29| Take Your Last Embrace
Paloma rested her head against the door long having stopped crying. She knew that her family no longer trusted her and that was why they felt the need to lock her up. As if she would runaway, and it was like they didn't know her at all. Even after everything that had happened an hour ago she would choose her family no matter what. It almost felt unfair that they would all antagonize her so quickly when even after all the lies and secrets they kept she forgave them.
There was a moment that she thought she was imagining his voice, but when she turned around he was there. Edward was standing in the middle of her father's office and she couldn't help but smile a little at the sight of him.
"What are you doing here?" Paloma whispered as she slowly approached him feeling both happy to see him and completely terrified. It was too dangerous, it always had been but now she had no doubt in her mind that if her family walked in on them now that they wouldn't give a damn about the treaty. "If they see you here they'll try to kill you."
"I don't care." He replied as he pulled her into his arms. After everything that happened it felt nice to embraced, to feel like someone was on her side. Paloma immediately returned his embrace as she rested her head on his chest doing her best to hold back her tears. But it was a useless attempt because she could feel the tears rolling down her cheeks.
Although it was nice to have him hold her, and it temporarily allowed her to forget what had happened an hour ago it didn't change any of it. On the other side of the door her family was planning what they were going to do with her. It was devastating knowing that they might never forgive her, and even if they did the way that the saw her had completely changed. "They hate me."
"Paloma I'm so sorry."
"You have nothing to apologize for." She assured him as she pulled away enough to meet his honey colored eyes. It quickly proved to be a mistake as he raised his hand to brush her cheek. Paloma had forgotten about the slap her father had given her, and Edwards visible anger had her fearing for a moment that he would do something stupid and reckless. "It's nothing."
He didn't seemed convinced and she could see the frustration in his eyes. "This is because of me."
Paloma shook her head knowing that there was nothing that she could say to change his mind. He was stubborn and it didn't matter how things went he would blame himself for it. She knew that if there was anyone to blame it would be herself. She chose to continue being around Edward, even after learning he was a vampire she still actively chose him. She knew what her family would think and it hadn't mattered. "They're sending me to California tomorrow."
Edward seemed surprised by the news like this was something that he hadn't considered. "Tomorrow?"
"In the morning."
"Good." He said firmly as he offered her a slight smile that was meant to be comforting, but if Paloma was honest there really wasn't anything that could give her the comfort that she needed. "Alice had a vision. They're going to be here tomorrow. We're preparing to fight."
Paloma knew that it was a matter of time before the vampire army arrived at Forks, she just hadn't imagined that it would be so soon. She had no idea how many newborn vampires there would be, but she did know that the Cullens would be heavily outnumbered. Even with the werewolves and the training that they had been doing she couldn't help but worry.
"I'll be alright." He assured her as he placed one of his hands on the side of her face, but the action did little to ease her nerves. "But I will feel more comfortable knowing that you'll be safe."
Paloma recognized that it was for the best for her to leave, but it also felt wrong. It felt wrong that her family was going to stay in Forks. It felt wrong that she wouldn't get to say good-bye to Saira. It felt wrong that she wouldn't be able to see Edward.
For the first time she found herself wanting to stay in Forks for a little while longer. At least long enough to properly say good-bye.
"I will find you when this is over." Edward said almost like he could read her mind and knew exactly what she was thinking. He had never been shy about sharing his feelings but his words still surprised her. In her mind whatever was between them was something that would be stuck in Forks forever. That whenever she left that was when their relationship would end. She never considered it lasting for much longer. "That is if you would like me to?"
A small smile tugged on Paloma's lips as she nodded. She found that it was something that she hoped he would say, because she wasn't ready for what was happening between them to end just yet. "I love you."
"I'll follow you where ever you go." He stated as he pulled her into a kiss. Paloma immediately returned the kiss not knowing when the next time she would be able to kiss him would be. Edward's kiss was still incredibly cautious and careful as he pulled her closer to him.
"You should go though." Paloma whispered against his lips as she pulled away. She had not doubt in her mind that Edward was as good as dead if they found him here, the last thing that they needed was for things to get any worse than they already were. "I don't want to risk them seeing you here."
Edward rested his forehead against hers as he caressed her cheek with his thumb. The two of them being together felt too perfect that Paloma couldn't understand how anyone could say that what they felt was wrong.
"I'll see you soon." He whispered as he moved his hand under her chin lifting her face so that she could meet his eyes. It was like he wanted her to know that his words were a promise that he wasn't going to break.
Paloma smiled as she pulled him into another kiss wishing that they had more time or that their circumstances were different. She had no doubt that she would see Edward again, but there was so much uncertainty with everything going on around them. It felt like nothing was guaranteed and there was also a feeling of dread.
"You can't keep me locked in here all night!" Paloma yelled as she began to bang her fist on the door determined to continue until she was finally acknowledged. Luckily she didn't have to wait very long before she heard footsteps approaching.
When Luciana finally opened the door Paloma couldn't help but feel emotional all over again. She hated the way that Luciana was looking at her, but she also didn't want to cry in front of them anymore. There was nothing that she needed to apologize for, she understood them but that didn't mean that they were right.
