21| The Envious Moon
It had been a week since Kennedy had been officially declared missing. It was all anyone at Forks High seemed to talk about now, which had to be the reason why Saira had made the decision to not come to school for the last three days. Saira had tried to attend to school, but it had grown too difficult for her to continue to come to school and pretend that she couldn't hear everyone at school gossiping about it.
There were some people who that that Kennedy had run away, that she always was a wild card. Others were fascinated by the idea that she was most likely murdered. Very few actually seemed to care.
It all made school unbearable, but her father insisted that she continue going to school regardless. Emiliano however continued to miss school more often a fact that Paloma wasn't sure whether she was jealous of or not.
Every passing day felt like torture but at the very least her father now allowed her to sit in and listen as he and Emiliano discussed what was happening in Seattle.
Paloma stepped outside to the bitter cold air that she realized she would never really get used to. She was about to start walking down the steps of the school when she spotted Edward Cullen talking with Bella Swan across the parking lot. Since that first day at the dinner Paloma hadn't spoken with Bella again but the red truck that they were standing beside was unmistakable.
Paloma felt the sting of jealousy almost instantly. It was such an unfamiliar feeling for her, She had always been overly confident in herself and had never really felt any kind of jealousy whenever she was in relationships and this was a feeling that she did not enjoy. Maybe what was worse for her was the fact that Edward was not hers to feel jealous over.
Pushing down the anger as she felt Paloma finished walking down the stair headed towards the opposite end of the parking lot where her brother usually parked when he picked her up. She Hadn't spoken with Edward since she stormed out of the Cullen's mansion almost a week ago. She had been rather proud of her ability to pretend that he didn't exist. Paloma hadn't even looked his way, though there was no denying that the desire was always there. The content temptation of trying to get what she wanted couldn't be ignored. Not entirely.
The sound of her name caused Paloma to turn around. They voice had sounded familiar but she hadn't been able to place it until she saw his face. She was surprised that she hadn't noticed him and his friends when she had walked by, but she had been so overwhelmed that all her surrounding had become a blue.
"Paul?" Paloma said slowly genuinely surprised to see him, in all honesty she had forgotten that he had even existed. Now he was here and all she could think about was everything that she had been reading the last couple of weeks about the Quileute Tribe, the legends that said that they descended from shapeshifters that turned into wolves.
Considering the fact that he seemed surprised to see her it was easy to assume that he wasn't here for her. Which made the situation all the more suspicious and confusing.
"Paloma this is Jacob." He introduced causing Jacob to step forward. The two of them practically toward over her, and she had a feeling that they were trying to assert their dominance and intimidate her.
Paloma knew something was wrong considering that they both seemed to be in a terrible mood.
"You're her. The vampire hunter." Jacob said looking at her as if she were the one that wasn't human. Because with those words it was clear that the legends had to be true if they knew about her family. And they had no intention of hiding that fact, possibly due to them knowing that she was well aware of who they were.
Looking between Paul and Jacob with indifference not willing to give them the satisfaction of believing that they intimidated her in any way. "And you two are what exactly? Shapeshifters? Werewolves?"
Paul smirked as he took a step closer to her and although she wasn't afraid of them she was still cautious. "I guess it really doesn't matter what we are. Only that we have a common enemy in those filthy bloodsuckers."
Instinctively Paloma looked across the school parking lot meeting Edward Cullen's eyes. He wasn't hiding the fact that he was listening into their conversation, and Paloma found that she was determined to continue acting as if Edward meant nothing to her. Because he was nothing to her.
"What are you suggesting?" She questioned slowly.
"Paloma lets go." A familiar voice said causing her to go rigid.
"Luciana?" Paloma said slowly feeling frozen in place as she fought the urge to hug her older sister. She hadn't seen her in almost eight months and even with all the anger and resentment that she felt towards her sister it was impossible to deny how much she missed her.
Luciana had always been beautiful but she stood out so much more in such a lifeless town like Forks. Her sister practically glowed with life and it was no doubt associated to the fact that she had escaped all their family drama. Even Paloma had fallen victim to Forks. She no longer dressed as she always had, all the colorful clothing items in her closet long forgotten.
Looking back at Paul and Jacob she saw a change in them that she couldn't even begin to describe. Paul's rough demeanor and changed completely, now there was only a vacant look in his eyes. Jacob on the other hand looked concerned and maybe even slightly amused.
Truthfully Paloma could care less about either of them. The jealously that she felt earlier had also disappeared entirely. All she could focus on was the fact that her sister was here, and that couldn't be a good sign.
