🍬|Two x Fem!Reader
[Here you go mutlifandomenjoyer you big ass simp/pos]
[Context: your twos co-host cause I gotta start somewhere]
You were watching over the contestants,keeping a keen eye on them in case they try and start any havoc. This is your first time ever actually BEING a co-host,so you were nervous,respectfully.
Though,the main host,two,was very kind and understanding! They were oh so polite too...
You really wanted to get to know them better though,as you only truly knew them on a surface level...
Later,you decide to go look for two,before discovering them in the kitchen,baking something in the oven...you could tell because you can smell it's enticing aroma from here.
"Two?" You call out,curious about what they were baking.
They look up from the oven,before they smile and greet you "oh hello my lovely co-host! What brings you here?"
"Oh! I was looking for you,and I'm just curious what you were baking in the oven." You reply,pointing to the oven.
They glance over to it,before looking back at you "cookies! Would you like some once they're done?" They offer,to which you smile and politely accept.
After the cookies are done,two puts on some oven mitts,and pulls the cookie tray out of the oven,before setting it on the counter
"We have to wait for them to cool...so! What were you looking for me for?" Two asks,sitting at the counter.
You take a seat next to them,fidgeting a little "well I was just wondering...since I'm your co-host and all that...I'd like to know more about you?" You reply,glancing at the cookies and watching the steam rise off them.
Two took a minute to process what you said,before they reply "oh! I see! Well,what do you wanna know?"
You pause,before shrugging "anything in general,really...like,what's your favorite color?"
Two seems surprised you wanted to ask like actually normal questions. Not in a bad way! "Oh! Well...for starters..."
You and two chat for a long time,getting to know each other better as you enjoyed some cookies together as well.
"Oh! You got something on your cheek..." two said,as they point to their own cheek to mirror where it was on yours.
You were quick to wipe it off, before chucking sheepishly "eheh...thanks."
"No problem." Two smiles a little. It was always a soft one,when it was around you.
Eventually,it got pretty late,and four yells at the two of you to get out of their kitchen.
You both end up going up to the roof,as you gaze down at the yellow grass and green trees being captured by the light of the sun,which is slowly going down on the horizon...twos happy expression is also well lit by the sun...
You don't want to get caught staring for too long,so you clear your throat,and say to them "thank you...for uh...telling me about you."
Two looks away from the scene in front of them to look at you "oh? It's no problem! It was my pleasure." They reply,as they add "if you ever wanna hang out or want to know anything else about me,just ask,okay?"
"Okay." You reply,smiling a little at them.
They clap a little,before replying "great! I'll see you around!" They teleport away...
They left you with a fuzzy feeling though...you were glad you got to know more about them though.
(Okay don't like hurt me it wasn't that good but I haven't written like this before 😰)
(It felt like I was writing a c.ai bot.)
[Requested by mutlifandomenjoyer]
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