The One That Got Away... Kinda
Infidelity warning.
Don't come at me.
***Lee's POV***
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We are approaching Jacksonville
Airport ahead of schedule and will be landing shortly. Please be sure to take your seats, fasten your seat belts, and stow your trays for landing. It was a pleasure serving you on this fine Friday morning. Delta Airlines appreciates your patronage, and we hope to see you again soon. Please remain seated until the flight attendants have given the okay to disembark."
I stretched languidly as the pilot signed off the intercom, taking my earbuds out and placing them back in their case. I checked my phone and sighed. Almost 2 pm. I rubbed the last remnants of sleep from my eyes and glanced out the window, smiling slightly at the view below. Flying might be a drag when you're skipping through time zones, but the views really are breathtaking.
The plane landed, and I was able to disembark with no issue. As I entered Jacksonville Airport, my eyes swept over the stores that lined the terminal areas. My stomach growled, reminding me I'd skipped breakfast. I quickly made my way toward the food court section in search of something to eat before my next flight in 50 minutes.
I decided on a breakfast sandwich and water, trying to keep it light. I was going to be on a flight for another 10 hours, and I REALLY don't like using plane bathrooms if I can help it. After scarfing down my food as fast as possible, I gathered my things and rushed to my next gate. Boarding would start in 15 minutes.
As I approached the gate, I swore softly under my breath. From the looks of the seating near the gate, my flight was going to be packed.
"This is United Airlines Flight 42896. We will begin boarding in 5 minutes. Can we please have any passengers requiring special assistance approach the boarding gate to prepare for entrance?"
I stepped onto the carpet surrounding the gate and was headed toward the boarding entrance to wait for First Class announcements when a man stood up directly into me. My shoulder collided with him sharply, and he fell backward into his seat.
"Sorry." I said, not even looking at him as I continued past.
"Fucks sake Colby! Do you ever pay attention?" I heard a voice say, laden with exasperation and amusement. Immediately, goosebumps rose on my arms and the hair tingled at the back of my neck. That voice....
No... it couldn't be. I shook my head, not even dignifying the thought with a glance toward who had spoken. I kept my back to the couple as I stood waiting for permission to board, hoping to avoid a confrontation.
"What do you even mean?" I heard him respond. "That bitch was the one not watching where she was going." He said indignantly.
"Bro..." the female voice was immediately drowned out as the attendant again spoke over the intercom.
"First Class, we are now ready to have you board the plane."
I smiled, stepping forward with my boarding pass and away from the bickering couple. As I scanned my pass, I pushed all thoughts of the familiar voice from my mind.
I entered the plane and took my seat in my pod, my eyebrows raised slightly as I saw there were two seats, not one. Strange. I could've sworn I booked a single pod. I internally sighed, hoping nobody had purchased the other seat so I wouldn't have to be in such close proximity to a stranger. My social meter fills quickly, and I wasnt really prepared to share a 10 hour flight with a stranger. I slipped my earbuds back on and flipped the hood up on my sweater, covering my face and settling in for the long flight.
"What do you mean you can only put one of us in First Class?!" I hear the angry voice of the man I now knew to be Colby say, none too quietly. Without moving my head, I pause my music to listen to the drama unfold.
"Sir, as I've already explained, when you attempted to upgrade your second ticket, the payment declined. If you'll look at your boarding pass, you'll see that the ticket in your name is still pending the upgrade payment. Your wife's ticket was accepted, and she upgraded to a First Class seat. Now please take your seat, or I'm going to have to have you removed from the plane." The flight attendant stated firmly.
"Can we not just retry my payment? There's no reason it should've declined. Or downgrade her ticket back to coach?" He asked.
"Unfortunately, sir, we can no longer do that as her coach seat has been given to another passenger, and our First Class section is full. This flight is fully booked. Either you can both take your respective seats, or you can disembark and wait for another flight. Now, please clear the walkway. We have other passengers waiting to board.
"Colby, it's fine." I heard a soft voice say. "I'm tired, so I'll probably just sleep the whole way anyway."
