24| Give Me My Sin
Paloma couldn't believe the how quickly everything had changed between her and Edward. They had been texting all night and Paloma couldn't help but feeling like a teenager for the first time in a really long time. It felt normal just talking late at night with a boy that she really likes, but everything was far from normal. Edward wasn't just some teenage boy, he was a vampire. The very thing that her family hated.
She had never been boy crazy, though she did enjoy having boyfriends. But with Edward she did feel a cry pull to him that she just couldn't explain. That had to be why when Edward suggested they meet early in the morning, she didn't hesitate in agreeing to see him. Emiliano had left to Seattle to go pick up their father and Luciana meaning that they had a couple of hours to themselves.
They were laying on a blanket and Paloma had brought her chemistry book with the intention of studying. Edward had told her that they would be studying after she had told him that she was falling behind in some classes. But it was incredibly difficult to focus when all Edward was doing was watching her read with his head rested on her shoulder.
"You're beautiful." Edward said softly as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. He had picked a white flower from the field and also placed it behind her her before kissing her shoulder.
Paloma smiled before looking back down at her book. "I know."
Edward seemed surprised by her response. Like he expected her to blush or be humble by his compliment. He clearly hadn't expected her confidence. "What?"
"I said I know." Paloma repeated never having felt the need to hear compliments, even though they were always welcome. The only thing she had ever really felt insecure about was her relationship with her family. "Don't tell me things I already know. Tell something I don't."
"I love you." He said instead causing her heart to stop in her chest. It felt like something that was too soon and too dangerous to say. Then there was the uncertainty of what she felt.
"You know I'm not always going to be beautiful." Paloma reminded him knowing that Edward would always be seventeen and she grew older everyday. Whatever they currently had between them wasn't something that would last forever, once her father solved what was happening in Seattle they would undoubtedly move again. Then Edward really would be just another boy that she met along the way. But she couldn't deny that something between them felt different. He didn't feel like just another boy that she met along the way.
Paloma wasn't naive enough to call it love, she had never been in love before she wouldn't know how to describe the feeling. But Edward did seem sure of what he was saying and she couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking was their future. Did he really believe that this thing between them would last very long?
Before he could say anything else she sat up not wanting him to continue with whatever he had to say. At least not until she could say what she needed to say, because now she felt overwhelmed by his confession and its implications.
"Do you really see any kind of future here Edward?" She questioned truly curious about his answer. The truth was that Paloma didn't see where this could go outside of Forks.
He smiled placing a hand on her face causing a chill to go through her from how cold his hands were, but even then his touch was welcome. "There is nothing more than I want than for you to live a long and full life, even if it's without me. I'll be a part of your life as long as you want me to be, and I will cherish every moment of that time."
Paloma hadn't entirely expected that answer, but it was the perfect answer. Reaching out she placed a hand on his cheek unable to do anything but admire how incredibly perfect her was. Though he didn't give her much of a chance to really study every detail of his face because he was leaning in and kissing her.
"I love when you touch me." He whispered before kissing her again. She hadn't entirely realized how much Edward liked her, not until now. And she loved that she had this kind of effect on him when he always seemed so reserved and in control of himself.
Smiling into the kiss Paloma pushed him down straddling him as she deepened the kiss. One of Edward's hands got lost in her hair as he kissed her back but the kiss didn't' last very long as pulled away. There was a shocked and almost pained look on his face.
"Why do you seem so scared?" She asked as he sat up keeping his hands on her waist holding her in place, like he wanted to keep her close but also didn't want her on top of him.
He looked down as he smiled, almost like he was embarrassed about something and that only piqued her curiosity about him more. "I'm a little old fashioned is all."
"So I do scare you?"
"A little yes." Edward replied the smile still on his lips, but she could see that he was being honest. She could only assume that his words had to do with the fact that he really was old fashioned in every sense. His values and traditions had to be completely different from her own, because Paloma was anything but traditional.
"Why do you think you love me?" Paloma questioned once again having so many questions about them. She had never really questioned any of her relationships so much, but there were so many things about them that just didn't make any kind of sense. Of course there was the whole opposites attract thing but how far could that really go?
