This is my favorite type of cross over to read and I had a lot of fun writing this one. Where Percy Jackson and Harry Potter are really twins.
"Don't forget me, Harry?" Percy Potter begged as the unmistakeable thud of their father came from down the stairs.
"I won't," Harry answered, hugging his twin as their mother looked on in pride.
"I promise," Harry said firmly. "I could never forget you. Don't forget me?"
"I promise," Percy replied, returning the hug.
"I'm so proud of you, my sons," Lily Potter said, leaning down to their toddler sized beds with tears running down her face. "You've grown so much and have gotten so smart. Don't forget that mummy and daddy love you so much."
The twins nodded as a shattering crash came from the hall.
"That was Auntie Tuny's Christmas present," Percy muttered.
Lily laughed. "You have mine?" Percy held up the necklace so she could see. "Good, now, cousin Sally is waiting for you. It's time to go. Be a good boy, alright?"
"Love you," Percy managed to get out before he vanished.
"Love you," Lily and Harry called back.
Tears ever present, Lily embraced her other son as the door to the twin's room blew open. She spun around, arms spread open wide, blocking Harry from view.
"Not Harry, please not Harry!" She cried out.
"Stand aside, silly girl!" The hooded figure said, his wand pointed at her.
"Not Harry, please, take me instead!"
"Very well," the snake like voice sneered. A flash of green light and Lily Potter fell to the floor.
As the hooded figure turned his wand to Harry, and cast the spell, all his building emotions suddenly reached a breaking point. The room suddenly exploded and at the center of it was Harry. In the explosion, the hooded figure turned into smoke and young Harry, exhausted from the energy he just expelled, passed out on his bed.
Percy had been sent across seas to the States. Manhattan, New York to be specific, where Sally Jackson was having lunch with a certain god.
"Sally, what ever you have to tell me, I'm sure it won't be as strange as me being a Greek god," Poseidon assured the woman, placing a comforting hand on hers.
She snorted, letting a smile break through her worried face. "My cousin is in a little trouble and is sending her-"
"Cousin Sally? Sally!" A very young voice called from the kitchen.
Sally bolted out of her seat and ran into the kitchen. "Percy, sweetie, what's wrong?" She asked, wiping the tears pouring down his face. Poseidon noticed the boy had a slight English accent and started to suspect he knew where this was going.
"Daddy and Mummy are dead!" The boy exclaimed, sobbing into Sally's arms. "Harry's all alone, will he be okay, Sally?"
"Yes, Percy, he will be alright," Sally then laughed through the tears that appeared at Percy's announcement. "The question is, will AuntieTuny and Uncle Vermin be alright?"
That calmed Percy down and he let out a small chuckle through his tears. Poseidon chuckled too and smiled at the easy relationship the two seemed to have.
That made Percy notice the taller man for the first time. "Who's that, Cousin Sally?" The boy asked, his tear filled eyes looking innocently up at the tall man in a Hawaiian t-shirt.
Sally jumped, looked nervously at the Sea god and back at her cousin. "This is Poseidon, Percy," she said. "Yes, he's exactly what his name implies."
Percy's eyes widened at that and he trotted over. "You're a Greek god?" He asked. "Does that mean Lady Hecate is real too?"
"Indeed," Poseidon confirmed, impressed with the child's knowledge, much to said child's delight.
"She gave mummy magic!" Percy squealed, jumping up and down.
"She did?" Poseidon said just as the clues clicked. "Are you a wizard, Percy?"
"Mm-hm!" Percy said proudly.
"This is Perseus Potter, son of James and Lily Potter," Sally said in response to Poseidon's inquiring look.
"Potter?" Poseidon raised an eye brow. "Is he living with you now? What about his twin?"
"How do you-"
"Hecate won't stop talking about how he and his twin will be two of the most powerful wizards in her magical world," Poseidon explained. "I think she might be proud or something."
Sally smiled then picked up a sleepy Percy and led the way to the living room. "James and Lily are now dead and the Dark Lord who killed them might come back so they were separated," Sally started, allowing the genius child of two to rest his head on her lap. "Percy came here, his brother-Harry- went to his Aunt and Uncle in England with their son."
"In order to hide his accidental magic when he starts- if he hasn't already- I think I should adopt him," Poseidon said hesitantly, as if worried she would say no. "Monsters would sense him but his magic could be mistaken for his demigod powers. That way he won't be found before necessary."