"Just go sit down." I hear him say sharply, rolling my eyes before resuming my music and attempting to shut out my surroundings once more. I feel a presence standing to my left in the aisle, but ignore them.
It's probably just someone stowing a carry-on or something, I tell myself.
Just as the thought solidifies in my head, I feel the presence shift and a body seats itself into the aisle seat beside me. I inwardly groan, knowing it was too good to be true that I'd get both seats to myself. Here's to hoping they take the hint and leave me alone.
I shift slightly away from the person seated to my right, keeping my face mostly covered with my hood. I hear a soft voice speak next to me but can't make out their words over the music. I ignore them and keep my eyes closed, forcing my breathing to stay even and pretending I'm asleep. I felt them shift beside me, brushing against my arm, which pulled my hood slightly off my face. A familiar perfume effused my senses and my breath hitched. I hadn't smelled that perfume in a long time. My heart constricted as memories fought their way to the surface. The plane started to move, backing away from the boarding gate and forward to taxi down the runway.
"If there is ANY such thing as a higher power," I say silently in my head. "You will not let it be the person I have to spend the next 10 to 12 hours beside that is wearing that perfume." I abandoned all semblance of pretending to be asleep and lifted my hand, readjusting the hood to cover my face and block out the scent once more. In doing so, the jagged scar that ran from the ball of my thumb up the back of my hand to my ring finger becomes visible.
The music shifted to a new song just as I moved and I heard an audible gasp come from the person beside me. Just as the beat starts in my ears, I heard just one word uttered that turned my whole world upside down.
"Lee..." the woman beside me whispered, confusion laced in her tone. My eyes snapped open, and I immediately met the golden brown orbs that stared back at me. My heart dropped to my feet as the plane lurched forward, pushing us back into our seats as the nose lifted and the wheels left the tarmac.
"Sam..." I choked out.
We both sit in stunned silence as the plane hurtled its way into the sky, not saying a word. My heartbeat thumped in my ears, drowning out the music as my eyes searched her face, taking in features I haven't seen in almost a decade. She remained silent as well, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the arm rests like her life depended on it. She didn't even blink; the deer in headlights look permanently etched on her features. My eyes fell to her hands, focusing on the gold band on her left ring finger. My heart constricted painfully, bringing me crashing back down to my body.
She's married.
I closed my eyes again as pain I thought was long forgotten threatened to overwhelm me. This seemed to snap her out of her own reverie, and I felt her hand cover my own still latched to the arm rest that's down between us.
"Lee... look at me." She whispered, the emotion making her words sound thicker. I opened my eyes once more, helpless to ignore her.
"You're married." It's not a question.
"For the last two years, yes." She said softly, her fingers threading through my own as she gripped my hand in hers. I looked down at our intertwined fingers, her ring glinting in the lights cast by the sun streaming through the window. I can't bring myself to release her. As if she knew exactly what I was thinking, she released my hand slightly and reached over, slipping the ring from her finger. Her hand stayed in mine as she slid the ring into the pocket of her sweats.
A smile tugged at the corner of my lips as I took in her attire. Loose sweats and a Led Zepplin hoodie covered her frame. My favorite hoodie from high school that went missing. I looked for that shit for weeks but could never find it. Now I guess I know why. A blush darkens her cheeks as she looks down and catches my gaze.
"I'd say sorry, but I'm not." She says, referencing the clothing she stole. I don't say anything, not trusting the words that may leave my lips next. She seems to understand as her grip tightens slightly.
"I know I left without a word, Lee. I know I disappeared, again, and never gave you a reason. I'm so sorry. So truly sorry. I've hated myself every single day since I left. I just... it was too much, you know? I wasn't ready for that kind of love... You were all I thought about. I couldn't focus on anything but you, and my whole life was suffering for it." I keep my eyes on her, listening to her explanation on why she ripped my heart out almost a decade ago and disappeared without a trace. Her words sink in and I frown slightly.
"Sam... I never would've let you lose sight of your goals. I would've supported you in everything. Done anything for you." I whispered. She nodded.
