Is It Hot In Here? Pt. 1
"Micah, just take the fucking shot already!" Jessie laughingly demands.
"Jess, c'mon. You know I can't do shots. You take it." I shout over the thrumming beat, nudging the glass toward my best friend. I sigh inwardly as I watch her shake her head, her tight brown curls bouncing slightly.
"No way! It wasn't bought for me." She grins as she nudges it back, wiggling her eyebrows at me and tilting her head toward the end of the bar--the exact location where a stunning woman is currently sitting, watching the exchange with an amused expression on her face.
I glance over, our eyes connecting. She arches a brow at me and inclines her head, tipping her glass toward me in silent acknowledgment. I feel the flush creeping up my neck and shift in my seat, breaking away from her gaze. I am acutely aware of the vibrations of the music filling the bar, strumming through my body, pulsing in rhythm with the beating in my chest.
"Fuck it," I say, and snatch the glass off the bar. Jessie whoops out a cheer as I quickly tip the alcohol into my open mouth and down my throat, swallowing past the burn and fighting off a grimace as I slam the shot glass onto the bar top. The stunning woman at the end of the bar raises her glass in a toast, and I watch as she brings it to her lips, draining the remaining contents in one quick swallow. I feel a slight pull in my lower belly as I watch her throat work the alcohol down. How the fuck does she make drinking a drink so sexy?
As if she can read my thoughts, she places her glass back down and smirks at me before winking. Then she turns and disappears into the crowd surrounding the bar behind her. I crane my neck to catch a glimpse of her retreating figure, but to no avail. She's gone.
I sigh.
"Welp. Thanks for the free drink, I guess," I mumble under my breath before turning back to my best friend, who is signaling to the bartender to pour another round.
"It's fine, Micah. Just have some fun. Let the fine ladies buy you drinks. You deserve it. It's your graduation night. You officially HAVE A FUCKING DOCTORATE!" She yells the last part at the top of her lungs, raising her glass in the air. The entire side of the bar surrounding us starts cheering in response. A wave of happiness washes over me as all our friends rush in to congratulate me.
"Shit, it's about time, fam!" Nico shouts above the crowd as he pushes his way through to dap me up. I laugh, pulling him in for a hug.
"Bro, fuckin' tell me about it. That shit feels like it takes forever!" I reply. He laughs, flinging an arm over my shoulder before turning his attention to my best friend.
"Jess! What is a fine specimen like yourself doing with this lump?" he asks with a grin. Jessie returns it with a chuckle.
"Careful, Nico. Wouldn't want the hubby to think I'm stealing his man," she quips before taking a swig of beer and rising to her feet.
"C'mon, you three! Let's dance!" She loops her arm into my free one that isn't around Nico's back and half drags, half guides us to the dance floor. We're quickly engulfed in the throng of bodies moving to the beat pounding out of the speakers.
I glance around me as we move, hoping to catch a glimpse of the unnamed woman at the bar but don't see her. I shake off the slight disappointment and close my eyes, letting the beat overtake my body. I lose myself in the heat of the bodies pressing in on all sides, my hips swaying as the bass pulses through me. A thin layer of sweat begins to form on my body as the alcohol takes hold, but nothing seems to matter at this moment.
With my eyes still closed, I feel someone press even closer to me from behind, their body practically molding itself to mine. Their touch sends a shiver up my spine, and I allow a small smirk to tug at my lips as the rhythm of my body slows to match the undulation of the hips pressed against my ass. I lean back slightly as gentle hands settle on my waist, a jolt of electricity running through me as the woman's soft breasts press against my shoulder blades. I feel a puff of air brush against the nape of my neck, temporarily cooling the sweat-glistened skin there.
"You are stunning, Micah." A sultry voice whispers in my ear. I have to strain to hear the words over the loud music pouring over the crowd of dancing bodies we're currently swaying in the middle of. I don't respond with words, instead pressing myself more fully against her, grinding my ass harder into her hips. I feel, rather than hear, her breath hitch in her chest at the contact. I feel myself dampen when the heat pools between my thighs as a growl escapes her lips, vibrating against my skin as her hands tighten on my hips.
"Tell me your name," I say, as I grind myself against her.
"Aubrey." Her voice is strained from the friction we're creating between us.
Suddenly, I'm spun around, those same hands guiding me before pulling me closer once more. The feel of her pressing me hard against her forces my eyes open. It's her, the mystery woman from the bar. My brain immediately starts screaming at me to run away in panic, but I can't force my body to move. I see her frown slightly at my moment of panic before I have a chance to force it down and school my features.
"What's wrong?" She asks. I can barely hear her over the cacophony, but my eyes on her lips help to guide me. I feel her grip on me loosen, her body radiating a hesitancy she did not display previously.
