Just A Little Love Story Pt. 1
AN - Just a forewarning, this will be a 2 part series. There is no smut at all in this chapter, but you'll have zero idea what's happening in the next one if you don't read it.
But if you just want the sex?
Feel free to skip it.
"Mother fucker. Lee!" TJ, the bartender, shouts out at me as she runs from behind the bar to swoop me up into a tight hug. I laugh, hugging her back. Her hands rested on my shoulders as she held me at arms length. To this day, I have no idea why she insists on calling me by my middle name. No amount of complaining has ever changed her mind though, so I just roll with it.
"It's been a long time, man. What's the occasion?" She asks, her curly, shoulder length blonde hair swaying as she grins at me.
"Ah, came to visit the family so I figured I'd drop by and pay my favorite bartender a visit." I grinned right back at her before taking a look around. A lot has changed since I last stepped foot in this place, but it still feels like home.
"Different, right?" She asks, slinging an arm around my shoulders and guiding me toward the bar. I nod in response, taking in the changes. The raised dance floor still in the same place its always been, but instead of two stripper poles, tables sit in their places. She catches my gaze as she walks back around the other side of the bar.
"Yeah... insurance for those fucking things was astronomical after some drunk idiot tried to climb to the top and fell down." She rolled her eyes as she turns away from me, popping an ice cold glass under the tap of my favorite beer.
"They always find a way to kill it, don't they?" I chuckle, shrugging out of my leather jacket and placing it with my helmet atop the bar. She slides the pint glass across the bar top into my waiting hand and pulls my jacket and helmet down behind the bar. I watch her as she stores them in a cubby under the register. I lift my glass in silent thanks as she moves over to another customer vying for her attention at the other end of the U-shaped bar.
I watch her for a second, laughing softly to myself as she takes an order from the frat bro who was waving her down. She catches my eye and winks at me as she pours his drink. I smirk and turn my attention to the other patrons sitting around the bar, spinning around in my seat to rest my back against the bar top. My gaze lands on the pool tables on the other side of the room.
My eyes glance over a group of people grouped around a standing table next to an empty bar box. I didn't pay much attention to them as my eyes moved to the other table where two more frat bros were talking shit to each other about who has the more impossible shot. I look over the table and roll my eyes. There's only three balls left and all of them could be sunk easily. I sip my beer as I watch them drunkenly argue in amusement.
The sharp and unmistakable sound of a cue ball striking on the break drew my attention away from the arguing banger bros to the previously empty table. The way the box was positioned, all I could see of the player was their skin-tight, jean clad ass still leaning over the kitchen. And a very nice ass it was.
I took another sip of my beer as I watched the woman stand upright. Her back was still to me as she lined up her next shot, granting me yet another glorious view of the black material stretching taut over perfectly round globes.
Realizing I was being creepy, I quickly adjusted my gaze to the table, taking in the position of the balls. I smirked to myself as I analyzed the plays she could make. As I was looking at the table, I felt myself heating under the collar. Someone was watching me.
I looked up into the hard stare of a rather attractive man. He had a jaw that seemed like it would cut glass, save for the 5 o'clock shadow dusting it. His piercing brown eyes bore into mine, glaring at me. I raised an eyebrow at the hostility in his expression and tipped my glass toward him in acknowledgement. I watched his frown deepen as he turned his attention back to the game.
Weird. Maybe she's his girlfriend? Did he catch me ogling her ass?
I shrugged to myself and went back to surveying the game. I watched as the woman with the perfect ass turned toward him and began walking around the table toward the cue ball. Her wine red hair swayed with each step as it cascaded down her back, partially revealing several pieces of ink adorning her upper arms and shoulders. Something about her movements tugged deep within my gut, a familiar pull.
Had I seen her before?
It was entirely possible. I'd frequented this bar quite often in my early 20s, and had my share of hook ups here as well. My eyes continued to follow her, lost in my musings of who she could be. I watched as she approached the man. I could almost see her side profile. Maybe that would give me a clue as to who she was.