"Paul I think it's time to go." Jacob said as he pulled on Paul's arm pulling him in the other direction toward two motorcycles.
"What are you doing here Luciana?" Paloma questioned once the two of them were alone. The only time they ever saw the eldest Ibarra sibling was during the holidays and even then she had begun to skip a couple of holidays.
"I'm here to pick you up from school."
Paloma came to a stop no longer in the mood to accept vague answers from anybody. She didn't want to make a scene in front of the school but she almost felt as if she wanted to scream. "You know what I mean."
"Things are getting worse. I'm here to help." Her sister said and she didn't need to elaborate for Paloma to know exactly what this was about.
She couldn't believe that some part of her had hoped that Luciana had flown from New York for her. To come mend the relationship that she had broken. But of course her sister was here to help with the vampire problem in Seattle, that should have been obvious.
Nodding Paloma walked towards the car for once having hoped that it had been Emiliano or her father that was picking her up. She knew that Luciana was about
"You sure have a way of attracting trouble." Luciana said once she was in the driver's seat.
There was no arguing against it even if she wanted because the truth was that she really did have a way of attracting trouble. How she found herself knowing both vampires and wolves she would never know, what she did know was that she couldn't sit in the sidelines anymore. Something bad had to be coming if Paul and Jacob had approached her so bluntly.
It was reckless the way that had approached her, which told her that they had to be feeling desperate. But they couldn't really be asking her for help?
Not when they had to know that she wasn't a real vampire hunter. If they really needed help the only reasonable thing for them to do is to approach her father. But they hadn't even expected to run into her either, they had acted on impulse approaching her. Nothing really made any sense.
But she welcomed the mystery of it all as a distraction. If it hadn't been for them and her sister Paloma had now doubt that she would currently be consumed by jealousy. A jealousy that she had no right to, but now felt like the least of her problems.
"How well do you know those boys?" Her sister continued to interrogate undoubtedly already thinking that worst about what her relationship with them was. Paloma had mentioned Edward to her before, and Luciana had told her to stay away. Although she had initially not listened, she was staying away now.
"I don't know them." Paloma replied honestly, because she had only ever spoken to Paul twice. Three times if she counted their short conversation today, but she still didn't know what to make of what they had told her. "I met them during a football game."
Luciana nodded as she continued driving down the road, there was still an awkward tension between them that was so unnatural for them. "Wolves they hunt vampires too. We might have a common enemy but that doesn't make them any less dangerous."
Rolling her eyes Paloma continued looking straight ahead at the empty road. "I know stay away right?"
"Palomita why haven't you been answering my calls?" Luciana questioned instead which surprised Paloma considering that she had been preparing to get scolded about not getting involved with werewolves.
Paloma remained silent as the pulled into the driveway .It was only a short drive from the school to the house and suddenly Paloma wished that the drive had been longer because now her sister was going to expect an answer. It was frustrating how well aware Paloma was of the fact that she wouldn't be able to stay mad at her sister.
After their mother died Luciana had taken up all the responsibilities that came with being the eldest daughter. It had been unfair for her to have to take up that role considering how young she had been too, but she picked up the prices and responsibility without ever complaining. They all owed Luciana so much.
"All those lies and secrets. It wasn't fair." Paloma finally said knowing that the only way they would be able to move forward was by being able to communicate their feelings. And this was Luciana, she had never had a problem talking to her sister before. "It especially hurt knowing that you were the one who decided to keep me in the dark."
Luciana sighed and it was like suddenly she had the weight of the world on her shoulders, and maybe she did. And it was clear that this hadn't been easy for her either. "I... everything we did was to protect you. It wasn't the right thing to do but I would rather you hate me forever for than to get hurt."
"I just wanted the choice."
"And you have it now." Luciana said firmly and it was then that Paloma realized that the head of the family wasn't their father. It was Luciana, she was the one making all the decisions even if she was at the other side of the country. "Do you want to be involved in hunting or not?"
The questioned made Paloma's mouth go dry. She hadn't expected her sister to open that door, and now she couldn't help but feel a little scared. Even if this had been what she wanted all along. She had spent so much time being angry about not being allowed to choose that now that she was being given that choice she didn't know what she wanted.
A/N: Very excited to finally bring Luciana into the mix, she's going to be such a fun character. I just love writing the family dynamic for the Ibarra's. We are at exactly the half way point in the story and there is still so much story to tell in these last 24 chapters. I hope you all are enjoying.
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