Mall Adventures
And I'm back.
Sorry for the delay. Was traveling back home and didn't have time to update.
"And that's a wrap! Great job, everyone." The director said. Just then, the lights surrounding the set turned on, and everyone on set relaxed. The dancers walked over to the food and drinks table, talking to each other excitedly and congratulating each other and the singer, Jax, for yet another successful shoot as they walked past. Jax smiled and shook each of their hands, expressing her gratitude for them as well.
"Y'all were AMAZING!" She gushed. "Thank you so much!"
Alani smiled to herself as she observed the interaction from a seat toward the back of the warehouse, watching how her newest star treated those around her humbly and with respect. It was one of the reasons she'd signed her, after all. That and her incredible voice, of course. Just then, she took notice of one of the dancers, Mila, approaching Jax, almost with apprehension. She shifted, her sharp eyes focused on the scene unfolding before her.
"Uhm... H-h-hi." Alani heard the dancer stutter as she walked closer to the already TikTok famous star. Jax's smile widened as she turned her full attention to the woman.
"Hi!" Jax exclaimed, immediately pulling the timid dancer into a quick but secure hug. Alani smirked as the dancer visibly tensed before partly returning the embrace. Her body relaxed as Jax pulled away.
"I'm so sorry to bother you, but my siste-"
"What's your name?" Jax cut the girl off.
"Mila." The dancer replied.
"Mila. That is a beautiful name. I'm sorry for interrupting. I just like to know who I'm speaking to. You were saying something about your sister?" Jax asked, smiling warmly.
"Oh, right. My sister is a HUGE fan of yours. She's been following you on TikTok since your very first parody, and I was just hoping I could maybe get a picture of you to send to her for her birthday? I know I probably could've just snuck one, but it would feel so weird taking your picture without asking." Mila asked, no longer stuttering. Alani could see Mila gaining confidence as she and Jax spoke, and Jax's smile never ceased.
"Ugh. You are probably the only person I've ever met who actually cared about that. Your sister is so lucky to have you! And of course! But I have an idea. What's her name?" Jax asked her.
"Her name is Monique." A smiling Mila said.
"What's her TikTok?" Alani watched as Mila took out her phone and showed it to Jax.
"Awesome! Watch this." Jax pulled out her phone, opening the app to search for Monique's login. Mila watched with her mouth hung open as Jax followed her sister and then herself. Alani chuckled at the incredulous look on Mila's face. Then Jax pushed the button to go live on her account.
"What's up, everyone!! I'm here on set of my very first music video..." Alani tuned Jax out as Mila's phone started ringing. Her stomach fluttered a little as a huge smile spread across the dancer's face.
"Hey Moni." Alani heard Mila say into the device.
"MIIIIIILLLLLAAAAAA!" A loud screech could be heard echoing through the warehouse as Mila yanked the phone away from her head. Alani almost laughed out loud as everyone turned to look where the singer and the dancer stood. Before Mila could acknowledge the overly excited teenager, a steady stream of high-pitched words could be heard.
"Moni!" Mila shouted into the phone, trying to get her sister to be quiet so she could understand her. Jax tapped her on the arm.
"Tell her to tune into the live stream." Jax whispered off camera. Mila grinned at her.
"Moni. Yes. Yes, I know. YES, I KNOW. Jax followed you back. I KNOW BABY. Yes. She's live, did you know? You didn't? Well, she is. Better go watch it. Okay, call me back. I love you too." Mila said into the phone. Alani slipped her own phone out of her back pocket and opened the app, tuning into Jax's live as well.
"Alright, y'all. So, like I was saying, we just got done with my first ever music video, and I am SO excited! Check out all the people!" She flipped the camera and quickly panned around the room. The dancers, producers, directors, sound people, and other staff bustling around waved as the camera passed over them. Alani raised her eyebrows in surprise. Even the surliest of employees had a smile on their faces. Including herself. She immediately schooled her features back into a bored expression as she continued to watch the live feed.
"BUT GUYS! I have someone SPECIAL here. She is one of THE MOST incredible dancers I have ever seen!" Jax gushed. Alani agreed wholeheartedly, her eyes moving from the screen to land back on Mila. She let her eyes travel slowly up the woman's incredibly sexy legs, curving over her perfectly sculpted ass, up passed her flat stomach partially bared in her crop top. Her eyes settled for a couple of seconds on the slope of the woman's breasts before she realized what she was doing and refocused her attention on the duo together. Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes met the chocolate brown ones belonging to the woman she had just blatantly been checking out. She flushed slightly and shifted to alleviate the pressure building between her thighs as a smirk appeared on Mila's full, luscious lips; a knowing look in her eyes as she arched an eyebrow before turning her attention back to Jax.
