01| Where We Lay Our Scene
Paloma was sure she had never seen so many trees in her life. It was beautiful, sure, but the reality was that being stuck in the middle of nowhere canceled out the beauty of the outdoors.
She had grown up in the city.
She sighed as she began to draw meaningless shapes on the condensation on the car window. Thinking about how much she longed for them to have remained in sunny California. She loved the diversity of Los Angeles and had a feeling that Forks, Washington would lack any kind of warmth. Looking up at the dark cloudy sky in the middle of the afternoon she was convinced that the people of Forks had probably never even seen the sun.
Moving was nothing new to her. At least since her mother's murder it had become her new normal. But it was what her father's work required and she didn't have much of a say in the matter.
"You should have told me we were moving to the middle of nowhere." Paloma muttered as she leaned back against the leather seats of the car. Although the heater was turned up, she could still feel the cold from the outside.
Paloma hated the cold.
Before they left California they had all gone shopping for warmer clothes. In California the weather was warm almost all year round. A year. That was how long they had stayed in California and Paloma had just begun to believe that maybe they would stay there to finish her junior year. But just as she was getting comfortable and letting her guard before her father declared that they were moving yet again.
"I told you we were moving to Washington mija." Rodrigo Ibarra replied as his fingers drummed along to the Banda music playing on the radio. Although his eyes were on the road he was very aware of his children's misery of having to constantly be on the move.
"Yeah, so the middle of nowhere." Emiliano confirmed from the passenger's seat. He rarely ever complained about their constant moving, but this time he seemed just as displeased as she was.
Although Paloma loved her older brother he had a tendency of causing her to roll her eyes at anything he decided to do. Maybe it was that he was such a kiss up to their father, always agreeing with what he had to say without question.
She missed Luciana, who left them without a second thought the second that she turned eighteen. Not that Paloma could blame her, Luci was now studying art in NYU and seemed happier than she had ever been. Luciana left and never looked back, and Paloma had to admit that it kind of hurt. Or maybe she was jealous that she couldn't do the same.
"I assumed Seattle." Paloma replied still feeling disappointed that he had failed to mention exactly where in Washington they were moving to.
"With all the murders and missing persons? No way." Rodrigo said firmly, but there was a tension in his voice that caused his accent to stand out more than it usually did. It caused Palom to raise her eyebrows, surprised by his tone.
Of course she had read about the increase of murders and missing persons in Seattle. But although it was concerning she never thought about it as being something that affected her, which was a terrible way of thinking.
The City of Forks Welcomes You.
The wooden sign read as they finally entered the city limits. Somehow finally seeing the old sign made Paloma's blood run cold with the realization that they were actually going to be moving into the town.
A town entirely surrounded by nothing but trees. The closest shopping center was in Port Angeles which was an hour away. It was ridiculous.
When they finally entered the town a pout instantly formed on Paloma's lips. There was no point in complaining; all she could do was internalize her pain at the sight of the town. Forks really did just have one road going through the entire town.
Their truck came to a stop at a pale blue painted house. It was two stories and looked big enough for them to be comfortable. But it paled in comparison to their house in California, it was a house that Paloma envisioned herself living in the future.
Luckily Rodrigo had thought ahead and had all their belongings sent before they had arrived at the house. All they needed to do was unpack. For once Paloma questioned if she should in case their father decided to move again in the next couple of weeks. If she was lucky that was exactly what was going to happen.
But luck was never really on Paloma's side.
The Lodge. A terribly small dinner at the center of town. One of the only restaurants in the small town that looked worth their time. Going from having one too many options in California to having no options at all in Forks only soured Paloma's mood even more.
The waitress placed their plates in front of them with a kind smile on her face. Everyone in Forks seemed inviting but they were clearly looked at like outsiders in this small town. Everyone seemed curious about the new family that had moved in, it made Paloma feel like a freak.
Looking down at the BLT and french fries on her plate Paloma gave the waitress a grateful smile. Although she was miserable she didn't want to be rude, the same could not be said for Emiliano who instantly began to eat his chicken strips and fries. It was pretty much the only food that he liked to eat, it was like he had never grown out of his five year old appetite.
