16| Ancient Grudge
Paloma woke up feeling as if she had gotten no sleep at all. Even in her sleep the her father and her brother's words replayed in her mind giving her no peace. Pushing through the desire to just lay in bed and feel sorry for herself Paloma headed downstairs where they were already getting breakfast ready.
Emiliano looked up at her first, a small smile on his lips. A smile clearly meant to try to comfort her, though there really was nothing that could be said or done that would make her feel less shitty. "Palomita how are you feeling?"
"I want to know everything." She demanded needing answers to all her questions.
"Breakfast first." Rodrigo stated as he placed a plate of pancakes on the table, as if him making them breakfast would make everything okay.
Although she wasn't hungry she still sat down at the dinning table, not wanting to start any kind of fight. She needed answers from them both before she decided if she really wanted to pick a fight with them over this. Paloma wanted a valid explanation, she need one desperately.
"We've been wanting to tell you for a long time." Emiliano said quickly as if it was something that he was eager to express.
"How long have you known?"
Emiliano sighed knowing that she wouldn't like the answer. "Dad told me the night Luciana left for college."
It wasn't her brother mentions their older sisters name that Paloma came to the realization that Luciana also knew about all of this. That when she had mentioned that Edward Cullen that Luciana had told her to stay away too. The Luciana knew before any of to got out of hand.
"And why didn't you tell me?" Paloma questioned as she looked to her father who was making himself coffee. She couldn't help but resent him for keeping her in the dark. Maybe if he had been honest about everything she would have never found her self involved with Edward Cullen.
She would have stayed away and seen him as what he really was. It would have saved her from all the confusion she was experiencing. It was hard for her to see Edward as killer. As the monster that he was.
"I thought I was protecting you mija, trust me keeping you in the dark was not easy." He admitted and at least he had the decency to look ashamed, like he saw his mistake now. That brought Paloma some comfort, but the hurt she felt ran deep. "I didnt want to involved. What's happening in Seattle is getting worse."
"Last night you said the... the vampires," Paloma began finding it difficult to talk about vampires so casually. Some part of her was still waiting for her brother and father to tell her that this was all some pranks that they were playing on her. "that they needed to be stopped. You said that as if its your responsibility to stop them."
"Our family has been hunting vampires for centuries."
His words shocked her, the thought of her father and brother killing vampires it was impossible to imagine. Almost ridiculous. "This is insane."
"Our ancestors originally hunted vampires in Mexico, when you grandmother immigrated here our family began hunting vampires all across the United States." Rodrigo explained taking a sip from his coffee, he spoke slowly almost like he knew that she needed time to let his words sink in. Though considering that he had already had this conversation with Luciana and Emiliano, he knew the best way to explain this to her without completely overwhelming her. "There are multiple vampire hunting families all around the world.
"And the Cullens?" She finally questioned confused on why her father could work alongside Carlisle Cullen if they were meant to be enemies. It didn't make any sense, and as she spoke she realized her mistake. How eager she was to ask about the Cullens. "If you kill vampires..."
She couldn't even finish her question. Paloma felt a lump form in her throat as she felt herself starting to become emotional. Immediately she tried to get a hold of herself. She thought that she was over the shame and hurt she felt when it came to Edward, clearly that wasn't the case.
"There's rules in place." Her father said as he looked at her curiously, and Paloma couldn't help but wonder if he suspected anything. She hoped that he didn't, if he knew how close she had gotten to a vampire she would be his biggest shame that much was clear. "Ancient treaties that need to be respected. There are some vampire clans that we can't hunt."
"We can't touch the Cullens." He brother continued and it was almost like he was disappointed by the fact. Paloma oddly enough felt relieved to hear it, even though she should hate Edward for what he had done.
If her family had been hunting vampires for as long as her father claimed then there was no way that Edward and his family didn't know that the Ibbara's were a family of vampire hunters. Yet, he still chose to get close to her. To let her develop feelings for him, but maybe it all was some kind of game to him.
A joke between him and his siblings. Get the clueless vampire hunter's daughter to fall in love with a vampire. It was all just some big joke and she was stupid enough to fall for it.