"Meet Mila!" Jax said excitedly, moving herself and the camera to get Mila into the shot. Alani chuckled softly to herself as she saw the same user on the live feed begin to flood the comment section with exclamations. Alani assumed it was Mila's sister by how excited they were.
"Hey everyone!" Mila said as she waved to the camera.
"Now y'all. Mila here has a little sister named Monique. I've heard she is ACTUALLY my number one fan. If you haven't guessed yet, she's the girl currently blowing up the comment feed. Monique, I just wanted to tell you that if you're anything like your sister, you are incredible. I hope you keep learning and keep loving, but most of all, always believe in yourself! I love you, girl! Happy birthday!!" Jax said into the camera. Alani smiled as the kid started spamming 'I love yous' over and over into the chat.
"Love you, Moni!" Mila said to the camera, her eyes glistening slightly at Jax's heartfelt words to her sister. Alani watched as she glanced down at her phone with a smile, answering it again and stepping back from the camera. The look on her face and the lack of comments from the excited teen in the chat telling her the call was from her now overly excited sister. Alani raised an eyebrow slightly as new comments started coming in, targeted at Mila.
User 1: GodDAMN she thicccc
User 2: Mila you are fucking BEAUTIFUL
User 3: Dat ass doe 🍑🥵🥰
User 3: She can't marry u she 2 busy gettin her back blown out
User 4: u nastyyyyy @User 3
User 5: she aiiiight
User 2: 🤮🤮🤮 @User 3 u cringe af
User 6: y yall so hung up? she cute but she not THAT cute
User 1: she is SO FINE
TheRealAlaniRosé : @xmila2finex yo fan club is 🔥
User 3: Aye is that forreal Alani Rosé?!!
TheRealAlaniRosé: @User 3 yuuuuup it's me!! @xmila2finex 😘😍🤤
xmila2finex: @TheRealAlaniRosé uuunf hey daddy
User 6: bruhhhh
User 2: @TheRealAlaniRosé @xmila2finex I ship it
User 1: NOOOOO THE BETRAYAL @xmila2finex bae don't leave me!!!
xmila2finex: sorry boo @User 1 😘
Alani laughed out loud as she signed off the live feed and got up, slipping her phone into her pocket. She stretched, her eyes wandering over the now thinned out crowd as people began heading out of the warehouse. Her green eyes catching the gaze of brown ones from across the room, a small smile settling on her lips. This time it was Mila's turn to blush as Alani winked at her, tilting her head slightly toward the door with a questioning look. Mila nodded and put her phone away as well, following Alani's lead.
"Well it's official." Alani told the girl as they headed out the doors together.
"Oh? What is?" Mila asked, hooking her arm into Alani's waiting one as they walked.
"They 'ship' us. Guess we belong together." Alani smirked, glancing at the shorter girl as she guided her toward the passenger side of her most prized possession. Mila stopped, looking in slackjawed awe at the vehicle.
"Alani what the fuck is this?!" She asked in amazement.
"It's the Hennessy Venom F5. I've been on a waiting list for this girl for 4 years. Only 24 ever released." Alani said softly, gazing at the car.
"It's beautiful." The awe in Mila's voice making Alani smile.
"You're beautiful." Alani corrected, pressing a button on the key fob to open the doors. She held her hand out to help Mila in. After the girl was seated safely in the car, Alani shut the door and moved around to the driver's side, sliding in herself.
"Where are we going?" Mila asked curiously, her hands resting in her lap. Alani didn't answer, instead reaching over to slip the 5 point harness onto Mila and helped her buckle it. Once Mila was secure, she did up her own before starting the car and sighing as she listened to the rumble of the engine.
"Well, it's Moni's birthday and I haven't gotten her anything yet. So, we're going to the mall. But I also have a surprise for you." Alani said, keeping her eyes on the road as she pulled out from the parking lot onto the main road toward the mall.
"A surprise for me? Why?" Mila asked.
"Well, it's kind of for me." Alani can't help the smirk that formed on her lips as she shifted gears, increasing their speed. "Check the center console."
