AN - this ones being solely written on my phone. Ignore the mistakes. I'll probably go back and edit them later. Lol.
BDSM scene involving water play, edging, and knife play. Read at your own risk.
"As we discussed, this contract will represent a formal binding of our arrangement." I say as I slide the leather bound book across the table toward the woman currently seated across from me. I watch as her clasped hands nervously twist in her lap, her eyes glued to the book now sitting in front of her. She makes no move to reach for it.
I clear my throat, leaning forward to place my palms flat on the hard surface. At the sound, her eyes snap up to meet mine. I arch a brow slightly at the deer-in-headlights look she's currently wearing.
"My portions of the contract are already filled out. Our arrangement, as previously agreed upon, will last three months. At that time, we will re-evaluate, and we can either extend the contract or dissolve it. Though we did not discuss this portion, I have also added a clause that this contract can be dissolved at any point, by any party, if the terms can not or will not be met." I state. I watch as she swallows hard, nodding in acknowledgment of my words. I smirk.
"Since you have not yet signed, you are not bound by my rules. However, if you are going to sign, I will expect you to use your words going forward." I say sternly.
"Yes, Tori." She whispers softly. I nod in satisfaction.
"Good. Would you like to go over my terms together, or would you like to read through and fill it out by yourself?" I ask, softening my tone.
"Would you... stay with me while I read in case I have any questions?" She asks hesitantly.
"Of course. Would you like a drink?" I ask as I rise from the table. She shakes her head in decline, and I raise my eyebrow slightly. I watch in satisfaction as a blush begins to darken the base of her neck, slowly creeping up to tint the alabaster skin. She clears her throat and sits up slightly.
"No, thank you." She says before reaching out to pull the contract book closer and opening to the first page, her eyes widening at the ornate document already filled out with our names and ready to sign. I smile to myself as I move to pour myself a drink.
I hear the turning of pages as I put the bottle back in the cabinet, turning just in time to see her scanning over my list of rules. I watch as her eyes widen slightly as she reads, my fingers playing gently over the rim of the glass resting on the countertop.
Her eyes scan the words on the page, and I bite back a groan when I see her bare legs cross, squeezing together as she subconsciously reacts to the list of punishments I've laid out. I fight back the urge to fidget as I wait for her to get to the one I know might be pushing her limits.
All of a sudden, her eyes widen, and her jaw drops. She lets the contract book fall to the table as her eyes snap up to look at me. I purposely cock my head to the side in question.
"You want me to watch as you fuck someone else?"
"These rules are not set in stone. If need be, we can adjust them based on what your limits are." I say gently. It's a standard punishment in my contracts, usually there to test boundaries. I don't actually have any desire to touch anyone else. Not when she has consumed my every thought for the better part of the last five months. She looks up at me questioningly before picking the contract back up and opening to where she left off.
"The section for you to list your limits starts on the next page. There are 6 pages of pre-filled in likes and dislikes. I have purposely not filled anything out on this list as I wanted you to answer as honestly as possible. I know how strong your desire is to... please... me." I pause as the blush on her neck reaches up to her cheeks before continuing. "I did not want that desire to influence your limits in any way."
She nods in acceptance, not meeting my gaze. I take a long swallow of the drink I poured to prevent myself from reacting to her lack of verbal response, my hand tightening on the glass as I force myself to push the urge away. I watch as she picks up the pen I had sitting on the table for her.
"You'll rate each instance on a scale of N to 5. N being hard No to 5 being an instant turn on. You'll put a line through or write N/A on anything that doesn't apply to us. There is also a section for additional notes to expand a point if you have a limit to it." She nods again and I can't help but take three swift steps toward her. Her head again rises to meet my gaze and she visibly swallows as she watches me.
"Okay, I think I can do that." She says aloud, and I smirk slightly.
"Good girl." Her sharp intake of breath at the simple praise stirs something inside me. She shifts in her seat and looks back down at the list, her pen lifted and eager to write.
I take my seat as I watch her scan through the list. I smile gratefully as I watch her put an N on all beastiality fantasy sections. It's play I don't enjoy engaging in myself.
She finishes going through her list, making her notes, and slides it back across the table to me. I smirk as I pick it up and start thumbing through the pages. I nod as I read through her safe words, hard limits, and soft limits. I raise my eyebrows slightly when I see she's already signed the contract and level a stern gaze at her.
"You signed it already." I stated. She nods meekly, and I sigh before placing the paperwork down.
"You understand my rules then? No questions? No concerns?" I press her. She shakes her head in the negative without responding. I nod and reach down to grip the pen, scrawling my own signature in the designated spot. I snap the contract closed and set it aside.
"Come here." I say quietly, yet firmly.
