Happy Anniversary
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️Trigger Warning️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
This chapter will contain acts that mimic rape and sexual assault.
While this one is written with predetermined consent in mind (all characters involved have set this scene prior to the acts that take place) it can still be triggering for some. Please feel free to skip this chapter if you need to.
Read at your own risk.
I know you're probably busy, but I just wanted to check in and see what time you were expecting to be home today.
I'm at the store to pick up Mason's inhaler. Do you need anything? I don't want you to have to stop if you're tired.
Are you on your way with my grand baby?
Karra? I haven't heard from you since Sunday night. Did you still need me to watch Mason tonight?
I just got off the phone with Dylan. She says you had an emergency at work. Really Karra? On your anniversary? I taught you better than this.
Your mom called. She told me you were supposed to drop him off at 4. In case you get home while I'm gone, I wanted to let you know I took him over there. Did you forget?
Karra Samantha Cross, you had better fix this. Dylan is very hurt, even though she's too stubborn to admit it. Mason can stay with me as long as you need him to. Fix. It.
Dinner is in the oven. I had to leave for a bit. Enjoy. I love you.
Karra sighed as she read through the messages, her fingertips massaging her temples in an effort to rid herself of the throbbing pain settled behind her eyes. She'd spent the better part of the day attempting to put out the fires that threatened to blow up the deal with their firm's largest account. A day that should have been spent wining and dining her probably now soon to be ex-wife.
She reached into her desk drawer with a sigh, pulling out the bottle of tequila and a shot glass she kept hidden there for times like these. She popped the cork out of the top of the bottle, tipping the contents into the shot glass before plunking the container back onto her desk. Before she could second guess her decision, she picked up the shot glass and downed the liquid in one smooth movement and immediately picked up her phone, hitting the call button.
Hi. You've reached the voice mail of Dylan Cross. Please leave me your name, number and a brief message of why you're calling and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you, and have a nice day.
Karra sat up straighter with a frown on her face. Dylan never turned her phone off when she was away from either Karra or Mason. An uneasy feeling started in the pit of her stomach, but she quelled it quickly.
No need to get worked up Karra. She told herself. She probably just lost reception for a minute.
Nodding to herself at her internal reasoning, she picked up her phone once more. Glancing at the clock, she was surprised to see what it read. 20:58. Where could she possibly have gone this late that would take almost two hours, without their son?
Karra hit the redial button on her phone, a slight frown forming on her brow at what she heard.
Hi. You've reached the voice mail of Dylan Cross. Please leave me your name, number and a brief message of why you're calling and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you, and have a nice day.
"Dylan, where are you? Is everything okay? I'm so sorry. I lost track of time. I'm getting ready to head home now. Please be there." The last three words trailing off to just barely a whisper as worry starts to bubble up inside her.
Just as she disconnects from the call, the lights on the floor of her office building shut off, save for her office. She swore under her breath and sighed internally. Karra reached for her purse, gathering her loose belongings and dropping them in. She replaced the cork back on the bottle and placed both it and the shotglass into her bottom drawer. She rose from her chair for the first time in almost 7 hours, arching her back with her arms above her head, attempting to stretch the stiffness from her back and shoulders. She slung the purse over her shoulder and picked up her keys, clutching them in her hand. She hated working this late. Walking through the dark building was creepy.
Just as Karra opened her office door, she caught a movement out of the corner of her eye, at the end of the very dark hallway. The light from her office cast an eerie glow that didn't quite reach.
She stared hard into the pitch black just outside the edges of the light, willing her eyes to reach just a bit further. She detected no more movement and heard no sounds. Karra laughed to herself, attempting to shake off her irrational nerves at the darkness that surrounded her.
"There's nothing there, crazy. You're 26 years old. There is literally no reason for you to be scared of the dark." She scolded herself, turning her back to the hallway to reach for the light. Just as she hit the switch and closed her office door, the hairs on the back of her neck rose as goosebumps littered the flesh of her arms. Someone was behind her.
Before she could even think about pushing the door to her office open to try and get inside, she heard a rush behind her and her body was slammed hard against the wood as she let out a surprised yelp. She had the presence of mind to keep her head tilted backward just slightly to avoid her head hitting the unforgiving surface as well. Immediately her body tensed, her mouth opening to fill her lungs, preparing to scream. A leather clad hand pressed over her, trapping the scream in her throat.