She felt Mila reach into the console, their arms brushing slightly, sending tingles down to Alani's fingertips at the slight touch.
"Alani..." Mila said, and Alani's smirk spread into a full blown grin at the trepidation in the girls voice.
"Yes love?"
"What exactly do you expect me to do with this?" Mila held up the sex toy that Alani had purchased for her earlier that day. Alani could just see the purple toy in the corner of her eye. She laughed softly.
"Well, Mila. I want you to wear it." Her stomach fluttered slightly when she heard Mila's breath hitch at her words. She felt Mila shift beside her in her seat, squirming at the thought. Alani's grin widened. Her little exhibitionist was getting excited.
"Now?" Mila asked as Alani pulled into a parking spot in the mall's garage.
"Yes Mila. Now." Alani said, authority seeping into her tone as she turned to face the girl beside her. She watched as Mila's eyes darkened with lust.
"Okay Alani." She said softly. Alani watched with growing arousal as Mila began to remove the toy slowly, her hands trembling slightly. Alani leaned over, sliding her hand between Mila's thighs, making sure to press against her already hot core as she reached for the release of the harness holding her into the seat. She smiled as Mila sucked in a sharp breath at the contact before she pulled away.
Mila frowned slightly at the loss of contact, turning her focus onto the toy resting in the palm of her hand. Alani watched her as she looked it over, her smile growing again as confusion began to etch its way onto Mila's face.
"What does it do?" Mila asked. Sometimes Alani forgot how innocent she could be. She reached for the toy, taking it from Mila's hands and turning it over.
"This part," She said softly, trailing her fingertips over the thicker end of the toy.
"Slides inside you. And this part." Her fingers traced around the outside curve of the purple silicone.
"This part rests over your clit."
Milas breath was coming shorter now as she watched Alani's fingers caress the toy that would soon be inside her.
"But... how do you turn it on?" Mila asked, her eyes never leaving Alani's fingers as they moved on the device. Alani reached out, taking Mila's hand to press the toy into her palm as she pulled out her phone. She opened the app that controlled it and hit a button to turn it on its lowest setting. The toy vibrated against Mila's palm and Alani almost laughed out loud as Mila's eyes went wide, shooting up to look at her. She certainly would have laughed if she wasn't currently soaking through the boxer briefs she had on at the thought of controlling Mila in this way. Alani pressed another button to turn it off.
"Put it on, Mila."
Mila nodded without saying a word, slipping the toy between her legs and lifting her hips slightly. Alani watched hungrily as Mila slid the wider end slowly into herself. She had to bite down hard on her lower lip to force herself not to groan aloud when she heard Mila gasp at the feel of it sliding inside her.
Alani watched as Mila leaned back in the seat, her eyes closing as she adjusted to the new feeling. She saw Mila's hand shift slightly to pull her panties back over the toy, now resting securely in place. They both let out the breath they'd been holding as Mila relaxed.
"Ready?" Alani rasped, her voice hoarse with desire. Mila opened her eyes, met Alani's, and nodded. She got out of the driver's side and walked quickly over to open the passenger door. Mila gripped her hand tightly as she climbed out unsteadily, trying to get used to the feel of the toy inside her as she moved.
Alani pressed a button on the key fob to close both doors and lock the car before slipping Mila's hand into the crook of her arm, supporting the girl as they made their way toward the mall doors. Once Mila began walking with confidence, Alani extracted herself from her. Mila looked at her questioningly.
"Pretend I'm not here. Shop for whatever you want. We'll go to the store to pick up my present for Moni later." Alani said, walking through the mall doors and leaving Mila standing there in confusion.
"Are we not shopping together?" Mila asked.
Alani smirked to herself, her phone already in her hand. She knew the girl would question her without thinking. She really was predictable sometimes. Alani pressed the button to turn the device on. A slow pulse on the lowest vibration setting. She heard Mila hiss in surprise and felt the girls nails sinking into her arm as she reached out to prevent her legs from giving out.
"Alani what the fuck?" Mila asked, her eyes roaming over several people who were milling about around them. The mall was packed already.
"Are you questioning me, love?"
She watched as Mila clenched her jaw, fighting back a shudder as the toy slowly pulsed against her clit and g-spot simultaneously. The girl took a deep breath before straightening herself and releasing Alani's arm. She watched as Mila pushed the look of desperate desire from her face, the only indication of her internal turmoil evidenced in the fire of her eyes. Alani felt pride swell inside her.