"What are you five?" Paloma muttered under her breath, a french fry was thrown in her face not too long after. "Grow up!"
"Cállense los dos." Rodrigo muttered effectively, getting the two siblings two shut up.They both looked down at their food and began eating knowing it was best not to get their father angry.
Even with the constant moving and the unstable way they had lived their lives, Rodrigo was a great father. But he was also incredibly stern. Although Paloma was eight when Camila Ibarra was killed, she was sure she remembered her father being a lot warmer than he was now. He just wasn't the same man as before, and that was to be expected.
"Welcome to Forks." An incredibly monotone voice greeted, it was a voice that could easily put someone to sleep if they talked too much. The man seemed incredibly awkward and he probably had lived in Forks his entire life which would actually explain a lot about the way he carried himself. "I'm Charlie Swan. Chief of police here at Forks. This is my daughter Bella."
It wasn't until he motioned to the girl behind him that Paloma finally noticed her. Bella Swan awkwardly sent the family a small wave with a tight lipped smile. It looked like she would rather be anywhere but standing behind her father.
"I'm Rodrgio Ibarra and these are my two children Paloma and Emiliano." He greeted in return, and Paloma couldn't ignore the fact that he failed to mention his oldest daughter, Luciana. But really it shouldn't have been a surprise considering that he and Luciana had a strained relationship.
"So, what brings you to Forks?" The chief of police questioned,
"Work. I'm doctor."
"Forks Community Hospital?" Charlie questioned and Rodrigo simply nodded in response. "You might see Bella there soon. She takes one too many trips there for my liking. It's like she has two left feet."
Charlie Swan's joke earned a chuckle from Rodrigo and Emiliano, though Paloma knew they were only doing it to be polite. Turning her attention back to Bella Swan she noticed how uncomfortable the girl was and couldn't help but feel bad.
"Dad." Bella muttered under her breath, clearly embarrassed as she stuffed her hand in her jean pockets.
Bella was a pretty kind of plain. There didn't seem to be much about her to be interested in but there was also something about her awkward nature that made a person want to crack through that exterior.
"Anyway, you ever been hunting? The boys and I are always looking for more company."
"I love hunting." Rodrigo replied to Paloma's surprise. Usually she tended not to express much as Emiliano said that she had also inherited the families 'resting bitch face' but she was sure that her face had twisted into one of confusion at her father's response.
Charlie nodded equally as awkward as his daughter as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Great, I'll keep in touch."
Once Charlie and Bella Swan had returned to their table Paloma turned to her father with questioning eyes. "Dad, you've never gone hunting."
"I did before I met your mother." He replied, cutting into his steak with ease, but not quite meeting her eyes. "Recently I decided to pick up the hobby again."
Turning towards her brother, Paloma found herself frustrated at his lack of reaction. Either Emiliano wasn't surprised and already knew that their father was apparently into hunting or he simply didn't care enough to be intrigued by it.
The family fell in silence again, not having anything else to discuss. Really anything else would probably lead to an argument between the three. Paloma wanted to continue to question Rodrigo about his apparent old hobby, but his body language alone was enough to tell her that he wasn't going to be open to any questions.
She really couldn't see her meek father being a hunter and skinning animals. It was not only disgusting to think about but he was a doctor. Hunting didn't seem like a hobby for a doctor, it was a cruel hobby in Paloma's opinion and she hated that her dad took a part in it.
But in such a small town like Fork she assumed that there wasn't much to keep people busy. Paloma couldn't imagine how someone could live here their entire lives when she had been here all of five hours and already wanted to put as much distance between her and Forks as possible.
A/N: This is definitely just a set up chapter so you get a glimpse at the Ibarra family and their dynamic. They are not a happy family that is for sure and although you might not like Rodrigo or Emiliano initially I promise you that all my characters have some serious depth to them. Naturally they are a Latino family. You all know my brand is Latino representation and angsty slow burn romances and this story delivers on both. On that note Paloma's name is pronounced as pah-LOH-muh, Emiliano's name is pronounced as E-mee-LYAH-no, Rodrigo as roh-dree-goh and Luciana as loo-see-ah-na. It's a small thing but I hate when my name is mispronounced.
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