The streets of Seoul have been plunged into darkness, thanks to a storm raging in the city. Illuminated advertisements and signs have disappeared, and street lighting has also disappeared. No light filtered through any windows. Only a series of flashes of lightning gave me some light as I made my way home.
Due to the heavy rain, public transport also stopped, so I was forced to walk home, which meant I had to walk an hour after work during this verdict weather.
This was a problem not only because I was guaranteed to catch a cold, but also because I was terrified of the dark and afraid of storms.
But I had to get home somehow, so I went for it.
I shuddered at each thunderclap and scanned the dark streets with alarm. Huge office buildings rose in this part of the city. Everything around me was deserted, because no one else besides me was foolish enough to venture out in such weather.
I've been taking my feet for about twenty minutes, completely soaked and cold. Suddenly, a man in a black mask came out of one of the buildings and started after me.
I thought I was going to pass out.
My blood froze and I started running.
But I didn't think that wet ground can be slippery. All of a sudden, the ground ran out from under my feet, and I squealed on the wet ground. I heard running behind me, I tried to get up, but I immediately fell back screaming. Unfortunately for me, my ankle turned, blood poured from my knees, and pain shot through my body.
The running footsteps were getting closer and closer, which increased the panic level in me, and I curled up and waited for the end.
There is no further from here. I will be kidnapped, raped or killed here today...
After a moment, a wet shoe stood in front of me, at least that's all I could see of it with my head on my knees.
- Are you okay? asked the stranger. His voice had a pleasant tone, almost reassuring, but when he touched my shoulder I screamed in fright and tried to crawl away.
- Aigo, I'm sorry I scared you. Please don't scream again, I want to avoid being conspicuous if possible.
Why, who is he? The criminals hide in the dark...
The thoughts were just spinning in my head, which could probably be seen on my face, because the man cleverly invented them.
- You don't have to be afraid, I'm not a bad person, I just avoid the public if possible - and he took off the mask.
He seemed harmless enough, especially when he flashed me a smile.
- Thank you for not starting to scream again. Fans often smother us with their love. I mean, I'm not saying it as a complaint, we enjoy their love, it's just that sometimes we also like a little peace.
I looked at him confused, I had no idea what he was talking about. Fans? Maybe he's a celebrity?
- Maybe you don't even know who I am, do you? - he noticed my loss.
I shook my head.
- Aish, I now understand the reason for your startled. I scared you, didn't I? Is that why you ran away?
I nodded as the words still hadn't left my throat.
- Hi, I'm San, one of the singers of the band called ATEEZ.
Oh an idol! This makes the mask understandable.
- May I know your name? - he asked me.
- Y/N - left my mouth softly, maybe he didn't even hear...
"I'm glad Y/N," San quickly refuted my thoughts.
Crouching in front of me, he quickly assessed my condition.
- You got hurt pretty bad Y/N. Can you stand up?
- I tried, but it didn't work - I found my voice again.
- Well, you have to get up, because you're going to catch a bad cold. Will you let me help you?
I nodded, and he picked me up like a feather.
- Where do you live Y/N?
- About half an hour from here.
- And how long have you been walking in this awful weather? Your clothes are completely soaked...
- About half an hour ago.
- What!? I urgently need to get you somewhere warm. I live here with my mates five minutes away, so I think it would be best if I take you to our place.
- No, you can't, I don't want to disturb you.
-You won't bother anyone. Is anyone waiting home?
- No, I live alone.
- Then, it's okay if you don't go home. 가자 (gaja; come on)!
He walked with me as lightly as if I had no weight. I fell onto his broad shoulders and grabbed his neck to make it easier for him to carry me. Five minutes later we were really standing at the door of an apartment, and a moment later we were already inside.
"I'm here," greeted San, and at his voice two other men came forward.
The apartment was pleasantly warm, due to the power outage, the light was now provided by battery-operated string lights, which gave the place a pleasant atmosphere.
- Hi San. Who did you bring? asked one of the boys.
- Y/N this is Mingi and Seonghwa, I live here with them. Seonghwa is our oldest hyung and he is one of the band's visuals, and Mingi is one of the rappers. Guys he is Y/N. She got scared of me in the dark and got hurt badly. Since she lives very far away, I brought her to us.
"You did well," said the shorter guy, whom San introduced as Seonghwa.
- Hyung, I should take care of her wounds, do you have any bandages at home?
"Sure, I'll bring the first-aid kit right away," replied Seonghwa.
- Mingi, would you let her have warm water in the tub please? She was completely cold and had been walking in the rain for some time when we bumped into each other.
- Of course.
- The bandage is here - the eldest returned.
- The water is ready - Mingi also returned.
- Come, I help you - San started with me towards the bathroom.
- This is really not necessary - I said with a slight panic in my voice. Still, he's just a wild man.