"No, Alani." She said softly.
"Good girl." Alani whispered just as softly. A small mewl escaped Mila's lips at the endearment before she began walking away toward the Gucci store in front of them. Alani smiled and tapped another button, turning the toy off completely as she followed.
Alani continued to trail the girl as she browsed the store, picking things up seemingly at random. Despite Alani's focus mainly on Mila, she browsed the racks and shelves as well. She found a t-shirt in her size and a belt. She caught Mila looking at a pair of sunglasses before noticing the price tag and saw her frown, putting them back down. Alani's head cocked to the side slightly and a smile formed. She unlocked her phone and tapped a new button, turning the vibration up quickly and keeping it at a steady pace as Mila froze, almost dropping the items she was holding in her hands.
Mila's eyes flew up to Alani's face, her jaw going slack and her eyes clouding over in pleasure at the intensity of the vibration.
"S-s-stop." Alani heard her half whisper, half moan.
"Did I not tell you to get what you want?" Alani challenged.
"Alani, please. Th-they're too m-m-much." Mila stuttered out, her eyes closing as she tried to fight back the pleasure quickly building inside of her.
"Did I not..." Alani slid her finger across her phone screen, slowing down the speed before sliding it back up. Mila gasped as the fluctuation in rhythm pushed her closer to the edge, her hand reaching out to grip the shelf she was standing in front of.
"Tell you..." Alani did it again.
"To get what you wanted?" She finished, sliding the bar down and back up again, higher than before. Her thighs clenched together involuntarily, putting much needed pressure on her aching clit as Mila let out a soft moan.
"Y-y-yes Alani." She stuttered out.
"So why did you put the glasses down? I could tell you wanted them." Alani asked, keeping the vibration steady.
"I-I-I'm sorry." Mila gasped out. "I'll get them. Please Alani I'm going to-" Alani almost groaned as she watched Mila struggle not to cum. She turned the vibration off abruptly, picked up the glasses and placed them on top of the things in Mila's arms.
"Good." She said before turning her back on the girl to browse another shelf. She watched Mila struggle to compose herself, a small smile playing on her lips. After a while, Mila moved up beside her.
"I'm done in this store." Mila said quietly. Alani smiled, taking the items from Mila and bringing them up to the counter before handing them to the cashier along with her Amex Black and business card.
"Have these delivered to this address please." She said. The cashier nodded, ringing them up and placing the items behind the counter.
"They'll be delivered within the hour." The woman said. "You ladies have a nice day."
Alani took her card back from the woman and motioned for Mila to walk ahead of her. Mila did so without complaint. She walked to the next store without checking to see if Alani was following.
The next few stores went much the same way, except Mila followed every rule to the letter, including completely ignoring Alani's existence until she was finished shopping in each one. Alani began to get impatient, but she didn't want to ruin the game just yet. Her fingertips tapped absently against her thigh as she trailed behind Mila to their next destination. Alani's eyebrows rose as they stopped at the entrance to the store Trashy Lingerie. She glanced over to the girl beside her, who was purposefully looking in any direction but at Alani. A smirk played on Alani's lips. Two could play this game.
"After you." Alani said, reaching out to open the door and hold it for Mila. Mila didn't spare her a glance, brushing past her and into the store. The only hint that their game was affecting her was the flush in her cheeks. Alani laughed softly, her phone resting in her palm at the ready. This should be fun.
Alani wandered the store as Mila began to browse. She purposely moved herself across the store, giving Mila space to shop. Her fingertips traced idly across the edge of her phone as she watched the girl sift through different fabrics. Suddenly deep chocolate orbs connected with her own and Alani almost lost her breath at the fires burning there. She watched as Mila arched her eyebrow before holding up a pair of black lace, crotchless panties.
Mila smirked, breaking eye contact to turn to the woman working behind the counter. Alani watched as Mila spoke to the woman before the woman nodded, moving toward her to reach into the rack behind. She extracted a matching bra that even Alani could see would leave little to the imagination. Before Alani realized what she was doing, she found herself several feet closer to the women. She stopped moving and her grip on her phone tightened imperceptibly as she caught what the woman was saying to Mila.
"This should fit you, but if you want, we can get you fitted to be sure. If it doesn't fit, we also have the option to have anything you want in the store custom made for you." Alani watched as the woman took in the several items Mila was holding.