"I know. And that's why I had to leave. I had no goals, Lee. I had no plans other than making you happy. I was losing myself. I was just too young..." she said softly. My frown deepened.
"Too young?" I questioned. Nervousness took over her expression.
"So... yes." She said, her voice trailing off even softer. I reached up and pulled my earbuds out to make sure I could hear her.
"What do you mean, Sam? You were 19. I mean, I know I'm older, but not that much older."
"Lee... I just turned 23..." I flinched, yanking my hand back as if scalded.
"You were 16?! You fucking lied to me?" I choked out. She reached for my hand again but I avoided her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she sat back in her seat.
"Yes Lee. I was 16. That's why I couldn't let us actually sleep together. I didn't want you to get in trouble." She whispered dejected.
"Jesus fucking Christ Sam..." I swore, my mind racing. All this time... that whole time I was in love with a fucking minor.
"Lee it changes nothing. I told you then that we would find each other again. I never stopped looking for you. I even went to your old place when I turned 18, but you'd moved. Your number was disconnected and you didn't leave a forwarding address." She said desperately.
"What did you expect? You fucking left me without a word. You broke me, Sam! And now I find out if you hadn't, I'd probably be in fucking jail." I whisper harshly and she flinches away from my tone. My face immediately softens when I see her reaction and the tears welling up in her eyes. Why would she flinch like that?
"Sam..." I whisper softly, raising my hand to brush the hair aside that's fallen across her cheek. I frown again as the light shifts from the window and I see the shadow of a bruise along her cheek bone that she tried to cover with makeup. I sit up in my seat and gently turn her face to get a better look.
"Sam what the fuck? Does he hit you?" I ask, fighting to keep the anger out of my voice and failing. My fingers barely touch her skin, tracing the line of the bruise. I watch as her eyes close and she turns her face more fully into my touch. She doesn't answer me, but I can see her breathing getting shallower.
"Sam..." I repeat almost pleadingly, a fire igniting where my fingers touch her skin, shooting sparks of heat up my arm and straight into my chest.
I cup the side of her face in the palm of my hand, my fingers sinking into her hair at the nape of her neck as my palm rests along her jawline. Her eyes open and look at me. I feel her gaze pierce into my soul as she looks at me with a need I haven't seen in such a very long time. She wants me. My heart skips a beat at the realization.
"Lee... please... just make me forget..." she begs.
I pull her into me and capture her lips with mine. The kiss is sweet, sweeter than I remember. It starts slow, just her lips on mine, exploring, relearning the feel of each other. Our lips fit perfectly together, like we belong joined this way. It makes me forget everything else. The secrets she held, the pain of her leaving, Colby, everything. It's just her.
She leans into me, nipping lightly at my lower lip as she slides her hands to tangle into my hair, gripping me and holding me closer. I groan softly into her lips as her movements get more desperate, and she uses my parted lips to her advantage, thrusting her tongue into my mouth. We fight for dominance, and she moans softly into my mouth as she gives in to me. If I could, I'd never stop doing what we're doing right now, but I need to breathe. I break the kiss, gasping as I rest my forehead against her own.
"Lee... I need you..." she whispers, her hands tightening on me as if to prevent me from pulling away. Like I would.
I nod without a word, reaching up behind her to shut the pod door. I push the armrest upward and out of the way, and lean over her to pull the lever on her seat, guiding her to lay down gently. I do the same with my own, converting the chairs into a bed. Her eyes widening with each move I make until she lays there looking up at me in wonder. I prop myself up on my elbow beside her as we lay down.
"Never flown first class before, chérie?" I ask, a smile playing on my lips. She shakes her head no. I raise an eyebrow and let my eyes rake slowly from hers, all the way down her body and back up again.
"Well allow me to show you the best part of this First Class flight." I whisper against her lips as I lean forward, capturing hers with my own again. I tease her, gently taking her lower lip between my teeth and pulling lightly. The tip of my tongue traces along the bite, soothing the pain as she winces slightly. I smile against her lips as I slowly drag my fingertips up the inside of her thigh, forcing her lips to part as she gasps when my hand slides over her core, pressing my palm against the seam of her pants, creating friction against her as she whimpers against my lips.