She could feel a hard body pressed up against her from behind and she instinctively bit down on the hand covering her open mouth. A low chuckle rumbled in her ear, her attacker's breath brushing across the hyper sensitive skin just behind her right ear.
"I came prepared, chérie." The voice whispered softly. Her panic increased, not allowing her to fully process the words and she began to struggle. She tried to force herself backward away from her office door, attempting to get some distance so she could possibly get away.
Unfortunately, her struggles were futile. In the midst of her movements, her unknown assailant had worked their leg between hers, pressing her hips even harder against the door. Tears sprang into her eyes as her skirt hiked up lewdly, the feeling of the fabric of her attacker's pants pressing against her bare pussy cutting through the fog of her panic like a knife. White hot terror ripped through her at the realization that this person was too strong. She could not get away. Why did she have to wear literally nothing but a garter today?
Tears sprung up into her eyes, threatening to spill down her cheeks. She'd gotten dressed today with the intention on surprising her wife. It was their anniversary and she'd wanted to create a night they'd never forget. It'd been awhile. She missed her wife.
And now, because of her idiotic behavior at prioritizing her job over her family yet again, this would certainly be a night they always remembered. Even if they didn't ever want to.
A hard grunt was shoved from her lungs as her attacker pushed her roughly against the door once more, yanking her back into the present. She could feel their hand roughly pushing up the back of her skirt, her bare ass meeting the breeze of the climate controlled office. Karra whimpered softly, refusing to give them the satisfaction of anything more as the leather bound hand gripped her thigh tightly, forcing her to spread them. She shut her eyes tightly, trying to block out everything. But she could not block out the feel of her attacker's lips pressed against the sensitive spot where her shoulder meets her neck. Lips that, even in her panic, felt almost familiar. Almost.
Despite the situation, Karra could feel her body begin to betray her. The fires of panic began to move slowly downward, settling between her thighs and even in her fear she could feel her pussy dampening. She willed the unwanted desire to go away as she screwed her eyes shut even tighter, her body starting to tremble. She could not enjoy this. She would not enjoy this.
With renewed adrenaline, she shoved herself away from the door, using her arms trapped beneath her as leverage. Karra managed to get some space, catching her attacker by surprise as she whipped her head back. She felt the back of her head connect sharply with her attacker's shoulder. But it wasn't enough.
"Fuck..." she heard them and before she had time to process the voice, they had stepped forward again, shoving her even harder against the door, bruising her.
"Ma chérie, I have been waiting for this for too long. You will not get away from me now." The unknown person... woman said, their voice muffled by the mask covering their face.
Woman. This person was a woman. Despite their attempts to mask their voice, Karra could hear the unmistakable softness of a woman's tone. The realization clicked, as she felt the woman's breasts pressing against her back and the distinct lack of hardness against her ass that would be indicative of the excitement she could hear dripping from their words.
Karra's lawyer brain kicked into high gear as she analyzed her situation. She was trapped, by a woman, in her office. Nobody except her clients, her mother and Dylan even knew she was here. Dylan.
Karra's memories washed through her panic soaked brain, bringing into stark relief her wife's smirking face as they laid together in their bed, limbs still entwined as Karra looked up at her wife from her resting point on Dylan's stomach. Dylan's fingers trailing gently through her hair.
"So, my love. We've been together for six months and you still haven't told me your deepest, darkest fantasy. You know all of mine. I want to know you, Karra. I want to know what makes you drip from just a thought. I want to know what keeps you awake at night. I want to know what pleases my future wife."
Karra's eyes shown brightly and her breath hitched at the desire darkening Dylan's eyes. She would do anything to make sure that look was only ever reserved for her, for the rest of their lives.
"Dylan..." Karra hesitated. "I don't want you to think differently of me." She finished, tearing her gaze away from her lovers to cast them downward. She felt Dylan move and pressed her hand firmly against her chest to keep her still.
"But if you really want to know, I will tell you. I-I trust you..." Karra said softly, still not looking at her now-wife.
