It was a cool, foggy night. The best time to disappear without a trace.
I was sitting there on the ledge of the bridge, and with all my last strength I was looking for a reason why I shouldn't jump off.
Because a part of me still wanted to stay and screamed for someone to come and save me. But at this early hour, and even at this time, who would do that?
I was scared. From the unknown that is over there, but also from what was waiting here if I stayed. Loneliness, hopelessness, contempt, hurt.
I was looking for a way out of this situation, but I couldn't find it, and I couldn't take the pain weighing on me anymore.
Yes, it will be best if I leave, what's waiting over there might be even better.
I stood up and was about to jump down to the point of no return. But then I heard you.
You spoke to me in a calm, kind voice.
- Hello. Can I join? - and you sat casually next to me on the railing, but your legs were facing inward.
- I'm tired from running, I'll rest here with you for a while, if I don't disturb you.
I was so surprised by your directness, I suddenly forgot for a moment why I was there.
"I'm Wooyoung," you introduced yourself, even though I knew who you were. That's why I was surprised that you spoke to me.
What could such a nice, funny, handsome idol want from a misfortune like me.
- What's your name? - you continued the conversation.
Why do you want to know my name? You'll quickly forget it anyway, because it's so unimportant who I am...
But the genuine curiosity and attention in your eyes made me answer.
- Y/N - I answered softly, but you still heard because you smiled at me.
My goodness, that smile is like light in the dark.
- Nice to meet you Y/N. What are you doing here in this ugly weather? - I fell back to reality, remembering the reason for my existence here. Tears ran out of my eyes, which I tried to conceal by turning my head.
But that's when I felt your hand on mine, you gently squeezed my wrist and slowly started caressing it with your fingers.
- I can run calmly at times like this, no one bothers me - you continue as if nothing had happened - but sometimes, when it's foggy like this, I look at the route and deviate from my usual path. I don't usually go that way, but I'm glad that I was wrong because we were able to meet. Isn't it uncomfortable to stand there? Won't you sit here next to me?
And I obediently sat down next to you, while you didn't let go of my hand for a moment.
- It's better that way, isn't it - your smile blinded you, your face like that of an angel. I shuddered at the feeling.
- Are you cold? Here - you handed me your sweater, and when I didn't take it, you simply spread it over me. You know, I was still in shock then...
- Y/N, will you tell me why you are here on the bridge at the crack of dawn? - you asked kindly - You know, there is always another option, even when the situation is very hopeless - your hand is still on mine, your caress does not slacken.
- There are moments when we feel that it is over, there is no more, we have reached the end of our strength. But giving up isn't the answer, you know?
My tears were already flowing in streams, you wiped my face with your other hand.
- In such cases, we have to step back a little, just in case we didn't notice the other way. Like when we get lost in the fog. But it can also help if someone holds our hand, helps us find the light in the dark.
- I have no one - I said quietly, almost only to myself.
- Now it is - you linked our fingers - How about we find the way together? The sun will slowly rise and dispel the fog, illuminating the darkness.
I trusted you for some reason. I climbed over the barrier, back into life, and you didn't let go of my hand for a moment.
We set off together, holding hands, out of the fog, and the first rays of the rising sun could already be seen in the distance. Similarly, hope awakened in my heart as your hand continued to warm mine.
By the time the sun had fully risen, we had found our way home, and you accompanied me all the way to the gate. During this time, I managed to relax and tell you how I got to the bridge. You listened understandingly, you didn't interrupt, and you didn't judge. You just kept squeezing my hand.
- Y/N, thanks for walking with me in the fog today. Believe me, everything will be fine, it's only a moment, the fog, the darkness will disappear as the Sun rises. Bad things disappear that way too, you just have to find your day. If you want, I'll be happy to help you find it.
I didn't know then that the first rays of my Sun shone when you appeared next to me on the bridge.
You asked for my number and then you gave me yours.
- I have to go, but I'll call you - you kissed me on the cheek, hugged me, and with a winking smile you just said: 화이팅! (hwaiting: keep it up, good luck)
I didn't even notice, but I was smiling too. I happily waved after you and then went up to the apartment.
Although my life still seemed hopeless, but with you, the light appeared in the darkness.
I decided to turn my destiny around, and I started to put my life that had fallen to pieces in order.
Even that day, you wrote several times, asking what I was doing, what I ate, and then, to my surprise, you invited me to dinner.
The first dinner was followed by another and then several more. Meanwhile, we always had a good talk. We started going jogging together at dawn. It was nice to start and end the days with you.
I also managed to organize my life, I found a good job, where I also got a good girlfriend. I completely ended my old toxic relationships, closed the past in the hope of a happier future.
And you were there for me the whole time. You held my hand, even if only figuratively. You were happy about my successes and cheered up me when there were more difficult days. Although there were times when we didn't see each other for a long time because of your work, you always showed up with a message or a call.
I also always congratulated you on your successes, whenever I could, I went to your performances, and if you were far away, I followed you through the media. At such times, I always looked forward to you being home again, I missed running and dinners together.
Then came the long-awaited message:
Running at dawn? ♡
I'm waiting for you. ♡
It was foggy again that morning. But now I bravely went for it, because you were there by my side. I knew that even if we got lost, we would easily find our way back because we were together.
We jogged slowly and comfortably. To my surprise we turned towards the bridge again and you stopped where we first met. I waited with bated breath for what you wanted, but you just stood there and looked at the river.
Then the next moment you leaned towards me and kissed me softly on the lips.
You surprised me...but it was a pleasant surprise.
I happily gave back your kiss, because inside I had felt more than friendship for you for a long time ago.
I happily hid in your embrace, I leaned on your lips. Your softness gently caressed mine, gently teasing, but sparking sparks inside me. And as the sun rose in the east, our love also shone at that dawn.
You invited me on sweet dates and courted me gently and surprised me with gifts when we met each other after a long journey. You spent more and more time with me when you were home. We cuddled up and filmed or talked. But we often overturned our evening program when we deepened each kiss.
I don't even remember most of the movies...
But yes to how good it was to be in your arms and to breathe in your scent, to feel your taste on my lips, and to hear your voice in my ears. How it felt when the flame ignited deep in my belly and swept away everything when we became one. I remember your touches on my body and the fire in your eyes when our bodies finally melted into one.
The Sun has completely shone in my life. Although it was sometimes covered by a cloud, I knew that it was there somewhere and that it would never leave me alone. You made my DAY.
- It's been four years since you found me in the fog and took my hand, which you haven't let go of since. You gave me the gift of my life, and you even added yours to it a year ago. So now I'll give you one in return - I finish our story as we hug each other on the sofa. At the end of my sentence, I take out a small box that I had previously hidden under one of the pillows.
Woo took the small box from his wife's hand, opened it carefully, and took out a small T-shirt with the following written on it:
I ♥ Dad
Then he noticed the small picture on which the outline of the future owner of the T-shirt was formed.
- Happy anniversary my love! 사랑해!
- 고마워 자기야. This is the best gift I could have received. I love you - he gave another hot kiss.
They cuddled together for a while and enjoyed the fruits of their love. Wooyoung looked at the picture with tears in his eyes, and then happily kissed the woman who held him the first moment he saw her standing on the edge of the bridge. Turning left instead of right in the fog was the best mistake of his life.
"️I'm never alone and I will never be"
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