"Thank you, Poseidon," Sally said with a relieved smile. "That would be greatly appreciated."
"He would need to go to camp," the sea god warned.
Sally nodded firmly. "It would teach him some way to defend himself until he gets his wand. Maybe Lady Hecate or one of her children could teach him to control his magic?"
Poseidon nodded. "Good idea," he answered. "I will talk to Hecate."
And so, from that day forward, Percy Potter was known as Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon.
🌊 🌊
(AN: The only things different from here on out is that there is no Smelly Gabe and he's a lot smarter, no Percebeth and the person he remembered when Hera took him was Harry. Fred is still alive as well as Lupin and Tonks. This next part takes place after the 2nd Giant War and in Harry's make up year after the war.)
Percy and his best friend, Annabeth, were lounging by the lake, relaxing after the second war in just as many years and enjoying the peace for the first time since they were twelve. Percy had managed to hide his accent and even match Annabeth in her smarts of the ancient world. No one but Sally, Hecate and Poseidon knew of his past or his family. Oh, and Tyson. Percy couldn't keep something like that from the big guy.
Grover was running in their direction, a panicky expression on his face. Once he reached them, he fell face first in the sand, panting heavily.
"What's wrong, G-man?" Percy asked with a laugh, watching his friend try to catch his breath.
"Juniper is mad at me," he said, his high voice muffled by the sand.
"What'd you do this time, man?" Percy asked, hiding a smile.
"I don't even know!" Grover exclaimed as he rolled over, sand coating his face and clothes.
Percy and Annabeth laughed at their friend, going back to looking out at the sea.
"Percy! Annabeth!" A familiar red head came running down a hill in their direction. She reached them in a much more dignified manner than Grover and plopped down right next to them, sighing. "Oh, hey, Grover."
"Hey," the saytr grumbled.
"Juniper's looking for you," Rachel commented.
"I know," Grover groaned, burying his face in his hands.
"Did you need something, Rachel?" Annabeth asked, leaning forward to look at the mortal on the other side of Percy.
"Nah, just wanted to relax with you," Rachel said simply.
They sat in silence for the next several minutes, enjoying the rising sun. The four of them had sat on the beach the entire night.
"Brother!" Percy spun around to see Tyson sprinting in his direction, Ella not too far behind. Despite knowing his past, the Cyclopes insisted on calling him is brother.
"Tyson, buddy!" Percy greeted. "Hello, Ella, how are you doing?"
"Ella is with Tyson," the harpy blushed. "Tyson was showing Ella his projects."
Annabeth laughed with Rachel, causing Percy to smile in amusement as Tyson blushed a brighter red than Ella's feathers.
"Chiron wants you and Annabeth at the Big House, brother," Tyson managed to get out. "And Juniper wants you, Grover."
"Thank you, buddy," Percy returned as he stood up. He reached out a hand to help Annabeth up and with a grunt, he continued, "you can go back to showing off to Ella now."
"Percy!" Annabeth punched the smirking boy's arm.
Percy laughed and ran off to the Big House, the daughter of Athena on his tail.
Upon arriving at the Big House, the two realized something was up. Until they saw the two gods and stranger in the meeting room, they thought Sally was here to pick them up since summer was over and Percy had IM'd her the night before.
"Dad, Lady Hecate," Percy greeted when he saw them. "Who's this?"
"This, Percy is Professor Minerva McGonagall," Hecate introduced the older stranger with a pointed look.
Percy's heart skipped a beat. He knew everything there was to know about the wizarding world, Hecate and Sally made sure of that. It included who was who in his brother's life. "Is it time?" He asked breathlessly, his accent almost slipping.
Professor McGonagall looked confused and looked from him to Chiron, Poseidon and Hecate who was smiling widely.
"Yes, it is," the Lady of Magic answered.
"As Lady Hecate said," the witch said, obviously deciding to ignore the strange conversation Hecate and Percy had. "I am Professor McGonagall, Headmistress of Hogwarts, the school of witchcraft and wizardry, I apologize that we only just got to you, Mr. Potter. You were suppose to receive a letter upon your eleventh birthday but we are only just getting your name on the list."
"Yeah, that's because of us," Hecate said. "Mr. Potter had some things to accomplish here."