I take advantage of her parted lips and deepen the kiss, swallowing her moan as her hands slide up over my shoulders and around the back of my neck. I have to bite back my own groan at the feel of her fingers sinking into my hair, tangling in the short locks as she pulls me closer to her. Our tongues fight for dominance, which she lets me win, as I slowly rock my hand against her over the fabric of her pants. The heat radiating from her increasing with every movement as I feel her body tremble beneath my touch. I pull back slightly, as far as I can with her fingers still tangled in my hair, as she tears her lips away from my own to get a breath. Her eyes lock in with mine as her hips involuntarily move with my hand.
"Lee, I swear to God if you don't fuck me, right now, I'm going to scream." She demands, her words pushing out between ragged gasps. I new wave of desire washes over me at her words.
I smirk, trying to hide the effect her words have on me, but it seems she knows exactly what she's doing in this moment. Her hand tightens in my hair and she pulls me back down to her, until our lips are just a few millimeters apart. Her eyes never leave mine and it feels like they're piercing my soul. I feel her free hand slide around my wrist, pulling my hand up from between her thighs, only to feel her raise her hips slightly against me while guiding my hand down the front waistband of her sweats.
"Please Daddy..." she begs softly against my lips. "Please fuck me."
I groan, capturing her lips with my own in another heated kiss as I press my hand further downward, my fingers gliding through her soaked folds. She moans into my mouth, her nails digging into the back of my neck as she holds me close. I feel her start to rock her hips up into my hand as I begin to draw slow circles around her now swollen clit.
"Fuck... You feel so good..." She tears her lips from mine to whisper as she looks down at my hand teasing her.
"I want you inside me Daddy... Please..." She begs breathlessly, but I ignore her as I continue to tease her clit, smirking slightly as I bury my face in her neck. I inhale her sweet scent as she holds me closer to her, her hands sliding down to settle against my lower back. I can feel her biting her lip, trying not to let the moans of pleasure escape her into the aircraft cabin. Her hips continuing to rock against my fingers as her pace picks up, desperate to gain more contact.
"Lee... I'm so close already... Please... Daddy please I need you inside me..." She whispers haltingly as her pleasure continues to increase with my ministrations on her clit. I pick my head up from her shoulder, my eyes meeting hers, wanting to see her as she tumbles over the edge for me.
I watch as her eyes begin to roll back in her head, and her nails dig into my lower back through my shirt. Her whole body convulses as I pick up the pace of my strokes on her clit, pressing just hard enough to keep continuous pressure on her.
"Oh fuck Daddy... Yes... I'm cumming for you..." She starts to moan, her words picking up volume as she loses control. I feel her body tighten as she tips over the edge, and capture her lips once again, swallowing her moans as I thrust two fingers deep inside her. Her body begins to shake with each thrust as I continue to fuck her through her high. Her nails rip across my lower back, cutting into my shirt, tearing it as she tears open my skin. The feeling of her completely losing control enough to spur me on passed the pain.
Once she begins to come down from her high, she tries to reach down to still my hand by grabbing onto my wrist. Each thrust causing her breath to hitch in her chest and her eyes roll back again. I gently push her hand away to prevent her from stopping me.
"Oh god..." she whispers, burying her face into my shoulder and biting down to stop herself from screaming. I wince, but don't stop my fingers from driving into her just as fast and hard as before. Small grunts are escaping her mouth each time I hit her g-spot, and her whole body is heaving, rocking against my thrusts inside her like she's trying to pull away. She finally stops fighting my movements and begins to follow along, moaning my name as I continue to fuck her.
"Sam?" My fingers immediately still, fully buried inside her as I hear someone standing outside of the closed door of our pod, whispering Sam's name. Sam's ragged breathing in my ear and soft whines of disappointment that I stopped tell me she hasn't heard it yet.
"Sam? You there?" Colby whispers, knocking gently on the pod door. Sam's body freezes beneath me, her hands gripping my shoulders tightly as she tries to catch her breath.