- You can hardly stand, you really need help. I swear I have no ulterior motives. But if you want, I can also say Seonghwa...
- No, rather you...- I finally agreed.
- Let's take off your wet clothes, you're completely frozen in it.
I folded my arms in front of me in fear.
- I told you not to worry, but if you think about it, you'll see that I'm right. You can't stay in wet clothes, but because of your injuries, you can't get by on your own either. I promise to be a gentleman all the way.
I gave in with a nod. He sat me on the vanity and began to untie my shoes.
- Sannie, are you okay? Seonghwa knocked.
- Of course hyung. Would you warm two towels for Y/N please? And she needs some dry clothes too.
- Okay, I'm looking for something.
He left with that and San continued what he had started. When he pulled my shoes off my ankles, my eyes watered and I hissed in pain.
- I'm so sorry, I tried to do it gently - he said.
- I know, there's nothing wrong.
Biting my lip, I tried to endure the pain.
- Let's take the rest clothes off, because the water is getting cold.
I nodded in agreement for him to continue.
- Your pants are pretty ripped and stuck in your wounds, maybe it would be less painful if we cut them off, what do you think?
- I think it doesn't matter anyway. I trust you, do as you see right.
I saw on his face that he was surprised for a moment, then he smiled.
- I'm trying to be careful, I'm sorry if it hurts...
He took a pair of scissors from one of the drawers and started cutting my pants from my ankles up. Then he soaked a sponge and soaked it where the substance had dried into the blood so that he could remove it from my wounds. He did it very carefully, but it still hurt quite a bit. But in the end I managed to peel it off and there I was sitting underneath in a pair of sweaty panties.
- Can you take off your shirt? I tape up the very bleeding wounds, then help you get into the tub. Once you've warmed up and got out, we'll change the bandages.
He did so. I took off my soaked top and was now in a pair of thin underwear waiting for San to finish taping the wounds.
- I'll hold you so I can put you in, okay? he asked politely.
- Okay.
He took me in his arms and carefully let me into the warm water.
- Soak yourself a little, warm up. I'll be right back.
He went out with that, and I stayed here alone in the semi-darkness.
- Everything is alright? Seonghwa asked when I came out.
- She's pretty badly injured, I bandaged her up, now she's soaking in the warm water. Did you find a dress for her?
- I can serve you with a tie-up pair of trousers and a T-shirt. "Unfortunately, we don't have women's clothes in stock, unless you keep it a secret," he grinned.
- 바보야 (paboya; fool) - I laughed.
- Hey, I'm your hyung!
We both laughed. That's when Mingi moved in with us.
- Sannie, I made some soup. If you change your clothes, we can eat.
- Thank you Mingi. I'll change and then help Y/N.
I quickly went to my room and took some dry clothes from my closet to change the wet ones.
When I went back I found Y/N with teary eyes. Her face was red.
I hurried to her in fear. I put my hand on her forehead, it was almost on fire.
- Y/N what's wrong? 아이고 (aigo; my goodness), because you have a fever. Come, I help you get out.
I lifted her out of the tub and placed her on the carpet... I should have, but she collapsed in my arms in a faint.
- Hyung! - I stood up desperately.
Seonghwa ran in, and when he saw the passed out girl in my hand, he immediately took out his phone.
- I'm calling the doctor - and the phone rang.
While the doctor arrived, we took the girl into my room, I pulled the t-shirt over her, and only then took off her watery underwear, so I couldn't see anything, because the t-shirt reached almost to her knees. I put on a pair of boxers instead of the warmers, so the wounds will be easy to care for.
Mingi ushered in the doctor, who had been got here now.
- Hello San - he shook my hand - tell me what happened.
I quickly outlined the situation, from meeting to passing out.
- It's lucky that she ran into you, the street is a complete disaster, I barely made it here either. I don't think she made it home safe.
- She's not in the best shape right now either.
- But at least she's in a good place. Let's see.
He examined Y/N thoroughly, gave him antipyretics, disinfected him, bandaged his wounds and his injured ankle.
- Don't worry, the situation is not as bad as it seems. She was cold and injured, and her body reacted with a fever. Let she rest, while she's sleeping , make sure she' been stay hydrated. Bandages must be changed twice a day until bleeding, then once is enough. Rest her ankle, don't move it too much, don't load it. Can you stay with her?
- Yes, because of the weather, we will stay at home for a while.
- I understand. I'll drop by tomorrow night for a visit. Go eat the soup that Mingi cooked so you don't get sick too!
I escorted the doc out.
- Come eat! - Mingi put two plates of steaming ramen on the table.
I looked halfway across the room where Y/N was sleeping.
- Calm down, I'll keep an eye on her until then - Seonghwa patted me on the shoulder and went inside.
I sat down next to Mingi.
- Thank you for the food - I told him and started. The hot soup is topped up and reheated.
