🍬|Cheesy x Trophy
[cheesy gave trophy his balls 😔/j]
[Context: Trophy is having a late night snacko and taking a break from being an ass all the time.]
[No POV]
Trophy was just sneaking downstairs at like...1 am to get a snack,as he rummaged through the kitchen,sighing quietly to himself as he grabs out his cacao nibs that he forced fan to replace for him,as he sighed,sitting on the counter and calmly eating.
"Hey there mean bean!" That annoying voice came from behind him,as he heard the kneeslap that followed "get it? Cause your eating-"
"I get it." He said dryly,before turning to look at him "what do you want,cheesy."
"Oh just wanted to see whatcha were munching on so early in the morning!" Cheesy replied,sitting on the counter next to trophy.
He groaned a little,before glancing back at cheesy "right...and you aren't here to be annoying?"
"Annoying? No! I'd say I'm just going for the gold!" Yet another kneeslap.
"Haliarious." Trophy said flatly...though he thought it was a little clever that time.
The two talked for a little while,as cheesy threw in some more jokes occasionally,but trophy was starting to feel a little less annoyed by his presence...
He was still annoying,but trophy could admit he wasn't as annoying as he was at first.
"But uh...what have you been up to lately?" Cheesy asked him,as trophy shrugged
"Just sort of doing normal stuff,I guess." He replied
"...and eating cracked beans." Cheesy commented
"They're good okay? Sheesh..." trophy pushed cheesy a little,playfully though.
Cheesy chuckled,nudging him back a little "whatever you say tough guy."
After a while,trophy decided to make some tea
"Can I have some?" Cheesy asked,expecting a no.
"Uh...you know what? Sure." Trophy replied,which surprised cheesy.
He made them both a cup,as he handed one to cheesy as the two drank the tea together.
"Wow! Herbal tea is...pretty good." Cheesy replied,gulping down a large portion
"Yeah,it helps relax me." Trophy replied,taking a sip.
The two continued chatting and drinking tea,before trophy noticed the time
"How's it already 3:33 AM?"
"No clue honestly! But come on,let's get out of here before OJ yells and us." Cheesy said,chuckling as he takes trophy's hand as the two get out of the kitchen,putting the tea cups in the sink.
The two make it back to trophy's room,where tissues is sleeping peacefully,occasionally sleep sneezing
"Phew...that was fun,right?" Cheesy said quietly as to not wake tissues.
"Yeah...I'd say..." trophy sighed,before realising what he admitted and replying back "oh I uh...I mean it was pretty alright I guess..."
Cheesy chuckled a little "so you don't wanna have my number?" He said as a joke
Trophy's face went red with embarrassment "wh- no! I don't even need it since we live in the same hotel."
Cheesy smiled a little,before he waves goodbye to trophy "whatever you say! Goodnight,and don't let the snot bite!" Before he left.
...maybe cheesy wasn't so much of a twerp after all,trophy thinks,before he climbs into bed and covers himself with his blanket to avoid tissues' snot getting on him.
Cheesy also made it back to his room,which he shared with microphone (HC DONT HURT ME) as he climbed into bed,knowing she was probably already asleep...and if she wasn't she probably thought he went to the bathroom.
He buried himself into his pillow,before falling asleep.
[The end]
[this chapter feels slightly lazy smh honestly. Hope you still liked it tho!]
[Requested by UnagiiiDr4ws_109]
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