"I want to be taken. I want to lose complete control. I don't want to be given an option. I want someone to take me, over and over again, when I least expect it. I don't want to see it coming. I don't want to know who it is. I want to lose it all." Karra said, not daring to look up and meet Dylan's gaze at her revelation. She had no idea why this was her deepest fantasy. Who in their right mind would ever want to be raped? Dylan would surely hate her now. Her heart was racing at the prospect, threatening to break down and shatter. She couldn't look at her, for fear of seeing judgement there.
"Karra..." She heard Dylan whisper softly. She did not move her gaze.
"Ma chérie. Look at me." Dylan said softly, but firmly. Karra's eyes quickly rose to meet Dylan's and her heart stuttered as she took in her loving gaze.
"That can be arranged, for you." Dylan stated, her signature smirk back in place.
*End Flashback*
Karra shuddered as she was brought crashing back into the present moment yet again by a gloved hand shoving roughly between her thighs. Karra's face burned in shame as the leather fingertips glided through her bared and soaked pussy lips, her body betraying her even further as her hips involuntarily bucked against the invading hand when the smooth leather glided over her clit. Karra kept her eyes clamped shut, trying to will her body not to react to the pleasure rising from between her thighs to mix with the palpable fear settling in her stomach.
Karra heard an audible groan escape the lips of the person behind her. Her brain registering the sound in shocked recognition even as her tumultuous emotions would not let her understand what her body seemed to. The body that was quickly betraying her as she felt her pussy juices begin to drip down her bare thighs.
"You weren't lying, ma chérie. You really do like this."
And before Karra had time to process the words, two leather covered fingers were shoved roughly into her wet and waiting entrance. This time, Karra screamed.
"OH FUCK!" The words escaped her lips as her head slammed back against her attacker's shoulder once again. Her body arched in pleasure even as her fear spiked, forcing her away from the door once more, giving her the chance she needed to try to pull away. Karra took that chance.
Karra ripped her body away from the woman pressed against her and buried inside her. She gasped at the feeling as the woman's fingers slid out as Karra stumbled away. Quickly she regained her footing and tried to run down the hall.
Not quick enough.
Karra's head was wrenched back as she swore loudly at the pain that exploded in her scalp. The very next second her breath was knocked from her lungs as she hit the floor on her back, the woman falling forward on top of her, pinning her down.
"Goddamnit Karra, fucking hold STILL." The assailant demanded, capturing both her wrists in a strong grip as her hips pinned Karra's down to the floor, forcing her skirt to ride up further as her assailants body kept Karra's thighs apart, immobilizing her legs.
Tears began to stream from Karra's eyes in earnest now. The fear of what this person was doing to her and how her body was responding completely overriding her reasoning that she thought she knew who her attacker was. The fear increased ten-fold as she felt hard plastic cuffs slip over her fists and settle around her wrists. She felt the restraints tighten almost painfully, locking her wrists together above her head.
Once her hands were secured, her assailant quickly got up, opening the door to Karra's office. She roughly picked her up from the floor. Karra stumbled as she was dragged into the room and her heart stuttered to a stop as the door slammed shut behind them with finality. She was not getting away. She was trapped.
Karra gasped as her attacker shoved everything off her desk, not caring for the loud noise it created as everything came crashing down to the floor. It was so dark in here, the blinds blocking the light from the windows. Karra could barely make out the silhouette standing before her before she was grabbed roughly and bent forward over her own desk.
Her attacker kept her hand pressed to the middle of her back as she maneuvered around the desk to sit in Karra's chair. She forced Karra's bound hands above her head once more, bringing them forward to hook the center strap of the bindings against the handle of one of Karra's desk drawers. With the position Karra was now in she couldn't get enough leverage to unhook herself.
"So perfect." The woman said, just above a whisper. Karra began shaking as she felt the woman get back up and move behind her again. She bit her lip hard to prevent any sounds from escaping as the woman again spread her thighs, baring her heated core to the room and her still unidentified assailant.
Karra's hands tightened around her restraints and her teeth sunk into her lip harder as she felt the leathered fingers again invade her most personal areas, aimlessly stroking against soaked her folds and gliding on the wetness there with no resistance. She heard the woman groan as she realized just how wet Karra really was.