"She's still sleeping," Hwa said when I went back to the room.
- Thank you hyung.
- Try to get some rest too, don't stay up all night. Her fever is down, she's just sleeping, it won't be a problem.
- I hope so. Good night Seonghwa!
- 잘자! (jalja, sleep well)!
The next morning
Thank heavens it was a really quiet night.
The storm also passed, the sky cleared, the morning sunlight filtered through the gaps in the curtains.
Y/N was still sleeping peacefully. I carefully looked at her forehead, but fortunately the fever did not return.
I got up, took care of my morning "current affairs", and then went out to the kitchen, where the noise of the others had already filtered out.
- Good morning - I greeted them.
- You too! How was the night? asked the eldest.
- Thank God, everything was fine. She is still sleeping, but there is no sign of fever.
- You slept well? Mingi asked.
- Yes, never better.
- Come eat with us. Then we need to change the bandages on Y/N's leg, Hwa said.
- Okay - I sat down at the table. I was already quite hungry.
- Coffee or tea? Mingi asked.
- I'd like a coffee, thank you.
We had breakfast, while talking to the other members of the team, we told them what happened.
- And how is the girl now? Y/N, right? asked the captain at the end of the line.
- Yes. At the moment, he is still sleeping, but she no longer has a fever. "After breakfast, we'll take care of her wounds, as the doctor advised," I replied.
- All right. Fortunately, we won't have anything to do in the next few days, everything has been reorganized due to the rains. Another storm is expected in the evening. If possible, don't go anywhere, take care of yourself!
- It will be so Hongjoong, take care of yourselves too - answered Seonghwa, then we said our goodbyes and hung up.
- Well, I'll check to see if there's everything we might need at home if we're stuck inside because of the storm, then we'll go shopping with Mingi. You take care of Y/N until then Sannie.
- It's okay, hyung.
Late in the afternoon
The water I put on the stove for the ramen was boiling when the storm hit again. It came with loud thunder, dense lightning, and strong gusts of wind. It took everything in its path, tearing and tearing. A violent flood rushed into the streets, the mass of water just rolled over the roads, paralyzing the city. The field of vision darkened, a semi-darkness covered everything. The power supply, like yesterday, gave up again.
After one of the thunders, screams and cries came from my room. I got there at the same time as the others.
"Go, San," said the eldest, "she trusts you."
I nodded and carefully opened the door so as not to scare her even more. I searched in the semi-darkness, and when my eyes got used to the darkness, I noticed the shivering figure under the blanket.
- Y/N, I'm San. Remember me?
- Yes - came the sniffling answer.
- What's wrong? Will you come out from under the covers so I can see you?
Judging by the movement of the plaid, the answer was no.
- Why not? What's the problem?
- I'm afraid.
- From what? From the storm? - I walked up to her.
I stroked her back through the blanket and felt her shiver. I sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the material down just enough to see her eyes. I checked her forehead, but luckily she didn't have a fever. But then she was really shaking with fear like jelly.
- What are you afraid of Y/N? I'm here, please tell me, what scares you so much?
At first I thought I wouldn't get an answer. Then she said quietly:
- I am deathly afraid of storms, thunder, lightning and the dark. Once, a couple of years ago, a storm hit the city in the same way. It came suddenly, without any warning, and swept everything away, just as it did now. Even then I lived alone. The lightning struck the lightning rod on the house. Nothing major happened, but it was still very scary. The next moment the power went out in the block, so that not a peep could be seen. A gang of youths amused themselves by taking advantage of the darkness to break into apartments to rob them. Since I was right at home, they took not only my belongings, but also a part of my soul, when they took violence on me - his voice faltered.
A wave of emotions suddenly washed over me, I wanted to hug her, comfort her, and find and beat the person who did this to her at the same time. But unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity for the latter, so I snuggled up next to Y/N and hugged her.
- I'm sorry you had to experience such cruelty. So I understand why you were so scared yesterday. But don't be afraid now, I'm here too, and so are the boys. No one can hurt you here. I promise. The storm will pass, and then the sun will shine again. And with us, nothing can go wrong, we'll take care of you. I am protecting you. I promise.
I felt the tension in her body loosen and her muscles relax. She lay limp in my arms, sniffing softly.
"Thank you Sannie," she suddenly whispered into the darkness.
Two months later
The rainy season is over. My leg recovered, and my life returned to its old cycle. Or almost. Although I haven't met the boys since then, I started following them. I must admit that I became a big fan of them. I tried to keep up with them with the help of the Internet, and San's pictures were collected in a separate small folder on my mobile phone.
That night I think I fell a little bit in love with him.
Who am I kidding, I totally fell for it.
I looked for excuses like "you don't even know him", "just because he was nice to you", "it will pass anyway", "you won't even meet".
But I couldn't let go. I preferred to stick to one-sided love.