"Sir? Can I help you?" I hear the flight attendant ask, as she approaches the man just outside the door.
"I'm trying to talk to my wife." He states simply.
"The pod door is closed. It's likely either one or both of them are asleep, as we've been in the air for just over 2 hours. Please head back to your seat. Once the door opens, I will inform your wife you'd like to speak with her." The attendant says firmly.
"Both of them? My wife is closed in there with someone? Open this door right now." He demands, not moving.
"Sir, if the door is closed, that means someone in there is requesting privacy. There are call buttons in case someone needs assistance. Since neither of them have requested it, both women are likely asleep. Please take your seat, now."
"I swear to God, if you don't open this pod door right now..." Colby's voice trails off, the implied threat hanging in the air.
"You'll what, sir?" The flight attendant challenges. I feel Sam's body tense beneath me, which forces her hips up against my hand and my fingers even deeper inside her. An involuntary gasp escapes her lips and I quickly cover her mouth with my own to quell any additional sounds from escaping.
"What was that?" They hear Colby ask, and the door to the pod shakes slightly as someone jiggles the locked handle.
"Sir! Take your hand off that door right now before I call the air martial to have you restrained." The flight attendant demands.
"This is fucking bullshit." I hear Colby mumble under his breath. "Look, I just want to see my wife. She has some health conditions and she needs to take her medication." He states.
Just then, Sam shifts under me, her hands sliding over my shoulders as she deepens the kiss. Her hips begin to rock on my hand again, the desire taking over her need for self preservation as her husband argues with the flight attendant just outside the door. I break away from the kiss, which causes her to tighten her grip and pull me closer.
"What are you doing?" I whisper softly into her ear as her movements begin to pick up. She whimpers against my shoulder.
"Sam..." I groan softly as her knee slips between my thighs, pressing firmly against my core as she arches her back, sliding my fingers deeper inside her.
"You just feel so fucking good Daddy..." She whispers back against the skin of my neck. Goosebumps erupt across the skin where her lips are brushing. "Please..." she whispers over and over against my neck.
I don't pull away but I remain still, trying not to push her closer to the edge with her husband standing right outside our door. As much as I want to continue this, I might have to force her to stop if he doesn't leave.
"Baby girl... Sam... Wait..." She frowns slightly, biting her lip as she pulls her head back to look up at me.
"I've waited far too long, Lee. I don't care if we get caught. I won't wait any longer." She says softly. Before I can respond, she shoves me backward into the makeshift bed and climbs on top of me, keeping my fingers buried inside of her as she straddles my thigh. Her movements forcing my legs apart as she presses more firmly against me. I bite my lip to keep quiet as her knee grinds firmly against me through my basketball shorts. I look up at her, breathless, as she starts to ride my fingers.
"Fuuuuuck..." She moans quietly as her hips begin to pick up the pace. I lock the back of my hand against my thigh, keeping my fingers rigid as her hips drive down onto them. "More, Daddy... I need more of you..." She says.
"What was that?" I hear Colby say from further away. It appears the flight attendant was successfully getting him to move away from our seats. I swear softly under my breath as I hear him re-approach.
"Sir, I didn't hear anything. Please return to your seat, now." The flight attendant demands. I can hear shuffling as she presumably moves her body to block his path from re-approaching.
"Fine, fuck it." Colby says. I hear his retreating footsteps and refocus on the woman currently straddling me. Her eyes are now closed and a frown of concentration is settled on her brow. Her hips are rocking into my fingers faster. She didn't even hear what was happening outside, completely lost in her own pleasure. I quickly re-positioned my hand, pressing the heel of my palm against her clit and slid a third finger into her as she thrust back down, smirking as her hips stuttered at the new sensations flooding through her.
"Oh fuck... Oh fuck yes... Daddy..." She moans, leaning back down into my chest as she buries her face into my neck again. Her lips trail kisses down my neck and passed my collar bone before latching onto the sensitive spot she's always known drives me crazy. As she sucks, her hips drive harder against my fingers, and I can feel her clit swelling against the palm of my hand as her breathing starts to become erratic. She's approaching her peak quickly now, and I angle my wrist slightly to press hard against her g-spot, my fingers dragging against it with each thrust of her hips.