"You little slut. You fucking love this. Look at you. Even though you act like you're scared and you run, your fucking pussy is literally dripping onto the carpet. You want this just as much as I do. You want me to take your pussy over and over again. You want me to own it. And I'm going to. I'm going to fuck you like the little whore you are. And before I'm done, you'll be begging me to let you cum..."
Karra couldn't fight the whimper that escaped her at the words. Even though her assailant had betrayed who they were, Karra's adrenaline was pumping too high to calm herself down and pull herself out of the scene. She continued to fight, trying to force her legs back closed.
Karra cried out as a sharp crack echoed through the room. The inside of her left thigh stung and heat radiated a line from the spot where she'd been struck directly to her pussy, causing her to clench down. Her cry tapered off to a low moan as the pain from the slap dulled into a pulsing ache. Her breath was becoming ragged and she released the bite she had on her lower lip to allow her to breathe easier.
"Please..." Karra whimpered as she felt the woman's fingers graze her pussy lips once more before moving away from her, not touching her at all. She didn't dare move, not knowing where the other woman was. All she could hear was her own ragged breathing and her heartbeat pounding in her chest.
Karra's body surged forward and a shout escaped her lips as her knees buckled when the woman slid her tongue over Karra's barred sex from behind. Karra pressed her forehead against the desk as she moaned at the feeling of the woman's tongue roughly entering her, over and over again. Her hips began to rock back against the woman's mouth as the adrenaline, fear and pleasure quickly had her rocketing toward the edge. Her fists tightened even harder as her body began to bow as she approached the edge, stars beginning to form behind her clenched eyelids.
"Oh F-F-U-U-CK I'M GONNA-" Karra's words were cut off as the woman behind her abruptly stopped all her movements. She cried out in frustration and suddenly she was awash with anger. At her attacker but also at herself. She was letting her body succumb to this woman. She almost fucking came on this woman's tongue.
Karra's body relaxed into her restraints, no longer fighting against them as she let the anger rise into rage and fuel her. The firey rage burned away the last remnants of her fear as she turned her head to look over her shoulder into the darkness behind her. She could just barely make out her attacker standing there, watching her.
"Just hurry the fuck up and do what you came here to do. I'm expected elsewhere." Karra's anger allowed her to tap into her lawyer voice, making it seem like she wasn't tied and bent over her desk half naked with a masked assailant in her dark office. She watched as the body language of her attacker changed, could see the hesitant step back they took as she smirked to herself in the dark.
"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue now? Oh. That's right. Mine did. Well come on then. I have a wife to get back to. Let's get this o-" Karra's words died on her lips and her eyes widened as her assailant stepped forward again, something glinting in a small beam of light that passed through the blinds into the otherwise dark office.
Karra misunderstood. She misunderstood completely. She was not putting her off. She was not making her hesitate. As Karra was talking, her assailant was preparing her next surprise. A fucking strap on.
Karra's hands clenched again as the woman stepped forward and dragged the head of the silicone dick through her still dripping folds. It was big. Bigger than she was used to. Dylan didn't have one this big.
The fear started to creep in again along with doubt. Karra closed her eyes against the new onslaught of sensations as the head of the dildo stroked repeatedly over her, her hips involuntarily jerking each time it stroked over her clit. And then it happened. The woman pulled back at just the right moment as Karra's hips jerked and thrust into her deeply.
A stream of expletives poured out of Karra's mouth mixed with breathy moans as she was filled and stretched, the woman forcing her way deeper and deeper inside her until her pelvis was pressed tightly against Karra's ass. She remained there until Karra calmed down, until their matching ragged breaths were the only things heard in the room. And then she began to move.
Karra's head fell back and her back arched, forcing her chest harder against the desk and her ass up into the air as the woman behind her began to fuck her with long, slow strokes, each thrust bottoming out inside her. She could hear the woman's breathing quicken and briefly wondered if she was feeling any pleasure.
Karra lost herself in the moment, forgetting for a second what was really happening and rolled her hips back against the other woman. She heard her moan softly. An unmistakable one. One she'd know anywhere.
"Dylan..." she moaned aloud, her pleasure increasing as her brain finally allowed her to realize who it was doing this to her. The woman behind her did not respond verbally. Instead, she gripped her hips harshly and drove into her harder and faster than before.
