✨I SeE rAINbOwS eVeRYwhEr3✨
This was the first song that comes on is the inspiration for your next oneshot
I got now that's what I call polka by weird al Yankovic-
Curse me and my love of random songs by Weird Al Yankovic
So here's a crackfic since heaven knows the point of that song
<no bushes were harmed in the creation of this oneshot>
Mako-egg dramatically fell into the library where byku-not-egg was not dramatically sipping some t e a and whispered "how bout some gay?"
To which byaku-not-egg dramatically yeeted mako-egg out of the school window where a bush caught his fall
The next day mako-egg asked byaku-not-egg the same thing and again he got yeeted into a bush
By the third day he was getting really tired of being yeeted
He made a headband of gay and lowered it onto byakuya-not-egg's head via drone
then he saw mako-egg and blushie-blush-blushed
"Now you want da gay!" Mako-egg exclaimed
Byaku-not-egg did not yeet him into the bush that day
Mako-egg decided that byaku-not-egg was good to help unleash the gay
Within a week the school was overcome by the gay
Those who opposed the gay were thrown out of the windows and into a bush, where their bodies soon turned into mushie-mushie-mush
Mako-egg ran this gay empire which made him the ultimate gay
Often the ultimate gay would pat a bush and thank it for its service
Those who see this say the bush salutes
2882638192 years later mako-egg and byaku-not-egg marry and adopt 28736381928 kids and 9298171763289192737282 cats who all know the way of gay
And the way of bush
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