Just as quickly as she approaches her peak, she catches me off guard again by shoving her hand down the front of my shorts. I can feel her hips slowing down as she tries to focus on me, and my breath leaves my chest in a rush when I feel her fingers slide through my soaking core. She moans again at the feeling, knowing she's done this to me. She pulls her mouth from my skin as her eyes search for mine.
"Fuck Daddy you're so wet... Does fucking me turn you on?" She asks me. I can't respond. She's stolen my voice with her fingers teasing circular motions around my clit in time with her thrusts on my own.
"I love knowing what I do to you..." She whispers, arching her hips and pulling herself off my fingers in one quick motion.
"Sam...?" I ask, confused as to why she's pulling away from me.
"I want to taste you, Daddy... You never let me before. Will you let me now?" She asked, her eyes pleading for me to say yes. I don't think I have the strength to tell her no anymore.
"Fuck..." I groan as my head falls back against the seat, reaching down to help her guide my shorts off my hips. She quickly tugs both my shorts and boxers down and off before I can second guess my decision. Like I fucking would ever tell this gorgeous woman no.
I look down, watching her as she settles between my thighs, spreading them wide as she looks up at me. I meet her gaze and she smirks before leaning forward, wasting no more time as she glides her tongue between my folds. My head tips back, eyes closing, as my lips part and my hips involuntarily arch into her mouth. Pleasure erupts upward into my stomach as she presses closer to me, her tongue flattening over me as she slowly drags the muscle down toward my entrance. I feel her tongue stiffen and the tip curl slightly as she dips into my entrance.
"Oh god..." I whisper moan as the breath leaves my lungs. She thrusts even deeper into me with her tongue, swirling it around my entrance as she teases the bundle of nerves there with the tip.
"Jesus Christ Sam..." I manage to get out. She chuckles softly against my pussy and the vibrations slide straight from her tongue into me. I sink my hands into her hair and grip her tightly, my hips rocking against her face as I force her tongue deeper into me.
"Goddamn you feel so good." I say softly, trying my hardest to keep quiet. She moans into me as her hands settle on my thighs, gripping me tightly to her as she begins to thrust her tongue into me in earnest. "Fuck Sam... That's right... Eat Daddy's pussy... You're doing so fucking good." I say, running my fingers through her hair as she picks up the pace at my words. It's been awhile and I can feel myself approaching my orgasm quickly.
"Sam... Baby girl... I'm almost there... Fuck don't stop..." I groan her name as my hips rock in rhythm with her tongue thrusting into me. Her hands tighten, nails digging into my skin as she locks my hips down to prevent me from pulling away. Instead of continuing, she pulls away just slightly and I almost cry out in protest. Instead, I tighten my hands in her hair and try to force her back down. "Don't... What are you doing?" I gasp in exasperation. Why the fuck would she stop?
"Patience, Daddy." She whispers, not looking up at me. Instead, I feel her mouth enclose around my clit, and as soon as the suction of her lips sealing around it starts, my eyes roll into the back of my head.
"Holy fuck Sam... Fuck..." I bite my lip hard to prevent myself from crying out loud. My hips arch hard into her mouth as my grip remains in her hair. I'm so lost in the feel of her mouth sucking my clit that I don't even notice one of her hands releasing my thigh as she moves her hand to position her fingers just at my entrance. Before I can react, she begins to twirl the tip of her tongue, working the hood of my clit back to tease her tongue directly over the sensitive bud as she increases the pace of her suction and thrusts deep into me with two fingers. She quickly picks up the pace, driving her fingers into my hard and fast as she works over my clit. My mouth opens in a silent scream as the coil building in the pit of my stomach releases, pleasure exploding throughout my body as I ride her tongue and fingers. She slows her movements, but continues as she lets me ride out my high on her. She uses her tongue to capture every last drop of cum from my pussy lips, and I open my eyes just in time to watch her swallow it.
