Fighting not Writing
A figure walked towards the camp, sapphire blue coat just visible in the darkness. The moon hung high in the sky, illuminating everything in a ghostly silver glow.
They walked with purpose, sword swinging at their side. Feet hitting the ground with a gentle thud as they made their way towards a soldier standing at the edge of the camp.
The soldier was standing guard in case the British tried to surprise attack them in the dead of night. But that night like most was quiet, no blood red coats in sight.
The stranger stopped before the guard "The General wanted to see me?" The solider nodded, already informed of the visitor.
The solider lead the mysterious person through the maze of white tents, all in neat, perfect rows.
A soft breeze whistled as it weaved its way between the canvas tents. It nipped at the their ears and fingertips, despite the snow melting early that year the wind still kept it's cold touch.
One tent stood out among the others. While they were small, probably holding two, this one was large, 20 or so people could easily fit inside.
That could only mean one thing. This one belonged to Washington.
The stranger nodded their head and the soldier returned to their post. With one sweeping motion they opened the tent and stepped inside.
"Your Excellency, you summoned me?" In the candle light, you could clearly make out the visitor's shiny black hair, tied in a elegant bun.
Washington looked up from the letter she was writing. "I'm assuming you're Captain Elizabeth Schuyler?"
Eliza curtsied, "At your service ma'am."
Martha Washington stood up and shook the Captain's hand.
"You got my letter?" Martha asked as she tidied the papers littering her desk. Most of them were war related but there was a few from her husband, George, in the mix.
"About that," Eliza dipped a hand into her pocket and fished out a letter, neatly folded. "You want me become one of your aides?"
"Yes. Is there a problem Captain?" Martha raised an eyebrow and clasped her hands tightly in front of her.
"Yeah." Eliza replied bluntly. "I joined this war, against my mother's wishes, to fight. That's what I plan on continuing to do, not writing letters like my mother wanted."
Martha plucked a letter off her desk. "Captain, it seems your militia is down on numbers."
Eliza shifted uncomfortably, "I am aware of that."
"Then I propose a deal. Your are very talented at writing dear, having you as an aide will be an asset to this army. If you accept, you'll be promoted to the rank Lieutenant Colonel. When the time comes, I will give you women to lead." Martha folded the letter and laid it back on her desk.
Eliza thought for a moment. The General was right, her militia wouldn't survive another battle. But she had done so much, come so far. Doing exactly what her mother wanted seemed empty and like admitting defeat.
Eliza's eyes wandered around the tent. Her mother wanted her to be at Congress, like her sister. Being an aide still meant being on the battlefield. She weighed her opinions.
"I accept"
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