"I didn't expect it to be you. I thought you'd left." I lean in close, my lips hovering just in front of her ear so she can hear my response and in doing so, press myself back into her. I can feel her body shudder, the vibration pulsing through me and straight to the molten heat between my thighs. I grab her hands, threading my fingers through hers, and guide them up over my shoulders before settling mine back on her waist as I slot my thigh through hers, pressing against her. I rock my hips slowly to the beat, picking up a rhythm against her core to the pounding bass reverberating through our bodies on the dance floor.
Her eyes immediately darken with lust and my pulse begins to race once more. She leans in, pulling me more firmly against her and brushes her lips against my jaw, trailing a line of fire across my skin. Butterflies erupt in my stomach when my brain registers that she's touching me instead of pushing me away. An echo of a deeper pain pangs in my chest and I tighten my hold on her, pressing our bodies flush together again to chase away the memory. She lets out a pleasurable hum in my ear.
"Well, you're just full of surprises. A sexy butch woman who likes to take control? I'm a lucky girl," I hear her whisper. My hopes shatter at her words; she thinks I'm a top. Of course she does. I wonder if I can fake that dominance, just for one night.
I force a fake grin onto my lips, knowing it doesn't reach my eyes, and slide one hand around her waist while the other circles the back of her neck. Her brow raises in silent question at my reaction, so I sink my fingers into her hair and gently tug her head back, pressing a light kiss to the sensitive spot just below her ear. I feel a shiver run through her body at my touch.
"Take me somewhere. I can show you just how lucky you are," I say before releasing my grip on her. I watch her bite her lower lip, considering my offer. Her curiosity about my less-than-happy reaction wars with the desire coursing through her. I chuckle softly to myself when I see desire win. She takes my hand, leading me off the dance floor. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Jessie winking at me before she turns her attention back to the woman bent over in front of her, the crowd swallowing them up as I'm guided further away.
The chill of the cold night air forces an involuntary shiver from my body as we exit the bar. I let her lead me, still connected by one hand, toward the parking lot. With each step we take, my confidence wanes and panic begins to creep in.
"What were you thinking?!" I scold myself.
"She thinks you're a fucking dominant. You don't know the first thing about being with another woman, let alone how to be a fucking dominant with one. How the hell are you going to explain yourself now?!"
Unbeknownst to me, my panic-fogged brain slows my steps, and I realize my hand is no longer locked with the beautiful woman leading me into the night. We stand there, still-her gazing at me curiously while I fidget with the hem of my shirt nervously. She cocks her head to the side in question.
"Are you okay?" she asks softly. I nod without speaking. A slight frown creases her eyebrows, and a sinking feeling starts in my chest as I watch the dawning realization in her eyes.
"Words, beautiful. I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong," she says in a slightly firmer yet gentle tone. A chill shoots down my spine, but I don't think it's just the cold night air we're standing in. I watch her eyes and see that same spark of desire in my reaction to her statement. The slight curl of a smirk ghosting her lips twists something in my stomach, giving me the confidence I need to say what I know I should before this goes any further.
"I'm... Not dominant... Andimalsoavirgin." I mumble, tearing my eyes away from hers and staring at a spot on the black asphalt of the parking lot. She steps closer, and my breath hitches as I feel her finger slip beneath my chin, forcing my gaze back up to hers.
"Speak clearly, love," she says, and I nod.
"I'm not a top," I say more firmly as I meet her eyes. Confusion flickers across her face, a question hovering just at the tip of her tongue. So, I forge ahead. She'll either walk away from me and I'll go back into the club, which will hurt more than I'd like to admit, or she'll take my hand and continue to lead me wherever it was she planned to take me.
"I'm also a virgin. I made a deal with my brother before he passed away that I wouldn't let anything get in the way of my goals. So I didn't," I say.
Shock registers on her features for a split second before she can hide it, and disappointment floods through me. I break away from her touch and take a step back, turning toward the bar. Before I can fully turn, her hand locks around my wrist.
"Wait," she says. I stand still, not turning back toward her but not pulling away.
"I'm sorry," she tells me. My head whips around to her, and my previous disappointment vanishes, replaced by a wave of anger. The look in my eyes must startle her; she instantly releases me and steps back, her hands raised with palms out.
"I'm sorry for my reaction," she says quickly, realizing her mistake. "I didn't mean I was sorry for your... choices?" Her tone carries a slight question. When I don't correct her or move away, she steps closer, reaching out to slide her fingertips along my forearm where she had held me before. The white-hot anger that surged in me dissipates just as quickly with her touch.
"There's nothing wrong with you for not being aggressive or assertive, or for being... pure," she says softly, a slight smirk lifting the corner of her lips.
"I've never..." I begin, and it's as if she knows all my secrets in that moment. She understands that I've never truly been with a woman, or anyone, in the most intimate ways. Sure, I've pleasured women and had my fair share of one-night stands to blow off steam, but I've never allowed them to see me or touch me, fearing distraction. Her grip tightens slightly as she pulls me closer.