"Daddy you taste so good... Thank you..." She murmurs, resting her cheek against my inner thigh as she licks her lips. The look in her eyes causing my heart to skip in my chest. I break my gaze away from her and pull her up into my arms, holding her close. I feel her settle into my body, nuzzling herself into my side as her arm slides around my waist and holds me close to her. We both drift to sleep, held in each other's arms.
5 Hours Later
***Lee's POV***
A soft knock on the pod door wakes me up from my slumber and I stretch. I quickly look down, realizing I still don't have pants on and reach down to tug my shorts back up to my hips. I frown slightly as I realize that Sam is not in the pod, but shrug. Maybe she went to the bathroom. I reset the chairs to a sitting position and slide open the pod door to be met by the smiling flight attendant.
"Hi, Ms. Lee." She greets me. I nod in response. "I just wanted to bring you your dinner." She says, indicating to the trolley she has sitting beside her.
"Yes, of course. Can I also get a cold water?" I ask quietly, my voice slightly raspy from sleep. I watch her bite her lip slightly before turning her her attention to the trolley to find my meal. I smirk slightly, knowing exactly what she's thinking. In any other situation, I'd most certainly take advantage of this situation. But Sam...
Just as the thought crosses my mind, the bathroom door at the front of the aisle opens and Colby steps out with a smirk on his face, adjusting his belt. I frown slightly as I turn my attention back to the flight attendant. She catches my gaze and winks, handing my my plate and a bottle of water.
"Thank you." I say, a smile playing over my lips as I let my eyes wander the attendant's body. I may not be availing myself of the in flight entertainment this time, but it doesn't hurt to look. Just then, I catch a movement over the attendant's shoulder and see Sam exiting the same bathroom Colby just came out of not a minute prior. The smile quickly turns into a deep scowl, and I avert my gaze to my food, angrily snapping down the table and setting my food on top of it as the flight attendant moves on to the next passenger. I open the bottle and chug the water quickly.
"Lee.." I hear Sam whisper softly as she retakes her seat. She tries to close the pod door.
"Leave it." I demand, not looking at her.
"Lee, please..." She begs. I glare at her.
"Don't 'Lee, please' me, Sam. It doesn't matter anyway. You're married. What we did means nothing." I say, feigning nonchalance as I unpack my food and begin to cut into it. Only a couple more hours left on this flight. I think I can pretend my heart isn't shattered for that long.
"Does it really mean nothing to you?" She asks.
"No, but it means nothing to you." I whisper harshly, slamming my utensils down next to my plate. She flinches but it doesn't soften the blow any. Not this time. I turn to face her.
"This was a mistake. You're married. Clearly happily, or at least as much as you can be with that prick. I won't come between that. Once this flight lands, you'll never hear from me again, I can promise you that." I say harshly. I reach into my bag and pull out my ear buds, putting them in and turning my music on as loud as I safely can. I feel her bow her head beside me, her body sinking into the seat in defeat. I ignore my food, closing my eyes and leaning my head against the window, praying for the remaining flight to pass by smoothly and quickly. I block out everything around me, including Sam, pretending like my heart isn't shattering into a million pieces.
3 Hours Later
***Lee's POV***
I'm jarred awake by the plane bouncing on the tarmac during landing. I pick my head up and look around, my eyes meeting Sam's, who are staring directly at me. I quickly look away, grabbing my bag.
I pull my earbuds out and place them back in their case, sliding them into my backpack. I gather my remaining items and slide them in as well, tucking them away safely. I zip the bag up and place it back down between my legs as the flight attendant comes around to collect the remaining garbage. I reach across Sam, my body pressing slightly into hers as I tip my meal and water bottle into the garbage bag being walked down the aisles. I feel Sam tense and hear her involuntary gasp at the contact, but pull away quickly.
The seat belt sign turns off, signalling our time to disembark. Sam gets up, stepping back to let me out. I climb out of the pod, slinging my bag over my shoulder and without a glance back I start walking toward the exit. Sam follows me, keeping right on my heels. We exit the plane together and make our way to the gate. We step to the side to allow the passengers behind us to continue out to the airport. I turn to face her, and can see the tears welling up in her eyes. I fight back my own, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of how much it was killing me to say goodbye to her, again.