She rises from her place at the table and kneels down at the side of my chair quickly, her hands clasped and pressed into her lower back. She keeps her eyes trained to the floor, and the position of her hands forces her back to arch slightly, her delicious chest on display for me. Exactly as my rule described.
"Very good." I say softly, gently stroking her hair back from her face and tucking a stray lock behind her ear. She shivers at the contact, and despite her eyes not looking at me, I can see them light up with the praise. A practice she ranked at a 5. Her reaction again stirs something in me and I slowly slide my fingers around the nape of her neck, sinking them into her hair, gripping her harshly and yanking her head back to force her to look up.
"But what did I tell you about using your words?" I ask harshly.
"Speak when spoken to, ma'am." Her usage of the word ma'am ignites the flame in my belly. Another rule broken.
I look into her eyes and see a spark of defiance. A small smirk ghosts on her lips, just barely detectable. The spark stokes those flames, and I feel heat licking deliciously in my chest. She's doing this on purpose.
I rise to my feet, my hand still wrapped in her light brown locks as I stand over her. I force her to her feet, though it doesn't make much of a difference due to her shorter stature. Her hands are still clasped behind her back. I lean forward, dragging my lips along the sensitive flesh of her throat and up to her ear, forcing a strangled moan from her lips before whispering softly in her ear.
"Let's show you what happens when you break my rules, hm?" I say before releasing her.
"From now on, you will crawl around this house until you learn the manners befitting your role. Get on your hands and knees, and follow me." I say in a tone that broaches no argument.
"Yes, miss." She says before lowering herself to the ground once more. She scrambles to crawl across the floor as I've already started walking away down the hall after grabbing the contract off the table.
I pay her no mind as I stride toward the play room. Once I reach the door, I push it open and step inside, reaching to the wall to flip on the dimmest set of lights. Small recessed lights flash on, illuminating the room in a warm glow that's accentuated by the blacks, crimson reds, greys, and purples that adorn it. I take a seat on a comfortable chair sitting off to one side.
"Mila, come here." I say as I watch her crawl into the room.
"Yes, miss." She says, her voice trembling slightly from the exertion of crawling. She approaches me on all fours and does not rise once she reaches the spot just in front of me.
"Do you understand why you're being punished, love?" I ask. She begins to nod before catching herself as she takes a deep breath.
"Yes, miss." I smile slightly.
"Good. Tell me."
"I did not speak when spoken to. I did not use my words to acknowledge your questions. And I called you ma'am." She recited, the tremble in her voice more pronounced as she continues speaking.
"And why are you not allowed to call me ma'am?" I ask.
"Two reasons, Miss. The first is that you don't like to be called ma'am, ever. The second is that I have not earned the right to call you anything other than Miss, yet." I nod in confirmation.
"That is exactly right." I say before opening the contract book and flipping to the pages outlining her limits. My brow raises slightly as I skim. She's rated knife play and water torture under 4 and 5, respectively. Interesting.
"Mila." I say in a conversational tone. I rise from my seat and set the contract book in its spot, displayed prominently as a centerpiece of the room. Her eyes remain downcast, tracking my shoes as I move around the room.
"Safewords, please."
"Green, I want to keep going. Yellow, I may need to stop soon. Red, stop." She recites, verbatim to what she put in the contract. I nod my head as I undo my necktie and unbutton the top two buttons of my shirt.
"Perfect. Come here." I say, as I pause to stand next to a massage table set up on one side of the room. I undo the cuffs of my sleeves, rolling them up my forearms to reveal the intricate ink that covers them as she approaches on her hands and knees. Her eyes are glued to the bared skin I've exposed, and I can see them darken as her pupils dilate. I smirk to myself, knowing how much she enjoys the tattoos.
I reach down, holding my hand out for hers and help her to her feet once she takes it. Her hands are trembling slightly as I wordlessly pick her up and set her down on the table. Her hands clasp together and rest in her lap as she looks down.
I smile slightly before stepping away from her to an armoire sitting against the wall near the table. I hear her gasp behind me as the lights slowly illuminate what's inside. Wickedly sharp knives in all shapes and sizes, a range of specially made canes, a whip, and several floggers hang on specially made mounts along the back wall.
It's so quiet in the room that the only sounds to be heard are Mila's rapidly increasing breath sounds as I select a knife with a delicate 4 inch blade that the light glints off of as I move. I open a drawer and pull out a length of tubing and some connectors. I place everything down on a tray beside the armoire, close it up, and glide the tray back toward the woman sitting on the table, resuming my position in front of her.
"Color?" I ask softly as I watch her, her eyes glued to the blade I selected. She looks up at me and meets my eyes, taking a deep breath inward.
"Green." She says firmly. A rush of arousal floods my lower belly sending heat straight between my thighs, and I have to fight not to display an outward reaction to her confidence in this. I reach for the tie around my neck and slowly pull it out from beneath the open collar of my shirt.
