15. 📃
Sb: Yeonjun hyung...
Soobin had approached the older after seeing that Yeonjun was by himself, on his phone .
Yj: ya bin. What's up ?
Sb: i sorted wanted to talk to you .
Yj: oh ?
Sb: ya. Um promise you will be honest.
Yj: uh oh ? Am I getting the leader Soobin right.
Sb: not exactly but ya . This concerns both the group and I'm also asking as your friend.
It was safe to say Yeonjun was a little nervous. He couldn't remember doing anything could get him in trouble. But Soobin seemed a little serious.
Yj: kk. Promise I'll be honest.
Sb: are you dating someone?
Ok now that wasn't a question that Yeonjun was expecting from his leader. Dating ? Yeonjun was confused what gave Soobin that idea.
Yj: what no... What gave you that impression.
Sb: you're on your phone more frequently and most of the time it's to chat with someone. And this person seems to make you smile quite a bit than normal...
Yeonjun finally understood what Soobin was talking about but he didn't know what to tell Soobin. Cause yes he wasn't dating Ally. But .... Was it wrong that he wanted to ?
Yj: Oh that ? No I'm not dating her.
Sb: so it's a her itself.
Yj: ya. It's a her. She a online friend of mine .
Sb: just friend ?
Yj: ya... *Sigh*
Soobin stared at his hyung questioningly hearing the sigh that escaped his lips.
Sb: you don't seem to happy about that.
Yj: you told me to be honest right .
Sb: ya.
Yj: I don't think I see her just a friend. I think I've caught feelings for her , but it's weird cause I've never seen her face.
Sb: oh ? Are you sure she isn't some fraud. Seeing how you don't how she looks like
Yeonjun thought about that multiple times. But something in his heart strongly told him she is genuine.
Yj: She has no reason to scam me. She doesn't even know it's me . And it's me who accidentally texted her first. And wanted to be her friend. And something. Like a guy feeling, tell me she is genuine.
Sb: if you think so then fine. Have you told her yet ?
Yj: no. And I don't know how to . What if it ruins our friends in case she doesn't feel the same.
Sb: i can't lie hyung. There is a chance of that happening. But there is also a chance that she likes you back. As your leader I should be telling you against it but as your friend I'd say you better confess to her soon.
A smile came onto Yeonjun's face. He didn't know why he was so worried. Ofcourse Soobin was his leader but he was his friend first , ofcourse Soobin was going to understand him .
Sb: just be careful ok. You should reveal yourself before confessing. And in case you guys get together you need to be careful with how you handle this relationship, keeping it away from public eye
Yeonjun let our a hum . He knew Soobin was right. And he mentally started going through ideas regarding how to reveal his identity to Ally.
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