The man, who was lucky enough to see her face, smirked as she approached him but didn't move. I watched as she indicated toward the cue ball, her shoulders tightening almost imperceptibly. If I wasn't trained to identify this type of body language, I would have missed it. She didn't want to he anywhere near him. He clearly missed all the signs, as he took a single step back, his smirk widening to a grin. He barely made room for her to get her shot in.
My eyebrows furrowed as I caught sight of the line of her jaw, clenched slightly as her hand tightened around her cue. That familiarity strengthened as I took in her side profile, and my breathing began to shallow. It couldn't be...
I watched as she pressed herself between the table and the man she was playing against, her ass resting against the edge as she faced him. Her arms crossed over her chest in a move I recognized immediately. 4 years of video chats continued to play like reels in my mind, displaying the same body language during countless petty arguments. She flicked her hair to one side, giving me a glimpse of a familiar tattoo on her left shoulder blade before her hair settled back over it and obscured my view again.
Blood was rushing in my ears, blocking out everything but the sound of my shallow breaths and the fast and hard beat of my heart. I was tunnel visioned on her back, taking no notice of my surroundings as I willed her to move. I needed to see that tattoo again. Or her face. Was it her?
A sudden movement from the man standing in front of her caught my attention as he raised his hands in surrender, laughing. His deep voice rang out, accosting my ears with his grating accent.
"Alright, alright. It's not like you're gonna make the shot anyway. Remember, you owe me a date if you lose." He grinned, stepping away from her and giving her room. I scoffed and downed my beer to stop me from injecting myself into the situation.
I watched as she turned around to face the table, and thus me, almost in slow motion. As her face came into sharp relief, my heart stopped beating. My eyes traveled over her features, taking in a sight I hadn't seen outside of images on a screen. She was even more beautiful in person.
I unashamedly let my eyes travel down from that beautifully striking face, following the slope of her bared throat, dipping down into a generous display of cleavage barely covered by a tight black tank top. Down further, my eyes glided over a taut stomach before my view was hindered by the edge of the pool table that stood between us. I had to bite back a groan as she leaned forward slightly, taking in the position of the balls on the table and giving me an even better view of her perfect breasts.
I watched as a smirk formed on her perfectly plump, blood red lips. She set her shoulders and lined up her shot, her arms flexing as she struck the cue ball with precision, sinking two of her balls. A look of smug satisfaction settled on her perfectly sculpted features as she glanced up at the cocky man she was playing against. I laughed under my breath as his grin faded into a frown at her confidence.
"You didn't call a pocket." He pointed out.
We scoffed at the same time. I'd played enough pool in this bar to know the rules. Slop shots until the 8. Clearly he hadn't been playing here long.
"You know what?" The sexy lilt of her voice reached my ears, sending a shiver down my spine. I watched her walk up to him, resting her fingertips lightly across his chest as she leaned in.
"Even though it's house rules, I'll give you this one. Call your shot, big guy." I raised a brow at the display.
His frown was immediately transformed into a wolfish grin as he pressed himself more fully into her touch. He puffed up, her attention giving him the confidence he needed to bypass his pride at her "letting" him take a shot.
I watched as she stepped away from him, giving him space. She walked toward the table in the corner where her friend was sitting. She grabbed the beer from her friend's hand, taking a sip of it before tipping her head back and laughing at something they said. My stomach tightened at the sound and my heart skipped.
Her friend said something to her again, and I watched as her movements stilled. She glanced around as if she could feel someone watching her. Of course she could. I couldn't look away.
She slowly turned, bottle still in her grasp as I watched her eyes roam the bar, trying to locate the offending gaze. My palms were clammy and I rubbed them subconsciously against my leathers. She was going to catch me soon, but I still couldn't tear my gaze from her. She was too beautiful. I wanted her to see me. I wanted to know if she'd know me too.
