26| Violent Delights
The Ibarra family had moved all through out the country, they had even lived in Mexico a couple of time and out of all those places Paloma had never enjoyed any of the ones that had cold weather. If Paloma had any voice in the matter they would only move to the places that were warm and sunny all year round. Maybe that was why she had loved California so much.
"I hate the snow." Paloma commented feeling a little frustrated that she would have to suffer through a winter in Forks. When they had first moved to Washington she had hoped that they would have moved again before Winter.
"Its not that bad once you get used to it." Saira noted as picked at the wilted lettuce on her plate. Although she continued to act like nothing was wrong, there were moments where it was impossible not to notice her sadness.
"Did Mr. Robles let you make up the exam?" Paloma asked choosing to change the subject. The last thing that she wanted was to keep compiling and annoy Saira, especially when Saira had much larger worries than the fact that it was snowing.
There was a slight frown on Saira's lips as she put her fork down. Normally Saira could spend hours talking about school, but now it was like a chore for her. It was sad seeing Saira lose the spark she once had when it came to her passion for school. "Yeah, I'm staying after school to take it."
"That's good."
"Does your family have any birthday plans for you?" Saira questioned quickly changing the subject clearly not interested in talking about herself. Just like Saira was once able to talk nonstop about school, there was a time when Paloma loved talking about herself. Now there were so many secrets and so many problems that Paloma didn't feel like talking much about herself either.
But Paloma still forced a slight smile on her lips knowing that Saira was expecting her to be excited about the question. "I mean there nothing to do in Forks."
That much was the truth. Other than a couple shops and the diner there was nothing to do. That was another reason why Paloma missed California, there was always endless options of things to do. Maybe next year if they moved back they could properly celebrate her birthday. Next year she would be turning eighteen and that meant that she would probably be able to convince her dad to let her have a birthday party. She hadn't had a party since her quinceanera, and even that had taken a lot of beginning on her part.
"True." Saira replied "I've been meaning to ask you about the other day when you asked me for a ride."
Paloma immediately felt her heart begin to beat a little faster in her chest knowing where the conversation was headed. She had hoped that Saira hadn't seen her leave with Paul, but now she had to act stupid and confused about that day. "What about it?"
"I saw you leave with Paul." Saira stated looking a little offended by Paloma's decision to act dumb and oblivious.
"Hey." Bella said as she awkwardly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. It was almost like she was eager to talk to Paloma while also dreading it. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"
Paloma couldn't deny that she also wasn't very sure how she felt about talking to Bella. It wasn't that there was any kind of jealously, but it was the fact that they had never really spoken to each other. It was the fact that she wasn't sure what Bella wanted that made her uneasy.
"Sure." Paloma replied meeting Saira's eyes briefly, needing assurance that this was all in fact weird, before she stood up following Bella out of the cafeteria. Thankfully the hallway was empty but Bella still walked a couple of steps from the cafeteria entrance for extra precaution.
"Happy birthday." Bella said suddenly surprising Paloma, who had admittedly momentarily forgotten that it was her birthday as all that was currently running through her mind was questions. She had not idea what to expect from Bella, it couldn't possibly due to her being upset that she was technically dating her ex-boyfriend. Bella didn't seem like the confrontational type.
"Thank you." Paloma replied waiting for Bella to continue only for them to be caught in an awkward silence that she simply couldn't let go on any longer. "So what did you want to talk about?"
"I know the we've never really talked before and this is totally weird," She began nervously as she began to tug her sleeve over her fingers, her green eyes seemed determined to look anywhere but Paloma. As antisocial as Bella seemed the pink blush on her cheeks made her endearing in a way. "but I really care about Edward and I've talked to him and really cares about you. Even if it is dangerous for the two of you."
Paloma didn't interrupt Bella but she was surprised that Edward had told her about their relationship. She knew that Edward had been seeing Bella more recently because of Victoria, but she hadn't realized that he still shared things with her. Paloma wasn't necessarily bothered by it, if Edward was still friends with Bella it didn't feel like a threat. Not that she was ever the type to fight over a boy. "Is this meant to be a don't hurt him speech?"