"You must have a very lucky man at home." The woman said nonchalantly. Mila hummed noncommittally as she turned her focus to a new rack, not bothering to respond. Alani unlocked her phone as soon as she realized Mila wasn't going to correct her. She tapped another button, activating a preset pattern she had created earlier in the day when she was setting up their new toy.
She watched as Mila immediately tensed, her head flying up to stare daggers at Alani. The woman helping was still standing just next to her, and Alani almost laughed aloud at the embarrassment and desire warring with themselves inside her lover. She watched as Mila tried to fight back a shudder of pleasure.
"I think we'll go ahead and try these ones on." Alani said, walking up to the two women. The employee's eyes widened in surprise at seeing the famous woman standing in front of them. Alani watched in amusement as the woman fought back her star-struck gaze and nodded.
"Of course. Follow me." She said to both of them before briskly walking toward the back of the store. Alani followed with Mila stumbling behind them at a slower pace. Her legs almost gave out when the vibration began to pulse against her clit at the highest setting, but she managed to stay upright.
"This whole back room is yours for however long you need it. Nobody will come back here to disturb you." The woman said, pushing open a door to reveal a cozily decorated room complete with floor to ceiling length mirrors on one wall, a fully stocked bar on the other, and a very plush looking sectional.
"Thank you," Alani murmured, taking the items Mila picked out from the woman and setting them down on a table next to the couch, just as Mila made her way into the room. Alani watched as the flush began creeping even further up her neck and into her cheeks as she took in her new surroundings. The woman nodded once before exiting, closing and locking the door behind her. Alani sat down on the couch, observing Mila quietly as the girl stood in front of her, her body trembling as the toy continued to vibrate against her.
"Alani..." Mila begged, taking a step forward toward her.
"Get down on your knees." Alani demanded, unmoved by the girls' plight. She glanced down at her phone. The routine she set for the toy was almost over, but she knew what was coming and it was likely Mila would fall if she didn't sit down now. Mila took another step forward, her hand resting on Alani's thigh as she carefully knelt before her.
"Alani please..." Mila whispered, her grip on Alani's thigh tightened as her eyes closed against the waves of pleasure beginning to crash over her.
"Did you really think you were going to get away with teasing me here?" Alani asked her, ignoring the girl's pleas. She forced her face to remain neutral and watched Mila struggle against the pleasure threatening to overcome her as the toy relentlessly increased its pace.
"I didn't mean t-" Mila's voice was cut off by a particularly intense wave of pleasure as she gasped.
"You didn't mean to what, love? You didn't mean to tease me with the thought of your perfect ass and tits encased in that barely there lace? You didn't mean to drive me crazy at the thought of what it would look like to have you bent over in front of me as I took you from behind while wearing it? Or did you not mean to try and make me jealous by not correcting our friend out there when she talked about your man at home?" I rattled off her list of imaginary transgressions, watching as her eyes clouded over with each passing second.
"P-please Alani. I'm s-sorry. Please..." Her voice trailed off as she gripped Alani's pants, desperately fighting the rising tide inside her, her head bowed.
"What do you need?" Alani asked. Mila moaned, her nails digging into Alani as the intensity of the vibrations increased.
"Oh, God..." Mila said. Alani leaned forward until her lips were just a breath away from Mila's.
"Tell me what you need." Alani said. Mila's eyes snapped open at her nearness, and the look in them floored Alani. The desperation and need reflected there was almost palpable.
"You..." Mila moaned out, leaning forward to press her lips to Alani's. But Alani pulled back before she could reach her and she cried out as the change in position ground the toy against her clit firmly. The vibration rose steadily and Alani watched as Mila's breath began to come in short gasps.
"Oh... Oh please... Alani I need you to touch me. P-p-please." The girl begged her, her voice cracking as the pleasure began to overcome her. The last shreds of Alani's willpower dissipated and she quickly leaned forward, wrapping an arm around Mila's waist and lifting her up to straddling her lap.