"Well, Mr. Potter, I am not quite sure how to inform you this, but you have a-"
"Brother," Percy smiled, barely containing his excitement. "I'm finally going to see Harry again."
"Okay, that's enough," Annabeth finally spoke up. Until now, she'd been standing at Percy's side, utterly confused as to what was going on. "Why are you calling Percy 'Mr. Potter'? His last name is Jackson. Since when did Percy have a brother and what the Hades do you mean by witchcraft and wizardry?"
"And how do you know you have a brother?" The professor asked. "I thought you've been separated since you were two."
"We have," Percy confirmed, nodding.
"Then how do you know about him?" McGonagall asked. "Most people don't remember much about their past that far back."
"Oh, Percy's been a bit of a genius ever since he was a child," Chiron said with a smile. "Doesn't forget much. Even out matched Athena, the goddess of wisdom one time."
"That was fun," Percy remembered fondly.
"An-swer me," Annabeth punched Percy in the arm with each syllable.
"Ow! Annabeth, stop hitting me!" Percy protested, holding his arm and shying away from the demigod.
"Son, just answer her," Poseidon laughed.
"That's another thing!" Annabeth exclaimed. "Is he even your father?" She gestured wildly with her arms in the sea god's direction.
"He's my adopted father," Percy said simply. "He adopted me so we could have an excuse for my accidental magic when I was younger. Cousin Sally actually said it helped a lot when I was trying to control it."
"Cousin Sally?" Annabeth growled. "You have some explaining to do mister."
"Drop the accent, Percy, you don't need to hide it anymore."
Throughout all this, McGonagall was looking on in silence. "Well, it's clear you won't be needing me," she said, a twitch of her lips implied she was hiding her amusement. "I will see you September first for school."
"Good bye, Professor!" Percy said cheerfully as Annabeth stared at her friend in shock. "Don't tell Harry, I want it to be a surprise."
At that, she really did smile then with a loud, CRACK she disappeared.
Percy then turned to his blonde haired friend and took one look at her angry face. That is when he decided he wasn't going to be able to move easily for a few weeks.
⚡️ ⚡️
"Oh, look, there's going to be new students," Hermione's voice pierced Harry's day-dreaming. She'd been rereading their letters to accept them back for the year they missed at Hogwarts. She wanted to make sure they had gotten everything, having already been to Diagon Alley.
Hermione was elated. Ron was...well, Ron about it. Albeit he pretended for Hermione's sake.
Harry though, was starting to feel even more disconnected by the day and felt indifferent to the prospect of going back to Hogwarts. He couldn't get the memory of his younger twin fading out of view. It was always in the back of his mind but lately it's been on his mind more often. He'd told no one about Percy and his aunt or uncle didn't question it when Harry showed up alone. He'd had to fake his naïveté about the wizarding world since he knew he'd get in trouble with his relatives if he seemed like he know more than he was suppose to.
"Harry?" Oh, look, he'd wondered off again. "Where do you think they'd be sorted?" That was Ron, chowing down on his mother's food. He actually spoke with his mouth full but Harry had been with Ron for so long that he could translate.
"I dunno, mate," Harry replied, putting aside his empty plate. "Perhaps Ravenclaw?"
"I suppose we'll find out, now won't we?" Hermione said in a tone that suggested they should have known that.
Harry resisted the urge to roll his eyes. There were so many times where he'd been resisting his urge to show her up. If he'd all of a sudden shown his genius, people would assume he was cheating or something else along those lines. Like that one time with Snape's potion book.
"Hurry along, dears, we don't want to be late for the train now, do we?" Mrs. Weasley came in, all ready to go and pulling Ginny along with her. "Not like your second year, right boys?"
Ron groaned. "Let it go already, Mum!" He grumbled. "We were in second year! Twelve years old!"
"But I told you it would be a bad idea," Harry pointed out, a smirk playing on the edge of his lips.
"Shut up, Harry, you're not helping," Ron said, smiling as well.
They ushered out the door, to some Ministry cars Mr. Weasley had managed to get for them.
That is when Harry lost focus on his surroundings. He went through the motions, somewhere in the back of his mind, he registered that he'd gotten on the train. However, he remembered no conversation from the car ride or train ride and hardly any of the welcome speech by McGonagall as well as most of the Sorting.
Harry was pulled out of it by a nudge from Ron. "Ok, Harry, look at the new students," he said.
