My, How The Tables Have Turned
My, How The Tables Have Turned
Requested by: AddyOnHerDesk
Fandom: Empires
Genre: Angst
Characters: Scott, Jimmy, Lizzie, Xornoth
(includes Flower Husbands angst)
Jimmy ran. He ran as fast as he could. He wasn't fit to rule the Cod Empire. He knew it. He ran towards the Ocean Empire but stopped as soon as he reached it. The ocean was drained. He didn't even think it was possible. He hurried up the stairs of Lizzie's tower, calling her name. "Lizzie? Lizzie! Where are you?" When he reached the top, he found a small orb on the ground. Jimmy's eyes widened upon seeing it. Oh dear cod, please don't let it be. He hurried over and it was. The Ocean's Blessing.
Jimmy took a step back before taking off, a lump forming in his throat. He wasn't paying attention on where he was going until he landed in a snowy winter land. The blond looked around before realizing he was in Rivendell. It was barely recognizable. There were red tentacles everywhere and everything was in flames.
Jimmy wandered around aimlessly before noticing something out of the corner of his eye. A tuft of cyan. Jimmy started panicking. He jerked his head towards the bright color. Unfortunately, he was gifted with a horrifying sight.
Jimmy ran. He rushed to Scott's side and grabbed his cold hand. "Scott? Wake up? Please? Scott?" Jimmy's eyes started to fill with tears. He tried blinking them away but failed miserably. The tears rolled down his cheeks quickly.
Jimmy looked up to see Xornoth lying on the ground. He seemed to have his hand outstretched towards Scott. Jimmy's eyes darted back down to Scott to discover that his hands are actually wrapped around the handle of a sword. Looking between the two, Jimmy fit the pieces together. They were soulbounded by life.
"Scott!" Jimmy grabbed the elf's shoulder and pulled him up in a sitting position. He tried shaking him awake, hoping that the cyanet was simply just asleep. "Please."
Jimmy lowered Scott's head down into his lap, letting the tears fall freely. "Scott, please. Wake up. Please." The cod boy lowered his head down and his voice down to a whisper. "Please. I love you Scott." Jimmy squeezed Scott's hand tightly.
. . .
"Jimmy? Wake up." Scott shook his husband frantically. "Please wake up! Please!"
Blood covered his hands. His body. Blood covered Scott's hand. Jimmy's body. Sand underneath them. A war raging on in the background. But to Scott...It was just the,. Just the two of them. Scott let the tears slip from his eyes.
He bent down and left one final kiss on his husband's lips.
. . .
"Got those handcuffs yet Jimmy?" Scott grinned, watching the sheriff's face turn red.
"No! No I don't Scott!"
"Aw, what's the fun in that?" Scott pouted, playfully.
"I hate you," Jimmy muttered.
"You love me," Scott said grinning.
"That's what I hate most about you."
"Aw, how sweet."
. . .
Again. Here we go again...
Jimmy stared at his old home. The Southland. Where he used to live with his friends.
"Jimmy!" A voice sounded from between the trees.
"Coming Scott!" Jimmy called back. He took one more glance at the cobble towers before turning around and walking away.
"Promise me you won't die?" Scott asked.
"Promise." Jimmy smiled.
And if Jimmy kept that promise? Or if he broke it? Well. You know that story already.
. . .
Jimmy rocked the elven king's body, hoping...wishing...wanting...needing it to be a dream. Just a bad dream. Just a nightmare. He ran his fingers through Scott's soft cyan hair. His fingers ran over the pale, cold skin.
Jimmy wanted to leave. He wanted to. But he couldn't. Because he wanted to stay. He needed to stay...
. . .
Please let this be the last...I can't take it...
Scott's eyes widened at Jimmy's final death message. He didn't think it would affect him this much. They dislike each other. For goodness's sake, they HATED each other!
Scott fell to his knees, tears filling his eyes. Why did it have to be Jimmy? Why? Scott shook his head. Why did he cared?
He stood at the mound of dirt. He stared down at the flowers he held in his hands. Poppies, dandelions, peonies, and blue orchids. Scott tried to hold his tears back. He leaned down and placed the bouquet of flowers on the grave. A singular tear fell and was soaked in by the dirt.
. . .
Scott covered his head with his arms in fear. The Chromia King whimpered weakly as he heard heavy footsteps walk towards him. Why. Why Jimmy. Why did you have to become corrupt...
"Oh Scott," called a soothing, yet threatening voice.
Jimmy stepped into Scott's room to find the colorful man curled up in a corner.
Kill him.
Jimmy raised his pistol towards Scott.
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