She heard Mila gasp at the suddenness of Alani's movements, her arms automatically winding their way around the back of Alani's neck as their lips crashed together. Alani swallowed Mila's uncontrollable moans as her arms locked around Mila's waist, pulling her tightly against her. Alani took advantage of Mila's pleasure, thrusting her tongue into Mila's welcoming mouth, deepening the kiss. As Alani claimed her mouth, she could feel Mila's hips rocking against her subconsciously, grinding her now dripping core against Alani's thigh in the same rhythm that Alani is thrusting into her mouth. She could feel the vibrations increasing into a crescendo inside the girl astride her and knew she didn't have long before Mila was forced over the edge. Mila must have realized it too because she forcibly ripped her mouth away from Alani's to look deep into her eyes.
"I need you." She said clearly before moving her hands from behind Alani's neck, down her front, to the waistband of her pants. With shaking fingers, she unhooked the button at Alani's waist, shoving her hand inside to glide her fingers through Alani's dripping core. Alani let out a hiss of pleasure as the girl's fingertips glided over her clit. Before Alani could say a word, Mila slides her hand in deeper, fingertips circling Alani's entrance as she uses the heel of her hand to grind against Alani's swollen clit, applying just enough pressure to make Alani's head fall back.
"Please..." Mila begged, pushing herself up from her seat on Alani's thighs to her knees, using her free hand to guide Alani's hand between her legs and forces Alani's fingers to press against the fabric of her panties just over her opening. Alani's eyes rolled back into her head as she felt the intense vibrations from the toy driving Mila crazy. She groaned as she felt the slickness of Mila's pussy now dripping onto her as Mila reached down between them to pull her panties to the side, giving Alani direct access to fuck her.
Alani's grip tightened on Mila's waist as she wasted no more time, pulling Mila down as she rocked her hips up into the girl, thrusting her fingers hard into her as she forced Mila's inside herself. She forced her eyes open to watch her favorite thing about fucking Mila. Her facial expressions.
"Oh fuuuuuuck..." Mila moaned as Alani buried herself inside. Mila's head tipped backward and her mouth hung open as Alani filled her up, forcing the vibrating toy to press more firmly against her g-spot. Alani pulled out slowly before quickly slamming herself back in, watching as Mila's breath hitched and stopped in her chest. She pulled Mila forward against her, wrapping her arms around her waist to hold her tightly against her body as she began to rock up into the girl. Mila's free arm automatically moved up and over Alani's shoulders, curling her hand around the back of Alani's head and into her hair as Alani fucked her, just barely keeping her senses clear enough to mimic the motions between Alani's own thighs as she rocked her hips into the thrusts.
Alani quickened the pace as she felt the vibrations increasing to reach their peak. She could feel Mila's walls tightening on her, and she rocked her hips just enough so she could grind her clit on Mila's hand, wanting to ensure they reached it together. The pleasure building in her gut wound into a tight coil as she fought to maintain a steady rhythm through both their pleasure.
"Fuck Alani I'm going to cum... Don't stop... Oh fuck don't stop." Mila gasped, finding her breath and her voice as she whispered into Alani's ear. Alani buried her face into Mila's shoulder and moaned as she struggled to maintain the steady pace and rhythm.
"Yesssss... Oh fuck yes... Oh I'm cumming. Alani I'm cumming all over your fucking fingers... Fuuuuuuck..." She moaned into Alani's ear, Mila's nails digging into her scalp as she convulsed, her hips rocking in uneven strokes as her pussy clamped down on Alani.
Alani slowed her pace but continued to thrust into Mila, letting her ride out her high as she felt the vibrations from the toy begin to taper off. She clenched her teeth to fight back her own pleasure as Mila's pussy continued to contract around her. Mila let out a shuddering breath as the grips of ecstasy released her and she rested her forehead tiredly on Alani's shoulder. Alani slowed her thrusts, listening to Mila's soft moans each time she moved inside her.
Suddenly, Mila's head snapped up and she looked Alani straight into her eyes.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" She punctuated her question with a hard rock of her hips against Alani's hand, driving the breath from Alani's lungs as Mila forced her fingers to bury to the hilt inside.
"I didn't ask you to stop, Alani." Mila's authoritative tone snapped Alani out of her daze just long enough to process what she was saying before Mila arched her back slightly, rocking her hips again as she slid almost all the way off Alani's fingers. Just as Alani felt herself almost out, Mila sunk back down again hard, forcing Alani's fingers deeper as she thrust her own inside in rhythm, driving a moan from both of their lips.
"Fuck, you feel so good." Mila moaned, continuing to rock herself on Alani buried inside her. Alani could do nothing except keep her grip on Mila's hip and hold on. Her voice locked inside her chest as her pleasure increased. Alani's head leaned back, resting on the back of the couch as she watched Mila ride her and fuck her at the same time, biting her lip at the view.