Harry blinked into focus and looked where Ron was pointed not so subtly. In the back of the crowd of eleven year olds stood a tall, black haired boy with a slightly shorter blonde girl. They both had a nice tan and were standing relatively close to each other. As if they'd been through a lot together. They boy seemed relaxed but anxious at the same time. His right foot and head tapped to some unknown beat and his strangely familiar eyes scanning the room. The girl was on edge, not at ease with her new surroundings and hands playing with a beaded necklace.
Finally, the eleven year olds were sorted, the last one going to Ravenclaw. Then the girl got called to the hat.
"Chase, Annabeth!" Harry only just realized that Slughorn was the one calling the names.
The blonde, now known as Annabeth Chase, walked calmly to the Sorting hat. The rim slipped over her eyes and not ten seconds later, the hat shouted, "RAVENCLAW!"
The respective table clapped politely while the rest of the hall stayed relatively silent. Many were confused on the matter of the new students. They must not have read the letter like Hermione did.
"Potter, Perseus!"
All noise and movement ceased. Even the last new student- the dark haired boy didn't move. He just narrowed his eyes and started scanning the room more closely.
Harry ever so slowly stood up and climbed out of his seat. Even slower now, he started to the boy who claimed to be his twin.
Somethings you just know. It's in your gut and there isn't even a shadow of a doubt that it wouldn't be true. What Harry didn't know for the past fifteen years of his life is where his brother had been. Now he knew with no doubt in his mind whatsoever where his twin brother was at this exact moment. But still...
"Percy?" Harry's voice cracked, he could hardly believe it.
Those familiar sea-green eyes twinkled as the even more familiar smirk played across his face. "Hey there, Harry," he said quietly, as if he couldn't trust his voice.
"Tell me something only Percy Potter would know," Harry demanded. He still couldn't believe it.
I remember one time you made some very special friends in the forest by the house and Moony cried he was so proud, Percy said through the twin link, making Harry jump. Hey, cool! It still works!
Don't do that! Harry said back, punching him in the gut, only to pull his hand back in pain while his jerk of a brother didn't even flinch. What have you been doing? Military school?
Percy wriggled his eyebrows. Wouldn't you like to know, he said.
This time, Harry whacked him upside the head. "Shame on you, Percy!" He said aloud this time. "Don't go saying stuff like that!"
"Can I go get sorted now, bro?" Percy whined, rubbing the back of his head.
"Try not to mess anything up," Harry said, watching as his brother all but skipped to the stool.
Before it even touched his hair, the hat yelled out, "HUFFLEPUFF!"
If possible, the already silent Hall got even quieter.
A burst of laughter from Harry shocked everyone out of their dazes.
"What are you laughing at, Harry?" Percy demanded, coming off the stool and storming over to his brother.
"A hundred generations of Gryffindors and you had to be the one to mess up the chain," Harry laughed even harder.
Now Percy snorted and laughed along with his brother. "Wonder what Dad would have to say about that."
"Knowing him, he made a bet with Sirius," Harry answered then got quiet. " Do you know about-"
"Yes," Percy said, growing solemn, "but they wouldn't want us to cry about it."
"Excuse me," Hermione suddenly appeared out of no where, holding her hand out for a shake. "I'm Hermione Granger, I'm so pleased to finally meet Harry's brother, whom we've never heard about," she turned a hard glare onto Harry, turning Percy's confused look into an amused one.
"You too, Harry?" Percy laughed.
"Hello," the Annabeth girl appeared much like Hermione did. "I am Annabeth Chase. I haven't heard of you either." And, also much like Hermione, she glared at Percy.
"Haha, yeah," Harry laughed. "She's like an older sister."
"Mr. and Mr. Potter and friends," McGonagall interrupted, even though she looked highly amused. "I believe some of us would like to get on with the feast."
"Right, sorry," Percy grabbed Annabeth's hand and pulled her over to Harry, following his brother back to his seat.
"Oi, mate," Ron whispered awkwardly. "You're suppose to sit with your house."
"I know," Percy said with a sly smirk. "Is it bad I want to sit by my long lost twin?"
While Ron and anyone within hearing distance-including Annabeth- were shocked by this new revelation, Harry looked affronted. The rest of the Hall had gone back to their conversations. "Actually, you were the long lost one," he corrected. "I was with family."
"So was I," Percy defended. "Favorite family too."