"Kind of yes." Bella admitted with a slight smile almost like she was grateful that Paloma wasn't acting defensive or angry. "He's waited so long to find someone. He deserves to be loved the way that he loves."
It couldn't be more obvious that Bella genuinely cared for Edward, and that there was a time where she truly loved him. And maybe there was a part of her that still did.
"Do you regret it?" Paloma found herself asking.
Bella seemed surprised by the question, and truthfully Paloma was surprised that she had asked it. But it had been a question she had asked herself a couple of times. The uncertainty that came with Edward and whether or not she would regret being involved with him. Sometimes it felt like it was only a matter of time before it all shattered, because the reality was that them being together was a risk.
"What?" Bella said clearly unsure of what exactly Paloma was asking.
"Do you regret being with him?" Paloma clarified because although Bella was no longer with Edward she was still dealing with the aftermath of the couple of months they had seen each other. Bella was now being hunted by a vampire who wanted to kill her, it felt like she had every reason to resent Edward. "There's a whole vampire army coming after you. Do you regret it?"
Bella blinked quickly as she tried to process the question. Like she had never once thought about it in that way, and that reaction alone answered Paloma's question. "No. I don't regret a single moment."
Paloma found herself wishing that Bella's response would be different. She didn't necessarily understand why that was the case. Although she did feel a strong attraction to Edward that came with many confusing feelings, she still felt like she couldn't put a label on those feelings. There was an underlying fear of when she did it would be the moment where she would have to let go of him completely.
Their relationship essentially being a secret from her family is what made it feel possible. Like it was the secret itself that kept them together, and when they lost that secret it would all be over. So it was easier to keep her feelings undefined.
"I'll see you around Bella." Paloma said knowing that there was nothing else to say. Bella had intended to help Paloma sort out her feelings for Edward, but it seemed to have the opposite effect. Here relationship with Edward was easier when she didn't have to think about it. She admittedly did enjoy the secrecy and the thrill of something forbidden. But the truth was that if they made a mistake there would be consequences for the two of them.
Paloma couldn't help but smile brightly with excitement as Luciana set the large cake in from of her as the three of them sang las mañanitas to her. She knew that the cake had to be tres leches, he father had made it from scratch considering that it would have been impossible to get it from the local bakery in town. But they all had to have known how upset Paloma would have been if they didn't get her favorite cake for her birthday.
"Make a wish." Luciana said softly as their father held onto the camera recording every moment.
Looking around at everyone she was surprised by what they only thing she truly desired was. In the past she had always wished for meaningless things likened shoes or a cute boyfriend. Now she found that she wished for something bigger than all those things.
Closing her eyes she leaned down and blew out all seventeen candles, wishing that they could all move out of Forks and forget that vampires ever existed.
"Take a bite." Emiliano urged a mischievous grin on his face. They all knew what he had planned and he made no attempt to hide his intentions.
"I am not doing that Emiliano." Paloma said bluntly knowing that if she did as he said her face would get pushed into the cake.
Emiliano pouted like if he were a thirteen year old boy again. He hadn't been this carefree in months and his reaction alone was enough to convince Paloma to do it. She really had missed this side of him and she was sure that she would probably do anything to keep the Liano that she knew for a little while longer. "Come on its tradition."
"Its true." Luciana added.
"Wait." Her father said as he reached forward and picked all the candles out of the cake. "Okay."
Groaning Paloma pulled all her hair behind her back as she leaned down to take a bite of the cake. Luckily Emiliano was choosing to be nice enough not to completely shove her face in the cake, but he had still managed to get icing up her nose.
"Feliz cumpleaños Palomita." Emiliano said as he wrapped him arms around her shoulders placing a kiss on top on her head.
Paloma rolled her eyes as she took the napkins that Luciana was handing her. Even though she wanted to be annoyed she still had a smile on her face grateful for the small moments where they would all act like a normal family.
"You're the worst Liano." She muttered as she blew her nose into the napkin doing her best to get all the icing off her face.