"I'm only letting you go to your room so that you can pack." Luciana said as she opened the door wider to allow Paloma to step out. The house was deadly quiet and the fact that her father and Emiliano were no where to be seen smoke a million words. They couldn't even see her and she wondered if they would even see her off in the morning. "I called Tia Elena and she has your room ready."
Paloma was indifferent about Tia Elena but she tended to be incredibly strict, which was undoubtedly the reason why they were sending her to California. As far as Paloma knew Tia Elena was once a vampire hunter herself and she wondered if Luciana had told their Tia the reason why Paloma was being forced to California. If she did she would be absolutely unbearable and all Paloma would get would be endless lectures. "I left my phone in my backpack can I go get it?"
"No." Luciana replied simply as she began walking upstairs forcing Paloma to follow her because there simply was no way that they would leave her without a phone.
"If I'm leaving tomorrow I at least want to say goodbye to Saira." Paloma argued hoping that her sister would at least be understanding of that. Saira had already lost Kennedy and for Paloma to just disappear felt cruel. "Just a quick call and then I'll pack."
"You're not in any place to negotiate."
Paloma wanted to scream out of frustration. It was like her family was incapable of having some understanding of her. "So I don't get a say in anything?"
"You lost that right." Luciana replied as she came to a stop once the reached the end of the hallway. She looked at Paloma with worry instead of anger. For a moment Paloma wanted to believe that Luciana unlike their father and brother could understand. Paloma gelt like maybe Emiliano and her father were too far gone in their hatred of vampires to understand. But just maybe Luciana could understand things from Paloma's point of view. "I just don't understand."
In many ways Luciana was the best of them. She always bent over backwards for the family and when she left for college it had been devastating. It was more devastating that she left college to come to Forks and once again put the family in front of her own needs. Luciana's concern was genuine, but that didn't mean that she also didn't carry that same hatred towards vampires.
"He sees me. He listens." Paloma told her because in the end that was all it came down too. Yes, there had been an almost immediate connection, but he always seemed interested in what she had to say. It was like for the first time what she felt mattered to someone.
Luciana seemed surprised and almost hurt by Paloma's words. Like if she had expected an entirely different answer. Maybe Luciana had hoped that she had been manipulated or was taken advantage of by Edward, but that was far from the truth. In the end no matter how much they had tried to stay away from each other it had proven impossible.
Paloma knew that no matter what she said or how she tried to explain it Luciana simply wouldn't understand. With a sigh Paloma opened her bedroom door quickly closing it behind her. Now she felt like she needed time alone to really gather her thoughts. Everything felt like such a mess and she truly couldn't see how to fix what was happening.
As she turned on the lights Paloma immediately gasped admittedly feeling a moment of fear at seeing someone sitting on her bed. Someone that she had not seen in a very long time and thought she would never see again.
"Kennedy?" Paloma said slowly trying to process how she could be standing in her room after months of being missing. The entire town thought her dead, but the how didn't really seem to matter. All that mattered was that she was back and that happiness that Paloma felt overshadowed the confusion that came with her return.
She was looking down twisting a chain between her fingers, it looked like she had been looking through her things from the open drawers. Although Paloma felt happy to see her for some reason she hadn't gathered the courage to approach her friend.
Kennedy dropped the necklace back into the drawer, it was the diamond necklace that Edward had gifted Paloma in her birthday. "Paloma long time no see."
"We thought you were dead..." She began to say but the words seemed to die on her tongue when Kennedy finally looked up to meet her eyes.
Seeing Kennedy's red eyes looking back at her instinctively had Paloma taking a step back. It wasn't so much the realization that she was a vampire but it was the look in her eyes and the smile on her lips. All the joy that she felt seeing Kennedy slowly melted away. There was something wrong.
Paloma meant to take a step back to run out the door, but her back immediately hit a solid surface that hadn't been there seconds ago. Before she could scream she felt a cold hand cover her mouth as her hands were held behind her back.
The feeling of betrayal and panic hit immediately as her eyes continued to lock with Kennedy's. She couldn't see who was holding onto her and all she could do was silently plead Kennedy for help. Only the person standing in front of her wasn't the Kennedy she knew, not anymore. Kennedy's red eyes looked at her with indifference, like if Paloma were a complete stranger that meant nothing to her.
"She smells amazing." The vampire that was holding onto her said as he practically buried his face in her hair, his hand tightening around her neck like he really was contemplating killing her. The thought alone had Paloma trying to fight against the vampire's hold, but he was so much stronger that really she was just making a fool of herself. "I'm sure she tastes even better."
"Victoria wants her alive." Kennedy reminded him and everything suddenly became painfully clear. That Kennedy was now part of the vampire army and that Paloma was about to die. Victoria was going to use her as revenge towards Edward.
Knowing she didn't have much time Paloma raised her foot forcefully kicking her dresser causing her jewelry box to crash to the floor. She knew that there was no chance that she would be able to free herself from the vampire's hold but she had to make sure that her family had some clue about what had happened.
After everything that happened if she just disappeared they would think that she just runaway. There needed to be some evidence of a struggle to prove otherwise.
She could only home that it would be enough.
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