"Shut up," Harry grumbled. "You know where I had to sleep."
Immediately, Percy's face went dark. "For how long? We were never over there after that one time."
"Until I got my letter," Harry said quietly.
Bloody hell, Harry, you should have done something! Percy shouted mentally as he trained a hard look on his brother.
Harry instinctively brought his hands up to protect his ears. "Don't shout, Perce," he said firmly. "And I couldn't do anything! I wasn't suppose to know about the wizarding world at all."
"But he didn't say anything," Ron said, his face was full of food.
"They have a twin's mind link," Annabeth informed them carelessly. "The Craft twins have that at camp."
"The thing Fred and George have?" Ginny asked from across the table.
"Yeah," Harry answered. "How else do you explain how they finish each other's sentences."
"Don't try to change the subject, Harry. Getting me curious about another set of twins to prank with will not help," Percy said, frowning. "We aren't done with this conversation."
"I thought I was the older one," Harry muttered.
I should have been the one to go to the Dursleys, Percy said, scowling at his food.
Harry's eyes widened. Some of the things they did- he stood up. "No!" Those in their immediate vicinity grew silent. "Don't ever say that, Percy. Never!" Harry had to blink away tears. If any of that had happened to Percy...he would never have forgiven himself.
Percy's eyes narrowed. "Harry," he said in a dangerously low tone. "What happened?"
Harry seemed to realize they'd gotten an audience. "Not now," he said, sitting back down.
"This isn't over," Percy warned.
Later, after the feast, Percy was leading them all through the castle. Percy, who had never been there in his life.
"Er, Percy?" Harry said, getting concerned when he didn't take any turns to any of the houses. "Do you know where you're going?"
"Of course," the wizard replied. "99% sure anyways. It's different seeing it in real life and not on a map."
"Map?" Ron asked.
Wait, Harry thought to himself. He wouldn't happen to have Wormtail's-
Just as Harry thought that, Percy held up a blank piece of paper.
"You were the one who stole Wormtail's map!" Harry exclaimed accusingly. "Everyone thought the useless rat lost it!"
Percy laughed. "Good thing I did too, from what I hear about what happened," he said darkly.
Harry narrowed his eyes. "How much do you know, really?" He asked.
"Enough," Percy said. "Once we get to the Room of Requirement, we can catch up privately."
"How do you know about the Room of Requirement?" Hermione asked. "It's not on the map."
"On this one it is," Percy informed her. "Each of the Maurder's maps had one difference. Four passage ways that would have had some major impact on the school. The Room of Requirement, Shrieking Shack, the House Tunnels, and-"
"Chamber of Secrets," Harry finished. "We actually found that one with out the help of Sirius' map. We have Moony's."
"How'd you get Moony's map?" Percy inquired as they entered the door to the Room of Requirement. "I thought Filch had it."
"The Weasley twins snitched it when they were in his office for some prank," Harry said. "They gave it to me when I wanted to get to Hogsmead in third year."
The room they entered was full of bean bags and pillows. A plate of snacks appeared on a table in the middle of a circle of bean bags. Must have been put there by a house elf.
"Now," Percy started, sitting in one of the bags. "What happened at Aunt Tuny's and Uncle Vermin's?"
"Uh, I think it's Vernon, mate," Ron corrected.
"We call him Vermin," Harry sighed tiredly, getting ready for a long story.
The next day classes started. Percy's first day of classes started off with a double lesson of History with Gryffindor, fortunately enough. So he could talk to Harry throughout the class if ever he got bored.
If? Percy scoffed at himself. He was certain to get bored.
Then it was a double lesson with the Slytherins in Astronomy. Harry told him about his past troubles with one certain Slytherin and Percy was glad to see him for himself. Of course he also told him of the things he seemed to do to make up for what he did. Percy had to make sure he meant no harm any longer.
Percy spotted him from the description Harry gave him and sat down next to him before his friends had a chance. "Hello," Percy started pleasantly. He innocently smiled at the blond boy's glaring friends.
"Thank you," Draco Malfoy said back, eyeing his friends with a surprisingly good about of trepidation.
Percy frowned. From what he heard from Harry, he should have been rather popular with his friends. Then Percy realized. Because of what happened, he would be unpopular with them. Even subjected to bullying.
"How did you know?" He asked.
"I didn't," Now Percy was glaring his wolf glare at the Slytherin's 'friends'.