"I won't pressure you. We can go back into the bar, have a few more drinks, and say goodbye at the end of the night. You'll go home safely with your friend." Her hand slides up my forearm, and my breath catches in my throat as she caresses the now-cold, bare skin of my arm.
"Or you can come home with me now and let me show you that there is nothing to fear from letting someone in," she says quietly, leaning toward me, her lips brushing lightly against my own.
I'd like to say it's a fight-that my fear battles my hormones. But if I'm honest, she has me the minute her lips touch mine. All my fears and doubts wash away in the wave of desire that crashes over me. I want to feel that mouth on me, everywhere.
"Take me home," I said before deepening the kiss. She groans into my mouth, her tongue warring with mine for dominance. I let her win, my hands gripping her waist desperately as she explores my mouth. A small gasp of disappointment escapes my lips as she pulls away.
"Let's go before I take you right here in this parking lot," she says, her breath shaky. I nod and follow her to her car-a matte black, 2023 Tesla Model S. She opens my door, and I slide into the passenger seat, smiling slightly as she closes it again. My eyes are glued to her as she walks around the car and settles into the driver's seat. The car starts up quietly. Normally, I'd be distracted by the futuristic machinery, but right now, I only have eyes for her. I watch as she engages the controls for an autopilot ride, her confident movements making me want her even more.
"Aubrey..." I whisper as the car starts moving. Her head turns toward me, and I crash my lips against hers without a moment's hesitation. The heated kiss takes my breath away as her hand slides to the back of my head, gripping my hair. I let her deepen the kiss, shuddering at her dominance. She pulls away, hands back on the wheel as the autopilot warning flashes. Our ragged breaths fill the silence, and her kiss-swollen lips shatter my control. I lean in again.
I slide my hand over the bare expanse of skin just above her knee where her dress has ridden up her thighs as I lean into her, my lips brushing against her jawline. She lets out a strangled gasp as my hand slides higher and I nip lightly at her pulse point with my teeth.
"You're oddly good at that for someone who never..." Her words get lost in a moan as my fingertips brush her drenched core and I suck lightly at a sensitive spot just above her collarbone. I pull back to look at her, my fingertips still stroking against her over her panties.
"I've never let anyone touch me, Aubrey. But that doesn't mean I've never touched them." I say softly as my fingertips pull her ruined panties to the side and I slide them through her wetness, circling her clit.
"Fuck." She swears, her head tilting back in the seat and her knuckles turning white on the steering wheel as her hips arch into my hand. I waste no more time teasing her and sink two fingers into her deeply, curling them as her hips force me even deeper inside her.
"Oh fuck. Yes." She moans as her hips rock against my hand, taking control of my movements. I follow her lead, thrusting into her as she moves on my fingers, my palm grinding against her clit.
"That's right Aubrey. Fuck yourself on my hand. You feel so good riding my fingers." I whisper encouragingly in her ear. My words have the desired effect, and her hips pick up the pace as she rides me.
"God... Micah... don't stop." She moans as her hips begin to stutter, pleasure overtaking her. I feel her walls tighten on me and take over the pace, fucking her fast and hard as her back arches.
"Yes. Fuck. Right there. I'm fucking cumming." She moans as her body convulses around my fingers. I continue to pump into her, slowing down slightly to allow her to ride out her high. Only then do I notice that the car is no longer moving and that we're currently parked in the driveway of a picturesque home. Perfectly manicured landscaping and all.
I feel Aubrey shudder as I turn my attention toward her, gently pulling my hand back from between her thighs. I watch as she collapses back against the seat, her shakey hands falling from the wheel as she meets my gaze. With a speed that surprises me, she grabs my wrist and pulls my hand toward her, my fingers still glistening with her cum. I whimper softly as she takes my fingers into her mouth, sucking her cum off them before releasing me.
She must approve of whatever she sees because, in the next instant, she's devouring my lips in a soul-searing kiss. Her tongue roughly thrusts into my mouth to deepen it and I can't stop the moan that escapes my throat as I taste her. Just as quickly as it starts, she pulls away, leaving me dazed as I watch her climb out of the car.
She turns around, arching a brow in question as I sit there, dumbfounded and unmoving. Her look breaks me from my trance, and I scramble to get out of the passenger seat. By the time my trembling hands release the belt and I climb out, she's already at the front door, searching her purse for her keys. I watch her open the door and make my way up the walk toward her as she waits just inside.
My steps slow considerably as I take in her disheveled appearance. My nervousness returns tenfold, not fading in the slightest despite how painfully hard I am in my compression shorts.
As if she senses my hesitation, she offers her hand, palm up. The silence remains unbroken, but her meaning is clear: I'm welcome. All of me.
I smile as my hand slides into hers, our fingers lacing together. She gently guides me across the threshold and closes the door behind us.
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