"Your punishment for your disobedience today will be me withholding your orgasm from you for as long as I deem necessary until you've learned your lesson. I am going to blindfold you and restrain both your hands and feet. Are you comfortable with that?"
"Yes, miss."
"Good, close your eyes."
I reach up, covering her now closed eyes with the silk tie and tying it off to the side so she'll be able to lay her head back comfortably. I move the tray to the side and guide her down to lay on her back on the leather table, still fully clothed. Moving up to the top of the table, I guide her arms above her head and secure her wrists to each corner of the table with silk lined leather cuffs. I check to ensure they aren't too tight before moving down to the bottom of the table to secure her ankles, which forces her thighs wide. Her breathing is coming more shallow, and she subconsciously pulls on the restraints. I decide to check in on her, knowing she's never been tied down like this before.
"Yellow." She says on a breathy exhale. I pause.
"Explain. What's wrong?" I soften my tone so she knows I'm not mad at her.
"I'm a little scared that I can't see. But I trust you." She says, more firmly. Something pangs in my chest at her words, almost forcing me out of the scene. I quickly gain my bearings.
"Remember to use your safewords if you need to. You will not anger me." I say softly as I busy my hands with attaching the connectors to the stiff tubing. I twist a small knob on one of the connectors to ensure it is closed before connecting the tubing to a hose coming from the ceiling above the table.
"Yes, miss." She says quietly. Her body stills as she listens to me prep, likely wondering what it is I'm doing. I know she can feel me reaching over her.
"Your clothes are in the way, Mila." I say. "I'm going to have to fix that."
I pick up the knife by the handle, purposely letting the point of the blade graze against the tray so she can hear the metal on metal. Her head whips to the side toward the sound and a small whimper leaves her lips but she doesn't say anything else.
"Don't you think you're wearing just a bit too much, Mila?" I ask.
"Y-yes miss." She stutters out barely above a whisper.
She gasps softly as the cold, unforgiving metal on the flat of the blade slides up the inside of her thigh, pushing up the fabric of her skirt as I slowly make my way higher. Her breathing is coming in ragged gasps as the tip of the blade just barely brushes against the soaked fabric of her panties between her thighs. I hook the tip of the blade into the fabric, easily parting the threads as my hand quickly flicks up and away from her body. She shudders as the colder air in the room caresses her soaked and dripping core.
"Green." She says firmly, and I raise a brow in surprise. She's already getting more comfortable, which is unusua.
I use the knife to carefully cut away the remaining clothing, ensuring that I do not mar her beautiful skin. The safe, flat sides of the metal warming against her heated flesh as I quickly work to strip her bare before me. By the time I'm finished, she's basically panting in want and a pool of her essence is puddling on the leather beneath her ass.
The temptation is too much, and she's now squirming enough that I no longer trust the blade not to knick her inadvertently, so I place it back on the tray and move it away. I climb onto the table between her thighs and without so much as a warning, swipe my tongue over her glistening lips to gather her on my tongue.
She lets out a strangled moan as her back arches, but her movements do nothing to shift her position. I grip her thighs harshly and thrust my tongue into her deeply, curling the tip of my tongue to trace the sensitive ridges just past her entrance, over and over. Her head tips back and her moans pierce the air in time with my thrusts inside her. Just as I feel her legs begin to shake and her clamping down on my tongue, I pull away. She lets out a cry of despair at being denied, but doesn't say anything else. I climb off the table as her body shudders at the lost contact and take in the sight of her.
A blush has darkened her chest, tinting her pale skin in a rosey hue. Her breasts, on full display, bounce slightly in time with her rapid breaths and her nipples are hardened to perfect, pale pink pebbles. I follow the soft curve of her belly with my eyes. She's fucking perfect, and I can feel the desire building inside me.
I walk back to the armoire, opening a drawer to reveal a set of clamps. I pick one up, foregoing the nipple clamps for now and I return back to the woman laying prone on the table. She seems to have gotten her body slightly under control as her breathing has evened out, but the flush is still prominent on her skin.
I slide my fingers between her folds, dragging through her wetness to circle hard and distended clit. I almost swore aloud at how ready for me she was, as a moan was ripped from her throat at my touch.
"I'm going to fasten a clamp to your clit. I know you haven't experienced this before, so I'm going to explain to you what it does. This particular clamp is not designed to cause pain. If it hurts, you need to tell me. When I attach it to you, it will keep your clit exposed. It is necessary for what I'm going to do next." I say, as calmly as I can. She quickly nods her head in acceptance, her face turned toward the sound of my voice. I pinched her clit harshly, forcing a strangled cry of surprise from her.
"Words." I demand.
"Yes, miss." She says immediately.