After what felt like an eternity, her eyes connected with mine. Disappointment bloomed in my chest as I watched her face fall into a frown. I saw no recognition in her eyes. But I didn't look away. Neither did she.
She tipped her head to the side in question, her eyes scanning my face. I couldn't help the nervous smirk that pulled my lips slightly to the right, revealing a deep scar along the right side of my jawline. Just a simple thing, really. An ugly crease that wasn't even visible unless I smiled. I saw her eyes focus on it, and the question in her gaze shifted. Her eyes widened and her lips parted slightly.
I watched silently as her hazel eyes reconnected with my honey brown ones. Her expression morphing from confused to shocked in moments. Everything else faded away as she stared at me. Shock faded into recognition as she realized who I was. The impossibility of it all.
A loud exclamation ripped my attention from her to the man playing against her. For a date. I frowned as I took in his frustrated stance. He'd missed his shot, it seems.
It felt like our gaze had been locked for hours, but was really only about 30 seconds. I watched as she focused herself back on the game with renewed vigor, now that she had an audience. She quickly stepped forward, lining up her next shot.
For the next two minutes, I watched as she sunk shot after shot, only glancing away as TJ dropped off another beer to replace my empty one. Her opponent getting more and more agitated as she began to sweep the table clean. I couldn't fight the grin from my face as I watched her run it.
Damn she was sexy as fuck.
Just then, she glanced up at me as she lined up her last shot. She smirked, winking at me before sinking the 8-ball. Her friend immediately jumping up to clap and cheer for her as she turned her attention to them and laughed.
The man shoved his cue into the rack on the wall and pushed passed his friends angrily as they slapped his back, jeering at him about his loss. She blew him a kiss as he walked by her and he scoffed before making his way to the exit.
"You owe me $50!" She yelled to his back. He spun around and flipped her off before striking the door hard and exiting through it.
Once he was gone, she leaned in and whispered something to her friend. I saw the other woman glance over her shoulder, directly at me, raising an eyebrow as she focused back on her friend. A wide grin formed on the woman's lips as she nodded. The friend pressed a quick kiss to her cheek before walking away.
She turned back to the table, picking up the remnants of the previous game and started racking the balls. A small smile graced her lips as she glanced at me with a raised eyebrow. I took the hint and picked myself up from my seat at the bar, making my way over to her.
"Riley West." I stated when I was beside her, leaning my hip against the edge of the pool table.
"Max Rivers." She responded, a wide smile growing on her lips.
"Fuck, Riley." I swore, letting out all the air in my lungs with a sigh.
"You're even more beautiful in person." I said, never taking my eyes off hers. I felt no need to beat around the bush. We'd talked almost every day for four years before we lost touch.
She left the balls sitting in position on the table and stepped directly in front of me, so close I could almost feel her breath fanning across my skin. I turned myself to follow her movements, facing her fully as I practically sat against the pool tables edge.
"And you are even sexier than all those photos and videos led me to believe, Max." She said softly, her eyes darting down to my lips. I fought valiantly to keep the smirk from them. Fought and lost.
"Where'd you go Riley?" I asked her. The question seems to have taken her by surprise, and she leans back slightly. The smile once on her lips has disappeared and a sadness has quickly dulled the sparkle in her eye.
It almost makes me regret my question. But I need to know.
"I was married." I was floored. That answer was not what I expected.
"Married?" I asked. I hadn't even known she was seeing anybody. How did we talk every day and I never knew?
"Max." She sighed. "We were young. You lived on the other side of the country. We'd never even met in person. I couldn't afford to come to you and you were taking care of your mom. We were literally supposed to be pen pals for a school project. Was I supposed to wait for you? You never even asked me to."
I could hear the frustration creeping into her voice. But she was right. I never had asked her to. I couldn't do that to her. I loved her too much. A woman I'd never met, but knew everything about. Who knew everything about me.
I raked my fingers through my hair and nodded.