One night I finished late again, and since it was a nice calm weather, I started walking home. In one of the stalls, I bought myself some ttokpokki for dinner.
I was halfway there when eight masked men came out of one of the office buildings with a loud screeching noise. I automatically started picking up my feet better and hurried past them with my head down. But one sentence made me stop:
- Hey Sannie, isn't she the girl whose picture is on your phone?
The gang fell silent and watched the events with interest.
- Y/N? - I heard a voice dear to my heart.
I turned back to look at him.
- Y/N, it's really you! - he ran towards me, pulling off his mask, with a big smile on his face - do you know how long I've been looking for you?
I stood there stunned, my mind unable to process that he was looking for me.
- Aren't you happy for me? - his mouth fell, and my tears started to flow as well.
- Hey, what's wrong Y/N? Did we scare you again?
- No! - I interrupted, falling on his neck.
- 보기싶다 (bogosipta; I miss you)!
He hugged my waist and pulled me to him, then without a moment's hesitation he fell on my lips. It was a delicate, soft, but also greedy kiss, the kiss of a person who had been thirsty for a long time and now had finally found the source to quench his thirst.
"I missed you too," he said when we parted to catch our breath.
- Huuuuuuu - a squealing voice was heard from the background, and then I recognized Wooyoung from the typical bossy laugh that followed.
"Finally," said another of them, whose deep tone I could have sworn was Mingi.
- Our knight in love has found his lost princess - continued a man in a leather jacket, in whom I recognized Seonghwa a few moments later.
- I'm happy for you guys, but it would be nice to continue this in a private place if you don't want to make headlines - one of the guys, whom I knew could only be the captain, Hongjoong, warned us.
- Will you come to me princess? We have a lot to discuss - my prince looked at me imploringly.
I nodded and agreed, and soon we were all in the apartment where it all started two months ago.
I stood in the doorway lost in memories while the band discussed the events out loud.
- Won't you come inside? Yeosang asked. The spot of fire was now clearly visible on his face, which gave him a special charm.
"Relax, this is normal with us, you'll get used to it," he continued and pulled her into the room.
San came in from the bathroom with wet hair and a leotard and sweatpants. Which explained why I couldn't find it when, thanks to Yeo, I fell into the middle of things.
He caught my eye blushing when he noticed that I was looking at him and winked mischievously at me.
- Aren't they cute? Yunho said to Jongho sitting next to him.
- Hmmm - hummed the maknae and continued to look at the mobile in his hand.
- Don't you want to go home? Seonghwa asked the others tiredly.
- No, I'm hungry. "Let's eat together," Woo whined.
- All right. What should we eat?
- I have a batch of ttokpokki, but I don't think it will be enough for all of us - I said quietly.
- I have an idea if Y/N will share her ttokpokki with us! Mingi said.
- We won't eat Y/N's dinner! - San immediately came to my defense.
- It's okay, really - I took his arm - It would have been too much for me anyway. I will be happy to share it with you if you can make something out of it that is enough for all of us.
So we ended up eating Mingi's miracle of ramen, egg, kimchi and tttokpokki for dinner, which was surprisingly delicious.
Later, the leader of the band and the others went home, and I also started picking.
- Won't you stay here tonight? - San hugged me from behind, clasping his hands on my stomach, which hit me like a lightning strike, zigzagging all over my body, leaving goosebumps behind.
One half of me whispered that it was too early, while the other longed to fall asleep locked in those strong arms again. Finally, my heart prevailed, and I agreed with a smile:
- But, I'm happy to stay.
An hour later, the whole apartment was quiet, and I lay in the dark in San's arms, listening to his slow breathing.
Strangely, the darkness didn't bother me now, even though at home I can only fall asleep by lamplight.
- Why do not you sleep? - I was scared by the idol lying next to me, who I thought had been sleeping for a long time.
- I was just thinking.
- What's up with that beautiful head of yours so late?
- About how safe I feel with you. I'm not afraid here.
- Stay with me Y/N and I promise I will take care of you. I will make sure that you never have to be afraid of anything and that you are happy all your life - he pulled me closer - I swear to you that I will love and protect you and carry you in the palm of my hand. I want you to stay with me forever Y/N because I love you.
I listened to his testimony with tears in my eyes, which released thousands of butterflies in my stomach, creating pleasant feelings in me.
- Sannie, I've never felt so safe with anyone but you. In the past two months, I kept wanting to return to your arms, but I didn't even dare to dream that I would have the chance to do it again. Now that I'm here again, I can finally tell you that I love you, I think I already loved you when you comforted me on that stormy night.
- Y/N? he grabbed my face.
- Yes Sannie?
- Will you be my love?
- Yes, Oppa, happily... - but I couldn't finish because he pecked my lips and sealed our relationship with an intense, hot kiss.
This is how our life together with Choi San began.
The end
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