Edward looked at her curiously as he placed his hand on the side on her face. "The first time I saw you I couldn't believe that you were real, even when you were yelling at me. In all of be years of existence I've never seen anyone so beautiful."
Paloma couldn't help but be a little disappointed, she hadn't expected that all he had to say about her was that he found her beautiful. That was the reason why any other boy would have said that he liked her. Though apparently beauty was something that he did admire greatly.
"But I know I love you because I have never met anyone like you before. I don't have to read your mind to know what you're thinking because you'll say it anyway. You aren't afraid to say what you think. You've become everything that I think about. I can't dream but if I could I'm sure every dream would be of you."
He pulled her closer before kissing her, unable to help herself Paloma deepened the kiss more than Edward was probably comfortable with. But he surprisingly didn't pull away from her as he continued to kiss her back. Paloma let out a small moan as his hands tightened slightly in her hair and on her waist. She couldn't help but be surprised, but what surprised her even more was when he pulled away from her a little to kiss her neck.
She ran her fingers through his hair as he continued to kiss her and Paloma realized just how deep she was in it with Edward. Paloma was never really one to deny herself what she wanted, but now all she felt was pure desire. It wasn't she felt his teeth against her neck causing her to gasp that Edward pulled away from her.
"I'm sorry." He whispered.
"Its okay." She assured him knowing that he was probably already pushing himself by even holding her this close. She could see how difficult it was for him to control himself, especially if he really did crave her blood as much as he said. But even with that knowledge she knew that he wouldn't act on the urge, though he certainly thought so.
Looking down at her phone Paloma couldn't help but sigh realizing how late it was. Her family would be home soon and she doubted that she would be able to come up with a convincing lie to explain why she wasn't home. The last thing they needed was to rise any kind of suspicion.
"I have to go." Paloma told knowing it would be difficult to leave when she felt so comfortable wrapped in his arms. They didn't know when they would have another moment to see each other again. Sure they would see each other at school but they would never be able to interact, not when any little interaction could spark the next wave of gossip.
Paloma pressed one last kiss on Edward's lips knowing that it was uncertain when their next kiss would be before standing up. She didn't know how long they would last but she wanted to make every moment they had memorable.
Paloma sat on the porch swing in the backyard trying to focus on finishing her readings again. She had been so caught up in learning all about vampire and werewolves that she had completely neglected her school work and there was no way that she was going to fail any of her courses. Everyday Paloma counted down the days until she could finish high school and start her life.
She wan't sure how long she had been sitting outside waiting for her family to return, but the sound of rustling leaves coming from the forest just a couple of feet away was something that she could not ignore. Now that she knew what really was out there in the woods she couldn't just assume that those kinds of noises were squirrels or bunnies,
But the sight of Paull Lahote stepping out of the forest pulling a black t-shirit over his head was something that she absolutely did not expect.
"Absolutely not." Paloma muttered under her breath as she stood up practically running across the yard to meet Paul before he got any closer.
"Paloma." He said casually with a smile that could charm almost anyone. But the innocent act was not going to walk on her because he was very aware that she knew exactly the reason why he was at her house. "How are you?"
She couldn't help but be absolutely baffled that he wanted to continue to act like he was oblivious and innocent. He clearly was under the impression that he could charm her enough for her to not be a problem to whatever he had planned. Though Paloma doubted he had any plan at all. "You're going to leave my sister alone."
It was impossible not to notice the way that his shoulders slightly tensed by her words. From her reading she knew that werewolves had anger issues and the last thing that she wanted was to piss him off but that didn't mean that she was going to allow him to get what he wanted.
"You don't understand." Paul replied his voice low as he look a step closer to her. Although Paloma was sure that he wouldn't hurt her she couldn't help but feel like she needed to be cautious. "Ever since I first saw her nothing else matters. I exist for her. These last couple of days without even seeing her are painful. It physically pains me being away from her.
"Wow, how poetic." Paloma replied sarcastically not at all impressed or convinced by his words. Though from the look on his face while he was saying them he certainly believed them, no matter how crazy they sounded. "I'm touched really."
Whatever expression he had on his face earlier was replaced with annoyance as he stepped closer to her. "You really think you're cute don't you?"
"You certainly thought so." She replied crossing her arms over her chest.
