The Crown
The Crown
Inspired by: ariarrivederci2 on Twitter
Fandom: Empires SMP, season 1
Genre: Angst
Characters: Jimmy, Smajor, Lizzie, Katherine, Lauren
"Well, we clearly have a new emperor," Lizzie said at the next Empires meeting.
Scott smiled. He had just taken the crown away from Jimmy recently. He glanced over at the Codfather. Was it just Scott or did Jimmy look...different?
"Do you have a rule in mind?" Katherine asked Scott. "It's been a week since you took the crown from Jimmy."
Scott was still holding the crown tightly in his hands. He didn't want to leave it at Rivendell, fearing someone will take it by the time he got back.
"Well," Scott said, slowly. "I was thinking..."
. . .
Jimmy stormed into Rivendell, anger clearly etched on his face. The elven villagers all noticed the Codfather. And his anger. They all huddle together in fear, scared of what would happen if they approached the angry cod hybrid.
The said Codfather heard whispers. Whispers of the dead. Kill him. Get your crown back.
Jimmy approached palace doors and knocked- no- he slammed the door open. Inside, his "boyfriend," Scott, and his advisor, Lauren were talking to each other. As soon as they heard the loud slam, they diverted their attention to the source.
"Jimmy?" Scott was wearing the Emperor Crown.
Lauren looked nervously between the two. She backed away as Jimmy approached the Rivendell king.
"What's the matter?" Scott's voice was slightly shaky.
Jimmy shook his head in disbelief. "What's the matter? Are you really asking that?"
"Jimmy." Scott stared at the cod emperor."Is this about the crown? I could give you a fly pass if that's what you want."
"No." Jimmy was standing a couple inches away from Scott.
Kill. Blood. Kill him now.
Jimmy took out his sword. Scott's eyes widened. The blond wrapped his hands around Scott's neck wand lifted him up as if he weighed nothing.
"NO!" Lauren stepped forward but Jimmy pointed his sword at Lauren.
"This is between me and Scott."
Lauren backed away slowly, fear easily visible in her eyes.
Jimmy diverted his attention back to the cyanet.
"Jimmy," Scott gasped. "Please-"
"I thought we had we were a thing," Jimmy growled.
"We are!" Scott was struggling to breathe.
"I should've left you in that cell to rot."
Scott whimpered softly, tears brimming his eyes. "Jimmy, please-"
But Scott's pleads just strengthened the whispers. Choke him. Kill him. Do it. Jimmy's grip tightened. And soon enough, Scott fell limp in Jimmy's hands.
"SCOTT!" Lauren cried out for her friend.
Jimmy let Scott's limp body fall to the floor. He raised his sword.
. . .
Scott woke up in his bed. Was it just a dream? Oh dear Aeor, please tell him it was a dream. Scott jumped out of his bed and hurried down the stairs. And sure enough, he got there in time to see Jimmy picking up the Emperor crown.
"Jimmy?" Scott's eyes were wide with panic and fear.
"Scott!" Lauren jumped up from her kneeling position and hugged the elven king.
Jimmy stared at Scott. "By taking the crown from me by killing me," he said, a slight growl in his voice. "You caused me to suffer. But now. I have the crown back. And I can make you suffer for it."
You let him take it?!
A harsh voice filled Scott's ears. Scott frantically shook his head, trying to get rid of it. Jimmy laughed. He walked forwards Lauren and Scott. He pushed Lauren aside and pulled Scott down the stairs. He forced Scott on his knees.
"Tell me. What do you hear?"
Tell him. Tell him what you hear.
Scott heard that harsh voice. But he could also faintly hear something else. Screams. Screams that we're all too familiar.
"I hear," Scott whispered, trembling. He looked up at the Cod emperor. "I hear...your voice..." Jimmy raised an eyebrow. "I hear...explosions...fights..." Tears were falling down Scott's face quickly. "I hear my own cries." Jimmy kneeled down to Scott's level. "I hear...Third Life."
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