"No ring?" I asked. She wasn't wearing one.
"Not married anymore." She said with a shrug. The noose around my heart loosened considerably.
"Why are you here?" I asked. She raised a brow in question.
"I've been here for three years, Max." She said, her eyes searching mine. "Where were you?"
"You didn't answer my question. Why are you here?" I repeated, purposely ignoring hers.
"I got divorced because I couldn't love him. I was already in love with someone else." She said matter-of-factly. The noose tightened again.
"The girl?" I indicated toward her friend that had left. She laughed.
"You didn't recognize her?" She asked. I shook my head.
"I was watching you." Again, direct, straight to the point. She rolled her eyes. I raised mine in surprise. Not the reaction I anticipated.
"That's TJ's wife." She continued laughing. I choked back a laugh myself.
"That was Audrey?!"
She nodded, still laughing. I let out a chuckle at myself and scratched the back of my neck in embarrassment. We stayed that way until her laughter died down.
"Where'd you go, Max?" She asked again.
"Across the country." I replied. Her eyes widened in shock.
"No phone?" She asked.
"I changed my number the day you blocked me." I rolled my eyes.
"Spiteful." She smirked.
"Yeah maybe." I agreed.
"Max?" She asked. I tilted my head in question without responding.
"I came to find you. But you were gone. Nobody knew where you were or how to get ahold of you." She said. I nodded.
"She died. I had nobody left to stay here for. I got a good job offer and took it." The sadness I felt in my heart at the words seeped into her eyes. Like I infected her.
"I'm so sorry Max." She whispered, her hand reaching out for mine. In solace? Pity? I pulled back as much as the pool table would allow, not wanting the first time she touched me to be one of sadness and pain. But I didn't look away.
"Don't be. It was a long time ago. She's better off now." Confusion at my reaction bled in to her expression. Forced her to take a step back. To give me space. Us space. I regretted it instantly.
"So you're back?" She asked to fill the awkward silence.
"For now." I stated, taking a sip of my beer.
"How long?"
"Depends." I replied. She arched a brow in question. I didn't clarify, filling the silence with another sip of beer.
"You rode here?" The change of subject was a little unbalancing, but I nodded all the same. I watched her smile turn into a slight grin as she reached for my glass, plucking it from my hand and tilting it back to drain the rest of its contents.
"Take me for a ride, Max."
Without a word I stood from my perch, invading her space. Her head tipped back slightly to keep her eyes on mine.
"Let's go." I sidestepped her and walked behind the bar, reaching under the register for my jacket and helmet. I slapped a $100 bill on the till keys as I waved to TJ.
"For mine and Riley's tabs."
TJ flashed me a thumbs up with a knowing grin.
"See ya soon, Lee." TJ shouted as she waved me off. But I didn't answer, my focus already entirely on Riley.
"Ready?" I asked, tucking my helmet beneath my arm.
"Sure am." She grinned. I could already see the giddiness in her movements as she walked beside me through the exit and out into the chill night air. We were fulfilling a promise I'd made to her almost 10 years ago, when I got my very first street bike.
I watched her steps falter slightly, slowing her approach as we moved toward my bike. It took everything I had to fight the grin from creeping up on my face as she takes in the sight of my pride and joy. My matte black on black Kawasaki Ninja H2R.
She approached the bike, her face showing a mix of admiration and apprehension as her fingertips trailed over the pillion absently.
"It looks fast." She said softly, her eyes still glued to the piece of machinery. She doesn't notice as I step in behind her and jumps slightly as I slide my leather jacket over her bared shoulders.
"It is." I reply, helping guide her arms into the sleeves. I turn her gently toward me, my hands sliding down the front of oversized leather which does wonders to mask the curve of her body. Much to my dismay. Her breath hitches anyway, as she watches my hands move down her front.
I don't say anything else as my fingers catch the zipper, dragging it slowly upward to encase her in the protective garmet, all the way up to just beneath her chin. I reach for the helmet and lift it over her to slip it over her head. I stop when her hands catch my wrists, holding me in place.