Draco looked back and froth. "Oh," he said, a little deflated. But a smile was brought to his face when his house mates looked away from Percy Potter squeamishly. "You were here because of Pot-Harry." He took a deep breath, readying himself. "Interrogate away."
Percy eyed him as a smile grew on his face. Draco's attitude with him said it all. "We're going to be great friends," was all he said before turning to the front.
Draco was stunned. "Weren't you going to ask me about my actions to your brother and warn me never to do it again?"
"I was," Percy conceded.
"Then why..."
"I know you won't do it again," Percy answered as he trailed off.
The next class was a double Defense Against the Dark Arts with Ravenclaw.
One point before class; all day today, Percy has been getting weird looks from most of the girls. They weren't bad- except for a few- so Percy ignored them. That is until he saw them from another girl with dark hair in Annabeth's house.
Percy Potter may be a genius but he knew next to nothing about girls.
"Wise girl," Percy whispered as quietly as he could. "Why is that girl staring at me like that?"
Annabeth looked over, glaring coldly at the girl and turned back to Percy. "Don't worry about it," she said. "Cho's just having problems."
A cough from the front of the room broke them out of their conversation.
"Moony!" Percy exclaimed happily. "You're here!"
"Sorry I was late coming," Remus Lupin said to the entire class. He gave a wink to Percy. "My best friend's sons have just become godfathers."
Percy stood shocked, unable to believe it. Then he pumped both hands in the air. "I can't believe it, Moony found a girl before Padfoot!" He exclaimed.
"Seaweed brain!" Annabeth punched him in the side.
Percy smiled slyly down at her. Harry, Moony is here, he said to his brother over the link. And he has a very good excuse.
He'd better, I was looking forward to Defense today but he wasn't here last class, Harry grumbled.
Tonks had her baby, Percy said, a mischievous smirk showing on his face.
"Percy, you'd better not be telling Harry," Lupin warned, seeing the smirk. "I wanted to tell him."
Percy winced but the smile never wavered. "Too late," he said.
Thanks a lot, Percy, you made me get a detention, Harry accused. From this, Percy assumed he reacted out loud.
Who do you have? Percy frowned. The only people who gave his brother detentions were Snape and McGonagall and neither of them were teaching. Mainly because one of them was dead.
Professor Hill, Harry answered, the new Transfiguration teacher.
Percy snickered out loud and mentally to Harry.
"What is it?" Annabeth whispered so as to not disturb Lupin from his lecture on how the year was going to go.
"I made Harry get detention," Percy whispered back.
Annabeth rolled her eyes.
Later, during lunch, Percy, being Percy, suddenly stood up and stomped angrily to the Slytherin table. He grabbed Draco's arm and yanked him up. He glared at the boy's housemates and growled. The growl echoed around the Great Hall, stopping all conversation. Those who hadn't noticed before now turned to look and froze at the look on the wizard's face.
"If I ever see you doing that again," Percy started, taking out a muggle pen. "I'll-"
"What? Write on us?" Crabbe laughed, prompting his friends to do the same.
Suddenly the pen disappeared and a sword took its place. "I will kill you." He was growling again. He looked like he could do it too.
"Mr. Potter!" McGonagall called, making her way swiftly to the angry Hufflepuff. "No swords or killing, I will be taking that now."
Percy shrugged and handed it over with a smirk.
"Thank you, Mr. Potter," McGonagall said. "Now-"
Percy cut her off with a finger, waited a moment and reached into his pocket. He pulled out the pen again and uncapped it. "I wouldn't bother," he said as he recapped it with a smirk. "Now, Professor, Mr. Malfoy is now an honorary Hufflepuff and will no longer be hanging around with the Slytherins in any way. Classes will be taken with my house and meal times, Quidditch and even points. He will move to the Hufflepuff dormitories tonight. No more Slytherin for you Malfoy."
Percy finished by dragging him by the arm back to his seat next to Annabeth at his table with Luna Lovegood, (a friend Annabeth made in her own house).
Harry just smiled and shook his head to the questioning looks thrown at him from his friends. "Come on," he said to Hermione and Ron as he stood up. "Might as well go now before he drags us by our ears."
Looking uneasily at each other, they followed Harry to his brother.
"Hello," Harry started, holding out his hand as Percy looked on proudly. "My name is Harry Potter. What's yours?"
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