Unfortunately the night had to be cut short because it was a school night and her dad wasn't going to allow her to not complete her homework assignments even on her birthday. Paloma had hoped that they could have spent the rest of the night together acting like they were just a normal family, but she would just have to settle for the small moments.
Had Paloma not already been used to Edward sometimes appearing in her room to visit her, she probably would have screamed in fear at the sight of him standing in the middle of her room when she turned the light on. Quickly she closed and locked her bedroom door glad that her siblings had decided to stay downstairs.
"Edward." Paloma said softly surprised to see him in her room. They hadn't had many moments to really see each other. They both knew how risky it was for him to sneak into her room, but on occasion he still did it anyway. The brief glances in between classes wasn't enough, they were always greedy for more.
"Why didn't you want to tell me it was your birthday?" He asked making sure the his voice was low so that they wouldn't be heard. Edward almost looked disappointed that she hadn't told him.
"I'm not really sure." Paloma replied honestly, because she definitely wasn't the type to downplay her birthday. She loved the attention and to be showered by gifts. So it didn't even make much sense to her why she had chosen not to mention it to Edward.
Though maybe deep down even she had to admit that there was a lot of uncertainty about Edwards age. He was over a hundred years old, even though he was forever frozen at the age of seventeen. Paloma couldn't imagine living so long, especially in the body of a teenager. It really seemed like an awful fate and she wasn't sure how Edward would feel about her age.
Every year she would continue to grow older and he would forever be frozen in time. Paloma was turning seventeen now but soon it would be eighteen and she would physically be older than him. In a couple of years she would turn thirty and he would remain a teenager. There was something sad about the thought.
"Well, I have a gift for you." Edward said as he pulled out a velvet box from his pocket. Paloma couldn't help but smile brightly at him unable to hide how eager she was to know what was inside the box. Knowing Edward it was probably going to be some ridiculously expensive gift, but when he finally opened the box she froze the smile slipping from her lips.
Paloma had expected something expensive but she didn't expect the sparkling diamonds looking up at her "Is this real?"
"No?" He replied with a smirk making no attempt to hide the lie. He had to realize just how insane of a gift it was for a girl that he had only known a couple of months. As much as she loved receiving gifts and jewelry she just couldn't accept something that probably would cost a years college tuition.
"Edward I can't accept this." She said taking a step away from Edward and the diamond necklace. Regardless of her react Edward didn't seem fazed as he took the necklace out of the box
Paloma looked at herself in the mirror as she touched the necklace knowing that she would never be able to wear it in front of her family. There was no reasonable explantation or story that she could come up with about why she would have a necklace like this. "You know you don't have to give me expensive gifts to show that you care."
Edward moved to stand in front of her as he reached toward and gently brushed a finger across her cheek. "You give my everything, I don't know what to give you in return."
Paloma studied him for a moment surprised that he felt like he needed to give her something. She didn't even completely understand what he meant by her giving him everything, it didn't feel like she had done much of anything.
"Well, I love it. Thank you." She told him as she pulled him closer to her and kissed him. He was surprised by her reaction, though he always seemed a little surprised when she initiated anything. Clearly her boldness was something that he wasn't used to, but he never seemed to mind as he always returned her kiss.
Normally when they kissed he was always felt overly cautious with every move that he made. Like he had to think through every motion carefully, but this time he put one of his hands on her waist pulling her closer. His kiss was still restrained but he let her move him back until he was sitting on the edge of the bed and she was straddling him.
If she was honest she was surprised that he had let her. But he didn't allow his hands to roam keeping them placed on her waist like he was afraid to do anything else. Which was unfortunate considering the Paloma wanted him to touch her. She wanted him to not overthink what he was doing, that it was okay for him to lose himself in the moment.
Placing one of her hands on top of his she slowly guided him farther up her side until his hand was cupping on of her breast. It was something that she knew he would never dare to do on his own and maybe it could be the encouragement that he needed to be more bold.
Suddenly Edward pulled away and before Paloma knew what was happening she was practically thrown onto the bed and Edward was gone. Sitting up from the bed she looked around the room to find Edward standing on the other side of the room.
