• memories •
Alex's POV
I smiled at him, though the sad looking boy didn't respond. I walked over, quickly introducing myself without sounding rushed; which really surprised me. The next week, I found myself hanging out with him more and more as the nights turned into days. We shared secrets, laughed like old friends.
One night had changed, though. I'm not entirely sure if it was the alcohol or not, I still don't know. He kissed me that night, just the two of us alone at my house. I completely remember the feeling, the way my hair stood on its ends, the way my hands pulled in closer to me - in order to feel every dimension of him. The best part about it, though, was his smile. I felt it on his lips, moving ever so slightly to match mine. He pulled away too soon, muttering apologies. Though, not many were able to come out of his pretty little mouth before I forced myself upon him again. He didn't object, tousling my hair with his hands.
As the weeks went on, the kisses got rougher, the nights getting longer. We used to lay under the heavy blanket of stars, whenever they decided to show. It was an amazing thing, falling asleep next to someone I absolutely adored. Yet this feeling was almost impossible to describe, I'm aching for sleep, but I can't help kissing him again, holding him a little longer before I allowed myself to slip off into the nights rest.
Then he moved in. It was the best time of my life, walking around my own home which we could both call ours. I laughed at his insane jokes, pushing boxes into random corners of the house just so we could relax. I remember the couch, the way he threw me on it in a fit of laughter, kissing me without missing another beat. I accepted it, playing games with his lips, forcing him on me.
It was predator after prey, each time, I would gladly sacrifice my own life just to feel him closing in on me - the warmth of his body, the softness of his hands across the many platforms of my body.
And that was the very day he said it. I love you. Such a strong phrase, often misused, but I can tell you now he meant it with every part of him. It was just a whisper in my ear, I love you. Nothing loud or proclaiming, a private invitation to his heart. I just looked at him like he was crazy, Me? You love me?
More than anything, Alex.
I pressed my lips back to his for a long moment, turning to say it back. This happened nearly all night, whether it be yelling it from across the room to muttering it in the other's ear.
We went to bed early that night, but didn't fall asleep for many hours later, talking and enjoying each other's company. The roles were switched every hour, him in charge of mumbling ridiculous things to me (which I undoubtedly adored) and I to listen. It wasn't difficult, somewhat like exchanging vows.
Which is exactly what we did next. I couldn't wait any longer, I bought the ring, (with my loving friends supporting me every second) knelt down in front of his surprised eyes and asked. I knew his answer from the very minute I conceived the idea of marrying him, but relieved tears still fell down my face. I remember him picking me up from the floor, kissing me so hard, I saw stars in the middle of the day, colors became inverted versions of each other.
It was an amazing day, all our friends were there, the reception an amazing success. He spoke his vows to me, and I to him. They were basic, the usual, but we both knew we weren't done. It would be later that night when he spilled to me, giving me every little detail of his love, and through his stunning blue eyes I saw it. This is it, my world, my everything, my perfect description of love. He knew it, but luckily I had longer time to convince him.
We went to every possible place we could, buying useless trinkets that lay amongst more in our room, even now - years later. We would always end up falling asleep before nine, waking up at eleven, unable to sleep anymore. He needed his sleep, I did not. I normally played with his hair and kissed his collarbone until his breath evened out. I assumed he was asleep, creeping slowly off of him. But to my surprise, he reached a hand out to me, taking my jaw and laying his kiss on mine. There we would lay for long minutes, breathing continuously together.
We'd wake in the morning, not knowing how we both fell asleep. I had my spot on his chest, curled into a ball that unevenly sprawled across the top of his body. He loved it, he would say more than I did - which I objected to immediately, getting us into a playful argument, ending in a lot of kissing and cuddling.
And now I lay here alone, waiting for John to come home from work. Its midnight, his cue. He creeps inside, closing the door silently behind him. I greet him on the couch, allowing him to sigh in annoyance.
"I told you not to stay up for me anymore, love!" He smiles, but I know he wants me to sleep. I just shake my head at him with a loving grin, he doesn't know how much I care about him.
"Daddy!" Pip screams down the hallway, his small feet echoing around the room. John holds his arms out, catching the pajamaed boy.
"Philip! What are you doing up so late, young man!" John teases, kissing his messy hair.
"Waiting for you to come home!" He squeals, hugging his neck.
"Well, I guess this is a pretty good time to say..."
"Say?" I cock an eyebrow, intrigued.
"I've gotten promoted, nothing much but-"
"Love, that's great! Does this mean we can have our nights back?"
"Yea, actually. I'll be coming home at nine now," He smiles wide and excitedly, my heart fluttering in time with the ticking of the clock to my right.
"Yay!" Philip jumps in the air, pumping his fists in victory. I laugh, caressing his face with my hand, "Does that mean we can get ice cream?"
John looks to me with a mischievous smirk, asking for approval. I'm not quite sure why he does, he's fully aware I follow him in every decision, "Why the hell not?" He chuckles, picking Philip up and rushing out the door, "Dad's driving!" He calls back to me, Philip chiming in a loud laugh.
I grab my keys, stepping out into the night air. Its warm, a perfect splatter of stars. For a split second, I remember John and I on my lawn, carving our names in the constellations. My heart warms a bit more as I walk up to my truck, greeting an overly excited Philip and the love of my life.
I drive the short way to the shop, Philip's favorite parlor. The owner greets us, already knowing what we'll all have. I take the long way home, letting the windows down to appreciate the perfection of tonight.
"Aaaand he's out!" John flips back to me with a smile, "Record time, wouldn't you say?" I turn around to see a sleeping Philip, his head hanging awkwardly in his car seat.
"Definitely. Did he finish his bowl?"
"Of course he did, he's Philip!" John's face glimmers at mine, outlined gently with the light of the stars. I grimace, pulling over to the side of the road. I stop the truck softly as to not wake Philip up, his second wind may come at five in the morning if I'm any less careful.
"Damn it, Jackie... Do you mind not seducing me on the ride home?" I lean into his expecting grin, we do this more often than not. He knows he's won, yet again another tally marks the end of today.
"I love you," John whispers to me, his hands placed unevenly on my face, patterns I learned from him. The way he presents himself, or the way he kisses me - somehow began to return in my own ways, both of us becoming a blended mixture of the other.
"I love you more than you know, John," I kiss him in conclusion to my statement, readying myself for the rest of the ride back. I pull back onto the street, doing a few more curves before reaching our house. It's light pours quietly through the kitchen window, reminding me I've forgotten to shut it off again. I park the truck, motioning John to help Philip. He does so without question, easily carrying the light boy across his broad shoulders. I follow, nudging open Philip's door. John lays him down so softly, as he does almost every day.
I meet him in our doorway, our bodies becoming nothing more than a collective heartbeat in mere seconds. I take my spot on him, the way its been for the five years we've been together.
"Happy anniversary," He whispers into my exhausted ear, which I return with a loving smile.
"Happy anniversary, love."
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