how may I help you ?
Al: which are the floors allotted for KOZ?.
Rec: what's the purpose of your visit mam ?
Al: I'm a new intern starting today.
Rec: Name and Department please.
Al: Alita Keats, Public Relation department.
Rec: ok let me check.....ah here you are. Ok you're clear. You can come by lunch break to collect your intern ID card and add you thumb print to the system. So tomorrow onwards you can use the staff entrance which is closer to the stairs and staff elevator. Also KOZ operates in levels 12 and 13. But your department is in floor 13.
Al: ahh thank you.
Rec: sure . Have a good first .
Alita once again thanked the receptionist before walking up to the staff elevator and going up to level 13.
Alita's introduction to the rest of her department went quite well if you ask her. They full time workers were all sweet enough and always ready to help out as long as they weren't pre-occupied.
And surprisingly enough lunch hour came before she could even notice. Seeing it's break she quickly walked back to the elevator to go down and get her ID and finish the thumb printing adding process
Rec: that's all. Had you lunch yet ?
Al: no I came straight here.
Rec: hm then you better get to the café. I heard it's Italian today.
Al: oh sounds cool. Top floor right?
Rec: ya .
As Alita was about to go to the cafe after making a quick stop in the floor 13 to grab her purse she almost ran into someone in the rush and looking at who it was she was shocked to see it was Jaehyun from Boynextdoor since she was told all the practice rooms and studios for idols were in floor 12.
Seeing how the said idol noticed how she almost crashed into him , she quickly greeted him.
Al: Hello.
Jae: oh hey. Seems like you were in a rush...
Alita was slightly flustered as she spoke.
Al: ahh sorry.
Jae: ah it's fine... Also you seems new here
Al: ah yeah. I'm an intern. I started today only.
Jae: oh ? PR department?
Al: ya. How'd you know ?
Jae: just a guess. By the way . Your name wouldn't happen to be um.... What was it ? Ah ya Alita...
Now alita was a little freaked out. Like how could Myung Jaehyun who she had never met or interacted with before know her name .
Al: thats a little creepy. How do you know my name.
Jae: oh sorry. Um so you're alita?
Al: ya
Jae: ahh don't worry. It's nothing creepy actually. Yeonjun sunbaenim had told me and the other guys that a friend of his is joining as an intern today. So we just asked some basic details so we could recognise you if we ran into you.
Al: oh ? I was lowkey hoping to keep that friendship on the down low.
Jae: ya understandable but don't very here no one will judge you.
Al: that's reassuring.
Jae: i believe you were going to the café
Al: ya.
Jae: cool. Come I'll introduce you to rest of the boys.
Al: oh no need. I'm fine going by myself.
Jae: actually the guys wanted to actually meet Yeonjun hyung's friend.
Al: ahhh. Ok fine as long as you are sure it won't be an issue.
Jae: don't we are friendly with most staffs especially the ones under KOZ. It's really fine
Jaehyun's words out her mind at ease as she followed him to the café while thinking it wouldn't hurt to get to know these guys. After all she would be there for minimum 6 months. Chances are she will end up having situations were she might interact with them so it was better to get the awkwardness out of the way.
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