"I don't see any place for storage on this bike, Max. What about you?" She asks with concern. I smile, a warmth filling my chest as she relaxes her hold on me. I slip the helmet over her head, cutting off her gaze as I adjust it to fit her snuggly.
"I'll be fine." I say, pulling out a pair of safety glasses from my pocket as I swing my leg over to straddle the bike. I slip them over my eyes and plant both feet in the ground, holding the bike steady.
"You coming?" I ask her. She swears softly under her breath, barely loud enough for me to hear, as I watch her physically shake the nerves from her body. She steps over to me and I take her hand in mine.
"I'll keep you safe, Ry." I say gently. Her grip tightens on me as she lifts her right foot onto the pillion step, using me for balance as she swings her left leg over to settle onto the opposite foothold. Once she's situated, I slip an ear piece into my right ear, tapping it once to turn it on.
"Hi beautiful." I say softly. I feel her body tense behind me in surprise.
"I can hear you!" She exclaims. I chuckle, feeling her shiver slightly as her body subconsciously presses against my back.
"Blutooth helmet." I say, giving no more explanation as I start the bike. The loud noise combined with the intense vibrations beneath us cause an involuntary squeal to escape her lips within the helmet. I tip my head back slightly, unable to contain my laughter. She smacks my shoulder sharply.
"Max! Don't make fun of me." She demands, a playful lilt to her tone. I raise my hands in mock surrender.
"You're just way too fucking adorable, Ry. I truly can't help it." It felt like I'd been teleported back to an easier time, where our lighthearted banter came to us like second nature. Only this time, even though her voice was through a microphone as always, I could feel the heat of her pressed against my back. The realization sent shockwaves of pleasure through my body stronger than the monstrous machine rumbling between our thighs could ever illicit.
I fought to keep my reactions down as her hands slid around my waist to rest lightly just above my hips. I wanted more of her on me. I grinned.
"Better hang on." I gave no additional warning as I pressed down on the clutch, pressing the gear shifter into first and rolled the throttle forward, instantly taking off. The sudden movement forced another squeal from her lips, and her arms immediately wrapped around me in a death grip.
"MAX!" She shouted breathlessly as I maneuvered us out of the parking lot and onto the road.
"Have I ever lied to you, Ry?" I asked her as I eased us into second gear.
"No," She tightened her grip if it was even possible. I groaned softly as I felt her breasts pressing hard against my back, even through the thick leather jacket she was wearing.
"I promise you're safe." I heard her sigh softly, her hands loosening from the tight fists into the cloth of my shirt. I could feel my muscles tense as her open palms pressed against my abs. I wasn't sure if it was her breathing or mine that I could hear out so raggedly over the noises of the bike and the wind whipping past us.
"Okay Max. I'm ready. Take me for a ride." I could hear the smirk at her purposeful innuendo, but it didn't make my reaction to her request any less potent. I bit back a groan, instead putting all my attention on shifting gears as the bike practically floated across the pavement beneath us.
With her arms safely locked around me, her pressed so tightly to my back that it was hard for me to tell where I ended and she began and her small whimpers at each shift of increasing speed, I let myself fade into the blacktop. These roads were my home and I knew them like the back of my hand. I guided her with my body, leaning into the curves and bends as we ate up the distance to the small town I was currently staying in.
Call it presumptuous if you will, but I didn't know where she was staying and I didn't want the night to end just yet. I downshifted as we slowed, approaching the outskirts of the town. I lifted my hand in acknowledgement as we rolled passed the welcome billboard on the side of the road, where the town sheriff was conveniently parked. He flashed his lights in reply as he faded away into the night behind us.
"Did you just say hi to a cop?" She asked as she fought through a strangled laugh. I hummed in response, chuckling softly.
"Well yeah, he's my brother."