"F-f-f-uck Dylan you feel s-s-o-o good..." Karra stuttered out, her words skipping in time with the thrusts pounding into her. She was quickly approaching her peak again. She prayed she would be allowed to reach it this time. She didn't know if she could take another denial.
Her moans began to increase in volume, even as her words broke down into incoherent babbling. She couldn't speak, she couldn't think. All she could do was feel.
She could feel her orgasm unfurling in the pit of her stomach, her cries reaching a crescendo as she felt the woman's hips begin to stutter.
"Fuck, you need to cum. Right now." She gasped as she continued to thrust into Karra. Karra felt her lean forward, an arm wrapping around her waist as her still leather covered fingers immediately found Karra'a clit, stroking it in time with her thrusts. The new angle allowed the head of the strap to glide perfectly over Karra's bundle of nerves and the pleasure exploded inside her, sending her hurdling over the edge. Karra faintly heard the other woman cry out as they came together, rocking against her as the both rode out their pleasure.
Before Karra could regain her bearings and come to her senses, the fullness inside her was gone. She was still lying helpless across the top of her desk, completely spent. She felt the bindings on her wrists release and gentle hands picking her up to lay her on the couch near her office door. She was still dazed when she heard her phone going off, abruptly pulling her back down to Earth.
Fuck, how long had she been lying here? She picked up her phone and gaped at the time. 00:23.
Her phone flashed again, and Dylan's smiling face popped up on her lock screen. She quickly answered it, still out of breath.
"Hey babe. It's too late to get an Uber and I know you're too tired to drive. I was helping John and Grayson at their house. A pipe burst in the basement. I'm in the area. Do you want me to pick you up?" Dylan asked.
"You... what?" Karra asked in confusion, sitting up quickly and looking around her office. She was even more confused as she heard Dylan laugh.
"I'll explain later. Sorry if you tried to call. They don't get reception in their basement. I'm parked out front. Did you want a ride?"
Karra got up and flipped on the light in her office, expecting to see a mess strewn across her floor. She frowned. It was immaculate. Everything was in its place. But how? Did she dream what happened?
She clenched her thighs together and winced at the soreness there. No, she didn't dream it. But how?
"Babe?" She heard Dylan ask, worry slightly injecting itself into her tone. Karra let out an exasperated sigh.
"Yeah! Yes. Sorry, I'm really tired and I zoned out on your voice. Thank you babe. I'll be down in a second." She said as she picked up her purse and turned toward the door to turn out the lights and leave. What she saw stopped her short.
A single rose was taped to the door, with a note. She quickly pulled it down and opened it. The note was typed.
You're incredible.
Here's to a night neither of us will ever forget.
Karra let out a gasping sob as she realized the person she'd just had the most incredible sex of her life with was not Dylan. Hot tears spilled down from her eyes as she stared at the rose and the note.
Angrily she swiped at her eyes, throwing the rose in the trash beside her door and slipping the note into her purse. She stood tall, smoothing her hands over herself to make herself presentable and exited the office. She didn't look around or spare a glance for the shadows she passed as she made her way toward the elevator. She kept the same stoic expression on her face as she road down to the lobby and moved to exit the front doors, nodding once to the night doorman before approaching her wife's car.
She allowed a smile to play on her lips as her wife opened her door and turned up her cheek to let Dylan's lips brush against it. Just then, she caught a slight smell mixed with Dylan's freshly sprayed cologne. Her hand tightened imperceptibly on Dylan's forearm as they both stood between the open passenger door and the car. Pussy. But not just any pussy. Her pussy.
She looked up into Dylan's eyes, watching them darken even as her wife's lips turned up in silent mirth. Dylan stepped closer to Karra, her arm sliding around her back as she pulled Karra closer into her and leaned down to capture Karra's lips with her own, stealing Karra's breath from her lungs.
Karra's hands encircled Dylan's torso, sliding down her strong back to settle on her waist before sliding her right hand even lower as the kiss deepened. Karra broke the kiss and raised an eyebrow as her hand settled on something hanging out of Dylan's back pocket.
Tugging them free, Karra held them up between the two. Dylan's head tipped to the side as she grinned down at her wife before taking the leather gloves back and tossing them in the back seat.
"Happy anniversary, ma chérie."
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