I pull back the hood of her clit, being careful not to touch the now exposed bundle of nerves with my fingers as I place the clamp on her. I watch her carefully as I release my hand, the pressure causing her to moan softly but otherwise showing no discomfort at the sensation.
"How does it feel?" I ask.
"Good, miss." She says, fighting back the tremor in her voice.
"Now, Mila. We are at the final stage of your punishment. There is a tube attached to a hose that is hanging right above you. I control the flow and location of the water. I've set the time for 1 hour. If you say anything other than your colors or cum, I will move the location or extend the time. Do you understand?" I say to her as I position the tubing to hover just over her left nipple.
"Y-yes, miss." She stammers.
"Good." I say as I turn the knob, allowing the ice cold water to flow out in a steady stream over her heated skin, knowing exactly what was coming.
"Fuck!" She swore loudly at the surprising sensation, before biting her lip at her slip. I fought back a chuckle.
"Strike one." I say softly as I shut the knob off and moving the tube to her right nipple. I adjust the temperature of the water to increase the heat so that it's hot enough for her to feel it but not enough to scald her. I quickly turn the knob on fully, as a harsh stream of hot water hits her other nipple. The change in temperature forces her to make another mistake.
"Oh god..." she moans out at the stimulation.
"Strike two." I whisper as I shut the water off again as she whimpers. I dial back the temperature as I position the tube over her bared and swollen clit. I turn the knob slowly, aligning the dial so that a drop of water releases every five seconds. I watch her body shudder as the first drop falls directly on her clit, mixing into the wetness leaking out of her and onto the leather underneath.
Five seconds later, she releases a gasp as another drop lands on her clit.
Another five seconds and her hands clench against the restraints.
Another five seconds and her hips twitch as her teeth sink into her lower lip.
I lean down, threading my fingers through her hair as my lips brush her ear as I softly whisper, "Such a good girl." I release her hair and move away from her as she moans at my praise, just as another drop falls on her clit. I walk back over to my chair, settling myself down on it to watch her.
"Remember Mila, no cumming." I remind her as her whole body tenses with each drop of water that strokes her sensitive clit like a tongue swipe.
I continue to watch her, enraptured by her building reactions as she continues to fight off the pleasure as each minute ticks by.
The never increasing pace or pressure of the water slowly driving her mad.
Her hips begin to rock, her body begging for more friction.
Her breathing increasing despite the slow pace of the stimulation between her thighs.
Her entrance visibly pulsing as she fights back moans each time the water falls.
Her body jerking as her clit swells at the constant stimulation.
"Yellow." She gasps out as her body spasms. Immediately I rise to my feet.
"Tell me." I say as I stand beside her.
"I c-can't... I'm going to cum... P-please." She stutters out as the drops continue to fall on her. I glance at my watch and raise an eyebrow. 2 minutes left.
"Mila." I say softly. "Do you need to stop?"
She quickly shakes her head as she says, "No."
I remain in place, watching as her body trembles with each drop of water that falls. Small moans escape her lips as her stomach tightens.
1 minute.
Her heels dig into the leather table as her hips arch. Her body silently begging for release as she bites back a cry of pleasure. The tie covering her eyes is soaked in tears leaked from an effort to restrain herself. She looks beautiful.
"Such a good girl. Cum for me, sweetheart." I whisper in her ear as I quickly swing the tube away from her and carefully release the clamp between her thighs. A scream rips from her throat as the orgasm tears through her body, her back bowing with the effort of her pleasure. Unintelligible moans fill the room as her body shakes, and her head tips back.
I quickly undo the cuffs around her ankles and wrists, slipping the tie off her closed eyes as she tries to fight for control of her limbs. Her body still shaking as the waves of her orgasm continue to roll through her. I wrap my her in a warm blanket and scoop her shaking body into my arms as her moans turn into sobs and tears begin to stream down her face.
I cradle her in my arms, shushing her softly as I stroke her hair back from her face and hold her, rocking her slightly to calm her. I use a cool wash cloth to gently wipe the tears from her skin.
"I'm sorry, miss." She whispers softly once her breathing is finally under control. "I don't know why I'm crying."
"You've nothing to be sorry for, sweet girl." I say. "You were perfect."
She looks up at me through her lashes, still wet from her tears. That same feeling stirs in my chest, but I clear my throat to push it away.
"Let's get you in the bath. We've an early day tomorrow." I say, rising with her still cradled in my arms. I didn't miss the flash of disappointment in her eyes, but ignored it. Just before exiting the room with her, I catch our reflection in the mirror. My arms securely wrapped around her, holding her close as her head tucks under my chin with her eyes closed.
I tighten my grip slightly and she shifts to get closer to me. My heart thumps painfully as the feeling roars back. I sigh and step out of the room, softly closing the door behind me.
Shes going to test every limit I have and make me break my strictest rule.
Never fall in love.
And I don't think I want to stop her.
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