"Goodbye, Sam." I say softly, my hand involuntarily reaching for hers before I catch myself and let it drop quickly. I watch her as tears slowly begin to spill over and run down her cheeks. This time I can't stop myself. I reach up and brush them away gently with the pad of my thumb, my heart breaking at seeing her pain.
"Please..." She says softly, leaning her face lightly into my hand.
"Sam!" We both hear his voice at the same time, and I wrench my hand back like I was burned.
"Goodbye." I repeat, walking away from her quickly as Colby approaches her. I watch as he wraps his arms around her, picking her up and spinning her around as she puts her arms over his shoulders. Her eyes never leaving me as I feel them burning into the back of my neck as I leave. I finally let the hot tears spill down my own cheeks as I continue taking steps away from the only girl whose ever made me feel this way.
I make my way to baggage claim, seeing my luggage already circling on the belt as I approach. I grab it and head to the ride share section, clicking the button to let my Uber driver know that I've arrived. They pull up in front of me and I load my suitcase into the trunk before climbing into the back. I see the driver look at me with concern in the rear view mirror and angrily swipe away at the tears still falling silently down my face. Just then, I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I unlock it, scanning over the message as my mouth falls open in incredulity.
Hey Lee. I know you hate me right now... But I just need you to know. I still love you. It's always been you. Also, I'm sorry for being a creep and stealing your new number from your phone while you slept. I knew you wouldn't give it to me, knowing I was married. Btw, my birthday as your passcode? Really? Way too easy to guess. But that's why I can't just let you go. Because I know, even if you don't say it, you love me just as much as I love you, even after all these years. I'm not going to ask you to wait for me, Lee, because I don't know when the next time I'll see you is going to be. But I'm leaving him. By the time you actually get this, I'll probably have already done it. I love you, Lee. Thank you.
I blink back tears as I re-read the message. Hope blossoms in my chest, but I don't let it run wild, yet. I lock my phone without a response. I need to process this. She was always the one that got away for me. And with one chance encounter...
***Narrator's Pov***
Lee quickly reached for her phone and with shaking hands, attempting to unlock it. She didn't want her to think she'd left her on read.
Sam... I could never hate you. If you've really broken it off with your husband, then meet me at Villa Rufolo in the terraced gardens tomorrow night. I love you, Sa-
Just as Lee was typing the last word, Sam's name, a harsh honking could be heard fast approaching their waiting car. Lee had just enough time to glance up as the impact struck fully against the passenger side of the vehicle, where Lee was sitting.
Bystanders watched in horror as the passenger side of the Uber car crumpled under the impact, the force tipping the vehicle over onto it's side, teetering dangerously at the edge of a cliff. Everyone collectively held their breath as the car rocked dangerously over before tipping, careening down the edge of the cliff to land into the roiling sea below.
2 Days Later
***Sam's POV***
"Rescue efforts have been suspended in the search for the bodies of SVP Monica Lee and Uber Driver Roseo Ricci, whose car tumbled into the Gulf of Salerno after being struck by another vehicle."
Sam screamed into the pillow, her heart feeling like it was being torn apart. Lee was gone.
Sam knew that Lee had always considered her the one that got away. That Lee had always loved her from afar. But she'd lied to Lee. She knew where Lee was the whole time. She was just too much of a coward to admit she loved her too.
And now she was gone. Sam would never have the chance to see her, touch her again. The realization hit Sam in the gut and knocked the wind out of her.
Now Lee was the one that got away... Kinda.
"We interrupt this broadcast for a special announcement. SVP Monica Lee was discovered, unconscious and barely breathing, in a cave along the Almafi coast line. She has been airlifted to the nearest hospital and is currently in critical condition. We will keep you updated as we find out more."
Sam stared at the screen as Lee's picture was shown on the screen, before the scene panned to Lee's body strapped to a stretcher and being wheeled into a helicopter. Her jaw dropped. Lee...
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