"If I remember correctly you were very flirty too." He replied with a smirk on his lips, beginning to enjoy their back and forth. "Which is a going to be a little always now that you're my sister-in-law."
She hated that he was right about her having flirted in return. Not that she could have helped it at the time, she really had been interested. But the closer she had gotten to Edward it had been like no other boy existed, not that either Paul or Edward were any kind reasonable choices. Because of course a werewolf and a vampire had shown interest in her, that was just her terrible luck. But just like Paloma had forgotten all about her interest in Paul, it was obvious that Paul had forgotten about his interest in her.
Now Paul was obsessed with her sister, and Paloma couldn't help but laugh a little at Paul's confidence. He would believe he had a connection with her all he wanted, but he didn't know Luciana. If he did he would know that there was no world that her sister would ever show interest in a werewolf. The Ibarra's didn't hate werewolves the way they hated vampires, but to them they were monsters all the same.
"She wouldn't even consider dating you."
"I'll be what ever she wants me to be." He replied and Paloma couldn't help but be surprised by the honesty of his answer.
"Yeah in your dreams."
Paul stepped closer to her, a lot closer than she expected as he leaned forward his face practically in her hair. "I can smell him on you. I'm sure you're family would love to know that you're running off with a bloodsucker."
Paloma scoffed as she took a step back trying her best to act unaffected by his words. But the truth was that she was afraid of what he would do with that information. If her family found out that she was seeing Edward, they would stop at nothing to make sure he was dead anxiety treaty be damned. "Is that your attempt at blackmail?"
He shrugged as if he didn't even understand the weight of what he had just told her. "Take it however you want."
"Why did you and Jacob Black approach me at school?" Paloma questioned instead remembering that they had approached her for a purpose before. She also wanted to see if there was a way for her to make sure that he didn't say anything to Luciana if he ever got close enough to her.
"Jacob got his crazy idea that maybe involving the hunters in taking out the vampire army. He's desperate to find every possible way to make sure Bella is safe." Paul replied and Paloma couldn't help but be surprised that he was actually responding to her question seriously instead of with some sarcastic comment. Though considering the subject matter this was something the he was taking very seriously. "He hasn't asked Sam about it though."
"Whose Sam?"
Paul paused for a moment realizing that he might have already said too much, but that it was too late to hold back on the information now. "Our alpha."
Paloma considered his words for a moment knowing that her family would never agree to something like that, especially if the Cullen's were involved. Edward had mentioned how they were working with the wolves to protect Bella, but they were only able to come together with their shared interest to protect Bella. Having all this information about what was actually going on in Seattle and not being able to tell her family had been eating at her. But maybe she could use Paul to get that information to them, without risking them finding out about her relationship with Edward.
"Then how about this, you tell my family everything you know about Victoria and the vampire army and I won't tell my sister about this weird bond you think you have with her and maybe you can get a few moments with her?" Paloma suggested and he seemed to consider her proposition for a moment, but before he could reply he went completely rigid.
"Paloma." She heard her sister call out and the sound of her voice practically made her heart drop. Paul must have felt the same as his face went entirely blank, but Paloma reacted first turning around to meet her sister's furious eyes.
She felt as Paul attempted to take a step forward towards her sister and immediately held her arm out to stop him. There was no way that she was about to let him anywhere near her sister.
"What's going on?" Luciana questioned and clearly doing her best to completely not lose her mind. Luciana unlike their father and brother was better at controlling her temper, and she was giving Paloma a chance to explain herself.
"Hi." Paul said but his greeting was ignored by Luciana who was only focused on Paloma who was still silently praying that everything wouldn't completely blow up.
Paloma was only able to snap out of her shock when Paul attempted to take another step forward, but again she held her arm out preventing him from doing so. Luciana definitely would not react well to any kind of love bombing.
"Paul is here on behalf of the Quileute tribe," Paloma began immediately sensing that her sister was not believing a word of what she was saying. It was nearly impossible to lie to her older sister, she could see right through Paloma in a heart beat. And having Paul standing beside her like a love struck idiot looking at Luciana with puppy dog eyes certainly wasn't helping. "they want to work with us and tell us what they know about what's going on in Seattle. Isn't that right Paul?"