Paloma couldn't help but feel shame over what had happened between her and Edward last night. If her father and Emiliano knew what had happened they would be disgusted with her and maybe she was a little disgusted with herself.
Even now she could still feel the sin he had left on her lips.
It was a kiss that should have never happened. But it was too late and there was no taking it back.
Paloma had lost track of how many hours she was seated at the window seat in her room reading. Her father had given her multiple books about vampires and the history of vampire hunters. She had never been much of a reader but she found herself wanting to get through all the books, wanting to catch up with everything that she had been kept in the dark about.
Her eyes were tired from all the reading, but she felt that if maybe she had the entire picture of what was going on it would ease everything that she was feeling. That maybe she could understand find an explanation on why she had been fooled so easily.
"Paloma." Her brother said as he slowly opened the door to her room. He seemed so different now that she knew, he almost seemed like the Emiliano that she remembered. "I'm sorry."
"What are you sorry about?" She questioned as she set the book aside. Her brother had a lot that he needed to apologize for. Even now that she knew the truth she still felt as if it was no excuse for the way he had treated her.
Maybe she could get over Edward Cullen and his lies and the way that he had deceived her. What she found harder to forgive was her brother and sister lying to her, all the secrets even when she had thought that they were close. That they didn't keep anything from each other.
Luciana had known the truth the longest out of the three of them, and now her sister practically disappearing from the family made sense. The obsession that their father had developed when it came to hunting vampires was unsettling. He had explained that he had given up hunting when he married their mother, but he never explained why he had decided to become a hunter again. Paloma could feel that there was something else that he was hiding, but she decided that it was best not to push him.
"About everything." He replied as he took a seat beside her and Paloma knew that his apology was genuine. That he did regret his behavior the last four months that they had been at Forks. "Keeping this secret... not being able to tell you why I was being so overprotective... well I felt like a dick."
"Well, you were a dick." She confirmed with a small smile. As painful as the truth was she was grateful to be able to talk to her brother again. It felt easy again to talk to him, and the truth was that it wasn't him who she was upset with. It was their father not only for keep the secret but for having her siblings be a part of this to begin with. "Is it hard? Killing them?"
Emiliano stayed quiet for a moment like if he was unsure of the answer or maybe he was afraid that she wouldn't like the answer. But somehow she already knew the answer to her own question.
"Physically it can be difficult." Emiliano admitted after a moment clearly choosing his words carefully. He didn't want to upset her further, but at this point she doubted that anything could shock her. "But you've heard about what those things doing in Seattle. Doing what's necessary to make sure they don't hurt people is easy."
Paloma looked at her brother unable to imagine him killing someone. Thinking about the boy that he used to be. When as children her would play with dolls with her and Luciana. When he would dress up with them and play games in their backyard. She just couldn't imagine it, but clearly he had killed many vampires when he went to Seattle on hunting trips with their father.
He had even broken his arm in the process. And Paloma couldn't believe that their father would be capable of putting him through something so dangerous.
"Maybe dad will train you too now." He said so casually as if it was only natural for her to learn to. And then suddenly all those stupid lessons made sense. Their father forcing them to learn archery and self-defense. All the languages they had to perfect. He had been preparing them for the day that he thought they would be ready to pick up what their family had been doing for generations. "The three of us together could put an end to whatever those things are doing in Seattle."
"I... I couldn't." Paloma finally said, knowing she could never do it. Immediately she thought of Edward and someone killing him and she couldn't even imagine it. It didn't feel right, no matter what he was. "I wouldn't be able to kill someone."
Emiliano looked at her like if she was a child that simply didn't understand something that should be simple. "They're already dead Paloma."
The coldness in his words almost worried her. His hate for vampires incredibly clear, it was reflected as clearly as it was in their fathers eyes. Paloma didn't like seeing that look in her brother's eyes, that level of hatred wasn't healthy.
Even when it came to monsters.
A/N: We're slowly starting to get into the plot of Eclipse, and I'm very excited to really get into the vampires. I will be changing the vampire lore a little bit to fit this story, but don't worry they'll still sparkle. Also for my Team Jacob girls I did publish a Jacob book titles Dreamcatcher. Funny how I originally developed the idea of Dreamcatcher before this story, but ended writing this story first. Enjoy.
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