She said nothing else as we rode at a more reasonable pace, winding our way through the quiet streets. Suddenly, my stomach muscles clenched hard as I felt her ice cold fingertips brush against my heated bare skin. I couldn't fight the groan that escaped my lips this time.
"Sorry." She said, clearly not sorry at all as I could hear the smile on her lips. "My hands are cold."
I couldn't respond even if I wanted to. My teeth were clenched so hard as I fought to keep control of my body's reaction to her touch, which was quickly turning into a caress because I just couldn't hide anything from her. My heart was pounding in my throat and my breath escaping my chest in ragged gasps as my hands trembled, clenching tightly to the bike grips. Heat exploded between my thighs as her laugh echoed in my ear.
"You okay, Max?" She asked, feigning innocence as her nails raked across my sensitive flesh.
"Fuck." I gasped, having just enough presence of mind to park the bike in the spot just in front of my room door. I turned slightly in her arms, sliding my left arm between us before hooking it around her waist and lifting her up. I pushed myself backward as I pulled her around to straddle my lap, my hands on her ass keeping her pressed against me.
The movement must've caught her by surprise because she let out a whimper as she settled into my arms, her hands resting on my shoulders.
"Take off the helmet, Ry." I demanded, my hands tightening their grip on her and pulling her impossibly closer. She wasted no time in tugging it off, her hair cascading down her back over the leather as she looked down at me. She kept her grip on the safety piece as her free hand curled around the back of my neck. She made no other move, save to tighten her fingers into the curly locks at the nape of my neck. Her hazel eyes hooded slightly, I could see the desire I felt clearly reflected there. I watched as she bit down on her lower lip.
"Ry... if you don't fucking ki-..." my words were cut off in a shared gasp as her lips covered mine. Instantly my eyes closed at the onslaught of pleasure that washed over me. Her plump, full lips felt like Heaven against mine. 10 long years I'd been waiting for this moment. And not in my wildest dreams did it ever feel as good as the real thing.
She moaned into my mouth and her hand tightened in my hair when I nipped softly at her lower lip, trapping it between my teeth before sucking lightly to soothe the bite. Her lips parted involuntarily and I used it to deepen the kiss, dipping my tongue in to taste her.
She was by no means a passive kisser. She dueled me for dominance, which I didn't give, until she finally gave in. It was my turn to moan for her as she let me plunder her mouth, tasting and teasing her. Air didn't even factor into the equation. Who needed air? Let Riley be my sustenance for the remainder of my days.
I kept her in my arms, lifting her up as I dismounted the bike. I guided her legs to lock tightly around my waist. Her arms locked around my neck as I carried her to the door of my hotel room.
I pressed her against the door as I moved one hand between us, slowly dragging the zipper of the jacket down. I slipped my hand inside, the back of my hand grazing her breast as my fingers plucked the room key from the inside breast pocket. She moaned into my mouth at the slight friction before tearing herself away to lean her head back on the solid wood behind her, gasping for air.
I allowed her to pull back, but the bared expanse of the skin of her throat was too tempting to resist. I pressed a small, soft kiss to the hollow of her throat and smirked when I heard her breath hitch in her chest. Slowly trailing open mouthed kisses up the column of her throat, I heard more than saw her bite back a moan. I pulled away, my breathing ragged as I forced her to look at me.
"Ry..." She forced her eyes open and met mine with a hazy, lustfilled gaze.
"I need to know if this is what you want." I stated.
My heart skipped a beat as I watched her gaze sharpen and focus on me. A slow smirk formed on her lips as she tightened her grip around my waist and reached for the card in my hands. I lost my breath completely at the sultry words that escaped her lips next.
"Take me for a ride, Max." She whispered, slipping the key card into the reader. The click of the lock disengaging the only sound between us as my lips claimed hers once again.
I couldn't help but feel, as I carried her across the threshold of that room, that I was stepping into a turning point. One that would forever alter my future. And I was absolutely ready for it.
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