When Paul didn't reply right away Paloma felt like she wanted to scream. "Yes, that right."
"You're not the alpha." Luciana noted and Paul's eyes widened even more if that was possible now that she was finally talking to him.
Suddenly Emiliano and Rodrigo stepped outside equally angry looks soon their faces. Paloma knew immediately that if Paul didn't snap out of it that they were bot screwed. She wanted to be amused that Paul was making an absolute fool of himself, especially considering the arrogant asshole he had been just a couple of minutes ago but considering their current situation his reaction was far from ideal.
There was an unmistakable tension between them all, all for different reasons that couldn't be ignored.
"Do you want to hear the proposition or not?" Paul said as he straightened up completely getting over the mess he had been earlier and actually looking like someone who could be a serious threat.
"Tell us what you know first and then you can make your proposition." Rodrigo Ibarra stated as he and Emiliano walked out to the yard. Looking at her entire family standing in front of Paul was causing her heart to beat rapidly in her chest.
Paul didn't look impressed as he crossed his arms over his chest regarding them all but placing all his attention on Rodrigo. "Well, that's convenient for you."
"You can't expect us to make a deal without having the full picture." Luciana countered and Paul immediately closed his eyes for a single second where he seemed to just take in the sound of her voice. To the other it might have looked like irritation, but to Paloma who did have the full picture of what was going on she knew how Paul was feeling.
But luckily Paul didn't linger to longer on those feeling as he turned towards Luciana a slight smirk on his lips. "Alright what I can say is that there's a bloodsucker by the name of Victoria that's after Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. Our pack has to protect Bella Swan by any means necessary even if that means working with hunters."
Rodrigo didn't seem impressed by anything that Paul had said, but Paloma knew he was hiding what he was thinking extremely well. He didn't know why the newborn vampires were being created, and now that he did that completely changed the way that he was viewing the case. "Why is your alpha not here to make this deal?"
"If you want to meet my alpha I'll need a response." Paul replied immediately though the real reason why his alpa wasn't present was because he knew nothing about this made up deal. Maybe Paul was secretly hoping that they would turn down this made up proposition.
"Are you working with the Cullens?" Emiliano questioned making no attempts to hide the disgust that he clearly felt.
"Yes." Paul said firmly.
"Then the answer is no." Emiliano replied before turning away Emiliano and Luciana faithfully following after him. Realizing that she had to followed too she shrugged at Paul before turning away from him and heading inside, not sure if her family was making a mistake by turning down working together with the werewolves and the Cullens. It seemed more dangerous for them to hunt down the vampire army on their own.
"I don't like him." Emiliano noted, though he would never really like anybody. They all stood there in silence thinking over everything and Paloma couldn't help but be relieved that her family now had all the necessary information about what the threat that was coming to Forks was.
Even though this was all far from over.
"What's this?" Luciana questioned as she reached forward touching Paloma's hair. At first she didn't really understand what her sister was doing until she was the flower between her sister's fingers. She had forgotten all about the flower that Edward had placed in her hair, and she couldn't believe herself for being so stupid.
Paloma could practically feel her heart drop as she took the flower away from her sister and placing the stem between the pages of the book. She wasn't sure why she didn't want to part with the flower just yet, but she tried to act as dismissive as possible. "It's a flower."
"Obviously, but you're just not the flowers in your hair kind of girl." Her sister noted and Paloma almost hated how well her sister knew her. Because although Paloma did love to accessorize she definitely wasn't the kind of girl to wear flowers in her hair.
"I don't know I was bored while I was reading outside." Paloma replied not sure why her sister was focusing on something that was of so little importance after what Paul had just told them.
Luckily Emiliano didn't take much notice about little detail like Luciano did as be began to rant about how insane he believed Paul to be for even daring coming to their house. For once her brother's apparent prejudice against anything that was human was welcome as he was able to pull the attention away from Paloma.
With Luciana being so attentive to everything Paloma wondered how long she would be able to keep Edward a secret.
A/N: There's only six more chapters left until the end of Act Two. I hope you all have been enjoying the story so far. This was kind of a long chapter but a really important one in terms of plot. There's still a lot more drama to go but I'm sure the drama is why you are all here.
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