"Damn you look so good on top of me." Alani rasped out, grunting softly as Mila drove into her harder at her words. She moaned into Mila's mouth as Mila leaned forward to kiss her, feeling a sharp pain in her lower lip as Mila bit her, before soothing it away with the tip of her tongue as she pulled away.
"I'll show you what looks even better." She whispered against Alani's lips before raising herself up to slowly slide off her hand, extracting her fingers from Alani's pants. She turned around with her back to Alani as she hooked her thumbs into the now ruined panties and dragged them down and off, bending over at the waist so Alani could see her dripping pussy from behind.
Goddamn what a sight.
Mila turned back around with a smirk before kneeling between Alani's spread thighs. Alani watched as she hooked her fingers into the waistband of Alani's pants, lifting her hips as Mila tugged them down and off of her. Alani watched her with hooded eyes as Mila reached down between her thighs to remove the toy from inside her and set it down on the couch beside Alani's phone.
"That was a fun toy, don't you think?" She murmured softly.
"Yeah babe. Don't worry, we'l-" Alani's voice died in her throat as Mila's head dipped down, her tongue quickly finding and flicking against Alani's swollen clit. Her eyes widened as a moan ripped from her chest as Mila's lips encased the swollen bud and began to suck. This girl's mouth was incredible.
"Fuck Mila," Alani groaned as she reached out, sliding her hands into Mila's hair to grip her tightly. Mila moaned as Alani began to rock her hips up into the girl's mouth, nodding slightly, giving Alani permission to fuck her face.
Alani pressed Mila down gently into her thrusts, going slow as she felt her clit slide between her lips. Alani could feel her pleasure increasing, winding a tight coil in the pit of her stomach. She was getting closer to releasing.
Almost as if Mila could sense Alani's urgency, her eyes roll up to lock with the green ones above her, half closed in pleasure. Alani kept her gaze on Mila's, not noticing as Mila pushed herself slightly up on her knees between Alani's thighs, pressing them open wider. She watched as Mila's deep brown eyes darkened almost to black, her eyes dilating in pleasure as she pushed Alani closer to her peak with each stroke of her tongue pushed the hood of Alani's clit back so she could roll the bundle of nerves against the tip of her tongue. Alani felt Mila's hands press against the tops of her thighs to stop her thrusts. It took every bit of willpower she had left to still her hips, but she didn't have to wait long.
Alani's head fell back against the back of the couch once more as Mila sucked her clit deeper into her mouth. Alani moaned at the feel of Mila's teeth scraping against the sensitive root of her clit just the way she liked. She felt Mila's shoulder shift against her leg but wouldn't break her concentration by opening her eyes to find out what she was doing.
Just when she felt herself calming down and gaining control over herself, two of Mila's fingers, now coated in Mila's own juices still dripping down her thighs, slid down beneath her chin to Alani's entrance. Her hips thrust hard into Mila's face as Mila's fingers slid deep inside her, pressing against the bundle of nerves.
"Oh fuck, Milaaaaa." Alani moaned as Mila's fingers thrust inside of her, her hands tightening once again in Mila's hair as she rocked her hips in rhythm with the fingers thrusting inside her. Mila moaned at the roughness, and the vibration sent Alani spiraling over the edge. Alani continued to thrust erratically and uncontrollably into Mila's mouth as white hot bolts of pleasure rocketed through her body. With each thrust, Mila gently rocked her fingers against the sensitive bundle of nerves just inside Alani's entrance, causing Alani to convulse each time as her clit continued to pulse in pleasure against Mila's tongue.
Finally, Alani collapsed back against the couch, releasing Mila's hair and gasping for breath. Mila slowly pulled back to press a soft kiss to her overstimulated clit, and Alani watched with heavy, satiated eyes as her tongue swiped the last remaining evidence of her desire from her lips and into her mouth.
"You, Mila Aceves, are fucking incredible." Alani grinned as she looked up to the ceiling.
"You ain't so bad yourself, Rosé." Mila laughed as she climbed up and sat on Alani's lap. Alani smiled as Mila rested her head against her chest, resting her chin on the top of the girl's head. Content, for the moment, just to enjoy her nearness in their temporary private oasis deep in the recesses of a busy shopping mall.
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