"Sorry." Edward said softly not moving from his spot in the corner of the room like he was glued to the wall. It would have been comical if Paloma wasn't confused and admittedly a little embarrassed. She hadn't expected that kind of reaction from him, even though the logical part of her understood.
"It's okay if you don't want to." She assured him not wanting him to feel pressured in anyway. Nothing more than a couple of stolen kisses had happened between them and even those moments were brief and almost measured. Clearly she had pushed him past his comfort zone, and that was her mistake.
Edward shook his head as he sat down at the edge of the bed beside her. He looked a little frustrated as he took her hand in an attempt to ease her worry. "Trust me I want to."
Paloma smiled a little as she moved a little closer to him. "Then what's the problem?"
"It's dangerous Paloma. I could kill you."
She had never considered that as a possibility, though it did make sense. Vampires were incredibly strong, and there was no guarantee that Edward would be able to control both his strength and his bloodlust. But there was maybe a naive part of her that felt like Edward would never hurt her.
"So you can only have sex with other vampires?" Paloma questioned slowly genuinely curious. The books she had read about vampires never covered what it was like for them, and she would be lying to herself if she wasn't curious. There was also the fact that it was something the she did want with Edward, though clearly it was never going to happen.
"If that was what I wanted... then yes."
Paloma paused for a moment trying to understand the meaning behind his words. Edward was always very careful with his words, but he seemed to purposefully be trying to confuse her with vague answers. "If you wanted?"
"You could say I'm a little old fashioned." He replied and this time Paloma was left truly speechless. The reality was that he had left her with more questions than an answer. From the slight tug on his lips he was clearly still trying to confuse her and found her reactions amusing. "I'm from a different era."
The realization of what he was saying caused her to fall back into the bed in shock. Edward lay next to her waiting for her to speak, but she wasn't sure what to say. She didn't want to tease him too much on the topic but she did feel like he "I can't believe you've lived over a 100 years without sex."
He turned his body so that he was facing her and luckily the awkward moment had passed. "It might be hard to believe but during that time hadn't met anyone that I wanted to be with."
He was being entirely honest, and Paloma finally understood what Bella had said about Edward deserving the kind of love and commitment that he desired. During his time as a vampire he would have easily been in relationships with other women, but he only wanted a real connection. Not something that was for a moment.
In that moment Paloma couldn't help but panic not sure if she was the person that could give Edward all those things he wanted.
"What's it like... not being able to sleep?" Paloma questioned genuinely curious, but also looking to change the subject. Sleeping sometimes felt like the only thing that she could really look forward to. She couldn't imagine anything worse that sitting alone with your thoughts all night and not being able to rest. "I can't imagine not having a moment to rest from my own thoughts. Or not being able to dream."
"If I could dream at all, it would be about you."Edward replied so casually as if he just hadn't said one of the most romantic things a person could say.
"Is that like a universal pick up line for vampires?" Paloma teased never really knowing what to say when he talked like that. No boy had ever openly expressed their feelings for her in the way that Edward did. Paloma wasn't good at expressing her feeling in that way, Edward had never seemed to mind but she also didn't want him feeling that she didn't reciprocate any of his feelings.
Edward chuckled as he shifted on the bed so that he was positioned above her. Paloma didn't have a chance to register the change in position before he had kissed her. It was a gentle kiss, very different from the one that they had shared earlier but it was also very brief.
He pulled away from the kiss meeting her eyes with what she could only describe as adoration mixed with desire, as he raised his hand caressing her cheek.
"I should go." He whispered and she knew that he didn't want to, but that it was something that he needed to do. Paloma couldn't read his mind but she knew that he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to control himself. He feared that his bloodlust could take over, because at the end of the day there was no denying his true nature.
He was a vampire, and she was human.
Edward's nature told him that his desire for her blood was stronger that his love for her.
A/N: Very excited for the last 4 chapters! There are so many exciting things coming and I hope that I can get those last four chapter out to you by the end of the year. But considering my track record I also have to be realistic lol. But after this chapter things are going to start to pick up very quickly.
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